Europe's Virtuous Suicide
Open borders, the green scam, and the boycott of evil Russian energy will ensure the accelerated collapse of a teetering union.
Historically when Germans get together in large numbers and they’re not watching Bruce Springsteen performing Born In the USA in 1988 from the oppressive side of a concrete wall, a toxic infusion of assimilation hysteria imbues the crowd and spreads to every individual, and then bad things tend to happen.
Is there a study on the malleability of the German psyche toward herd behavior? The German government has probably already conducted one in secret and uses it against the people whenever required. No doubt German Gesundheitführer Karl Lauterbach keeps the finer points of this study handy when inking his social tyrannies.
Growing up with a mother born in freshly-liberated-from-German-occupation French Alsace to a German father and French mother, it was often like watching David Banner with a croissant before she quickly outgrew her clothes and turned into a green monster for assertive control. Whenever the German in her rose to the surface, my brother and I discovered through what might be called Achtung! nurture, that things were about to become assuredly more, rigid. Let’s call it a rules-based-order upbringing.
In school when it was time to choose a second language to obtain the required credits to graduate, German was the last foreign language choice on our lists. Listening to our mother speak the language for hours on the phone every other weekend instilled in our auditory memories the harsh sounds of hacking and heaving of ungodly combinations of dysfunctionally jointed consonants. To put it kindly German lacks a certain rhythmic musicality, a special Je ne sais quoi that is overflowing in the romance languages.
As products of a laughably biased public education system in America with a history curriculum written by cold war pentagon planners, my brother and I saluted the flag every morning, pledged our allegiance for which it stands, and learned through a combination of textbooks written by victors against the Nazi machine and a Hollywood abounding with survivors of its worst decrees that Germany still had a severe western public relations problem.
Over the past few decades, and especially the past two years, they have done their best to make the problem much, much worse.
It’s no surprise that Germany has set itself up as a bioterror state that terrorizes its own citizens with a bizarre legal decree dubbed “Infection Protection Measures”. These serve as nothing more than endless performative medical theatre more than two years after the initial media-driven wave of global pandemic hysteria.
New mandates for public transportation “safety measures” just released for the anticipated autumn through spring virus “waves” reveal a power-hungry authoritarian government seeking to make subjects of its citizens with diktats used to tie obedience and subordination to their basic human rights, while making Untermenschen of the unvaccinated. No evidence or scientific justification is required by the German state when its goals are rooted in power and control.
One can freely board a train in Zgorzelec, Poland without a special mask that does nothing to stop the spread of a sniffles virus and ride it three minutes across town (and the border) to Görlitz, Germany where they’d better arrive wearing a special mask that does nothing to stop the spread of a sniffles virus or be met with a request for their papers.
The only German I ever asked my mother to teach me: Ich habe meine papiere nicht! Meine papiere, ich habe sie verloren!
American playwright CJ Hopkins has been routinely documenting the New Normal tyranny in new normal Germany, along with Eugyppius and Margaret Anna Alice whose letter-writing activism and persistence are admirable.
What nobody has openly considered is the possibility that Germans want this. There have been no riots, no protests of any impactful numbers, no outward displays of Strum und Drang that might be triggered more easily on the streets of Paris or highways of Holland. The people may be conditioned to want this, and millions of outsiders begging for the German people to “Wake Up!” may be insufficient to correct their dangerous course.
It seems impossible to any free soul to think the German people want this, but we may not be dealing with a people for whom liberty is highly understood or valued or for whom “breaking the rules” is seen as an act of noble rebellion toward the liberation of body and mind from state control. They may very well be a people who are desirious of state control over every aspect of their lives.
We are talking about a state with seven million Turkish fifth columnists whom despite taking a lifetime of German taxpayer welfare, would be loyal to the Turkish dictator Erdogan and wouldn’t hesitate to overthrow the German government in a week on his orders. Given the decrepit state of the German military, they could probably topple it over a holiday weekend.
German tolerance for the intolerable has become otherworldly, partly because of the poor light in which western nations have viewed them. It makes them simultaneously ashamed of and vulnerable to repeating the same mistakes of their past through self-censorship and self-destructive overcompensation.
German people have embraced performative virtue signaling as a coping mechanism for atoning for historical sins. They routinely stand at train stations with “refugees welcome” signs despite hundreds of sexual assaults and rapes at the hands of new cultural enrichers on New Year’s Eve in 2015, in one city. It’s no longer even safe for German girls or women to walk alone on the streets of major cities at night.
