Aluminum Skies For The Walking Dead
And healing pineal glands with surface-to-air missiles in every backyard.

The two purposes for chemtrails are very, very clear. It’s to poison us and block out the sun. Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis and our bodies, for example, need sunlight to produce vitamin D. So, blocking out the sun will have a detrimental impact on and threaten the survival of all life on Earth.
— Airline Pilot Whistleblower
From Drake Michigan: Don’t Look Up! – Airline Pilot Exposes Truth about Chemtrails, 16 August 2023 (110 mins)
The year is 2070.
The commercial air travel industry is nearly non-existent. The incurious people with debilitated neurological functions have been psychologically engineered to fear flying after years of constant and “mysterious” aviation “accidents” that began in the year 2025.
Luxurious hypersonic jets trace the lower mesosphere near their ceiling of 150,000 feet (45.72km). These aircraft are reserved for the affluent and wealthy. A seat from New York to the former city of London one-way costs 150,000 Fedcoin, or 2.25 DOGE coins. They do not accept Monero or Zcash. The travel time is 54 minutes. President of the North American Union X Æ A-12 Musk, sworn in after the mysterious and untimely death of his predecessor Baron Trump, writes an executive order demanding the travel time from the NAU to the New Bombay Colonies be reduced to a half hour.
Boeing and Airbus' commercial divisions nearly went bankrupt in 2050. In a last-minute bankruptcy reprieve, they transitioned to become exclusive private government contractors by retrofitting their fleets for diabolical Rockefeller population control objectives that began in the 1950s.
All of the Boeing and Airbus fleets still crisscross the skies between 16,000 and 25,000 feet. Their fuselages are filled with pressurized tanks loaded with poisons in the exact place humans used to occupy to maintain the weight balance and stability of the aircraft.
In some parts of the North American Union crops are beginning to fail on a massive scale. Some people report having received no exposure to UV sunlight for many months at a time, even in summer. Species extinction rates are accelerating faster than ever.
This is the future they want for whatever remains of humanity by the year 2070.
Don’t Look Up
The retired commercial liners, Boeing 727s, 737s, 747s, and 757s, and some models of Airbus were retrofitted in the 1990s and early 2000s for dedicated chemical aerosol dispersion operations under classified government geoengineering or “chemtrail” programs. Most people don’t even notice these insidious operations above their heads, or they believe the official “fact-checked” horseshit about CONTRAILS!
They’ve been ongoing for decades. Hell, I didn’t notice them until around 2013. Perhaps they weren’t as ubiquitous where I lived in Central and Eastern Europe.
Here’s your humble fluffy Ram scribe on his first trip to Paris in 2000 on the Pont de l’Alma not noticing the fake clouds in the sky that late afternoon. Go back and look at old photos from holidays in populated cities and you’re liable to see a lot of poison lines in the sky.
The program is officially not happening. What people see with their eyes above their homes across the world (on a near daily basis in some regions) is an illusion, a mirage, a simulation, fragments of deluded conspiratorial minds that are mistaking Wikipravda, AP, and Reuter’s fact-checked explanations of simple and completely natural CONTRAILS!
The chemical tanks for the “contrails” are secured to the floor with reinforced bracing and are linked to a high-pressure pumping system that feeds the contents to the dispersal nozzles. The storage tanks, constructed from corrosion-resistant composite materials, hold thousands of liters of aerosolized compounds, including toxic nanoparticulate metals and chemical dispersants. Each tank is equipped with temperature regulation systems, including electrically heated jackets powered by the aircraft's auxiliary power unit (APU), ensuring the compounds remain at optimal dispersal conditions even at high altitudes.
The dispersal mechanism integrates with the aircraft’s existing exhaust system. Atomizer nozzles, installed within the engine exhaust ducts, use the intense heat from the turbines to vaporize the slurry into micron-sized aerosols, which mix seamlessly with the engine’s contrail emissions. This setup maximizes coverage while utilizing the aircraft’s natural exhaust flow as a carrier. Nozzles are adjustable, allowing operators to modify particle size and composition mid-flight for different atmospheric conditions and intended effects.
