The air around the escape vault for those trying to flee Covidian tyranny has become sticky and soiled with puritanical spunk. The self-appointed messiahs of all things plandemic and virology are spewing their vindictive loads in all the wrong places.
And global management couldn’t be happier with purity tests and allegiances now on the table.
They love seeing division and conflict that distracts and dismays. A trickle of doubts here, a morsel of discrediting there, a coordinated smear campaign, a bountiful bet offered, then rescinded, then re-offered, then used as a constant bludgeoning tool to gain confidence and sell subscriptions.
Virus est vel Viris non est?
Virus existence. Germ theory. Terrain theory. The cult dividing lines are now set.
Join or die Good Citizens.
The rituals, pledges, and sacrifices are underway.
Why didn’t they take the money?
He’s not really the inventor of mRNA!
Where’s her Ph.D.?
But they never satisfied Koch’s postulates!
That’s not how Virology works.
So, like, that dude is like, totally controlled opposition, right?
The confidence men are selling their trust in the marketplace of attention and it won’t be free. You’ll pay with both your wallet and your mind. We’ve seen from the past few years what happens when they capture minds.
The agents of chaos are masters at creating division and propping up all the right people while setting up a few sacrificial lambs for slaughter.
Their aim is to always keep the waters muddy.
Their agenda is doubt. Certain and absolute doubt. And there’s just no doubting that.
The confused peasants are not so adept at recognizing their chaos when or where it appears. Count me as one of them at times, I would never pretend otherwise. But even if I had it, I would also never offer a half million dollars to anyone to debate who or what is legitimate or misinformation or “science” or to buy a cabal of “experts” to be part of my “team” to help inflate my ego as I start a foundation to collect more money. My cock is just not that tiny, as you can see from when I was on that Nirvana album cover.
The people are even forming masses around mass formation as if it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy while making prophets of its salesmen. It’s a solid theory, rooted in and borrowing from great essential works on crowd psychology and totalitarianism, but it’s still just one man’s theory. All new theories require rigorous debate to be legitimized in the marketplace of ideas.
Ask questions about mass formation theory and you’ll get the wrath of the forming masses who have already swallowed the sinker, digested the line, and shart out the hook, while never even reading the book The Psychology of Totalitarianism. The confidence of a crowd today can be bought. Any spectacle can be digitally engineered by just a few nodes of amplification. The swarm arrives and does the rest.
The most insightful thinkers are withering away broke on some abandoned corners of the Internet, silenced and relegated to the dank oak-paneled lecture halls of a failed academy, maybe even on Substack with zero subscribers, an island of misfits who don’t care about other people’s attention, self-promotion, or gaining people’s confidence to rob them of a hard-earned buck.
They are who Yevgeny Zamyatin called the “madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels, and skeptics.”
They don’t need to feel righteous in the cause, or part of a group that offers comfort when things appear dark. They’re perfectly fine riding alone across the great plains of the digital frontier, avoiding all the chaos, the cults, the gossip, the smear campaigns, the herds of blindfolded sheep moving as one crusade toward the new self-appointed information messiahs of Covidian theatre who want a monopoly on truth.
The Good Citizen’s Postulates 1 of 1:
If someone tells you how you can identify “good guys” and “bad guys” and labels the latter group anyone who disagrees with them, then proceeds to tell you how you can know who’s telling the truth, and it always involves the one consistent thing they hold in higher regard than anything else — money — they’re probably not interested in the truth but rather your confidence and your money.
Cults require obedience and adherence to orthodoxies. Cult leaders demand it. Truth be damned.
Which cult are you going to join Good Citizens? Germ or Terrain? Virus or no virus?
You can only pick one, science be damned.
Personally, I pick both and I pick neither because I comprehend my limitations of knowledge and I certainly know that global management wants us all to pick just one to divide and conquer. Instead, I choose healthy debate, joy, laughter, and above all not taking myself or any issue too seriously so that I don’t fall into other people’s rabbit holes.
And maybe The Good Citizen Substack is just another rabbit hole. Maybe this blindfolded sheep is just another damn agent of misinformation, a confidence Ovis aries, a stooge of global chaos trying to lure you into a false sense of your own certainties or to exploit your doubts and anxieties about the present state of the world.
And how would you really know for sure?
You wouldn’t.
But I bet you a million dollars I’m not and that my team and I can prove it!
What’s that, you won’t accept?
Pff, see, told you so.
All you peasants who love money as much as I do, look! They won’t accept my huge offer of money, and that’s how you know you can trust me, and me alone.
Now send me more money and I’ll keep telling you how you can tell who is telling you the truth.
Worth reading as always, Jon Rappoport:
Also Celia Farber:
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In the comment section on another substack, I said that the oligarchs love division and that we should be trying to repair our relationships with our friends and family. Apparently, that’s a terrible idea and I should go back to my kumbaya drum circle.
I don’t think we should show mercy to the politicians / media / medical establishment, but if we allow them to destroy all of our personal relationships, they’ve already won.
Same Cowan who wrote the Contagion Myth with Sally Fallon Morell ? I feel like a kid whose parents are bickering while termites eat our house 😢