It won't be long now until the ranks of the "herd" start thinning. In spite of all the criminal efforts by the state and it's numerous minions, there is and will continue to be a control group, and that is what scares the Davos crowd the most. If we (the control group) can persevere, not give into the ever increasing push to submit, there just might be hope for us regular folks yet. Stay strong, stay in touch with the like minded, and stay the course. Freedom is the default setting for human beings; it can never really be taken, just given up. We do live in interesting times.
The only statement I would question is, “The similarities between then [WWII-era Germany] and now are significantly underwhelming.”
If you simply mean what you clarify in the following statement, “The unification for their ‘psychosis’ was national and ethnic in foundation and economic, geopolitical and psychological in origin” along with the specific historical circumstances, I would agree.
Otherwise, however, the parallels between the sociocultural pressures and political acceleration of totalitarianism during 1930s Germany and today are jaw-droppingly striking. I frequently reference Milton Mayer’s “They Thought They Were Free,” Sebastian Haffner’s “Defying Hitler,” and Christopher Browning’s “Ordinary Men” because these capture that period in harrowingly crisp detail, drawing from primary source materials (interviews, court transcripts, memoirs, etc.) of the time to paint a portrait that looks and feels precisely like what we’re experiencing today.
Agreed. There are many glaring parallels. There are also differences that have been ignored in the rush to make the comparisons. The globally-coordinated supranational nature of what we're seeing today is a historical first, unless I missed a history class. We're living through something truly unique that hasn't yet been sufficiently explained because we're all still trying to wrap our heads around it...on the fly with the best information we can get, which is often incomplete.
I’m with you 100% as that is the precise distinction I have been making as well to emphasize the historically unprecedented global nature of this coordinated campaign.
“Imagine the Holocaust is happening again. Only this time, it’s on a planetary scale. And there aren’t any Allies coming to the rescue—because they’re just as guilty as the Axis.”
That's well stated. There are no "sides" in the traditional national dispute sense. The holocaust is both the jabbed and what they may do with the control group who refuse them if things continue as they are.
Yes. I hope the Trump camp try to imagine where the entire world would be had he been successful in overturning the election. We have the most freedoms of any country and had we fallen the entire world could by now have been captured.
The NWO had hoped the US would be first to fall... The rest would be easier!
Note that this global nature is just an artifact of the unified global communications toolset represented by the Internet and used so effectively by the mass media. The only reason we’ve not seen such global tyrannical efforts before is that they weren’t possible, since media organs and power were concentrated in nation-states, not distributed across the planet by the abstraction layer of the Internet. Therefore, any difference perceived is merely one of quantity. Tyrants will always grab *what they can*.
Great piece. I think the following may be of interest to your subscribers. I did post a version on a different stack...
I've been viewing Malone videos on Mass formation and I think that he is correct about the vaccinated new social club and why they ignore truth.
Thinking about this I've found, what I think is, another overlapping mass formation set against the provax group. First some ideas:
* 70 percent of Republicans think something was wrong about the lost election.
* I think about 30 percent are SURE the election was stolen.
* The last 30 percent would never vote Trump.
* 40 percent in the middle are open minded.
So, this Mass Formation social structure was implemented by Trump and precedes the vax formation. This formation is the Republicans who think Trump is the only way forward.
Trump is the masiah of this social structure. The most interesting thing about these groups is that members of one group can critically think about the falsehoods of the other group but are blind towards there own groups falsehoods.
Finally, I think that both groups help support each other in fooling everyone one way or another... Yes Trump wants you to be vaxxed. The vaxxed want ALL to be protected.
I think the 30/40/30 breakdown works for this group too. Here's how the groups overlap, for myself I'd be in the 30 percent that would never be vaxxed and the 30 percent that would never vote for Trump.
This is all about New World Order! Both groups are manipulated by bought and paid for puppets and three letter agencies. I think the New World Order plan on these two groups is for them to be further divided and turn on themselves and each other while the NWO steal our freedom. I hope we can fix this.
Okay, I hope all here go easy on me. I can't help that I see both sides and critically think about both.
