Super Selection Fever
Some brutal truths about democracy, enfranchisement, and some final scenarios for another performative election.
The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.
George Washington
Farewell Address
September 19, 1796
Fred Trump’s Son in New York City (1977)
American Voters
Voters and non-eligible voters.
Enfranchisement and Disenfranchisement.
These are the buzzwords used by politicians and the stewards of the American experiment since its founding to describe what was once considered a privilege and serious responsibility for the conscientious citizens of the Republic.
Enfranchisement was initially limited to property-owning white males, for many practical reasons. Look around at the state of the “Republic” today and you’ll no doubt see many of those practical reasons. Take one glance at the electoral map if only non-white, non-property-owning, non-taxpaying, non-males vote and you’ll see a bastion of neo-Marxist blue from sea to shining sea that would render whatever remains of the collapsing Republic a San Francisco-esque cesspool.
Among the disenfranchised at the time who today are enfranchised were women, blacks, Indians, illegal aliens, and dead people.
Incarcerated individuals with felony convictions are barred from voting. Some U.S. states disenfranchise felons even after they've served their sentences and paid their debt to society.
Women's suffrage led to the passage and ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1919. After a century of varying waves of ((feminism)), familial destruction, the rise of atheism, and the normalization of divorce to empower corporations and the government to extract two tax-payers from each broken household to maintain an unsustainable level of Empire debt-spending (which is now on the verge of collapse)—the results of this experiment lunacy have been exactly as (honest) social scientists could have predicted.
Since then we have come to learn that a society with a moral compass tuned and programmed by Satanic child trafficking pedophiles, and in the throes of cultural ruin will show that after generations of enfranchisement and psyops to divide the sexes the number one voting issue concerning young women is the right to murder their offspring.
(Less than 1% of aborted babies are conceived from rape or incest)
Kamala on the Thot podcast Call Her Daddy: Men don’t have to worry about the government meddling with their bodies.
Except for mandated experimental bioweapon injections for the transhuman death cult to keep their jobs, and that whole draft thing for the Military Industrial Complex where mostly White Gentile men were sent off to be sacrificed by the hundreds of thousands each decade for “international bankers” so women could keep the right to divorce those men and gain the right to off their offspring without speaking German.
Maps for people who love enfranchisement (Old School Liberals, Independents, and Libertarians) but would be disarmed and sent to FEMA camps if all White Men stopped voting:
Age 18-25
Age 25-35 (There’s that saying about still being liberal after 30…)
Dead People
Drag Queens and Paedophiles
Jews (Trump’s favorite 2% demographic)
Illegals who want to rape and murder college-educated White Women
College-Educated White Women
Founding Fathers’ Map - White Property-Owning (tax-paying) Men
It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.
— Aristotle
Good Citizens
The present champions of maximal enfranchisement hardly refer to the original operations manual of Demos-archy, derived from Ancient Greece. While champions of limited enfranchisement will revert to the wisdom of the founding fathers in creating a Constitutional Republic (not a democracy), one that shouldn’t be obsessed with the irrational whims of the dulled and dis-eased Demos. The greater the enfranchisement, the less value it maintains. The more the state succeeds in dulling the Demos through allopathic (poison) “healthcare” and public indoctrination, the more power it maintains in controlling their thoughts and behaviors.
The more variety in tribes within the Demos, the less social cohesion is possible. Opening the voting booths to maximize enfranchisement is an exercise in civic inflation until those who value the original iteration of their Constitutional Republic most are the ones who become disenfranchised. Perhaps the line between Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Politics falls somewhere in the middle.
The Athenian city-state is hardly a suitable comparison for civic life to a crumbling Empire. Aristotle had little regard for citizens who stayed out of public affairs. Those who refused to participate in governance were a detriment to the community and his disdain for their passivity was clear.
"He who is unwilling to share in the administration of justice, or to undertake any public office, is useless," Aristotle declared.1 Citizenship, to Aristotle, demanded an active role defined by duty and commitment to the common good. Those who failed to engage were, in his view, dead weight.
In ancient Athens, civic duty was the glue of the polis—citizenship required participation: voting, public discourse, taking on leadership, and submitting to governance. Aristotle believed a good citizen must know how to govern and be governed, which was essential to Athenian civic virtue. The citizen’s role was to uphold the state's stability by active participation.
