Our Race Back Into the Cave
The Social Justice Contagion. So, like, that's harmful and problematic, right?
Seeds of Speech
We must think before we speak. This is not meant in the command one gives to another whose words they did not like and are asking them to self censor and choose words that will not offend them or another, like the performed outrage of a mother admonishing her honest son.
“Bobby, you get over here and apologize for offending them. You must think before you speak young man!”
“Sorry.” Bows head in pretend shame.
“Now go to your room and kill terrorists on your playbox with your friends.”
“It’s PlayStation, and they aren’t terrorists mom, they’re anti-vaxxers!”
“That’s what I said, terrorists! Now go to your room!”
We must think before we speak. That is to say, to hinder one’s freedom of speech is to hinder their freedom of thought.
Our thoughts that are converted to ideas are influenced by our sensory input that are converted to explicit memories. This can include what we read, hear, see, feel and how we interpret those experiences as individuals in the greater context of our past.
If you shut down one’s right to speak freely, you inhibit their ability to think freely and to think freely about terrible ideas that could plague society. This leads to creeping civilization ending plagues of ritualistic mentally ill cults masquerading as benevolent utopian progress under the cloak of terms like ‘social justice’.
“Social justice? How could anyone be against that mom?”
“I told you to go to your room Bobby!”
Social Justice Cult
The tyranny of social pressure for comforting conformity masquerading as justice, incessantly obfuscating reality, destroying history, tradition, culture, family and ignoring truth to lure the feeble minded souls toward self righteous indignation and resultant performative virtue. You can get mobs to do anything under pretenses cloaked in justice and virtue, equity and inclusion. You can get them to hate a nation and its people, especially a certain race, if you fabricate narratives of the past to demonize and associate anyone who defends the ideals of that past as oppressive and tyrannical. You can engineer them to never see anything redeeming in the myopic scope you prepare for their viewing of the world.
Conformity and social pressure applied to younger demographics make them easy targets for early manipulation and indoctrination. Weaponizing their stupidity and ignorance by converting them into righteous warriors bravely fighting historical oppression with…(checks notes)…more oppression. Anti-racists bravely fighting racism with…(checks notes)…more racism. Anti-fascists bravely fighting fascism with…(checks notes)…open fascism. Universities, government agencies, the military, corporations, advertising firms, Hollywood casting companies openly embracing inclusivity with…(checks notes)…exclusivity, openly lobbying for diversity everywhere by mandating…(checks notes)…discrimination everywhere. One beautifully dysfunctional and inept managerial kakistocracy has no time for effective skills and merit, they are placed there as useful functionaries busy serving the interests of the oligarchy.
Progress for the progressive is the ultimate end, and by dressing up every virtuous means of getting there with utopian idealistic language devoid of critical examination and intelligent thought below the surface garnishments, anything can be considered progress, and how on earth could you be against progress? If you’re against it, you must be crazy!
Shrieking cries from every Quad across the west, “You’re stopping humanity from progressing, so get our of our way, we have some progress to socially engineer using language to cloak reality like all effective social engineers do!” Universities don’t think there are enough of these shrieking emotionally incontinent cult followers in the world so they’re now paying professors $3000 bonuses to completely alter their curriculums to fit the cults mantras of diversity, equity and inclusion. The business of indoctrination and social engineering is booming, and professors are embracing the gold rush at the expense of science, reason, truth, honesty, reality, integrity and our future as free thinking open minded individuals who judge one another compassionately and thoughtfully and not based on immutable characteristics.
