WTF! World Technocracy Front Gathers Devil's Spawn In Davos
Sulfur levels in Swiss town surpass atmosphere of Venus as WTF! whores gather to accelerate humanity's demise.
To understand the dark origins and deceptive agenda of WTF! and its associated global partners read here, or watch here. Check out the great 6-Part Substack series by Carson J. McAuley: Klaus Schwab and The Men Who Molded Him. For more information on technocracy visit Patrick Wood’s site or check out his books on Technocracy Rising.
It’s time to start calling the World Economic Forum by its true name—World Technocracy Front, or WTF!
Upon listening to decades of dopey ideas that emanate from the megalomaniacs who make the annual winter pilgrimage to Davos, Switzerland one would be rightly excused for hearing such asinine proclamations of deliberate social engineering and manipulation of humanity and screaming: WHAT THE F**K!
After decades of congregating psychopaths at the sulfur-polluted alpine town, there has never been a single idea proffered that doesn’t increase centralized power and control to this self-fellating borg that arrives on private jets for a gathering of “save the world” fluffery, that when properly translated through the technocratic jargon dictionary is nothing less than a plot the accelerate the demise of western civilization through chaos and crises of their own fabrication while nibbling caviar, philandering with whores, and sipping champagne.
Their pretensions of caring during their publicly transmitted discussion forums are laughable farces. No serious person could possibly look at this collection of private-public pompous assholes and not chortle hysterically at their silly self-importance, their unbridled arrogance wrapped in insane ideas and proclamations for the future of our species that 99.9% of it doesn’t want because anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows it will trample the basic human rights of those who do not fly on private jets or smell their own turds after a BM because it makes them weep with joy.
Except, these people are not bond movie villains who love the smell of their own shit. They are not cartoons or caricatures of evil. They run the entire world and they’re a very serious and very dangerous collection of sociopaths and psychopaths performing as benevolent public-private experts.
They have taken our species and our world hostage and have no intention of freeing it from their grasp until they have total power and total control over the billions of useless eaters they don’t succeed in first eliminating for their highest priority—eugenics-based population control.
You simply do not laugh at someone holding a gun to your head, no matter how ridiculous or insane they sound.
This year’s agenda is more of the same—a declaration of new systems of their own fabrication for their own benefit, justified by catastrophes of their own creation. It requires reading the hidden bold text to fully comprehend. I’ve added it here to their stated agenda:
Addressing the Current Energy and Food Crises, that we intentionally engineered, in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate, and Nature that enslaves the masses and enriches us
Addressing the Current High Inflation, Low Growth, High Debt Economy, that we intentionally engineered, in the context of a New System for Investment, Trade, and Infrastructure that benefits only us
Addressing the Current Industry Headwinds we intentionally created in the context of a New System for Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience to eliminate privacy and have total control over the people
Addressing the Current Social Vulnerabilities that we engineered in the context of a New System for Work, Skills, and Care (obedience and subservience that create total dependence on the state)
Addressing the Current Geopolitical Risks that we helped create in the context of a New System for Dialogue (censorship) and Cooperation (obedience) in a Multipolar World that we intentionally engineered to keep the masses fearful and divided to justify creating more chaos
All global events are presented as happenstance and coincidences, the results of random geopolitical changes that nobody saw coming and not deliberately orchestrated by the same people who gather in Davos to prescribe their solutions—all of which are designed to enhance their own power, money, and control over the world.
These events range from the dire:
fake pandemics of lab-created viruses with an IFR less than influenza, created by bioterror states
the rollout of fake vaccines that destroy immune systems, created by the same bioterror state’s military that owns the patents and implemented operation warp speed
the orchestrated war between Ukraine and Russia that was two decades in the pentagon planner’s pipeline, and contrary to all wars of history, the only war that will only end with more war
Events with severe economic consequences:
printing trillions of dollars in one year to create inflation (soon hyper)
destroying small businesses and rewarding big-box retailers
destroying and rendering supply chains unpredictable to increase scarcity
creating fake crypto exchanges (FTX) designed to embezzle people’s money to be washed and laundered to the Democrat Party, and Ukraine
controlling the food supply by engineering fake avian flu pandemics and eliminating farms and food production (The Netherlands—for now) in the name of fighting “climate change”
intentionally sabotaging food production facilities to decrease supply and increase the economic pain and suffering of working and middle classes
trapping people in centrally controlled energy grids through smart home meters that can be remotely shut off
ESG—Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance
To simple events for perception management:
Play-acting with climate actors like Swedish autist and WTF! marionette Greta Thunberg who helped stage her own arrest as a performance for her young followers:
WTF! chairman and co-founder Klaus Schwab stated in a video performance two years ago, “We are moving to a much angrier world.” When filtered through the WTF! translator he was really saying, “We are creating a much angrier world by engineering global economic chaos and social strife.”
If they have created anything good or beneficial for humanity, it’s only by accident, as a reaction to their stated agenda and creepy proclamations. People are now undergoing a mass transformative awakening. It’s still in the very early stages, but it’s a promising start to what could manifest into a global revolution against this cancer of technocratic terrorists—the incompatibles of our time.