The idea of knowing how “to be governed” in present-day America is revolting to most patriotic citizens, with citizenship having been diluted to a meaningless formality in the eyes of the bloated bureaucratic state that has rendered itself so distant from the average citizens’ experience, it might as well exist on another planet.
American society today differs greatly from the Athenian ideal. The United States is an amalgamation of personal liberties for some, and state tyrannies for most, lacking the communal cohesion that Aristotle valued. Civic engagement is optional rather than fundamental. Voters are a self-interested assembly of incongruent ignorant packs with only tribal allegiances undergirded by ideological dogmas adorned by repeated mantras.
In Athens, civic participation defined citizenship. In America, citizenship is adorned with the right to pay taxes to subsidize citizens’ robots and illegal replacements, enforced at the point of a gun. The focus on individual autonomy is now a lost fossil, and no citizen will consider collective civic responsibility if their individual rights are merely state-sanctioned temporary privileges. Social cohesion in the U.S. is only possible in small homogenous enclaves of virtuous individuals who respect their neighbors, while outside it’s all competing personal interests in a “multicultural” dystopia.
Aristotle would likely view the modern United States with dismay. He would see a society where many are unwilling to be governed, let alone govern—though he wouldn’t blame good citizens where the state and its corporate owners are at fault. He would see tribal demographic loyalties weaponized by the corporate-state to inflict division, and prioritized above shared values. Athenian civic duty was underwritten by a homogeneity fostering cohesion.
Aristotle would likely see an authoritarian and technocratic corporate state only interested in increasing its power in proportion to the level of disharmony it can foster while still selling the illusion of individual liberties and the illusion of political choice. He would see a state interested in keeping its subjects chained to the failed project by any means at its disposal, especially psychological coercion and advanced methods of mind control and behavioral manipulation.
Lastly, he would see the pointlessness of electoral participation at the national level where outcomes are predetermined, and puppet candidates in a “lesser of two evils” performance are already chosen for the people—where politics are reduced to vapid pomp and pageantry and elections are a cruel and absurd pantomime within a dysfunctional Oligarchic Kakistocracy.
Selection Parameters
The selection has already been made. Everything that preceded it for the past four and twenty years was all perception alchemy to instill specific illusions within the electorate's minds.
If the selection has already been made, why not just use the media to push the chosen candidate and launch smear campaigns against the non-chosen candidate? That would destroy the illusion of fair elections.
Performative elections require certain ingredients before being cooked. The ingredients are illusions, but if they do little to hide the trustworthiness of this entire process, it’s because they want some voters to doubt the final results. They want boths sides to believe the other choice is an “existential threat” to the nation.
There’s no way Donald Trump won! Democrats better not certify the results or Democracy will be gone forever!
There’s no way Kamala Harris won! They rigged it against Trump again because he’s the biggest threat to the “deep state”! We have to go tour the Capitol again with the Feds!
Any course that enhances chaos and division is pursued.
Three ingredients to reinforce the illusion of elections:
Voters. Enough people have to believe in the illusion of fair elections so that they are willing to cast a ballot. Given our world of technological advancements and “wonders” somehow there have been none in the fields of consumer banking or elections, silly things that don’t matter much. It still takes three business days to wire money around the world, while it takes 15 seconds using some cryptocurrencies. Voters still have no way to ever check that their ballot was counted for the candidates they chose, and will never see it again once they mail it to the fixers or drop it inside the CIA-controlled fixer boxes. But these grand spectacles require enough people to invest their time and emotional energy in the farce.
Polls that show a close race. Does anyone believe these polls are accurate? I recently read one poll that claims Independents have switched +9 for Democrats in the past month, and then nearly spit out my coffee after reading the fine print. After taking a semester-long graduate course on the politics of political polling I learned the many tricks used to sway the results one way or another beyond the meaningless margin of error. It starts with the framing of questions and the integrity of the sample group polled. Alter the sample group or reframe some questions and the entire poll is skewed. In a climate of political fear around supporting populist candidates, many respondents will simply lie to pollsters. As with elections, these are mostly a farcical tool of the greater farce. Today they are designed to show seven states are “swing” states, and could flip either way. While in reality, these swing states are “rig states” where vote rigging may occur.
