Did you think this war was gonna fit in with your world, your ideas?
The Silent War on humanity rages on.
As predicted some locations in the west are faring better than others.
The war on Americans is getting kicked up the urgency ladder from the usual psychological conditioning and programming through mockingbird news and information to a full-on corporeal assault in plain view for all to see.
Except for those still roosting in pink goo.
A lifetime of psychological shelling to engender misguided trust in all the wrong people and institutions is not something that gets deprogrammed overnight.
It is by nature a deceptive war, cloaked by belligerents who fly under the radar of populations and deploy their armaments into the bloodstream of innocents ill-equipped to recognize their bodies as targets, having been sufficiently softened up by a lifetime of psychological disinformation shelling to their minds.
It’s the usual fare at the Silent War carnival.
The never-ending spectacle of gene juice sudden coincidences will probably plague humanity indefinitely until we are all part of the new DARPA-planned species of homoborgenesis.
The CDC just added mRNA love juice to the childhood vaccine schedule starting at 6-months-old, because the CDC loves America’s toddlers and wants to protect them.
Inflation. Energy grid destruction. Bird cullings with fake PCR tests. Chicken feed sabotage. 2000 cattle suffering SBDS (Sudden Bovinae Death Syndrome) in the middle of summer because of a “heat wave.” Dozens more simply dropped dead “mysteriously” in Colorado late last year which still has investigators “stumped.”
We’re beyond meat and beyond mysteries.
And we can’t forget all the usual environmental and economic terrorism through spontaneous combustion of agricultural plants, farms, grocery stores, egg-laying hen warehouses, energy pipelines, and fiat currency values to further decimate the middle classes.
If you’re wondering what two years of economic and environmental terrorism against the American people by the masters of Globopsycho looks like visit this custom ZeeMap with every grain silo, food pantry, agricultural processor, industrial plant, farm, and grocery store that got the spook’s match. Notice only a few “incidents” in Mexico. The United States must be targeted because it’s the last place on earth with too many stubborn people who still hold dear, above all else, their liberty.
A total failure of industrial transportation in curious locations at major watersheds now absorbing toxic substances appears to be the latest gambit.
Suddenly, like a young, fit triathlete dying on a 10k training run, trains can’t seem to stay on their tracks, and trucks keep tipping over in the wind.
These are not benign trains transporting wood chips or pig manure. These are trains transporting the most toxic chemicals imaginable.
One train in Michigan. Another in Texas. A tanker truck near Tuscon, Arizona just yesterday went off the road.
Before all those, the mothership of Vinyl Chloride clouds that took out half the eastern seaboard will probably kill more Americans fast and slowly than Fauci could manage in a hundred careers.
The CDC adjusted their vinyl chloride toxicity levels for human exposure and removed some important info from their website in the days just after the crash but before the intentional government-created Chernobyl cloud of death.
Wokeflix produced the film version of the terror op called White Noise, adapted from an old Don DeLillo novel one year before Globopsycho turned it into reality.
The cult of death has some ritual about warning the herd of things to come to justify their terror.
You’ve been warned normies. We showed you on Wokeflix what comes next.
The media are doing their job by being totally flippant and unconcerned. It’s just a bunch of dummies in flyover country, not enlightened trendy liberals in Williamsburg or Foggy Bottom.
Why aren’t trains with Vinyl chloride derailing near Santa Monica or East Hampton, NY?
The AP wants people to know that there’s misinformation out there about where the toxic runoff will go and just how bad it is. At a time like this Ohioans should be extremely grateful the AP is looking out for their health.
Oh, the horror!
The government is quite pleased with the results. After all the train cars were labeled as “non-hazardous.”
Nothing to see here.
Ohio’s waters are boiling.
Will the toxins flow south into the lower Mississippi basin and all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico?
Birds are falling from the sky.
Fish are belly up.
Frogs were boiled slowly and didn’t jump fast enough.
And that’s how the government knows it’s perfectly safe for people to go back home near ground zero of their dirty work.
The transport company is owned and controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard as usual so they too are probably toasting with Klaus and a glass of champagne.
Sure, they’ll pay a fine someday and settle some lawsuits for fractions of what they should owe or simply shift some figures around and then declare bankruptcy so they don’t have to owe anything at all.