Flight crews operate the system directly from the cockpit. A dedicated control panel allows real-time monitoring and adjustment of flow rates, tank levels, and dispersal parameters. These aircraft fly predetermined routes, with dispersal operations carefully coordinated to coincide with atmospheric conditions favorable for whatever the intended goal is at that moment. Meteorologists are given a schedule of predetermined routes and adjust their forecasts to reflect the amount of shit that will be sprayed over humans on any given day.
This means a normal blue sky sunny day (as nature would have it) might be forecasted for a partly cloudy day or even cloudy day if they have fifty jets going simultaneously for ten hours over the same area. The jets are not registered for the public monitoring system for live tracking of all aviation activity on the planet.
How do I know all this?
I’ve been in the remote Sonoran desert the past week undertaking an experimental study on how they’re poisoning humans from the air in Arizona. Observing this nonstop activity I can say that jets take off from and land at Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson (Code: DMA), and Luke AFB (Code: LUF) near Glendale west of Pheonix.
Using a laptop connected to, I watched the sky to determine the flight paths and locations of planes that don't officially exist. On one afternoon, anywhere from three to five chemtrail jets passed overhead simultaneously. From late morning until 4 p.m., I searched the public aviation tracking system for these dispersion jets but found none. Zero. Zilch.
They are ghost planes—unregistered, unmarked, and untraceable. On what should have been a beautiful blue sky day, I chose an area near Casa Grande, roughly equal to the distance between AFBs, and tried to track these planes in the air since they fly at much lower altitudes. Their direction and geolocation are easy to map. However, they are ghosts. You can see these ghosts with your eyes when you look up at the sky and watch them spraying humans like cockroaches, but they don’t exist on any radar aviation system.
The airplanes that are chemtrailing do have these transponder codes, and they are picked up by radar, but their software has been altered such that it (radar) will not list (publicly) various transponders…we cannot see them.
— Airline Pilot Whistleblower
From Drake Michigan: Don’t Look Up! – Airline Pilot Exposes Truth about Chemtrails, 16 August 2023 (110 mins)
By 3 p.m. that day, I had counted over 80 jets. Many of them were the same (probably), making repeat passes over the highly populated areas of the state between 11 a.m. and when this photo was taken near Casa Grande. By 4 p.m., when I left, there were no more patches of blue sky, just a milky haze of toxic hell.
Commercial airlines are much more difficult to see as they do not disperse anything and fly 10-15,000 feet higher than chemtrail planes, at least in Arizona during this observational experiment. All of them appear on
If you park your car in equidistance between the Tucson airport and Davis Monthan AFB a mile away you can observe in real-time the difference between commercial planes and retrofitted chemtrail planes. Refueling and maintenance occur at restricted-access hangars at AFBs and international airports all over the planet (more on locations later in this piece)
Despite their aging airframes, these modified aircraft remain fully operational, repurposed exclusively for large-scale atmospheric pollution missions. And not surprisingly they have a 0% accident rate, with no record of a chemtrail plane ever “crashing” or having an “accident.” Shocking. Coincidentally no recent flight school graduates or young female influencer pilots have taken to Instagram or have started YouTube channels documenting their lives as chemtrail pilots.
These “geoengineering” missions continue with full awareness and participation of trained personnel who know they are poisoning their families below them as they fly these missions but like the Rockefeller white coats—the biggest murderers in human history—they do it anyway for a paycheck.

If you’re one of those robot morons who reflexively sees someone in uniform at the airport and says, “Thank you for your service” just remember you might be thanking someone who deserves to stand before a firing squad for crimes against humanity.
At 18,000 feet, where the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere mix, the aerosolized aluminum oxide, barium compounds, and other nanoparticles (including the graphene oxide from the clot shots) released from the aircraft engines begin their slow descent. Suspended in the air, these particles disperse, before gravity and atmospheric moisture draw them downward. The engineered milky haze stretches across the sky, diffusing into other trails as dozens of planes form a North-South and East-West grid or plaid-like pattern, refracting sunlight into an unnatural silvery hue before settling invisibly onto the earth below.
