Spontaneously Combusting Narratives
Instigating mental wild fires around weather events for political agendas.
We live in such magical times that fires now start themselves. Fires used to require an instigator. Historically a lightning strike was the most common instigator of wildfires and forest fires. These fires were nature’s way of cleansing and replenishing the forests in regular cycles that could take centuries to return to their former state. These natural wildfires commonly occurred in the summer months after a significant dry period, which seems self-evident, but apparently can’t be repeated often enough these days.
In the early 20th century before forest management studies settled into higher education, North American forests would burn in the tens of millions of acres each year. This hasn’t happened in any single year since 1952. In the past decade, there have been two years that barely reached the 10 million acre threshold, after nearly six decades of stable and historically very low burn acreage. Average burn acreage per year is still below the ten-year average and 90% less than 90 years ago. In the preindustrial period of 1500-1800, it’s estimated that the continental United States saw 145 million acres burned annually. You wouldn’t believe any of this of course based on recent media hysteria around fires, heat, and anything generally associated with what we used to call the season of summer.
Today wildfires don’t require a lighting bolt or a significant drought, only complete forest mismanagement and neglect and some psychological groundwork by the corporate state and its mind virus injectors in the media to create hysteria around warmer than usual weather. Though it does help to have the zippo of some crazed climate nut with a political agenda posing as a college professor.
Fear can spontaneously combust any mind to believe any narrative that will be used to spread more fear throughout a social body, including the narrative that fires just start themselves if things get too warm in summer. The heatwave that just swept through western Europe was the perfect opportunity to throw kindling on the decades-long psychological operation known as “climate change”. Apparently, homes in parts of England just burned down due to one afternoon of 1-degree Celsius above record high temperatures, yet with no extended drought or hot and dry period like they had in the record summer of 1976. Compare that summer in England to this latest heat wave.
63 days of consecutive sunshine
Every day over 26C (79F)
15 days 35C+ (95F) and 9 days 32C+
45 days NO rain
Standpipes got continuous water (public water)
No red weather warning
7 days sunshine
3 days 35C+
Red weather warning: “You’re all going to die!”
Fires that are started by arsonists and burn hundreds of thousands of acres start out as “climate fires” and later get buried by the media. These are fires that the media blames on global warming and summer weather until fire investigators determine it was started by arson, and then like hard-working firefighters on the front lines vigorously digging trench lines, the media will dig their own holes and bury their own false narratives without any corrections or retractions. Anything that can be blamed on global warming is amplified and never corrected.
California is often the poster state for “global warming” wildfire fear-mongering. However, a 2018 report by the state concluded that poor forest management has led to deteriorating conditions that have exacerbated wildfires in the state. The terms climate change and global warming are mentioned nowhere in this report on forest health which concluded:
A combination of factors has resulted in poor conditions across these forests, including excessive vegetation density and an overabundance of small trees and brush. Such conditions have contributed to more prevalent and severe wildfires and unprecedented tree mortality in recent years, and experts are concerned these trends will continue if steps are not taken to significantly improve the health of the state’s forests.
The wildfire and blazing heat narratives are just a part of the bundle of psychological operations around climate terror that are being intentionally kicked into overdrive for the 2030 Agenda. You can see the “drive the news” timetable transitions as they happen in real-time, moving the masses to amplify whatever hysteria is being engineered for malicious political and economic goals. An employee at the CIA News Network recently admitted that climate change would soon be their new full-time focus in an undercover video captured by Project Veritas.
The fact is there’s nothing different about the times we’re living in than other periods of history. The further back in history one looks, the less anything today appears out of the ordinary. Hot weather has always been with us, and a little bit of digging into the historical record reveals we live in pretty comfortable times.
The following is an excerpt of 1500 years of record hot summers taken from eyewitness and local accounts of historical records courtesy of Tony Heller of realclimatescience.com. These must have been quite extreme without a globally coordinated media propaganda machine that fabricates weather events to create panic and hysteria.
IN 637 the heat was so great in France and Germany that all springs dried up, and water became so scarce that many people died of thirst.
In 873 work in the field had to be given up ; agricultural labourers persisting in their work were struck down in a few minutes, so powerful was the sun.
In 993 the sun’s rays were so fierce that vegetation burned up as under the action of fire.
In 1000 rivers ran dry under the protracted heat ; the fish were left dry in heaps, and putrified in a few hours. The stench that ensued produced the plague.
Men and animals venturing in the sun in the summer of 1022 fell down dying; the throat parched to a tinder and the blood rushed to the brain.