This mindless cult has come for everything and like the indignities and dehumanizing impositions mandated across the west for an engineered pandemic, this cult will not stop until people forcefully stop it. This is how civilizations end, civil wars break out, nations get fragmented and balkanized. Maybe it’s time to have a peaceful divorce in the divided states and spare the cost and bloodshed. Progressive politicians can continue their destructive policies in blue cities and states, while holidaying on the distant foreign beaches of Florida. Those who want to endure that madness can step over the human feces and used hypodermic heroin needles to fetch their urine stained San Francisco Chronicle in the morning, they can step over the bodies that liter the streets of Chicago, DC and New York, get mugged and pummeled on their way to Starbucks in Brooklyn while paying the highest effective city and state taxes anywhere. Let them brainwash their children by learning to only judge people by the color of their skin and categorize them based on melanin, and have their toxic “vaccine” injections mandated by looney tunes school districts, let the morons have their progress. But when the gang bullets pierce their $10 million rowhouses, and their toddlers get hepatitis from hypodermic needles on their stoop, or myocarditis from Pfizer needles at their school, and they reach their breaking points and want to pack up that Uhaul for the journey south or east, they need to be prevented from voting for five years in their adopted home state. They can be refugees, and grateful that there are Floridas and Idahos and Montanas to move to, but they need an acclimation and assimilation period before voting to keep them from implementing too much “progress” like they did back home.
Critical race theory is on everyone’s tongue these days, the origins of which are obfuscated and blurred by those who want to pass it off as benign and wonderful and that which should be necessarily force injected into every young impressionable mind available for impressing. Parents objecting to these injections just don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re safe and effective with no side effects, other than mass mental illness, division and darkness. Take it from the social justice hucksters, the state knows best, the 1619 project knows best, the racist frauds masquerading as ‘anti-racist’ activists know that parents just don’t get it. You must turn your kids over to the state school boards and their harmless “allies”. Don’t worry, just go about your day like everything is fine. The state will look after them. Teachers indoctrinated at universities humanities’ departments will look after them. They’re in good hands. The state always has your child’s best interests at heart.
Home schooling never looked so promising. The future thoughtful leaders of anti authoritarianism are all being home schooled today.
Social Justice Language Contagion
Every cult has a language. They think the same and therefore they speak the same. Thoughts and speech become contagious. If the cult gains widespread acceptance in all public and private institutions, the language seeps into the social body like a deceptive poison. Here are just a few of their cult signifiers.
So: This was once utilized specifically for transitioning mid-sentence but has become a kind of retarded tick that allows the speaker time to formulate their bad ideas before speaking. Words like “well”, or simply silence were once used to fill this role until speakers became uncomfortable not speaking for more than a few seconds. Unfortunately this contagion has spread beyond social justice circles and has now become the “like” of twenty years ago.
Like: The precursor to “So” that still exists in another form today. From the 1980s this was once associated with bimbos and valley girls and eventually spread like a social linguistic contagion to everyone under a certain age with the help of imbecilic popular culture sewer feeds of Kardashian-esque reality television. A staple of millennial speech ticks that divided words, sentences, ideas, hot air, silence, it was and is the swiss army knife of our post modern group think transcendence toward group speech.
We: This social justice signifier is a comfort word meant to be “inclusive” and organize the social cohesion through a third person signifier meant to both implicate the listener’s experiences to whatever follows and apply a universality to the content of the speakers words, as if by including all of us in ‘togetherness’, the words will have truth that accompanies a more palatable acceptance. It often precedes emotive words like ‘think’ which in social justice terms really translates to ‘feel’. “When we think about…” The entire cult movement requires that adherents feel a lot, and think very little unless it’s about their feelings or the perceived feelings of others before they have them.
Problematic: This is a wall that social justice adherents use to stop debate. It does not require evidence or facts, only subjective assumptions that the argument or conditions have now contradicted social justice orthodoxies. What makes something problematic is not that there is any evidence of logical fallacies or flawed argumentation but rather the collision of social justice universals with non social justice reality. A cult cannot allow transgressions that will reveal the limitations and hypocrisies prescribed by the dogmatic thinking of its intuitive feelers. Any evidenced argumentation that does this immediately becomes problematic. In a debate with social justice adherents this is a strong linguistic signal that their opponents are over their target.
Inclusive: The idea that forms a foundation of the orthodoxies prescribed to adherents. It is one consideration that must be made in all considerations and no matter how much it is applied to the limiting ideas of adherents by design it will never have a zenith. This leads to circular thinking, a reversion to feelings, and also linear thinking downward on the X axis of original and creative ideas, and Y axis of time. Degradation of the range results by trying to be “inclusive” with one’s thinking or ideas toward the feelings and considerations of other sacred cows, until there is nothing left to degrade. To be inclusive of ideas would require not considering social justice inclusivity at all. Nor diversity, equity, feelings, emotions, safety or harm. These are all just well oiled pistons in the engine of behavioral conditioning toward social justice social engineering.
