Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Due to the many many many hours I've researched/read/watched and dug for the truth, I can say without hesitation that everything stated here is truth and factual... Minus a small hiccup about 9/11... These are the end days so please prepare yourselves because after the eclipse on April 8th and then Passover the end of April.. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE AND NOT FOR THE BETTER... Unless of coarse you're deceived. Jesus is the truth the way and the life and NONE will come to the Father but through Him... JESUS IS THE ONLY ANSWER TO ALL THESE PROBLEMS WE ARE ALL FACING... PLEASE SEEK HIM IF YOU ARE SEEKING TRUTH!!

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Yep. I was wondering what (((they))) would pull for the lunar eclipse on March 25th (5.07 degree of Libra). Less than 17 hours later, the bridge comes down. Eclipses ALWAYS come in pairs (lunar/solar). Those of us who were paying attention in the summer of 2001...were not in the least surprised by the scamdemic. I personally knew what was coming after hearing an msm top-of-the-hour news story on the radio...in DECEMBER of 2019. Once the pangolin story was floated...that sealed it for me. A year prior I had wondered why there was a drawing of a pangolin in the lower left corner of the cover of: The Economist: The Year In 2019.

I watched Doctor Zhivago last night. I had not watched it in 20 years. Always in the past, at the end of the film I think: wow, that was great. I also felt that last night...but something else I had not felt before...how much I could identify with the struggles of the main character, after the last 20 years. It all seemed to be such a warning about what was coming. I had to download Tubi to see the film. I looked through the other offerings, and it was all just insipid, revolting, filthy rubbish (excluding The Man Who Would Be King...which I have on dvd).

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Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

So what happens when enough people start to dig their heels in and say "Hell, no!"

I have seen this coming since the day Billary Clinton said "But I didn't inhale."

I don't know if I want to die before the shit hits the fan, or live through it to see what happens.

I will entertain some mature, logical discussions regarding secession.

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Small, organized, local communities with based LEOs appears the best option at this point. I've seen Sherrifs in Florida talk about squatters in private homes, "We prefer that you just shoot em', so we can save the tax payers money." Smoooooth.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by Good Citizen

Castle Doctrine, alive and well in FL and TX, for sure, other red places possibly.

I know DeSantis just signed a mega-strong anti-Squatters law in FL.

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Mar 30Liked by Good Citizen

Law enforcement officers.

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Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Well, Peregrine, I'm getting into the old man part of life, but I ask every day for enough time to see how this all works out. I can't help but believe that the "default" nature of mankind is freedom

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Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Now how am I supposed to get to sleep tonight after reading all of that??? Just kidding GC, was aware of most of it. Great food for thought while waiting on Texas to follow Oregon's lead, and make all of my hard work in the garden this spring moot. Actually don't think that will happen any time soon here in the free state of Texas. New red hats are popping up around the state but with MTCA instead of MAGA. (make Texas a Country again) , and I've heard that a state legislator is insisting that Texas builds the wall--not on the border, but around Travis county (Austin). Meanwhile, just living day by day anticipating a very exciting future when we plebs finally have had enough.

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Mar 30Liked by Good Citizen

This was an awesome work. Straight on and succinct. Well done GC. If 10% of the population ever realizes what's been done, and continues to be done. Well, let's just say, "make nooses swinging from light poles great again". That is, if you can get their noses away from the screen long enough.

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Excellent summary of what the heck is going.on.

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Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Heavy. 😳

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Small addition, the Dutch also rejected the EU constitution. Dutch politicians said "We didn't do a good job explaining it to people, therefore the rejection." It was later pushed trough under another name, without a referendum.

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True. And it looks like by a greater margin than the frogs. Based Dutch.

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Or, we could solve this problem by changing the direction in which we solve problems in groups. It is that simple. We just need better systems like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in

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Termination or dissolution of 95% of government = step 1.

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That can't be step one because we don't control that system. Step one needs to be getting control of our system again. What we can do is create a new high trust system to help us. Like this:


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Long wait for part two, but worth it. Hopefully not as long of wait for three. Linking as always @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Mar 30Liked by Good Citizen

About the American Stasi operation, there's a guy working on a book talking about his experiences. I usually won't hawk other websites but AC posts some eye-opening stuff and talks a lot about The Beam.


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Mar 29Liked by Good Citizen

Exceptional, now We need a Plan.

Starting Here:


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Mar 30·edited Mar 30

I am a proud cat lady! The dysfunctional dynamics of my family left such an impact on me that I decided long ago I wouldn't have children (as I know our tendencies for repeating the mistakes of our ancestors runs very deep!). I see the dysfunction repeating in three of my siblings families. Not to mention that every single one of my nieces and nephews are V injured in some way and they will never know true health! I've been very aware my entire life and am grateful for my decisions. However, some may project their insecurities on me by judging my life, I leave that for them to wrestle with. My life is none of your business. I would feel worse having brought another slave into this world vs being considered a selfish person for not having children. My mother was not a good one and there are plenty more out there that are the same. It can become an endless cycle... unless one chooses to opt out.

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Yes it sure can become an endless cycle, unless one that is aware, as you are, breaks that cycle, at least in your own immediate family. It can be done but awareness is key. EFT is just one very effective method of removing the trauma and lasting effects of just such a childhood.

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Just a small correction: Bulgaria allows homeschooling. As an expat considering taking my American family back to my homeland and wanting to continue with homeschooling, there are some limited resources online: http://www.homeschoolingbg.com/index.php?id=2

Although universities do have stringent entry requirements if the kids want to continue with higher learning (lol, so much of that is total indoctrination and a scam anyway.)

Looking forward to the third part. Gonna try and use the first part to red pill some friends. The second part requires those inferential steps they so sorely lack otherwise it would sound like total tinfoil hattery to them.

Maybe I missed it, but I think transgenderism also plays a role in the breakdown of the family unit and depopulation.

Would also be interested to know what role you think religion and spirituality and guruism plays in all this.

Thanks for the in depth essays on these topics. Super important to understand the methodology of Malthusian control.

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69. Rockefeller Foundation releases its famous “Operation Lock-Step” document in 2009. “Under the guise of a pandemic, we will create a global police state.”

Is this quote supposed to be from "Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development"? Unless the version uploaded to Internet Archive has been altered, I did not see it.

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the 'Great Reset' is such a shitty 'Makeover'...

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👏🏻👏🏻👍👍BEST climate change documentary (below link) have EVER seen and I’ve seen quite a few.

You’re spot on Good Citizen with your references to all you have written.

I’m not looking forward to the future in fact and I feel deeply sad for my children and grandchildren if “they” implement catastrophe after catastrophe like they have over the last 100 years. For us who are still living.on this planet I’m hoping like hell that enough people will “wake the f—k up” and do your diligent research and all you can by spreading the right information to the world.


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