You make good points on the certainty and bias of political echo chambers. People do not listen or have doubts. This engineered certainty is so dangerous, yet it's engineered for our own distraction by the nwo. I'll be covering it in another similar piece mid week.
dont know how much you know about money or econ. but if current trends continue we are going to have a US dollar sovereign inflationary debt crises. There very well could be rationing of food and fuel. Wll the regime blame the unvaxxed? Probably right. Joe brandon and whatever cabal is behind this whole thing will get desperate like a wounded animal and lash out and blame the unvaxxed. "if only these stubborn anti vaxxers would have done their duty and taken the shot this would have all been over by now... " I can see that happening.
Giving Trump far too much credit. He was brought back on the scene to take credit for and promote the vaccine after -- and only after -- it became undeniable that the vaccine was failing. If anything, Trump is being positioned as a scapegoat -- but he did walk willingly right into it.
What else? I respectfully recommend the following YouTube channel for short (20 seconds to 2 minute) clips: Why? The resistance to the vax mandates & vax lockdowns is a global movement. But one which has no central leader. Please do not over focus on the USA.
What more? Japan serves as a useful comparison. Despite their relatively older population, they are having far better outcomes than the USA. Several factors, but one worthwhile difference: NO VAX MANDATES.
Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.
You have likely not heard much about Japan's policy and practices. Because they run vastly counter to the USA-EU narratives, and because Japan has better results.
Great insights into the UV mind, their ignorance, psychology, aggression and relationship to authority.
I hope one day I will see justice served for those committing crimes against humanity. The aftermath of Nazi Germany gives humanity one way of dealing with colluders. There are different groups of colluders playing different roles in this drama. Police brutality, and healthcare providers giving up their sworn ethics are two groups that come to mind. Perhaps criminal charges will be warranted. Then there's the average UV masses, many people who I have considered my closest friends for decades. We don't know how far into the darkness we will go, how long it will last and what actions they will take.
Can humanity evolve out of this drama with greater psychological maturity? Us human beings are so complex, with threads of animal survival instincts, personal trauma, and psychological insecurity and narcissism. These breed escapism, greed, and cruelty at times, sometimes covering the best of our nature, the bright goodness at the core of us all, at the core of reality. I would hope that vaccine free people will mostly express as the ability to be sovereign, stand firm, stand for freedom, intelligently question authority, and be a beacon to attract others to this way of being. Rather than broadly acting out aggression against others who fell prey to propaganda because of their ignorance.
The fact that Fauci is not yet in prison does not bode well for anyone being held accountable for any of it. They will claim they didn’t know and were acting on the best science. They really were trying to save humanity after all! And no one will have the balls to prosecute them. I mean why hasn’t anyone been held accountable yet for the funding of the Wuhan lab? All these obvious crimes that have already happened and no one is being prosecuted. I hope they are but I’ve lost all faith in the common sense of society.
Strong and relatively easier case, politically speaking, against Peter Daszak. Even Collins, the former NIH Director, criticized him. If we can get the first domino to fall, Fauci might be near the end of the chain. But I don't know if starting with Fauci is the best approach.
Im a doc and many of my MD colleagues and acquaintances got stuck and eagerly allowed their minor children to be double stuck. There were times when I heard some of them discussing the appointments they made for their teen children to get jabbed and had to stifle the desperate urge to cry out loud, " are you INSANE , you going to allow your kids to get shot up with some experimental gene therapy" I have been called reckless and irresponsible and even kicked off the staff of a local hospital for not accepting the jab. The entire medical executive committe of the 400 + bed northern NJ hospital has gone and joined the NAZI party. No evidence, no justification only that I am risk to patients b/c I am un jabbed. Weak, craven , ignorant, insane, cowardly. There arent enough words.... but I try very hard to pray and meditate and smile and treat people with dignity and compassion. But I still have boundaries and self respect. There are a group of us who see right through the gaslighting and lies. We are resisting.. thank you for these wonderful essays.
You have been called reckless and irresponsible by unthinking conformists and cowards who put salary before principals. I applaud your courage and bravery. If the majority of MDs out there had half as much maybe the Supreme Court would not have been duped into their recent shameful ruling against HC workers.