Republican governors have already begun the process of divesting state pension funds from Blackrock and Vanguard and any entity associated with the global communist program of ESG—Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance—which is nothing less than woke capitalism, an oxymoron if ever there was one.
Socio-cultural Race Marxism, climate change hysteria, and its “green solutions” like fossil fuel destruction for useless “alternative sources” and sustainable “smart cities” of economic behavioral control cannot mix with free market capitalism. The entire agenda renders the latter a bastardized version of globalized communism or something approximating eco-totalitarianism that sets the stage for social credit scores, the annihilation of civil liberties, privacy, and total corporate-state control over every human who will be compelled into urban prisons already being packaged as 15-minute zoned “smart cities.”
Forced ingenuity that isn’t authentically borne will fail. It cannot come through proclaimed industrial revolutions that have not actually occurred but are merely a roadmap of central planning, or a technocratic wishlist. It does not offer alternative solutions to problems that do not actually exist in reality because they have been imagined, invented out of whole technocratic cloth to justify solutions that are never needed.
The shift toward artificial intelligence, robotics, automation, and any innovation that induces human labor toward expendability is part of their technocratic wishlist and is celebrated and encouraged and always presented as a fait accompli.
The anti-human technocratic agenda views humans, and their natural human rights as an unpredictable nuisance, a demanding and temperamental roadblock to their one-word utopia that must be dispensed with or subdued with distractive and alienating solutions that enhance atomization, mental illness, drug dependency, sociocultural disunity, and division.
The destruction of the nation-state and national identities through open borders, and forced multiculturalism creates chaos and destabilization. Deadly drugs like fentanyl flood the streets forming addicts and increasing overdose statistics.
All governments exist in their service and elections are simply performances to create the illusion of democracy.

The Metaverse is pushed as a tool for herding minds to control and further subdue the useless eaters in a matrix-like world where they have no power and are further separated from the social body, human contact, and the natural world.
Those in power are using climate change scams created by easily manipulated ‘computer projection models’ of planetary changes to monetize the natural world while keeping the masses bitterly divided over culture war issues like race, gender, and sexuality, through diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives that exacerbate the very divisions they claim to “solve.”
ESG puts the climate change scam invented by the WTF’s forefathers and collaborators The Club of Rome, center stage. This scam requires immediate implementation of civilizational-destroying “green” solutions, which are anything but solutions for the masses, but instead socio-economic prisons and an excuse to transfer more wealth upward toward the top 0.1% of international banking interests, and those whom central banks exist to serve.
Censorship and total narrative management are required to accelerate all areas of their agenda. “Journalism” as a profession is destroyed. All corporate narrative managers are bought and owned by technocratic guardians and forced into dutiful roles as agenda-pushing stenographers who ask no questions.
A few nights ago WTF! Reichsführer Klaus Schwab was approached by Japanese independent reporter Masako Ganaha. He first hesitates to ask which owned corporate outfit she works for to know if she is part of his stable of “journalist” whores. As soon as he hears the words “independent reporter” he runs for the hills. No unscripted questions are ever permitted.

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The important thing to always remember is that, as with covid totalitarianism, NONE of these “solutions” that require the masses to sacrifice all of their civil liberties, including the right to free movement, will apply to the public-private Davos pilgrims presently creating, planning, and celebrating this nightmare dystopia.
The masses sense the tyranny that arrived as a global “sudden coincidence” in March of 2020, never really departed, and is being transposed through other engineered crises that will transfer more money, and power, and control the very people responsible for every global catastrophe of the past century, including both world wars.
The backlash to this technocratic agenda is already underway in the first western city beta testing these 15-minute zoned “smart cities,” where citizens of Oxford are forced to stay within their zone and will be fined for traveling to restricted areas beyond a certain number of times per year.

Blackrock CEO Larry Fink recently responded to the ESG backlash by claiming the narrative needs to be recaptured for clarification and that ESG is being unfairly “misrepresented.”
The arrogance of the Davos crowd is everpresent. Instead of serious reflection and remediation, the solution is Soviet in nature, and always toward greater censorship and centralized narrative control so that the unwashed masses who are “misinformed” can be properly re-educated and assimilated into the Davos Technocratic global agenda, where only they make sacrifices for their masters.
These masters claim the greatest threat to humanity and “democracy” is not the world as a dystopian inhumane undemocratic hellscape they seek to engineer for their own benefit, but those who tell the truth about this world they want.
The chief disinformers, the Davos pilgrims—globalist fascists of corporate-state power claim to be worried about “disinformation.” As with most public-private Orwellian doublespeak that emanates from the self-appointed masters of the universe, one needs to consult their Great Reset Translator:
Sustainable = Unsustainable for Humanity
A New System = Our System
A More Harmonious World = Better World For Us
Better Technologies = Digital Surveillance To Enslave Humanity
Narrative = Perception Management
Disinformation = Truth
One could spend a year developing a lexicon that translates the true meaning of global technocratic parlance.
None of what appears in Klaus Schwab’s comically stupid ghost-written books The Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset should be taken at face value. All of it is delivered in technocratic jargon that translates to a desired future of total centralized control over humanity and how our species is permitted to live, excluding them of course.
