One question that is undoubtedly entering the minds of more and more people awakening to the sudden “coincidences” happening all around them:
What is the appropriate response to discovering that my government wants me dead and they’re using regulatory agencies overseeing “healthcare” and “medicine” to execute me and my family?
It’s just another logical question in a sequence of awakenings.
2001: Did the government just blow up some buildings and crash some airliners? Did they just mail some Anthrax to start a war on “terror” so it can completely violate more of my civil liberties with the Patriot Act and further destroy our currency with massive transfers of wealth to the Military Industrial Complex?
Just don’t search for dancing Israelis.
Cough. Cough.
2003: Is the government lying about weapons of mass destruction and trying to blame 9/11 on Saddam Hussein because all the bloodthirsty neocons behind the Project for a New American Century are now in power?
Texan brush clearer reading Cheney’s script: We have to fight the evildoers over there, so we don’t have to fight em’ here. Hee. Hee.
War is peace.
Cough. Cough.
2005: Is the government torturing captives and droning innocent people in places most Americans couldn’t find on a map, and doing it in my name with my tax dollars?
Anti-American libtard!
2008: The government is going to print trillions of dollars to bail out the banks that eliminated lending standards, paid the ratings agencies to lie about the risk of their investment products, and bailout insurance companies for insuring those worthless MBS products and derivatives that destroyed the global economy and left millions of Americans homeless?
2009: H1N1 isn’t really killing that many people or spreading outside of Asia, are they trying to create a pandemic through the media like Alex Jones keeps warning?
Stop watching Alex Jones!
2010: Good Citizen returns to the states to check in on family after four years away and sees only television commercials for drugs, all ending in a list of horrific side effects worse than the original ailment the drug was meant to “cure” while telling viewers to Ask your doctor if dumbator is right for you!
June 12, 2013: Edward Snowden says the NSA and government are collecting all online and phone data on all Americans, all of the time, and they’re working with tech companies?
June 13, 2013, American People:
2016: Did the CIA create ISIS to topple Assad and terrorize Europeans while Obama proceeded to drop 26,600 bombs on Syria in one year, so many bombs that the U.S. ran out of bombs that year?
2019: Is the U.S. helping Saudi Arabia kill hundreds of thousands of children in Yemen through another humanitarian crisis, similar to the one in Iraq in the 1990s that killed half a million Iraqi children that Madeleine Albright said was “worth it”?
2020: Did the swamp and Uniparty just collude to rig a Presidential election? Did I just watch the CIA do domestically what they’ve done in foreign lands for sixty years—engineer coups and topple the “wrong” leaders?
2021: Why are young and healthy people dying suddenly all the time?
Don’t believe your lying eyes. It’s all just sudden coincidences. Your government loves you!
Cough. Cough.
2022: Why are the most vaccinated people suffering and dying from routine illnesses?

In that Tru TV series Conspiracy Theories (2009) hosted by former-libertarian and critical thinker turned establishment stooge Jessie Ventura, he speaks with a younger, more handsome Alex Jones (prior to his accelerated aging program via super male vitality and billion-dollar kangaroo court judgments) who warns him of the compulsory vaccine depopulation delivery plans of the New World Order.
Jones refers Ventura to one of his primary sources for this agenda, Dr. Rima Laibow M.D. who knows what’s coming and has already escaped the United States for Panama. She fears living in the U.S. and reluctantly returns to meet with Ventura to discuss the agenda before immediately boarding a plane back to Panama.
Dr. Laibow claims that years ago a woman client of hers connected to the “aristocratic class” told her the Great Culling was near. What great culling? The women said those in power would intentionally kill off billions of “useless eaters” who are using up all their resources.
She says this great culling would happen with a fake pandemic and manufactured vaccines that deliver a slow genocide.
What this means is a genocidal holocaust. Men and Women will sicken and die and those that survive will be infertile.
— Dr. Rima Laibow (2009)
Dr. Laibow’s client used the exact term that Klaus Schwab’s untergebener techno-profit Malthusian futurist sauna boy Yuval Harari used many years later in describing the masses of humans they will be eliminating or transforming—useless eaters. It must be an acceptable term in the circles of the Global technocratic elite to label anyone not part of their tribe as disposable, dispensable, useless eaters.
This global cabal will soon host their Davos pilgrimage, where the world’s sociopaths and psychopaths fly on 2000 private jets to Switzerland to discuss how the useless eaters will have to go without certain foods, gas stoves, petrol cars, and live in controlled 15-minute zones within “smart cities” so that all basic human rights become exclusive to the wealthy chosen few.
This global cabal controls all western governments busily engaged with enslaving and killing their own populations, slowly for decades and now on what appears to be an accelerated timeline.
Commiefornia is on the fast track to implementing this living hell by banning petrol cars within the next decade. As of the first of the year, doctors there can’t question the Covidien narrative or they’ll be spreading “misinformation” and risk having their medical license revoked. New York is not far behind. Other eco-communist states whoring for the global technocratic regime will soon follow.
And so we’ve arrived at the point in their agenda where they orchestrate a genocide in broad daylight for all the useless eaters to see, while governments play dumb and pretend it’s not really happening and then double down, and triple down on the cause of the genocide.
When you visit a clinic in the U.S. for “health care,” the first question they ask is if you’ve had your Covid booster. They assume if you’re a senior, you went and obediently got your first 2-3 fixings of gene juice. The second question is more of the same but for those useless flu shots, they’ve been pushing for decades.
Not a day passes now when a celebrity or very young person drops dead of a sudden coincidence and makes news headlines around the world. Think of all the non-celebrity deaths being chalked up to routine causes. We don’t know their names but can see them in all the excess mortality statistics across the most “vaccinated” countries.
And yet governments are still pushing the cause of the sudden coincidences on everyone, while their functionary drones like that buffoon Neil deGrasse Tyson and that gormless pig Piers Morgan still insist it has saved millions of lives and protected the most vulnerable—the elderly, who governments drowning in trillions of pension liabilities are in the process of eliminating rapidly with endless boosters.
40% of the over-65 demographic went and got their Bivalent booster this past autumn, the one that was tested on eight mice. As reported here this past summer of those mice trials, five mice ended up dead, two are 5G antennas atop the FDA building, while the last mouse was used by Gates and Harari to, well it doesn’t matter.
Alex Jones recently telling Piers Morgan that he’ll stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 is just what the doctor ordered, still, governments haven’t stopped trying to kill their populations or render them infertile as both Jones and Dr. Laibow warned in 2009.
The original question.
What is the appropriate response to discovering that your government wants you dead?
It cannot be more of the same.
The remaining two-thirds of this post has some personal details of healthcare experiences in the U.S. compared to Mexico, including Citizen family members, and therefore must be reserved for the flock.
Senior Good Citizens: Tales From the Script
Papa Citizen was in the ER twice in November. They took x-rays, gave him an IV drip, and sent him home after a few hours with nothing. No treatment, no diagnosis, no food or drink instructions, or vitamins, nothing. Both times. They simply told him he had “Covid,” whatever the hell that is, and here’s your $229 bill with full insurance.
He’s pushing 80.
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