In 1132 not only did the rivers dry up but the ground cracked on every side, and became baked to the hardness of stone. The Rhine in Alsace nearly dried up.
Italy was visited with terrific heat in 1139; vegetations and plants were burned up.
During the battle of Bela, in 1260, there were more victims made by the sun than by weapons; men fell down sunstruck in regular rows.
In 1303 and 1304 the Rhine, Loire, and Seine ran dry.
Scotland suffered particularly in 1625; men and beasts die in scores.
The heat in several French departments during the summer of 1705 was equal to that in a glass furnace. Meat could be cooked by merely exposing it to the sun. Not a soul dared venture out between noon and 4 p.m.
In 1718 the thermometer rose to 118 deg.
In 1779 the heat at Bologna was so great that a great number of people was stifled. There was not sufficient air for the breath, and people had to take refuge under-ground.
In July, 1793, the heat became intolerable. Vegetables were burned up, and fruit dried upon the trees. The furniture and woodwork in dwelling-houses cracked and split up; meat went bad in an hour.
The rivers ran dry in several provinces during 1811; expedients had to be devised for the grinding of corn.
In 1822 a protracted heat was accompanied by storms and earthquakes; during the drought legions of mice overran Lorraine and Alsace, committing incalculable damage.
In 1832 the heat brought about cholera in France; 20,000 persons fell victims to the visitation in Paris alone.
In 1846 the thermometer marked 125 deg. in the sun.
Take a random New York Times front page story from 83 years ago that wasn’t even a headline, from a time when people understood that hot weather can occur in the month of July. There were people sleeping on the beaches because of the heat and huge crop losses from just 90F weather. Today that temperature doesn’t wreak havoc on daily life, or crops, and if anything even remotely consequential related to hot weather occurs it gets blasted across the front page in big bold black scary digital ink.
Today every news story around weather must be intentionally delirious to manifest the desired fear and hysteria in the masses of useful idiots who do not realize their mind is being targeted for total manipulation.
These psychological operations around climate and weather events have been ongoing for half a century and the corporate state has a record of 0-42 in making future hysterical and unfounded predictions that were often backed up by “the science” of the time.
Even when the truth leaks out through official sources as it does from time to time, the masses who consume only approved corporate state propaganda and have been so conditioned to believe the manufactured hysteria around climate change refuse to see that it’s all a complete and utter farce designed to weaponize one group of people against the thoughtful skeptics who are slandered by their second favorite meaningless label after “racist” — “climate denier”. Imagine what horrors and atrocities can be justified against climate deniers in the name of the deluded arrogance around the agenda of “saving the planet”. More on that coming soon in a post called The Psychopathology of The Green Cult.
For those who have been watching this intentional deceit and manipulation around weather events, it has become a kind of seasonal comic festival where in winter the usual performers arrive in the form of scary and fabricated manias with new lexicons developed to stir hysteria — bomb cyclones, deep freezes, arctic vortexes. In summer a new group of performers arrive on cue and give their best show. These include the usual routines around wildfires and heatwaves along with hilarious bits like “polar ice caps are melting”, “polar bears will be extinct”, and “rising sea levels threaten 100 cities worldwide”. But reality always has an inconvenient habit of incinerating the propaganda as there are too many polar bears, the arctic has prohibited shipping this summer, and trapped vessels because there has been no change to sea ice in the past twenty years.
We haven’t heard much from these latter manias because this year ice levels in the Arctic and Greenland are within the thirty-year average and in May were above average. That’s not a useful narrative, so it is completely ignored by propagandists posing as journalists. Next year if ice melt is above normal, expect those performers to headline next summer’s climate comic festival.
The propagandists in the corporate state media get a lot of help from the data manipulators posing as “scientists”. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have been manipulating data for the past decades to help fit the “global warming” agenda required for social and economic terrorism that gets pleasantly labeled as “opportunities” for ‘great resets’ under our new normal. NOAA uses climate computer modeling, like the geniuses who used virus computer modeling to predict the worst outcomes of cases and deaths that never manifested during the plandemic. The thing about computer modeling? It is only as accurate as the level of honesty of the humans imputing the data to be modeled. NOAA has been caught intentionally lowering temperatures in the past century while increasing averages this century to make it appear that the warming curve is steep and deadly to enhance the global warming narrative.
But the actual measured temperature record shows something different: There have been hot years and hot decades since the turn of the last century, and colder years and colder decades. But the overall measured temperature shows no clear trend over the last century, at least not one that suggests runaway warming.