The learning curve for Germans is quite high, while their tolerance for abuse of all kinds, including the absurd petty bureaucratic diktats of tiny men like Gesundheitführer Lauterbach, is even higher.
There was a German girl in a Ph.D. seminar some years ago who asked me with a straight face: "What is with you Americans and freedom of speech? Shouldn't the state protect people’s dignity from harmful speech and not protect the rights of people to say undignified things?" That's the level of blindness, and obedience-to-the-state mentality we're dealing with.
When I tried to explain that “dignity”, despite appearing in its first Articles, is undefined in the German and EU constitutions and therefore subject to manipulative and absurd interpretations, and only free speech, the ability of all to speak without fear of persecution from the state could liberate the undignified, whatever that word even means. But she found no dignity in my explanation.
If ever the Liberal World Order needed a beta testing ground for new sustainable tyrannies, Germany would be the perfect place, and it appears that the true managers of global chaos — of which a few are German nationals for whom the rules will never apply — know this.
As the foundation powerhouse of the 27-nation EU bloc, Germany sits in a unique position where its economic fortitude has benefits for balancing the weaker members of the bloc, but its tenure as continental captain also has yet untested consequences.
The forthcoming energy crises, economic recession and resultant social instability will have reverberating effects beyond its own borders. Social unrest in subjugated debtor capitols like Athens or Rome, or even years of unrest in Gillet Jaunes Paris have little impact on the rest of the union. But when chaos and economic strife arrive at the doorstep of the union’s financial heart with the largest GDP, 35% higher than the next EU nation France, the stability of the entire European project is at stake.
Germany and the Europe Union both have new leadership. At the national level, new Reichsführer Olaf Scholz is torn from the same East German Stasi cloth as his predecessor, the queen of continental destruction Angela Merkel who after opening the borders and flooding the union with millions of unassimilable and permanent young wards of EU taxpayer-funded welfare, has fled to her Finca in Uruguay. What is it with German leaders destroying the continent and fleeing to South America?
Germany is still very much ideologically divided along the same lines it was for forty years during the cold war. The difference is the west has become much more like the former east, the DDR, while the often economically abandoned eastern cities have embraced anti-globalist populism.
The aforementioned Ph.D. candidate from Germany was part of a group of EU-funded researchers hand-picked for their ideological predispositions. Her research was going to take her to Leipzig in the east where she would do a deep dive into the roots of Germany’s “Far Right” misfits that are simply right-leaning populists who are routinely smeared in the German corporate press as “fascists”.
Wherever the stench and dirty remnants of communism haven’t worn off from the last century the people are righteously suspicious of centralized powers, of bloated bureaucratic administrative states. Brussels and the German-controlled EU are no different, even from the perspective of a “far right” German in Leipzig.
In fact, every government that isn’t a wholly owned subsidiary of the Liberal World Order in the former communist bloc are all smeared as “Far Right”, or “dangerous anti-democratic populists” or “fascists” by the western corporate state press. This includes Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Romania, and Bulgaria. However, people in these countries are capable of laughing off the absurd accusations, while the accusation of “fascist” in Germany tends to reflexively result in compliance and self-censorship.
This coming winter will bring challenges the bloc has never weathered, and like much of the past few years, it may all be completely by design. Until June of this year Russian natural gas supplied a third of Germany’s energy. Having opted out of clean and efficient nuclear energy for the green agenda, Germany had planned on replacing those lost kilowatt hours with more cheap Russian natural gas via a second Nord Stream pipeline. But virtue signaling support for Nazis in Ukraine requires abandoning a national energy policy that was decades in the making.
Poland is also eager to jump on the EU energy suicide train. As with Swedes, Poles have been reared from birth to accept anything if they think they’re getting the better of Russians (or Germans). The new national energy plan in Poland is to burn more poor-quality Polish coal instead of buying cheap and less sulfur-rich Russian coal but they will never make up the difference in the three months between now and winter, so the government is shopping for coal on the international market.
Even if it did secure coal on the international market in time, there would be no way to distribute it to the three million households that still burn coal in winter. Presently its baltic ports and national railways are clogged with military and humanitarian supplies flooding toward Ukraine.
Poland will also wean itself off Russian gas in a manner that plays hide the ball with geopolitical reality. The Polish and Slovak governments just completed a natural gas pipeline near their shared border with Ukraine, which is still getting plenty of Russian gas via the old soviet energy mainstay, the Brotherhood pipeline. Poland’s PiS party (Law and Justice) is happy to take Russian natural gas because, like the coronavirus that as soon as it hits German territory becomes dangerous, as soon as the gas passes through Ukraine into Poland, it’s no longer Russian and therefore no longer evil. It magically becomes virtuous Ukrainian gas instead.