An abundance of streamlined and curated group-specific propaganda is essential. It’s not uniform propaganda but puppet-specific propaganda. Go visit Drudge Report on any day and see the Harris-supporter-specific propaganda, catered to their tunnel vision. Watch how they selectively edited her train-wreck 60 Minutes interview of two weeks ago, completing her answers with reporter voiceovers. No amount of editing can make a barely coherent half-sentient puppet appear worthy of the office. Visit (Tel Aviv founded) Breitbart or Daily Fire on any day, or tune in to Fox News for the Trump-supporter-specific propaganda. Two very different realities have been curated for supporters of either candidate.
If you’re going to continue looting a fallen Empire “legally” it will require the consent and participation of its subjects. The masses must be kept in a state of borderline despair and desperation, where even if they recognize all the institutions they were indoctrinated to believe in are completely coopted and working against them, they will bark and scratch around their cages, but never escape and unleash their wrath on those responsible to water that tree of liberty with the blood of the looting traitors and tyrants.
Spray the skies, poison the foods, fill brains with algorithmically tuned neurological contaminants, stuff them with allopathic pharmakeia toxicants, and the dis-eased populous will never bother with anything other than continued participation in the farce and folly while munching on Chick-fil-A artificial sandwiches replete with ingredients like Sodium Aluminum Phosphate, Yellow 4, Blue 1, and Monosodium Glutamate. Even those who recognize the above war on their bodies and minds, and aren’t being poisoned will opt for coping online in group chats, “prepping” and self-reliance over revolt.
Harris Wins Is Selected
Let’s begin with the worst of the two terrible (for different reasons) preselected candidates.
This scenario of Harris being selected only happens with a fix, the same as in 2020. If elections were fair and only verified citizens could vote with a state-issued ID in a state that doesn’t issue them to illegals, and no votes were electronically flipped or dumped in the trash, Trump would win in a similar fashion to Reagan over Mondale in 1984.
This race is….
But that doesn’t matter in selections. If they want her to “win” then she will be the announced “winner.” They’ve been keeping her close in this race in the media and fake polling, so there is still a chance she will be selected.
Her selection would be the ultimate demoralization ritual for an already severely divided and bruised collapsing Empire.
While Harris is a headache to get into the White House, she’s their headache. Once they have her installed, she’d be Joe Biden with a vagina in a pantsuit. She might be a little more combative, slightly more coherent in her speech, and cognizant of her surroundings, but in terms of “shut up and stand there and smile and pretend you know what’s going on” puppetry, she’d be first-rate.
Getting this puppet some executive strings will require a lot of ballot shenanigans, possibly even more so than in 2020:
Internet (network-connected elections) rigging or vote flipping from Trump to Harris
Midnight ballot dumps in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit, Phoenix, and Las Vegas. (See the 2020 election playbook)
Exit Poll fixing to make things look close on selection announcement day
Late Polling (the final week before the election) shows things “Neck and neck!”
Mail-in ballots
Illegals voting by the hundreds of thousands - nobody will verify citizenship
An entire week of fake “ballot counting” until the numbers are what they need to verify the Harris selection
All they need are the above elements, and they have them ready to go.
Forget debates, airhead word salads, interviews, tweets, old policies, four years of total failure (it’s why they were chosen!), celestial coincidences, newly announced freebies to buy votes of this demographic or that one, and the incessant gaslighting—it’s all smoke and mirrors.
Kamala Harris is a plant. She received zero votes in the 2020 Democrat primaries because she failed to raise enough money or poll high enough to continue her campaign. She dropped out two months before the Iowa Caucuses. Perhaps she knew then her party’s primary was fixed for Biden because she was the first to endorse him before he even earned a single vote.
After another fixed primary in 2024, the party dumped the old demented one as if his expire-by date had arrived, and then without a new primary the party apparatchiks simply installed his running mate who was purposely chosen to make the old codger’s ineffectuality and bumbling incompetency seem less obvious. Some speculated Harris was an insurance policy for Biden, but fixed elections don’t need insurance. They don’t need strategies, planning, insurance, or coherence. They’re fixed!
This is the mind of the Democrat Party machine, this is how they think—no matter what lengths we go to insult their intelligence and abuse their trust by incessantly lying to their faces, they still vote for us so we can do whatever the hell we want. They got away with having two of the most incomprehensible half-sentient puppets for four years, increasing their arrogance and hubris, so they doubled down on their dumb-and-dumber duo, going with dumber for 2024.
