The Good Citizen
Good Citizen Radio Bleats
Virtually Lost, Again

Virtually Lost, Again

(GCRB #2) Professor Garry Robson on behavioral nudging in a world of disembodied interaction for globo-technocracy, therapeutic education enfeebling children and staying strong in this spiritual war.
The Fink-Zuckerberg School for Advanced Good Citizens (2041)

Special shout out to new paid flock members Beau and the resilient mafiacracy and their brave son.


00:00-01:00—Intro (The Good Citizen on guitar and vocals)
01:00-04:00—Social Physics, Alex Pentland, Hive Mind, Nudging Populations
04:00-05:00—Terrible Klaus Schwab Impressions
05:00-06:50—UK Behavioral Insights Team, Pandemic Nudging
06:50-09:50—Private-Public mergers, Neo-fascism for a global communist agenda
09:50-11:30—Marc Andreesen’s Techno Optimist Manifesto
11:30-14:30—Billionaire delusions; wishful thinking that appeals to children
14:30-17:55—Disembodied beings in asynchronous and algo-curated realities

***Three-minute beer break condescend to five seconds***

18:00-20:50—The classroom laboratory; therapeutic psychology to manage children (enfeebling children)
20:50-23:00—Agenda behind Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Marxist education
23:00-25:00—Political education; sedementing the Post-1960s constitution (diversity, inclusion, racial justice, etc.); Creating activist revolutionaries
25:00-26:35—Blackrock, UN, and corporate equity behind financial enforcement of “woke” indoctrination, entertainment, corporate guidance
26:35-29:00—Why is global capital behind this Maoist ideology of “Woke”? What is “Woke” really?
29:00-30:30—Are we witnessing a new religion or cult that both controls the masses and humiliates them at the same time?
30:30-34:00—Manipulating the child-machine “learning” interface to enforce cult orthodoxies; cameras, biometrics, data-mining
34:00-37:20—Brave New World, Worldcoin orbs, people marching with happy faces unawares toward their digital chains (the ultimate Technocratic apex)
37:20-40:00—Technocracy v.s. Humanity…A spiritual war?
40:00-44:50—Solutions to overcoming technocrats (globopsycho)
44:50-50:12—A story about Prof. Robson and his daughter’s phone addiction and how things usually don’t turn out the way we imagine

Professor Garry Robson joins Good Citizen Radio Bleats once again to discuss his new book Virtually Lost: Young Americans In the Digital Technocracy.

ICYMI: The first part of our conversation from earlier this month…

Thanks for sharing.


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