Minute by minute, the particulates drift downward, carried by the air currents into the boundary layer, where they meet the turbulence of weather systems. Some bind to water droplets, seeding artificial cloud formations that eventually condense and fall as chemically enriched “rain.” Others remain suspended, swirling in eddies and gusts, scattering over urban centers, farmland, and once-pristine wilderness. The particles land on rooftops, drift into ventilation systems, and coat the leaves of crops and vegetation with toxic poisons that feed wildlife, domesticated livestock, and humans.
Rainfall washes the poison dust into the soil, where aluminum oxide infiltrates root systems, altering the pH of the earth and interfering with nutrient uptake in plants. The grass and grains consumed by cattle, poultry, and swine become laced with bioavailable metals, which accumulate in the flesh, milk, and eggs (not available in the U.S. anymore) and eventually make their way onto supermarket shelves. Water treatment plants, designed to filter biological contaminants but not to neutralize nanoparticles, distribute the tainted water through household taps. Every sip from the faucet, every meal prepared with produce grown in contaminated soil, becomes another dose of nanotoxic goodness.
Chemtrail Detox (1-2x per day depending on the aerial assault)
Chlorella (2-4mg)
Cilantro Tincture (10 droplets)
Zeolite (1000mg)
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine, 1200mg)
Liposomal Glutathione (1500mg)
Magnesium Glycinate (400mg)
Silica-Rich Mineral Water (1L/day)
In suburban neighborhoods, city streets, and the once-peaceful countryside, the air is thick with microscopic particles too small to see, yet still be inhaled. They bypass the natural defenses of the respiratory system, slipping past nasal hairs and mucosal barriers, embedding themselves in the alveoli of the lungs. From there, they pass into the bloodstream, hitching a ride on red blood cells, circulating through arteries and veins until they find new places to settle. Toxic particulates accumulate in fatty tissues, nerve endings, and, most insidiously, the brain.
The blood-brain barrier was designed (evolved?) as an impenetrable fortress guarding the delicate neurons from toxins. It is helpless against chemtrail dispersion. Aluminum ions cross into the cerebral cortex, lodging themselves within the intricate neural pathways, disrupting electrical signaling, and initiating a slow, cascade of neurological deterioration.
Synaptic function weakens. Thought becomes sluggish. Brain fog sets in. Over time, neuron death accelerates, paving the way for neurodegenerative conditions—Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and forms of dementia that strip the mind of its clarity, reducing the masses into passive, indifferent husks of their former human selves—borderline zombies.
This isn’t geoengineering.
This is biological warfare.
This is state terrorism against the tax-paying citizens busily funding their own demise.
When the former director of the CIA publicly confesses all of this is happening at a swamp creature forum, that means it’s been happening for decades. (Timestamped for John Brennan’s confession of crimes against humanity.)
Meanwhile, the liver—our most industrious detoxifier—struggles to process the unrelenting flood of toxins. Hepatocytes, the liver’s workhorse cells, become overburdened as they attempt to metabolize and expel these foreign substances. Glutathione reserves, essential for detoxification, are depleted faster than they can be replenished, leading to oxidative stress, systemic inflammation, and organ fatigue. The kidneys, secondary in the filtration process, attempt to purge the toxic burden through urine, but in doing so, suffer their own degradation, leading to chronic renal dysfunction.
As years pass, the effects manifest with increasing severity. Chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, and immune system suppression become the norm. Bodies begin the detoxification process with symptoms common for “viruses” that are called various stupid names. Hormonal imbalances wreak havoc on mood and metabolism. Calcium deposits harden within the pineal gland, dulling intuition and disrupting the body's natural circadian rhythms.
The spirit of curiosity and passion for life erodes, replaced by passive compliance, a slow zombification of the masses as cognitive decline tightens its grip as Boomers resign themselves to glancing at their artificially inflated 401ks in between rounds of golf.
Memory care facilities fill up with younger and younger seniors. At three times the cost of senior retirement homes, dementia and Alzheimer’s patients at memory care facilities require around-the-clock supervision. Grown adults dump their senior parents at these “homes” where they won’t even remember who it was they said goodbye to when they departed, or who is visiting them every Sunday afternoon.
