Discover more from The Good Citizen
Dear Subscribers,
The time has come sooner than I thought. The marketing and promotional materials Substack has provided to invite you to take the Good Citizen pill is of no use to me. They want me to mandate it or threaten your jobs and lock you in your homes and damn it that's no way to treat Good Citizens!
All I have are my words, which have no deadly side effects, hopefully. And if my words have yet to convince you then please take five minutes of your time and allow me another opportunity.
(Please note: Nothing is changing here, there will always be plenty of free content.)
Attention is value today. The entire market capitalization of Facebook at its peak last year was a TRILLION dollars and it’s all because of the collective attention-labor provided for free by its users. They get no compensation in return for seeing ads or creating content that Facebook profits from while sharing user information with government spy agencies. It’s a raw deal. (I have many thoughts on solutions to this you’ll be reading about beyond decentralization.)
Because Substack is not an advertising based model but a subscription model, you are forgiven the noxious fumes of digital ads polluting this space, but this means that creators must be supported by readers like you. It’s also because of this subscription model that there is NO CENSORSHIP on Substack. If you want to endorse creators on a platform that doesn’t bend to the censorious mob, this is a place to do it!
When choosing to part with your well earned income on Substack you are investing in future content for your future attention. Your paid subscription is an endorsement of that creator and the content they produce. Consider some questions…
Why Go Paid
Is this creator putting in time, effort, research and knowledge to curate an enjoyable experience that is worth parting with the equivalent of a pint of beer each month?
Does this Substack offer me anything new that’s not already out there? Am I learning new things or reading original ideas?
Am I entertained or amused by this Substack?
Is this Substack stuck on old narratives provided by those in power who want us to follow the breadcrumbs they drop, or are they trying to be ahead of the curve in how they think, write and describe our world today?
Culture Pirates
For each quality medium or long form essay produced on Substack, writers would have been able to stay in a hotel for a month in Paris and dine at Brasseries while drinking expensive wines and seeing shows each night if this were anytime between 1890-1990. Even the most average writers of decades past were duly compensated for their words. Yes, we live in different times. There was a time we valued cultural production. People paid good money for good writing. How we consume cultural digital content (expecting everything for free) has degraded the quality of that content. Notice a difference in the quality of music, literature and film since the turn of this century? What changed at around exactly the same time?
As Leon Wieseltier wrote in his 2015 essay, Among the Disrupted, of our digital pirates…
The streets of American cities are haunted by the ghosts of bookstores and record stores, which have been destroyed by the greatest thugs in the history of the culture industry. Writers hover between a decent poverty and an indecent one; they are expected to render the fruits of their labors for little and even for nothing, and all the miracles of electronic dissemination somehow do not suffice for compensation, either of the fiscal or the spiritual kind.
Good writing needs to be valued again. Substack is an excellent platform to help realize this again and to also help support an outlet that is combating all the worst elements of the Big Tech mafia that seeks to manipulate and control information and people.
Good Citizen Credentials (should they matter to you)
02’ - BA in Political Science (Political Philosophy)
12’ - MA in Sociology (Surveillance Studies and Digital Culture)
18’ - PhD Candidate in Political Science (Online Censorship/Propaganda)
I have lived in CA, OR, MT and five different European countries over the past 15 years and traveled through a dozen others. I’ve worked in Banking, Real Estate, Technology and thought I would head for the halls of a university upon finishing my doctorate, but that’s up in the air for now given the present state of western academia.
The one thing I’ve always done is write. Poetry as a teenager. Screenplays, short stories and a few novels in my 20s/30s. Some essays on politics and culture have been published by our “sophisticated” cultural gatekeepers. The first screenplay I wrote was a top 10 finalist in several hollyweird competitions. A past life as a web designer gives me above average photoshop skills, and past experiences with filmmaking offer above average video editing skills. All will serve to enhance your experience here. GC video edits coming soon.
Why Anonymous?
There is power and liberty for those with privacy and anonymity, which is why they are trying to take both away from us with covid passports and digital implants (soon). The more they succeed, and the more people willingly surrender privacy and anonymity, the more powerful they become and the more value they will hold in our world. My liberty to create without limitations is enhanced with both. There are also crazies everywhere, and telling the truth today makes anyone a target of crazies. I do not wish to put those I care about in harm’s way with my words. Unfortunately that’s our world today. I am also not interested in attaching my name to my words for attention or celebrity. However if my anonymity ceases one day, so be it. I stand by every word here and do not fear this.