Generalization: This is the all encompassing buzzword that shuts down debate. Anything that the social justice ear hears that is not all inclusive of every oppressed group and everyone’s perceived emotional needs can be easily dismissed as a “generalization”. It will not be an accurate label, nor a thoughtful one as it has become a vital linguistic tool of this cult to wield when they’re short of anything intelligent or original to contribute, which like any Borg is almost always.
Context: This is another useful dodge in the social justice toolbox. It can be used honestly by anyone and the word need not be poisoned by this cult’s abuse of the word but unfortunately it has been thoroughly soiled. When the argument needs to be “put in context” the bad faith debater is really saying that the debate has skewed from the framing narrative that they prefer. Weaponizing context to reshuffle the board and return things to the comfort of their assumed narratives allows them the illusion of retaking control while using a weasel word to lend the maneuver some authoritative or academic credibility.
Right?: The absolute wonder of social justice language is the subconsciously insecure desire for agreement needed to feel comfortable enough to continue. The sleight of hand here is subtle because it does not require agreement, it implies consensus without the affirmative response of the consented. There is no opportunity for the audience to say, “No, that’s not right at all.” It is a self reinforcing consensus mechanism so that the speaker can continue under the guise that what they are saying is in fact true, no matter how outlandishly false it may be, right?
Literally and Totally: These are sentence garnishments. Used as attention getters to embellish a series of words with something to compensate for the inadequacies that follow. So, this is like, literally going to blow your mind…..Kaboom! Pieces of their mind fly through the cosmos reaching escape velocity.
Put them all together and you end up with, “So, like, when we talk about cis gender heteronormative communication about gender inclusivity, it’s literally problematic to make generalizations that aren’t in the context of the actual feelings of non cis gender peoples, which is like totally non inclusive, right?”
Look closely once more at the word “right?” at the end, the insidious coercive “right?”. How could you not agree with such an obvious statement? It’s literally like, fact, right?
Dogmatic word salads do not get more intellectually dishonest and rotten than those fountains of diarrhea that pour incessantly from the mouths of their high priests and managed flock. The arrogance and certainty that follows is sourced from entirely made-up academic disciplines and leaves them apoplectic when challenged by the rational and thoughtful unindoctrinated dissident.
This intolerant flock have overwhelmed corporate marketing, advertising and HR departments and now constitute a disturbing majority of social science and humanities faculties and administrations at universities across the western world. Which is why I need more subscribers to escape academia as soon as possible. Subscribe now to help me accelerate this timeline, but only if you’re a Good Citizen, otherwise it’s gonna be like, literally problematic.
Trust and Safety
The world of social engineering and behavioral management loves censorship, even the more odious and less discussed forms like chilling of speech through self censorship. When the feelings of strangers supplant the importance of open dialogue without a desire to manage the impressions others have of them the window of imaginative, creative, unique possibilities is eventually shut completely to accommodate the least capable and most sensitive among society. The appearances of everything always matter more to the warped progressive mind than substantive objective reality. The greatest irony that escapes them is their assumption that “oppressed” pet groups on their social hierarchy of historical oppression are always the least capable and most sensitive among society who need to be protected from “harmful” ideas and language. The condescending and insulting presumptions are often lost on their sacred groups, who adhere to many of the same orthodoxies and will ostracize and maroon anyone who dares to leave the cult by finally liberating their mind and actions from the progressive’s psychosocial chains. At the root of this cult and it’s corralling mechanisms is language, and how they deal with language as ‘feelers’ rather than thinkers.