There are no classroom biology, anatomy, or chemistry lectures in public schools on chemtrails poisoning students, teachers, and parents. Indoctrination centers aren’t designed to educate minds but to enhance their dullness and teach them to never talk about forbidden “crazy” subjects.
The pathetic academics and corrupt institutions can’t be bothered with scientifically assessing the magnitude of their own demise. What remains is a population trapped in a biological prison of its own contamination—unable to see, unable to resist, unable to remember what it once was before the milky haze began to fall and destroy their status as humans.
There is a palpable frustration around the absence of “real” men, of courageous men in our present age, but the frustrated observers often overlook the bio-physiological onslaught turning people into some variation of the “post-human” slave incapable of seeing how he is being converted toward spiritual impotence.
The toxic chemicals that cross the blood-brain barrier affect the pineal gland. Ancient cultures, particularly the Egyptians, Hindus, and Greeks, recognized the pineal gland as a powerful center of spiritual perception and higher consciousness. In Egyptian art, it is symbolized by the Eye of Horus, closely resembling the gland’s shape in anatomical cross-sections, suggesting a deep understanding of its role in awareness and intuition.
Hindu traditions refer to it as the "third eye" or Ajna chakra, associated with enlightenment and inner vision. Greek philosophers like Plato believed it to be the "seat of the soul," a gateway between the physical and metaphysical realms. These civilizations revered the pineal gland as a conduit for divine knowledge, spiritual awakening, and expanded perception beyond ordinary human experience.

The pineal gland is highly susceptible to calcification. Aluminum, in particular, is neurotoxic and has been linked to oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and disruption of calcium metabolism, all of which contribute to pineal gland calcification. Fluoridated tap water, a chemical poison, still legal in 32 U.S. states only enhances the calcification process. This calcification impairs melatonin production, disrupts circadian rhythms, and eventually contributes to cognitive decline and neurological disorders.
Combine this toxicity with electromagnetic smog and the combination might be most responsible for creating a world of the “walking dead” or humans who are no longer capable of accessing a higher level of consciousness.
Watch a ten-minute segment on the pineal gland from Marijn Poel’s independent documentary The Primordial Code II.
What have they hidden from us about the ancient world and natural healing? Watch the full documentary for free here:
A Reckoning
Sooner than later, as the oblivious boomer generation (you should see the retirees roaming around Los Viejos barrio in Arizona more concerned with their golf game than the toxic soup above their heads) get transferred to dementia homes it will be the Zoomers and Millennials and what remains of an increasingly passive Gen X, to talk openly and honestly about this subject with anyone who isn’t already a member of the army of walking dead.
There will need to be a reckoning for those responsible, the military officials, the politicians who permit it in exchange for frontrunning stocks, and accepting laundered bribes. There must come a day when Chemtrail pilots, having witnessed the public assassination of their colleagues around the globe fear driving to work or going to the grocery store and resign en masse or accept the dishonorable discharge from their military branch because they value their lives and the lives of their family more than neurobiologically poisoning themselves and their communities.
To hell with rifles.
The founders and revolutionaries in the American War of Independence were afforded all the defensive and offensive weaponry of their red-coat oppressors, largely thanks to France. But no free citizenry can exist in that state for long without equally matching the weapons of the government, which on a long enough timeline will manufacture justifications to keep the citizens repressed beneath ever-increasing levels of tyranny. Anything the government has a right to purchase with regards to “defense,” using citizens’ dollars, homeowners associations, public corporations, and individual citizens with the means should also have a right to purchase and own. Including but not limited to surface-to-air missiles.
All Is Never Lost
The good news is that politicians are finally getting the message from their angry constituents. Last year the Tennessee legislature passed a ban on geoengineering operations in the skies above the state. The global media whores working for the cult of death didn’t like this. Everyone working in corporate media should all be lined up next to the chemtrail pilots, pols, oligarchs, and military officials responsible for carrying out these crimes against humanity
Bill Summary
AMENDMENT #1 rewrites the bill to prohibit the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.