My Pledge to Paying Subscribers
Your loyalty and interest in what I write means a lot to me. Your subscription will be valued by me as much as I hope it is of value to you. I will still need the freedom to make choices on my own, some of which you may not agree at times. There is simply no pleasing everyone all the time.
I will suspend/refund your paid subscriptions temporarily/permanently if anything should happen that prevents me from producing works, and it would accompany a notice of such action.
PLEASE READ: If any monthly paid subscribers fall on hard times and need to suspend payment for a few months for whatever reason, email me first before unsubscribing and I will cover those months for you no questions asked until you can get back on your feet. It’s in difficult times when we need our Good Citizen Medicine the most.
You can expect between 2-4 posts per week. Some weeks there might be 5-7. It all depends on what’s happening and the circulation threshold of creative juices within me. I will try to keep the bar high but not everything will hit the target - the price of creative exploration.
Here’s some of what you’ll get.
Long and short essays and commentary
Occasional opinions on contemporary events
Common Range of Topics: The Silent War and all its corollaries… Information Dissemination and Consumption, Propaganda, Censorship, Media, Digital technologies, Global Technocracy, Oligarchy, Plandemic Crimes, Cultural critiques, Historical comparisons
Less Common: Economics, Party Politics, Popular Culture
Range: From serious essays to satire, parody, short fiction, even screenplays.
Video Shorts - News/speeches or current events reedited to tell as story
Within the next month - AI generated audio for longer essays so you can listen while doing something else (under podcast tab or with a soundcloud player embedded)
Will look to hire an editor eventually. Apologies for the grammar mistakes in emails. There’s always something that slips through a self edit.
It’s best to view content inside a browser if you can. Email clients don’t bring out the best in Substack posts.
Founding Members (The Good Citizen Flock)
There will be a GC book published later this year. A collection of Essays from 21’-22’ under the title Everything Is Clear From Up Here from the New Year’s eve essay of the same title. The collection will have at least five new essays not posted here. Founding members only (between now and the end of April) will get a free signed copy mailed to them at the end of they year.
First 10 Founding Members (The Flock of the flock) will also receive a $25 Credit for Good Citizen clothing at the end of the year when the book ships. Redeemable for anything on Forbidden Clothes’ website.
Now, if you’re still not convinced that’s okay. I won’t lock you in your homes for not taking your Good Citizen Medicine!
There will still be lots of free content to enjoy and the best way you can always support The Good Citizen is to simply like and share posts, which takes only a few seconds of your time.
Yours in darkness and in light, in sickness and in health, in liberty and tyranny, until censorship do us part.
The Good Citizen
You can always purchase one anytime in the future. Crypto discounts below.
Those who prefer to pay by crypto, you can buy discounted one-year subscriptions with 5 different Cryptocurrencies -10% off for $69. Founding members: $159.
Email me transaction IDs:
BTC: bc1qchkg507t0qtg27fuccgmrfnau9s3nk4kvgkwk0
DASH: XtxYWFuUKPbz6eQbpQNP8As6Uxm968R9nu
XMR: 42ESfh5mdZ5f5vryjRjRzkEYWVnY7uGaaDPTm6bsYztSe3v9EbyzDWKEtzR6v9iGoRbc6EYgczXnfiVpPuoqVioZUFPBLXB
You email me with transaction confirmation IDs. I’ll initiate your subscription based on your Substack email address, the one you use to get GC content, so if it’s a different address than what you use to contact me for cypto, please include that too.
It has been on a to do list of mine to switch around some of my subscriptions, and you gave me a great list to go by of who I should choose to support - I have to admit my mental list was quite similar as I supported some people in my early Substack days that I gratefully unsubscribed from already! Your writing is some of the most thought provoking on Substack; I am happy to help support your endeavors financially as I look forward to reading your ideas. Thanks for your creative and honest spirit!
Wow--you sold me. I follow a handful of Substacks and only pay for 2 (now 3). Yours is the first I did the annual subscription. Totally worth it, you are right!