The intuitive feelers absorb language and regurgitate it as a kind of emotional connecting mechanism and tribal support system. Their social alliances can be enhanced by signaling to the Borg that they are a one of them, that they are not a threat and their words will not be “violent”. The very idea that words could ever be violent has resulted in two generations of emotionally fragile bedwetters in need of protection from “harmful speech”. The Borg outsider who uses the sister of harmful speech known as “problematic speech” is a threat to the tribe and immediately identified as such. The social justice adherents take notice, and having absorbed the speech of the herd, and stored it in their explicit memory bank to be drawn upon in the future subconsciously to activate the attention of their subjects by utilizing the recognized buzzwords, are alerted to the black sheep who has infiltrated their confines with the wrong words that are not among their signifiers of collective belonging, trust and safety. New ideas and information are like a foreign virus invading a host. The host responds by identifying the invader and sending out a triggering alarm to alert the Safe T cells to attack the source of the threat - new ideas and information that challenges their delicate and fragile system built on lies and dogmas.
The thoughtful person is the virus and refuses to accept the speech of the herd unquestioningly and will not absorb what they’re saying. They are not interested in trust and safety in consideration of ideas and communication. They are thinking first, feeling later or at least suppressing the misguided intuitions that overwhelm and short circuit clear and objective thinking, those roots of emotions which end up clouding our judgement. They are familiar with reality, harm, violence, the nature of words as tools of communication and expression, exploration and insight. Words are just words. Harm is subjective. Violence is violence. In a free society nobody should check their words in any situation for potential harm. The taking offense by the weakest among us, and satisfying their soft predisposition leaves us all prisoners to their infantile temperamental feelings. It’s a race to the bottom. A race back into the cave. These are the consequences of safety first helicopter parents disallowing free range childhoods, rearing generations of therapeutically pampered danger anesthetized positivity obsessed intuitive feelers who conform first, obey first, censor first, question last and think critically never.
“So, um, that’s like literally a generational generalization, and that’s problematic right?”
Back Into The Cave
Our mindful attention obsession with extricating wrong thoughts that will eventually, on a long enough timeline include every thought that arises in our minds, and prohibit all words from ever being spoken. Obedience to the lowest social order tolerable. The weakest in mind and ability pushed to the front based on racial and gender hierarchies, a magnet for “progress”. The end result is simple. All the maladjusted malcontents misanthropic easily duped humorless joyless cult loving blue haired neo Marxist bums of our beautiful world are in power everywhere and they quickly want us back in the caves.
We are all being poisoned by their madness as they expand their tentacles to all institutions, where elites welcome their insidious repressive dogmas as useful weapons for division and control as they silently loot central bank treasuries and acquire their doomsday bunkers while telling us we’re (Bernie Sander’s voice) “Racists, misogynists, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, deplorables, insurrectionists, anti-vaxxers, domestic terrorists!” There is no shell beach at the end of this line, only darkness and chains from inside the cave. Visions of shadows dancing on the floor to be recorded and put to shitty music with jump cuts for consumption on TikTok.
If you think all of the above is not connected to the obedient louts who love the tyrannical government plandemic policies, then you aren’t thinking at all. It’s all psychosocially interconnected to how some people process information and deal with reality, and others have been sufficiently indoctrinated and engineered to be completely incapable of anything outside their love of their chains.
So, like when we talk about hyper conformity under social pressure that literally silences voices and ideas to appease safety and feelings and appearances of virtue, which makes us all like dumber and stuff, that’s totally problematic, right?
Kaboom! Minds are blown to bits inside the dark caves at Lascaux. Brain matter paints outlines of tiny hand prints like an anthropological artistic time machine to communicate to a future civilization 17000 years from now who must ponder their origin and meaning, but ponder only with socially acceptable thoughts. “Were these people here by choice? Can we use this moment as inspiration for Don Draper’s Kodak Carousel pitch for Mad Men season 1 episode 13?”
Like tiny pleas for mercy on the stone, reaching toward the future.
We were here.
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It is amazing the delusions that people can live by and how words are used to help perpetuate the delusion. Being in deep sleep -- at a low level of consciousness is called being 'woke'. 'Thinking' is reduced to sound bites. When exposed to other points of view there is anger and name calling rather than rebuttal. It's as if to say, "You bastard, don't try to get me to think."
The Party trained who back their team no matter what, similar to a sporting event. History has shown us what The Party trained are capable of doing and it isn't pretty.
To be "well informed" through MSM and to shun information from outside the MSM zone.
Some can heal. Some are perm-mutated (permanemtly mutated).
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
Jiddu Krishnamurti