It was signed into law by the Governor of Tennessee on April 11, 2024 and was to be effective from July 1st of last year. Unfortunately, people are still reporting chemtrails in Tennessee.
Maybe those surface-to-air missiles in people’s backyards are going to be the best solution. Home Owner’s Associations can budget annually for a regular supply from Raytheon.
Last month Arizona State Legislator Lisa Fink from Glendale sponsored HB2056, a ban on Geoengineering operations in the state of Arizona. So far it’s just sitting on the docket with no activity. Hopefully, it will go before a forthcoming session of the Arizona House.
Other states are introducing similar bills. It will be up to the people in each state to pressure these lawmakers to do what Tennessee has done, and then monitor future enforcement of the ban. It’s likely the Military Industrial Complex has no intention of cooperating, and vigilant citizens will need to do what I have done in Arizona on any given day they see suspicious activity and document it using flight tracker and video evidence.
Clif High has mentioned a $100 Billion lawsuit against the DOD, Airports, Aviation officials, pilots, workers, and the like for violating the Clean Air Act and his constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as stipulated in the Declaration of Independence.
Statement of Facts
Plaintiff Clif_High resides in the State of Washington and has experienced direct harm resulting from stratospheric injection activities, electromagnetic field manipulations, and associated weather modification technologies.
Stratospheric injection, commonly referred to as "chemtrails," involves the deliberate release of substances into the upper atmosphere with the intent to alter weather patterns, reduce sunlight, and support other atmospheric manipulations. These activities are conducted under the direction of the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, and private corporations, as part of geoengineering and weather modification programs.
Electromagnetic field injections into the atmosphere are designed to interact with these stratospheric substances, creating atmospheric changes that further disrupt natural weather patterns, sunlight distribution, and electromagnetic balances essential to the health of Natural Life.
These actions disrupt the Schumann Resonance, a natural 7Hz electromagnetic frequency linking mammalian minds and forming an integral part of Earth's environment. The interference with this resonance has caused physical, mental, and emotional harm to the plaintiff and other living beings.
Defendants have engaged in these activities deliberately and for profit, without public consent or appropriate oversight. The plaintiff alleges that such actions constitute environmental harm, assault on the natural environment, and violations of fundamental rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
The plaintiff seeks to show that these actions are part of a larger conspiracy and collusion among federal agencies and private corporations, aimed at manipulating the environment for profit and other undisclosed purposes. These activities harm not only the plaintiff but all living beings reliant on Earth's natural systems.
You can read further details of Clif’s legal case here on Substack:
Where In the World?
The other day I was curious where in the world these geoengineering toxic poisoning operations were being conducted. After covering fifty major cities in the United States using Zillow, and not being able to view more than 5-10 listings in most cities without seeing real estate photos with chemtrails I gave up on the U.S. and decided the nation is thoroughly cooked.
I determined the best way to find out about other nations would be through luxury real estate listings around the world. Luxury properties have land, or sea views, with plenty of outdoor images of the horizon and sky. I found a website called and began scouring country by country. After fifty nations searched there were no countries without visible chemtrails in photos. Yes, seriously. Even Thailand and Japan had several. shows many listings in Russia with chemtrails, though most are around Moscow and Saint Petersburg. None were as bad as what I witnessed in Arizona this past week.
The only place that didn’t turn up any was the south of Chile, though Santiago and other cities showed them. Even popular destinations like Panama and Costa Rica and all tourist areas in Mexico were filled with them.
Two days later I realized this entire project could be made into a real-time chemtrail tracking application utilizing trained AI photo detection modeling and web scraping. If any developers are reading this who want to undertake this 2-3 month public service project I’ve worked with AI to create a preliminary outline of the workflow.
It would also allow users to take photos where they are and the app could extract the image metadata examine the image and immediately add the geo-coordinates to a real-time global chemtrail map. The metadata would be essential to avoid fakes.
ATTENTION DEVS (with capital and time to spare)
Real-time global chemtrail monitoring application idea.
