The Prodding Trowel
If we cannot dig where truths have been buried, the past will be forgotten.
In recent months the masses of Rockefelleducated indoctrinees have been contending with collective social distress rooted in a proverb of historicity that has stood since antiquity. It might be summarized as follows: one can know and propagate the victors’ version of history, or one can know the truth and be its noble shepherd, but the two are rarely compatible.
Thucydides prefaced his History of The Peloponnesian War, with a similar sentiment. In his Annals, Tacitus observed, “Truth is confirmed by inspection and delay; falsehood by haste and uncertainty.” How much uncertainty has there been about Western official narratives, from so many who repeat the same charge against its creators, “They lied to us about everything!”?
For every dozen screams of this claim, half will repeat it with conviction, until they encounter certain historical dogmas of fantasy fiction piled high where the true version of events remains buried. Their programming refuses to untangle the anomalous inconsistency that they lied to us about everything! Everything but…historical events in the 1930s and 1940s—that, well they didn’t lie about that! And anyone who says so is a (insert insult here, often the same one used by the woke left—Nazi!). Indoctrinated Westerners appear intent on embracing that status, and lack the curiosity that fosters inspection of their sacred cows, upon which a prison for their mind has been constructed by those in power who created the towering walls and steel bars for their benefit.
Recent popular podcasts have revisited the historical Western mythos of demonstrable fantasies surrounding one of the most controversial subjects that should furnish no controversies in a free and open society eight decades separated from its conclusion. The so-called controversies around this global conflict are hardly elicited from any squabbling over the Allied invasion of Italy, Normandy, or North Africa. Nobody clenches their sphincter and grinds their teeth over any mention of Germany’s conquest of Denmark and Norway for access to the Atlantic Ocean, Sweden’s Iron Ore, and the only heavy water plant on the planet at Rjemork. Nobody EVER screams, “They occupied Denmark and Norway and put tens of thousands of Norwegians in camps! How dare you question the Norwegian victims of Nazi atrocities!!”
No mockery or scorn is elicited from questions about battles in the South Pacific. Christians did not cry about their religious fellows gathered at the Catholic Urukami Tenshudo church in Nagasaki at 11:02 am on August 9, 1945, before they were incinerated along with 90% of the 15,000 Christians living in the city at the time. Christians do not cry out for mass censorship for anyone who justifies this atrocity as “a necessity to save our boys,” which surprisingly many still do. Do those who justify both atomic weapons massacres of innocent civilians know that another three bombs were planned for Japanese civilians through the rest of August, three more for September, and another for October of 1945, all in different civilian populated cities?
Do they know that before Little Boy and Fat Man, the U.S. firebombed Japanese cities indiscriminately killing hundreds of thousands of women and children and even hundreds of allied POWs in those cities? Did the Department of Civilian Incineration send official letters to the widows of these POWs saying, "Hey, sorry we firebombed your husband who was a prisoner of war in Kobe— it’s a tough break sweetheart but we had to incinerate a few hundred thousand wood and paper mache homes for DuPont chemical with our new napalm toy to stop dangerous Jap women and children.”? Or did they lie and say their husbands died fighting valiantly on some Pacific Island, taking out an entire Japanese bunker with a brave solo assault up a steep incline that turned the tide of a skirmish?
The construction of model Japanese homes in the Utah desert in 1943 matching those across Japan, served armament manufacturers well in determining what incendiary would burn the strongest and longest and inflict the most civilian casualties. On March 10, 1945, U.S. B-29 bombers dropped 1665 tonnes of incendiary bombs on tightly packed wooden and paper homes in Tokyo, burning 16 square miles for hours while melting the flesh off of over 110,000 Japanese civilians. As many Good Citizen Americans will recall from their formative years, Rockefeller Department of Education middle school history teachers often dedicate a whole month of curriculum to this tragedy and others like it, including the Diary of a young Japanese girl Aiko Tanaka.
The Japanese Americans had to wait another nine months after the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to find out how many of their kin were incinerated by DuPont napalm or flash burned into the concrete where the stood by Oppenheimer’s radiation-shockwave-destroyer-of-worlds. It wasn’t until the summer of 1946 that masonic stooge Truman freed the 120,000 from internment in concentration camps across seven U.S. states. Four years prior they had their assets, homes, businesses, and properties seized or sold at a fraction of their value. They were forced to abandon their properties and businesses, losing everything they had built.

Well, them Japs deserved it! They started it!
Did they?
Before fluoridated water calcified pineal glands, the American people were wisely and stubbornly isolationist and wanted nothing to do with the war in Europe or a conflict with Japan. The public sentiment was very much “America First” and to stay out of foreign entanglements, so a few thousand of “our boys”—seamen and airmen had to be sacrificed at Pearl Harbor. FDR and his administration spent nine months doing everything possible to bait the Japanese into attacking. Naval intelligence had already (partially) broken the “purple code” of Japanese communications that revealed heavy Japanese surveillance of Pearl Harbor in the months leading up to the attack. No less than fifty cables and diplomatic warnings came from a dozen allies starting in January of 1941—eleven months before the event. By November of 1941, FDR ordered the Red Cross Disaster Relief director to secretly prepare for massive casualties at Pearl Harbor because he was going to let it be attacked. When the director protested to the President, Roosevelt told him that "the American people would never agree to enter the war in Europe unless they were attacked within their own borders."
If all of these analogies seem ridiculous or built upon straw then I have not succeeded in making the simple point that historical claims that pass without dissent have usually withstood the test of scrutiny—while lies stir the noise of those whose power rests upon their foundations.
None of these historical facts regarding other areas of the global conflict provoke hysterical reactions and accusations of being a “Nazi!” However, mention anything about Hitler’s dozen sensible peace proposals to Poland, Britain, and France, starting as early as 1934 to a rather bellicose Poland with a military dictatorship holding 1.5 million ethnic Germans hostage while seizing their property, and reinforce these facts with firsthand historical sources and you’ll start to hear uncomfortable gurgling noises from programmed normies who are certain that every Hollywood movie and documentary on Hitler was a historical fact. He was the most evil man ever to walk the earth!
Ask people like Konstantin Kisin and Bari Weiss who really owned, groomed, and controlled Winston Churchill and made sure there would NEVER be peace on the European continent until Germany was burned to the ground and these sophists will vomit invectives at you as if you were sporting a Hugo Boss leather trench coat and a toothbrush mustache.
Germany is becoming too strong. We must crush her... You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler, or a Jesuit priest.
— Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill: His Career in War and Peace
Emrys Hughs
Some have called this behavior evidence of gospel for a modern Western religion, along with scientism. But make no mistake, this is cult behavior. Even many religious fundamentalists are secure enough in their beliefs, that if those beliefs are ever questioned they’ll engage with the petitioner in clarifications, and if accused of falsehoods will defend their position or maybe not feel the need to defend anything and simply smile and walk away.
Why is there such a hostile and visceral reaction when certain topics around this global catastrophe from eight decades ago are broached?
What kind of cult feels so threatened by inquiry and the sharing of easily verifiable facts?
One whose decades of lies have built their structures and institutions of power and control over the Western masses?
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