Only the lawyers win again.
All those industrious hard-working Americans who thought they could buy a little piece of heaven, a little plot of the American dream on five acres in a peaceful rural area with livestock and a garden near a freshwater source, and the government would just leave them alone.
The American homestead and small farmer must face a new reality.
The U.S. government and its intel pig saboteurs will find you.
They don’t need a warrant to search your property.
They don’t need to frame you with radioactive FBI bots online to lure you into some faux militia group on Facebook to concoct a plan to kidnap a governor.
They don’t even need to come within a hundred miles of your property.
All they need to do is keep poisoning your air, water, and soil.
Chemistry, human biology, and time will take care of the rest.
And if you don’t get cancer soon enough, they’ll just seize your property and toss you in a FEMA camp.
There’s some chatter in the digital ether about some Agenda 30 scheme in times of environmental disasters that permits the government to relocate citizens from their property to a place of their choosing—including camps.
But it’s nothing new. In 1994 Bill Clinton signed executive order 12919.
And the desecration of the 5th Amendment is now on overdrive, though it’s always been subject to the whims of government tyranny.
California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order allowing him to commandeer any private property deemed necessary to respond to an ongoing emergency under the California Emergency Services Act. Laws in several other states, including Colorado, Indiana and Minnesota, similarly authorize the executive branch to swiftly acquire private property during a peacetime emergency.
Just ask Japanese Americans about private property in 1944.
Except you and your family, and your community and your fellow citizens are now Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini.
The war is against you and you’re currently paying taxes to those who are psychologically shelling your mind and chemically nuking your body.
There are plenty of comments out there asking some variation of “What do we do about it?”
I posed the question a few weeks ago:
What is the appropriate response to first discovering that your government wants you dead?
Sixteen years ago this fluffy ram answered it by getting the hell out of dodge and never looking back.
We’re all at different stages of a journey that is a process of awakening.
A year ago I called for all Good Citizens to go forth to the mountaintop where everything is clear. The essay got 20k views when I had just a few hundred in the flock.
Don’t expect others to be anywhere near you on this journey. Don’t expect them to have any earthly clue what you’re breathlessly trying to tell them.
That pink goo will only turn your words into Charlie Brown teacher-speak.
You: Can you believe all this shit the government is doing to us?!
What they hear: Wah-wa-wah-wah-wa-wah-wah-wa.
And so don’t expect rebellion.
Don’t plan for retribution.
Don’t wait for justice.
And don’t anticipate any tides will turn in humanity’s favor anytime soon.
No mass events will ever take place as long as the vast majority of Americans have yet to be unplugged.
Until then…
Join The Good Citizen Vinyl Chloride Train Spotting Club.
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We watched White Noise last night. I thought it was going to be about a toxic spill. That was a small part of it, the rest is about weird adult behaviors, and nothing to do with spills.
At least in WN, the cause of the derailment is clear, if not far-fetched. The *real* spill? Not so much. Nada. Not a peep about the cause. Maybe a train fire 20 miles behind finally exploded in E. Palestine?
I know it's just a coincidence, but that county in OH went like 71+% for Trump in 2020. Train derailment in East St. Louis? HA! Fat chance.
We live in evil times, and I'm not seeing any way out. Even FL is a bullet away from GOP Establishment control.
I'm glad I'm old...and feel sorrow for my young neices and nephews.
Yeah, don't know if there are more people in the USA that love freedom and can see things the way they are, in respect to other parts of the world. Maybe as an absolute number, but I don't believe so on a percentage basis.
I do think the USA is leading when it comes to risking the health and sanity of their own people, like Roundup by Monsanto, fracking, high fructose corn syrup, and the present chemical spills, to name but a few. Having said that, the same emergency law takeover of basic rights by means of decisions by judges that are of ones own political party happen here as well.
But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not going to run from the death cult. As much as possible, I'm going to go where my government can't follow. And I'm going to stay right here and defend my ground until my last breath when they're coming for me. Fuck-em.
Oh, bytheway, not a single mention of any spills here on MSM, no pictures, no clips, no articles. The general 8 o'clock news watching public in western Europe do not know this is happening.