WATCH Truth Factory on WTF! Great Reset Agenda [CENSORED ALERT] Congratulations to Truth Factory who was finally kicked off YouTube last week for exposing these Technocratic Terrorists. Subscribe to Truth Factory on Rumble.
Creating Pariahs—The Incompatibles
Any individual whose name and face appear on the World Technocracy Front (WEF) website needs to be treated like a pariah, a malignant growth on the social body, or if elected to public office an outright traitor deserving of the declared punishment commonly associated with treason. Any individual who attends this orgy in any capacity that doesn’t make the organizers and their police henchmen squirm with discomfort should be outcast to the fringes and soon fear for their future and lives. Serving the interests of global oligarchs and technocrats over one’s nation and people should render a result no less harsh than being complicit in crimes against humanity.
The most effective method to move the private sector away from any scheming technocratic front groups like WTF! would be for the masses to organize global boycotts of their products or services to the point where their equity shares take a substantial beating.
The world we should desire is one where such individuals would know they have no future. The same goes for businesses, corporations, governments, their representatives, or political parties that come within any associative length of WTF!
The mere mention of the name Klaus Schwab, let alone his presence, should trigger reflexive action toward immediate disassociation by all private or public entities so that those who serve in any capacity in either sector know immediately their future is one of a radioactive pariah at best or public execution at worst. This goes for all global organizations with dreams of a new world order.
It’s true we don’t live in such a world, yet. We can still hope we’re moving toward such a world as millions awaken from their slumber.
As Andy Dufresne tells Red in the great film Shawshank Redemption, “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.”
It’s never too soon to plan for the world we hope to live to see, no matter how hopeless things sometimes appear.
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As I published in an essay last week, these people that need to be purged from our world are a virus on humanity. They are the incompatibles who must be cleansed from the social body before they do more damage.
These incompatibles have embedded themselves in the social and political order, the financial and economic systems, and rule over humanity unelected yet undeterred by the growing army of Savages that question their intentions and have identified them as the greatest threats to the planet and future prospects of our species.
Who gave this global technocratic order its strength and position? As with most tyrants throughout history, they simply took it because they could.
Maintaining power becomes a kind of strategy game wherein those at the top of any hierarchy have the impetus to question only the manner in which those below them can become a threat, and depose them from their perch. They often do this by feigning concern for their inferiors, offering performative gestures to aid their accent out of desperation and despair.
Their most potent weapon is perception management that aids behavioral control through trauma bondage holds the masses captive in a far more cost-efficient and beneficial manner (to the state) than razor wire, police batons, or camps. That Huxlean moment of humans walking toward and embracing their own chains is upon us. It now requires almost total obtuseness to miss.
The irony is not lost that the hierarchical nature of civilizational organizations is what makes them dangerous. The top is almost always populated with psychopaths and sociopaths. As Toby Rogers recently mused, it’s kind of a prerequisite for the job, and over millennia has dominated as a paradigm as an appeal to strength for survival.
I think that there is an evolutionary reason for this. In the competition within and between tribes, those inclined to follow violent leaders did better than those who did not. Over time, society selects for sociopathy (that’s why nearly every developed country these days is led by a sociopath). And as technology becomes more advanced, the scale of the harms inflicted by the sociopaths increases.
People still follow the Davos clan of sociopaths and psychopaths due to evolutionary selection that molded herd instincts over time. There are other factors to be sure—the debasement of education and more specifically rational thinking; inclinations toward conformity; the control of media and information (lies and propaganda) to shape perceptions that influence decision-making and human behavior.
Until those parallel systems emerge that undermine the incompatibles’ agenda, we cannot underestimate the power they have over world events and in shaping how we live in service to their corruptions, how we stay distracted, diseased, and dependent, if not yet already dead.
As the incompatibles, or devil spawn waft in the alpine sulfur and attempt to plan an unwanted future that enslaves humanity for their gain through subterfuge and lies, remember that nothing they proclaim in the way of human behavior, technological adoption, or total surveillance for the world they want will ever apply to themselves.
They are exempt.
They are excused.
Because they are certain they are a chosen breed of our bettors.
No matter how silly or cartoonish or farcical their declarations or proclamations, how ridiculously they attempt to conceal their agenda, they are the megalomaniacal enemies of humanity, the appendage tumor of our world that needs to be radiated, sliced, singed, and dumped into the annals of history as the greatest threat our species has ever known.
Until a point of mass awakening is reached where billions of voices scream out in unison WHAT THE F**K! upon learning to decode their technocratic jargon to uncover their true agenda, we can only watch the incompatibles and wait for the savage rebellion.
Further reading on WTF! and Klaus Schwab:
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Thanks for sharing.
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Thanks for the shoutout sir, it is much appreciated. I just thought I’d mention for anyone who did click the link to my article and perhaps enjoyed it enough to wish to read more, that I’ve had to put my substack on the back burner temporarily in order to attend to some real life matters, but I hope to be getting back to writing similar pieces shortly.
Thanks again, and great article as always.
the only way to stop them is to take them out. if people dont want to do that then give it up