Our fren Elon is so beloved by the Rothschild Globopsycho cabal of war profiteers, pandemic organizers, media gaslighters, human traffickers, and their normie foot soldiers of vaxocaust deniers, and current thing assimilator bots (the real source of their power), they’ve permitted him to name the next fake virus.
Space X
Model X
X “The Everything App!” The Western Online Social Credit System
Aaaand Noooooooowwwww!
Itttt’s tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!

Prior to the year 2000, we never heard a word about viruses or laboratories.
AIDS was still fresh on people’s minds but magically faded away as the truth came to light of the magnitude of the global scam it was in the 80’s and 90’s.
Laboratories where psychos meddled with “deadly viruses” simply didn’t exist. The word laboratory rarely crossed the minds of average people unless one needed to call about their latest fecal test results.
And then the labs and computer-sequenced viruses never isolated or proven to be the cause of anything were suddenly everywhere. The 21st century kicked off just how they cooked it up in the Club of Rome laboratory thirty years earlier.
Anthrax, SARS uno, MERS, Bird Flu, Pig Flu, Mad Cows, Pangolin Flu, Cuckoo Flu, Bill Gates, Bono, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros & Sons, Megan Rapinoe.
The laboratories they were concocted in all had connections to the usual globalist front groups.
Today, thanks to the wonders of modern state-funded science psychological warfare for bioterrorism against citizens, the world is suddenly brimming over with secret government laboratories in Ukraine, in the UK, in remote California backwaters funded by Gavin Newsom, filled with white mice being juggled by Chinese lab drones who have injected the mice with the world’s most deadly viruses made up diseases they need the masses to believe in with all their psychological might.
Thanks to the genius of modern journalism propaganda and the sorcery of modern virology they’re suddenly eager to reveal these top-secret laboratories through their corporate mouthpieces.
If a whistleblower comes forward about information on deadly “research” being done at a laboratory the media are silent.
If Russia reports on the Empire of Lies's “dangerous” research at laboratories in Ukraine and around the world, the media are silent.
Suddenly the media love telling us about US and UK government-funded laboratories doing “dangerous” research for the benefit of the people.
Uh huh.
Game of Drones for Gain of Fiction.
And how generous of them to get a head start on finding a cure for diseases that will never exist. At Porton Down of all places, where they pulled the Skripal psyop right out of their beakers asses to demonize Russia and prepare normie minds for the Putin-is-evil nonsense to support the Ukraine war they knew was coming.
I’m sorry. We seem to have skipped the foreplay.
Is all this confusing? Are you not aroused?
What does love X got to do, got to do with it?
A secondhand emoji.
Captain Free Speech Absolutist, our fren Elon was always on our side against the evil Global cabal…wait wuhh…?
Once again, this time with feeeeeweeeeng.
Aaaand Noooooooowwwww!
Itttt’s tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!
Billionaire Bread and Circuses.
The Roman Poet Juvenal coined the term Bread and Circues after the spectacle of distractions the emperors prepared for the masses at the Circus Maximus and Colosseum as the empire crumbled around them.
What else did Decimus Junius Juvenalis write?
Satire X: The Vanity of Human Wishes
Couched with brilliant and caustic language, it takes as its subject the vanity of human desires, listing examples of how what we most wish for can hurt or even kill us.
In all the lands that stretch from Cadiz to the Ganges and the Dawn,
There are few who, free of a cloud of errors, can discern true good
From a host of opposites. What indeed do we wish for or fear that is
Rational? How often is what we conceive so far from wrong-headed
That we don’t regret both the effort, and the fulfilment of our desire?
Whole families have been ruined by the gods’ too ready compliance
With their prayers. They ask for what harms them whether in peace
Or war; to many people their own torrential flood of speech and their
Own eloquence is fatal; think of Milo of Croton who perished from
Relying on his own strength, and his awe-inspiring show of muscle;
More people are still undone by the money they gather with too much
Care, by a wealth that exceeds all other competing family fortunes…
Vices and virtues will never change. And oh how nostalgia for a near past never goes out of style…
The sages of old, whether they were always laughing or always weeping, led better lives, and the philosopher Democritus would have been aghast to see the way in which a Roman praetor now goes to the games.
At that time, sports was something that children, schoolchildren were into. Adults became adults and grew on to adult things. So it was unimaginable at the time that people could actually believe there’s even a need for adult sports and entertainment, never mind having arenas built across the world. Because the average man was to become more disengaged from his own destiny as the expert class arose, it was decided that the males would get their outlet, basically, gradually becoming helpless, as males, through sports. Therefore they’d have a tribal team they identified with, they could achieve the model as if they’re winning, and in their own personal lives they’re getting no further, they’re getting disenfranchised, in a sense, as experts took over decision-making for them in all kids of fields.
Egomaniacal oiled-up Billionaire clowns roll around together as the dumbed-down masses stroke their remotes and gorge on buckets of spicy wings.
Water Cooler #82931012
Who do you got Musk or Zuck?
I really like what Elon is doing for our country. He’s really exposing the bad guys. I gotta cheer for him.
But at least Elon is generous. He’s paying all of the attention extractors fairly and equally on his platform to extract the attention of—
Some people are slow in figuring out when and how they’re being played like fiddles.
There’s only one man doing the influencing and not even the influencers know they’re the ones really being influenced.
Last year I wrote that they would fake the next pandemic in the six months prior to the 2024 election or around the spring of that year.
The cabal love using significant celestial events to transition to their next current thing.
X marks the psyop for X marks the spot?
Catastrophic Contagion: Patient Zero, April 8th, 2024, in Carbondale, Illinois?
Perhaps a crop-eating bug first appears, plaguing the region first causing widespread crop failure across the nation and years of famine.
In 1830 during widespread crop failures in Northern Illinois, the masses migrated for food to the south, that’s how Carbondale got its nickname “Little Egypt” after one of the world’s greatest ancient civilizations. Then there’s nearby Lake of Egypt, Egyptian Hills, and a national recreation area with camel rock called “Garden of The Gods.” Not to get even nuttier, but at the southernmost part of Illinois the Mississippi River meets the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois.
Hmmm… Strange place for two rare solar eclipses to intersect in middle America. The biblical references in Genesis, Exodus, Kings, and metaphors are endless.
Maybe it’s where a SARS-3-infected pangolin will sneeze into the mouth of a MERS-infected Camel that shits near an aviary filled with infected birds transmitting a novel variant of H5N1. The birds escape and peck at the camel shit and migrate south to Austin where their droppings of SARS-3-MERS-H5N1 land on the handrail of the airstairs into Elon’s Gulfstream VI where his index finger touches as he boards before he takes his seat and picks his nose and the world gets…
And wouldn’t that be a fun story for the media to sell the world, about what they already know is coming as another fake pandemic?
Or just maybe that’s where Our Fren Elon and his fellow servant of Globopsycho destruction Data Zuckerberg will meet for their spectacularly distracting oil wrestling ass massaging affair…in southern Illinois.
X marks the homoerotic Billionaire lubed-up spectacle psyop to distract the brain-dead normies.
It’s all probably nothing. Don’t share any of this or you’ll look like a dumb conspiracy theorist.
And if we’ve learned anything from years of public education and attending university and assimilating to the Western world in the 21st century, there’s nothing worse in life than looking like a dumb conspiracy theorist to NPCs.
Buy your cure for Disease X here and save Grandma before it’s too late!
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I never trusted Musk once, because he is a transhumanist
never trust transhumanists
He's super freaky, but not in the good way. I do appreciate how he is a litmus test of who to trust; if you trust Musk, I don't trust you. Simple. (And check their garage for a robot car).