Viktor Orbán and Hungary are not playing the suicidal energy games and have pre-negotiated a steady supply of Russian gas via the southern TurkStream pipeline that now flows through Bulgaria and Serbia. The cost of that gas was negotiated last September when Orbán saw the writing on the wall.
Hungary has been subsidizing (capping) natural gas costs since 2013, which is a big reason for Orbán’s domestic popularity. This year that ends, to a point. While Germans freeze or go broke, the Hungarian government will still help cover winter energy bills up to the middle-class average home’s consumption. Beyond that, wealthier Hungarians will have to pay the difference. This is causing other economic problems, as larger business owners like non-corporate hotels consider closing for the winter.
Hungary is looking toward a future of continued energy problems for the bloc and planning ahead by disregarding the beau gest virtue signaling energy policy agenda of its myopic union neighbors while partnering with their evil foe. Russia recently agreed to build two nuclear reactors in Hungary to the anger and dismay of the Liberal World Order’s corporate media machine.
The stability of Europe depends on Russian energy. The engineers of global chaos have always known this, and so they continue to make sure the only way the war in Ukraine ever ends is with more war. Forcing the EU to commit economic suicide by virtue signaling their support of Nazis in Ukraine achieves many great reset goals in one fell swoop.
Accelerates the forced transition away from fossil fuels causing energy grid shortages
Increases the cost of oil and natural gas through destructive Russian sanctions
Makes the costs of manufacturing goods prohibitive which forces the closure of factories across Europe
Engineers a recession, perhaps even a great depression across the west
Increased costs of production, especially in agriculture, will lead to food shortages and hyperinflation
It’s not Putin who will be making life extremely difficult for the European people, it’s the handpicked bosses of European governments who all agree that they must shun evil yet cheap and abundant Russian energy that has for decades been the economic lifeblood of the continent.
Russia has so much excess energy with nowhere to send it that they’ve lit an eternal flame of burning gas visible from space at a plant outside St. Petersberg at the entry point for Nord Stream pipelines. Energy analysts believe it’s burning over $10 million of LNG daily, enough to warm 1.5 million German homes this winter. Apparently, the flame is visible from Finland, where a fifth of their energy will cease when Russian gas stops flowing.
Reaching a settlement with Russia for endless supplies of affordable energy would be too easy, too comfortable, and achieve nothing for NATO, or the United States’ stranglehold over the European Union’s energy needs and their desire to keep the Euro subordinate to the dollar as a global reserve currency.
The United States’ hysterical screaming of Russian culpability with every problem foreign or domestic, from the engineering of “Trump-Russian collusion” and “Russian disinformation” and accusations of American politicians and pundits being “Putin’s puppet” has always been so insincere as to be cartoonishly laughable.
It was never about making enemies with Russia or viewing Russia as a threat but rather always about bringing Europe to heel, and reminding her that her masters are not in Moscow, but in the District of Corruption.
The EU is a foundation for European cohesion and the EU may be controlled by Germany, but Europe belongs to the United States which will keep her in its stable and will spare no expense in laundering billions to Nazis in Ukraine to remind Germany that they can’t have their Nord Stream 1 or 2, and they’d better get on board with the agenda to suffer and freeze for the Liberal World Order.
The European Union is happy to go along with all of it because it has been the plan for a long time. Pain, suffering, self-flagellation for great resets, economic controlled demolition, energy grid destruction, supply chain collapse, performative virtue signaling that claims to be doing good by saving the planet. It’s all so, rigid, so pretentious, so outlandishly psychotically asinine. It’s all so, German.
Meet the new boss of the European Union.
A German, of course.
Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
End up like a dog that's been beat too much
'Til you spend half your life just to cover it up now
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One important part you left out. Why all this hate for Russia that they are willing to destroy their own citizens? Russia is an unaligned country that does want the Great reset and the farcical Green energy policies to save the planet. Therefor they must be destroyed. Also the US is "currently" all in with the NWO with the 0bama administration running the country. If US elections are stolen "again" in November then the entire West will be in grave danger of collapse. This collapse is all part of the plan for Universal enslavement. Also don't forget that most US citizens are highly armed and willing to die for their personal FREEDOM.
At some point the US dollar will cease to be the reserve currency and then all of this will change .