Name: ChemNow or Death From Above
1. Data Collection & Web Scraping
Objective: Scrape real estate listings for sky images in geoengineering detection.
Criteria: Cities 150K+ population, listings $450K+, 0.5+ acres, active in last year
Geolocation: Extract from metadata & cross-reference with Google Maps API
Implementation: Scrapy (Python) for automated web scraping
Target real estate sites with API, Zillow, Redfin, etc.
2. AI-Based Chemtrail Detection
Objective: Train an AI model to classify chemtrail vs. natural sky in images. It would need to be effective at distinguishing toxic dispersion from cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds and err on the side of clouds if uncertain.
Model: YOLO (You Only Look Once) for fast object detection
Detect sky regions (OpenCV)
Classify aerosol activity with trained CNN model
Assign confidence score (80%+ flagged)
3. Data Storage & Processing
Objective: Store detections and metadata for real-time mapping.
Database: PostgreSQL with PostGIS for geospatial data
Storage: AWS S3 for images
Metadata: Address, Date Listed, Image URL, Weather on Listing Date (NOAA API)
4. Geolocation Mapping & Tracking
Objective: Map real estate-based chemtrail patterns over time.
Framework: Mapbox for interactive real-time maps
Data Overlay:
Heatmap: Chemtrail hotspots
Time-series: Track past 12 months
5. User Features & App Capabilities
Objective: Allow public participation in chemtrail monitoring.
User Uploads: Take & submit real-time sky photos
Automatic Geolocation: Extract metadata & add to global map
Searchable Database: Check chemtrail reports by city/ZIP
Automated Reports: Monthly geoengineering trends
6. Tech Stack & Deployment
Frontend: React.js (Web) & Flutter (Mobile App)
Backend: FastAPI (Python) for processing & AI integration
Live Map & Data Access: Public platform for real-time chemtrail detection
There Will Be Blue Skies Again
Fixed Income Pensioner Discount (honor system)
Student Discount (valid .edu email)
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Excellent work I have been screaming at these muther fuckers for 30 years! Great comprehensive rage on our slow killing the mind, spirit, blue sky joy, and our most treasured Sun and light. I live where there is little population and still get hammered by these cocaine lines in our Big Oregon Washington skies. It’s high time this shit stops. Glad Clif High is on it, RFK in an X post with Dane from geoengineering watch said he will address it.
To me this is the most important issue of our time,
Poisoning all life is beyond acceptable. Firing squares air to surface missiles, public hangings would be entertained.
Great find on the real estate photos. This is world wide which means it is well known, funded, supported by every government. I was hoping the USAID defunding might stop this, not so far.
Most people still don’t get IT!! I’m a sky watcher!
Spend lots of time on road and outside. It’s one conspiracy you can see!! If the zombies take a glance away from their screens they would see too.
Once seen you cannot un see.
Praying Trump RFK our common sense leaders will
Put a final end to our suffering of the slow death they spray before our own eyes, killing us slowly,
Killing sacred Sun, and blue skies.
Let this prayer be an arrow to their dark souless hearts let this strike like lightning shaking their evil to 10,000 pieces.
Great article! I really hope you can get the AI app up and running… we get sprayed like bugs at our farm in Maine all the time…from watching flightaware app its mostly large jets 737 or bigger doing cross country or over the pond flights. I have seen some c-130/c-17’s directly seeding into thunderstorms over the farm a couple years back that ended up dropping baseball size hail an hour south of us. As for any place in the world that doesn’t chemtrail… well when I was in special ops for the last ten years in service i traveled all over .. mostly africa, Afghanistan, iraq as a JTAC .. we never saw chemtrails in combat zones… never… when I retired in 2018 is when i started noticing them on the farm… of which immediately stood out as NOT normal because I’ve watched and controlled aircraft for the last 10 years and none of them ever did that. Still allot of military that have zero clue what is going on and my parents generation doesn’t want to hear anything about it… but my children (8,6,5,3 and 1) all know about it and are being taught about this crime against humanity… I really wish we could take these planes down that are spraying… Ive contacted State reps and i get the deer in the headlights… but at this point I’m convinced only the ignorant don’t know about it.