If Harris is selected it will be for a variety of reasons related to the continued demographic destruction of the Empire. She’ll keep the money and bombs flowing in whatever direction she is told. If Netanyahu calls she will shut up and suck off Israel just as hard as Trump, so that’s no issue. With Ukraine, she’ll keep the money flowing and the mass human sacrifice of Slav Gentiles going. Defense spending will ALWAYS increase, regardless of the chosen puppet. Those 880 overseas Empire bases are going nowhere.
If they seek to keep the DIE agenda tearing up domestic government-corporate morale while engineering “equal outcomes for all” (her words) she will be chosen to usher in more race Marxism to further divide the nation and sabotage economic industries vital to the effective functioning of the nation - including infrastructure and transportation. Her administration will be a hodgepodge of barely sentient low-IQ equity hires not suited to run lemonade stands. The number of mentally ill trannies in top positions will triple. The State Department men’s rooms will have tampon dispensers, while women will forced to pee in front of men dressed as women. By 2028 there will be no more bridges, Boeing stock will be in the penny bin, and planes will fall out of the sky weekly.
Planes and sheeet.
If they select Harris and hand her both Houses, the looting through deficit spending will become extraordinary, as they rubber stamp Green New Deal policies, fossil fuel destruction, energy grid collapse, and accelerate the final collapse of the dollar as the global reserve currency. This happens within a decade regardless of which puppet is selected.
Lastly, a Harris administration will be laser-focused on the destruction of the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution, which are already hanging by a thread in many states. Repealing them will require total power, so this agenda will likely be implemented through activist Federal judges, endless appellate proceedings, and at the local (city and state) levels. Using the power of the DOJ and alphabet rats at the ATF to intimidate gun owners, and the FBI to harass people who are guilty of wrongthink in the eyes of race Marxists.
There will be a massive increase in FBI door knocks for citizens who post truthful observations on social media, as recently happened to LBRY Inc. founder and right-wing Libertarian Jeremy Kauffman, who handled the Stasi toadies like a boss.
His crime? Posting factual information about Haitian IQs, and compatibility with assimilation to American life. This is a demographic the controllers of the Biden regime have been busily importing (by airplane) into American communities by the hundreds of thousands.
Cognitive Dissonance Warning: If you are a die-hard Trump supporter and MIGAite, and believe with every fiber of your being that he will save your country, there are a lot of landmines ahead.
Trump Wins Kushner Is Selected Again
The Donald Trump of 2016 is long gone. He never even got off the runway during his first term, because he was always a puppet. Whatever tiny fraction remained of that version of him during the 2016 campaign was attached to that piece of ear that magically healed five days after the “assassination attempt” in Pennsylvania back in June.
It was tremendous how fast I healed, the doctors couldn’t believe it, they said, “Trump, he regenerates ear skin like something out of this world,” they were shocked at how great I healed. Nobody heals better than Trump.
Donald Trump 2.0 (2024 malware) knows that as the lesser of two evils to the majority of the electorate, he can change his mind on a dozen policies and there will still be enough voters who show up to darken the bubble next to his name on the ballot.
Forget Trump’s interviews, debates, gaffes, changing abortion policies, saying kids can get castrated with parental permission, or filling his mouth with Jewish scrotums to gargle his Zionist bonafides every chance he gets—none of that matters. If he’s the chosen one, they will select him. It would save them a lot of trouble with ballot rigging, dumping, fixing, switching, and collecting votes from dead people and illegals if they just let the vote play out organically.
But that’s probably what they don’t want. Harris voters need to believe in the illusion that she can win, just as they need Trump voters to deeply cling to the possibility that Harris might win also—forever destroying the nation they believe in that never existed. Without a close election, there’s no chaos and division and later order ab chao.
If Trump has already been selected, then it will only confirm war with Iran for Israel is on the table. They will break out the same script from 2002 and the corporate media whores will bark about WMDs, nuclear weapons, mushroom clouds, and “we gotta fighting em’ over there so we don’t have to fight em’ here.” They may even bring back the draft to force young strong white gentile men to enlist and go be slaughtered for the Jews again. They’ve already been telegraphing this option with hilarious controlled opposition narratives around roaming bands of Iranian assassins targeting Trump for assassination for a dollar bounty equivalent to a sous chef’s salary at a fine restaurant in Manhattan.
Trump is no anti-war candidate. He’ll do whatever his masters tell him, just as he did during his first term when he couldn’t be bothered to find $5 Billion in between the DC sofa cushions for his wall, with control of both houses. This is an amount Zelensky now uses to wipe his ass in Kiev when he’s not importing planeloads of booger sugar from Bogota.