That is, until the NOAA's statisticians "adjust" the data. Using complex statistical models, they change the data to reflect not reality, but their underlying theories of global warming. That's clear from a simple fact of statistics: Data generate random errors, which cancel out over time. So by averaging data, the errors mostly disappear.
Manipulated data in red shows a 2.5-degree variance from what was measured over the past century in blue:
This year has been a particularly spectacular episode of data tampering by NOAA, as they introduce nearly 2.5 degrees of fake warming since 1895.
The rising sea levels that were predicted for decades based on this tampered warming data never manifested, yet this narrative keeps getting pushed summer after summer. Despite reality combusting this narrative year after year, those who push it buy up the most expensive real estate in the world that sits at sea level in places like Miami Beach, Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, and Monaco.
We’d been hearing about the Maldives for the past thirty years as a case study in potential rising sea levels from “global warming” that just never seems to arrive.

It’s become quite apparent this is all one interconnected global agenda to con the masses into believing that humans are a scourge on the planet and need to be psychologically controlled, behaviorally managed, and even eliminated in great numbers all in the name of “saving the planet”.
If they can get billions of arms injected with deadly toxins posing as vaccines, how difficult will it be to move the same dupes to tie their tubes, abort their offspring, eat tasteless vegan foods, maybe even bugs, while owning nothing and living in tiny pods in managed urban “smart cities” that have total digital surveillance while being surrounded by millions of other completely lost and brainwashed imbeciles living this absurd existence?
Other than the bugs, all that is already happening on a massive scale.
But eating the bugs will follow because any self-behavior can be justified in the deluded mind of those who truly believe with every fiber of their being that their righteous and virtuous actions will save the planet. Since western societies have reared two generations of feelers instead of thinkers, the bugs are just icing on their emotional cakes.
The same people screaming for the peasants to buy electric cars they can’t afford or get rid of their cars altogether while lowering their “carbon footprint” in every facet of their lives are getting richer and richer. Most were already wealthier than the bottom 99% of humanity. For them, no sacrifices will ever be made for the simple reason they are on the winning side of this great con: “Give us your money, time, energy, faith, and devotion to making drastic sacrifices in the name of things we promise and you will eventually find salvation and feel virtuous about it. And don’t forget to always be giving us more money and power if you truly want salvation. Did we mention the money thing?”
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Thanks for sharing.
Man, it's a hot one
Like seven inches from the midday sun
Well, I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone
But you stay so cool
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I don’t know how you have the time and mental energy to research and write on all these topics. Do you have a full-time job? I do. But I appreciate the hard work you put into this. The Covid episode degenerated into a cult. The whole woke movement particularly the Transgender movement is really a carefully crafted corporate marketing campaign to sell therapy surgeries and expensive hormones in pharmaceuticals to vulnerable mostly young girls, And it’s masquerading as a civil rights movement. I’m reminded of Noam Chomsky’s “manufacturing consent”
And this whole climate thing is a giant doomsday cult. And that phrase “net zero“ means death. Somebody who nets zero is never born or isn’t breathing.
It may very well be the case that human activity is changing the climate. It makes perfect sense that releasing large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere over a relatively short geological time frame like 200 years would probably have some impact on the climate or on the environment in general. Human beings and other animals impact the environment in which they live.
But it does not follow from this consideration that the “solution” to this perceived problem is to give government and politicians and unaccountable bureaucracies power to “save” the earth
These organizations can’t even deliver the mail without losing money.
The current climate movement seems to me like a giant money laundering campaign we are by companies that make this so-called green technology like batteries and solar panels lobby politicians around the world with the promise of money and power in exchange to promote their products with exclusive legal deals and crony arrangements. It’s an utterly corrupt and degenerate arrangement.
Only a free market in energy can Address these issues
The entire climate change fear mongering is based on lies and sham science. Just look at parts of US 19 which crosses Tampa bay. If even the most modest predictions of these sham climate “scientists” were even 20% correct on their predictions there would be many places on that highway that would be underwater. Not so. So I guess all the low lying places in America especially along the gulf coast are immune to rising sea levels. Also so many pictures of all the rapidly melting arctic ice cap are just normal pictures of the normal spring melt that’s been happening since the end of the last ice age. So many people are so easily manipulated by these horrible psychopaths. Believe me they have nothing but scorn for you. They laugh at your ignorance. They become excited with glee every time they hear about all the death and destruction these toxic vaccines are causing. In fact they use the fact that so many are so easily fear manipulated to justify why so many people should just disappear. I don’t know about you but I think it’s time these damn psychopaths that are each and every person that has ever had anything to do with Klaus Schwab and his hideous evil WEF are made to disappear.