Omicron and the Corporate Media Variant
The Pandemic of Fear's New Variant of Concern is being used to go after Natural Immunity and Toddlers
You’ve seen the jokes about how the pandemic hasn’t affected the Amish or Quaker communities because they don’t own televisions or how if you want the pandemic to end simply turn off your phone.
The global media apparatus is like a reverse engineered urban sewage system. The propaganda is curated at the treatment plant where corrupted academics, think tanks, NGOs, Government Agencies and Foundations masquerading as benevolent philanthropic organizations prepare the “news”. It’s sent out as a press release where it’s picked up by the large information sewage distribution pipes - the Associated Press, Reuters, Agence-France Presse and United Press International. In the case of curated propaganda meant to insight fear, uncertainty and doubt that can give globally interconnected national policy-makers justification for immediate and drastic actions (lockdowns, border closures, mandates) it’s probably fed to them behind closed doors and given priority status.
Those sewage information pipes blast the shit right up into the bowels of “news desks” around the world who immediately process it and unquestioningly repeat it verbatim as truth, usually burying or completely omitting a plethora of inconvenient facts. In the United States where the Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council, Pentagon and Intelligence Agencies have captured most of big five media conglomerates and their subsidiaries this is what it looks like.
In the past 48 hours the globally interconnected propaganda machine has been trying to eliminate the last two “Anti-Vaxxer” arguments against forced eugenics programs pretending to be “vaccine mandates”. They’re utilizing their new conveniently timed Variant of Concern - Omicron (Om-e-Cron) to destroy these arguments.
What are the two brick walls of truth impeding the agenda of injecting the entire population with experimental “vaccines” that never went through animal trials and have no long term safety profiles?
Natural Immunity is way more protective and lasting than anything offered by the experimental leaky “vaccines”
Children aren’t at risk from the virus.
When Omicron arrived, they got right to work at the information sewage treatment plant. The WHO, SAGE and the usual suspects got a preprint of a study (has yet to be peer-reviewed or published) that states the new variant of concern can escape natural immunity. The sewage information pipes immediately blasted this as fact.
This study preprint was updated from a preprint of November 11th with a different title prior to the emergence of Omicron. The variant was just being identified in Botswana at that time where, of the 15 initial cases, 11 were vaccinated and showed mild symptoms, while 4 were unvaccinated and showed no symptoms.
Their data goes up until November 27th and their Omicron window is November 2-27th. This means these scientists, funded by a grant from the Wellspring Project (UK/SAGE/Gates partner) and the Foreign Development Office of the UK Government determined through statistical modeling which cases were Omicron and which were not and who of the newly infected were previously infected with Sars-COV-2, and roughly when that previous infection occurred (Alpha, Beta, Delta). Except as the AP story notes, they did not say what percentage of the reinfections over the last month were Omicron, nor how severe they were. They also have no data on vaccinated or unvaccinated reinfection cases.
What the media completely ignored of course is the final statement of the authors: Urgent questions remain regarding whether Omicron is also able to evade vaccine-induced immunity and the potential implications of reduced immunity to infection on protection against severe disease and death.
The authors conclude that:
We find evidence of a substantial and ongoing increase in the risk of reinfection that is temporally consistent with the timing of the emergence of the Omicron variant in South Africa, suggesting that its selection advantage is at least partially driven by an increased ability to infect previously infected individuals.
The Omicron variant they conclude is not more transmissible than the Beta or Delta variants from waves 2 and 3 despite news headlines concluding otherwise, but the increased cases based on their statistical modeling are a result of 2nd or 3rd reinfections. Again, no confirmed data on what percentage are attributable to Omicron, only estimations based on the window of time when it became the more dominant strain in South Africa.
So what happens to the newly re-infected with Sars-COV-2 Omicron variant who previously already had the Alpha, Beta or Delta variant? We don’t know.
While laboratory-based data on neutralization of Omicron are not yet available, the discrepancy between the population-level evidence presented here and expectations based on laboratory based neutralization assays for Beta and Delta highlights the need to identify better correlates of immunity for assessing immune escape in vitro.
We have no idea if Omicron is less or more severe in terms of symptoms or mortality, and we have no idea about “vaccine immunity”, but given that most cases popping up across the west are in the double and triple jabbed we can assume it’s probably useless. No funded studies or information on how vaccines may have affected viral selective pressures or mutations to Omicron. I wonder why?
Based on these headlines governments were quick to jump to conclusions and implement draconian measures for a worst-case-scenario even though biology 101 tells us viruses usually weaken as they mutate for self preservation so they don’t kill the host.
Not satisfied in attempting to destroy the Natural Immunity argument against mass vaccination (with a non-peer reviewed statistical analysis preprint conducted in 5 days and rushed to the presses) the Global Media went after the last group awaiting their turn on the Big Pharma conveyor belt of injectable arms - children under 5 years old. Imagine that! The most recent group approved for the Pfizer jab just happened to be the 5-11 year-olds and now Omicron comes along and targets the last remaining group - under 5. There it is, right in the headlines down to the exact number, the last group they need.
Waasila Jassat, a South African government health advisor delivered this scary news to the Global Media specifically mentioning the exact age of the final remaining group of unvaccinated - under 5.
We’ve always seen children not being very heavily affected by the COVID epidemic in the past, not having many admissions. In the third wave, we saw more admissions in young children under 5 and in teenagers, 15 to 19, and now, at the start of this fourth wave, we have seen quite a sharp increase across all age groups, but particularly in the under 5s.
Using these Omicron media headlines Government health agencies owned and captured by the Pharmaceutical companies will rush approval for vaccines for toddlers, ignoring any safety issues as they did with the other trials.
Look for the blue checked Twitterati and useful idiots to repeat these Omicron media headlines as facts and justifications in supporting all the silly policy impositions and mandates that never worked in the past but must be implemented immediately for the safety of the community.
And in the coming days the new EU Führer in Brussels will use these two new conveniently timed “news facts” as a justification for continental-wide vaccination mandates that completely violate the Nuremberg Codes and mass imprisonment (lockdown) of the unvaccinated like in Germany and Austria. That’s roughly 100+ million people across 27 EU nations who will be banished from society.
Other hand picked Muppets masquerading as “leaders” will do the same. Oh wait, they’ve already started.
In the meantime you must be compelled to fear the Omicron. It needs new souls to survive. (Actual Video Game with David Bowie’s voice/image from 1999)
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Fascism has taken root in Australia, Austria, and Germany. What is happening would be unimaginable 2 years ago. As with the last time when fascism was rising in Europe the 1930's the MSM in the US either doesn't report on what is happening or dismisses reports as exagerations. That silence lead to increasing totalitarian measures. There is a virus a thousand times worse than covid. It infects the souls of people and the souls of nations. That virus is fascism. It is spread by lies, deceit, and propaganda masquerading as truth.
I sometimes call MSM --- Main Sewer Media. It is actually more effective and more dangerous than the soviet Pravada or any other openly state sponsored media. People knew that Pravada was a propaganda organ of the state so they expected that at least some of it, if not most of it was lies and distortions. That made it less effective. The most effective propaganda is when the consumers of it don't even consider the possibility that it's propaganda.