One can’t forget how Trump rushed to sign a $6 Trillion hoax pandemic bill (CARES ACT) to kill American pneumonia patients for hospital profits, trigger inflation and scare the shit out of the American people on behalf of the Pharmakea sorcerers like Dr. Fauci - whom he pinned a Presidential medal on his last day in office. Even to this day he still brags about being the father of Operation Warp Genocide.
Trump supporters:
He doesn’t mean it.
You misheard him.
He’s playing 5D chess—you wouldn’t get it.
He has to say these things to get elected and then he’ll drain the swamp!
If it’s the dollar’s last days in the sun there will be nobody better to pin a consumer bank panic and massive currency collapse on than the Orange Messiah. He would be extremely useful in selling independents and conservatives a whole package of tyrannical measures that they otherwise wouldn’t go along with under a Harris administration. This could include trackable CBDCs, digital IDs (Trump already signed an EO to get this going in his first term), and maybe even Gold confiscation a la FDR in 1934 if there’s a total collapse of the fiat banking system.
Trump has promised the Selection Committee he will continue importing millions and millions (so many it’s going to be tremendous!) more third-worlders to replace Americans and undercut every class of American worker, but since he’s going to do it legally, he thinks it’s perfectly okay to accelerate the demographic destruction of the Empire. Fortune 500 companies love cheap labor as do Trump’s masters at Big Tech companies. Think about the mentality of a man who believes it’s okay to continue the demographic destruction of a nation for the economic benefit of the top 1%.
The idea that a nation’s inhabitants are merely the sum of economic units to extract labor value for GDP growth to keep equity markets flourishing, is tantamount to treason. Imagine thinking that if those economic units don’t reproduce they can be replaced on a whim by importing cheaper economic units.
This is the kind of internationalist worldview that poisons cultures into the planned Kalergi death spiral, rendering once-great nations dysfunctional refugee camps. No matter how much discomfort this truth elicits in readers, it must be stated—this globalist aim for the benefit of a small clique of international bankers seeking to destroy certain ethnicities is the worldview that Adolf Hitler fought urgently to eliminate. And that’s why they indoctrinate the masses to believe he was evil incarnate. But Trump has stated with great enthusiasm he will work on behalf of this clique to keep the Empire on the demographic path of total destruction. The destruction is mostly done. The Empire is essentially already standing two feet in the grave, and without a disgruntled Austrian painter on the ballot, there’s no hope of reversing this trend.
The fact that he would openly talk about Blackrock CEO Larry Fink as his treasury secretary should say everything about what kind of “candidate” he is, and just how catastrophic his second term will be. Perhaps he can appoint Bill Gates as head of the CDC, Klaus “Crickets” Schwab as head of the FDA, Yuval Harari as an advisor on ethical AI, and Dr. Strangelove as his Secretary of Defense.
He’ll give them all what they love in exchange for more campaign Shekels. When in office, he will serve as Peter Thiel’s bitch, Netanyahu’s whore, and will be the front man for a second Kushner administration. His transition team co-chair Howard Lutnik has admitted that Jared Kushner is actively involved in staffing a second Trump term, and anyone associated with Project 2025 (Trump’s 2016 platform on steroids) has been blacklisted. Americans won’t even get Trump Lite, they’ll get Kushner with a side of Kosher Trump…again.
Other than increased tariffs on American companies that manufacture overseas, and some TDS NPCs rioting in the streets of blue cities, a second Kushner administration won’t be anything to write to the spirit of the founding fathers about. They wouldn’t be impressed at all with this man or his father-in-law, who many think is the savior of a nation that hasn’t existed in their lifetimes.
Lastly, there’s a reason JD Vance was selected for Trump by Miriam Adelson, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and the rest of the MIC/PayPal mafia. Beware the guy who was Anti-Trump and Pro-Swamp for most of Trump’s first administration. People can change, but nobody does a 180 like JD Vance has without ulterior motives, other than money.
When they finally do decide The Donald isn’t needed anymore by bullet or impeachment, they have exactly who they want, right where they want him. Those federal court cases (Jack Smith’s) could see a sudden resurgence after January, with a Democrat-controlled House, and GOP-controlled Senate voting to oust the latest “winner” of the theatrical farce, sending 100 million patriotic Americans into a frenzy.
A case could be made that this entire election was the process of setting up JD Vance to sit in the Oval Office no later than May 2025.
Arthur Fleck’s Favorite

In the case of an electoral college tie, the House of Representatives would vote to break the tie, selecting Donald Trump. This would drive the TDS goons mad, sending the nation into a Saint George Floyd-esque “mostly peaceful” riot party meltdown.
Those programmed to believe the Orange Messiah is a “threat to democracy” would deliver the desired chaos and anarchy, especially in their cities, because as we all learned from history, there’s nothing more effective in gaining change through revolution than burning down your own neighborhoods, looting the local merchants to ensure they never return, and defunding the local police department to guarantee years of high crime and madness.
Now picture the nation going from one extreme to another in less than six months. Chaos and anarchy from the TDS mental defectives from November through May, and then Trump is impeached by both parties (they both hate his guts) and Vance is installed as President sending the MIGAites into a frenzy of chaos and anarchy. Will that be enough to finally trigger that civil war, or will the MIGAites realize that JD Vance will do just as good a job at making Israel Great as Trump would have?
The Empire of Lies is prepared for any scenario.
Guaranteed Winners after 2024
Cocaine Poison Dwarf of Ukraine
Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Hedge Funds, Forbes Billionaire List
Israel Again
Bill Gates Mrna, Bug Protein, and Fake Meat Investments
Big Pharma, Big Agra, Big Banks, Big Equity, Big F**kery
Hotel Chains Hosting Illegals
NGO/((Greate Replacement Industrial Complex))
Geoengineering Industrial Complex
Military Industrial Complex
Transhuman Eugenicists
Pay Pal Mafia
Check Cashing Places
Big Tech Parasites
Non-White Illegals and Green Card Holders
Guaranteed Losers
The American People (legal citizens)
The American Middle Class
Employed Tax Payers
White Men
Family Pets
Cats in Ohio
Ukrainian Men: age 16-65
Land Owners
The U.S. Dollar
The American People Again
The Palestinian People
Common Sense
European Gas Pipelines
As I wrote back in December of last year:
Don’t wast a minute of your time following the theatrical farce during the next year. There are no political options to improve your nation or your station in life. The nation you thought you were born into hasn’t existed in at least a century.
Use the next year to vote for yourself.
You get the opportunity to vote for yourself, your family, and your community daily.
And that’s the only vote that will ever make a difference in your life.
I was probably wrong about one thing in this passage. The Republic hasn’t existed since at least 1860 and probably 1812, though 1913 was the final takeover.
Democracy is an illusion and it’s always been overrated. Even if it were to function properly in an overly enfranchised fallen empire it is merely a tyranny of the dumbed-down majority.
Which also makes it a farce within an Idiocracy.
Voting in a theatrical farce is for common people who don’t mind tyranny, so long as it’s sanctioned by their herd.
But if it makes you happy, go on then, do it.
And if you live in a half dozen swing states, in six months go to your county election officials and ask to see the ballot you signed and submitted, and demand evidence that it was counted toward the candidate you chose.
Then go to Tartarus and try and push that boulder to the top of that hill.
She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College
That's where I
Caught her eye
She told me that her Dad was loaded
I said "In that case, I'll have rum and Coca-Cola"
She said "fine"
And then in thirty seconds time she said
"I wanna live like common people
I wanna do whatever common people do
Wanna sleep with common people
I wanna sleep with common people like you."
Well, what else could I do?
I said "I'll... I'll see what I can do"
Empire of Lies Hopeium Addicts’ Recovery Clinic
Fixed Income Pensioner Discount (honor system)
Student Discount (valid .edu email)
Thank you for sharing
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Aristotle: Politics, Book III
About the best analysis of the state of affairs I've seen, in relatively few words.
The only important point I didn't see mentioned was to expect some type of large domestic psy op to grease the skids for Iran war. Something splashy. This event/s will double as cause for advancing other agendas, like finishing up the eradication of 1st and 2nd amendments.
Also, make the most of and enjoy this type of internet while we have it. We won't 4 years from now.
GC you are a very gifted writer and your view are the best. rabbi trump the marmalade messiah will probably be put in to start a war with Iran on orders from the foreskin chewers. but do not worry cumela harris said a few days ago that Iran was US No 1 enemy. jared "kosher" kushner is running for the third time for his second term like you stated.
I say this country cant be fixed at least 75% of the white people gleefully accept and pay for their demise. like you said only a man like the austrian painter could maybe right the ship. voting and praying will do nothing only steel and lead will change the outcome