The unvaxxed healthcare workers particularly the nurses and docs and phds are some of the most informed and rational people in this whole mess. We are the vanguard of the medical freedom movement. We have the training and knowledge to put this in perspective . The CMS ruling was an act of war against us. Its a move to exclude us from major medical institutions that accept medicare; which is basically every hospital , nursing home and surgery center in the United states. Its naked fascism . Institutionalized blackmail. Its a purge , similar to what the woke military is doing. SCOTUS is the most failed public institution in america. There was no discussion of the most basic principles of natural rights ; that noone especially not the US fed government can force a Person to take an experimental medical treatment and then retaliate against them if they don’t.
There is no justification for OSHA for the CMS to even exist at all. The existence of the Medicare program is itself unconstitutional. The original legal language in the charter for the Medicare program specifically said that Medicare would not be involved with directly controlling the practice of medical care. But in fact now it is. as this trend continues and the United States medical system becomes more and more socialized, it will end up in outright rationing. Life and death decisions will be made by bureaucratic fiat.
It's beyond shameful and very sad. The best and brightest being purged by design. Were the rumors of hospital care in the form of central command protocols from the NIH/CDC for uniform covid "treatment" true in terms of forcing patients toward only one set of intentionally failing treatments? IOW did hospitals murder thousands who could have been saved with proven treatments by pumping them with Remdesivir before putting them on ventilators?
sent some BTC just now. Not sure if I accept that this is an intentional bioweapon, but certainly see and understand all the troubling totalitarian trends and psychological dynamics. Love the latest post about reality. Sent it to a philo prof friend who had sort of gone over to the dark side a little, but I dragged him back to team liberty. Thank you
Wow. After a month of putting crypto wallet IDs at the end of posts and nobody sending anything I figured nobody ever would. I'm extremely humbled and grateful. Thank you!
Finally. I have been searching for just the right article to send to my UV friends, family, associates and young readers to hopefully snap them out of it. Yet, alas, I cannot.
Once again, an otherwise gifted writer has demonstrated an inability to use words to make certain points and thus resorted to the crutch of vulgarisms (In this case, just once, of course) and because he thinks it makes him appear more adult and serious but it is actually just the opposite. This is unfortunate.
I'm not here for "appearances" or I wouldn't be anonymous. Subjective "vulgarisms" aside since you know these people you probably have the words you're looking for in you. There will be no perfect article to 'snap them out of it'. It's been two years now.
Yes, I have the words, but they dismiss me. Its nice to have some backup from someone with a platform. Yes, there will be no one article, but hopefully the effect of many is cumulative.
Regards vulgarisms, I know what words to say when I hit my thumb with a hammer but wouldn't use them in a serious article on a public platform.
Sometimes the vulgarisms have a place and serve a purpose, and I admit sometimes they don't work. My next piece will be more measured and tame and might be more persuasive and useful. I think I needed to get this out of my system first after the demonizing coordinated rhetoric of world leaders lately.
It won't be long now until the ranks of the "herd" start thinning. In spite of all the criminal efforts by the state and it's numerous minions, there is and will continue to be a control group, and that is what scares the Davos crowd the most. If we (the control group) can persevere, not give into the ever increasing push to submit, there just might be hope for us regular folks yet. Stay strong, stay in touch with the like minded, and stay the course. Freedom is the default setting for human beings; it can never really be taken, just given up. We do live in interesting times.
They're thinning now. An insurance company said it's all cause of death stat is up 25% in the 1st year of vaxxing
Bravo, Good Citizen, for another triumph!
I felt like I was reading many of my own thoughts. As you know, I frequently rail against colluders (, Covidians (, tyrants (, and propagandists (, often citing similar concerns and arguments as you outlined here.
The only statement I would question is, “The similarities between then [WWII-era Germany] and now are significantly underwhelming.”
If you simply mean what you clarify in the following statement, “The unification for their ‘psychosis’ was national and ethnic in foundation and economic, geopolitical and psychological in origin” along with the specific historical circumstances, I would agree.
Otherwise, however, the parallels between the sociocultural pressures and political acceleration of totalitarianism during 1930s Germany and today are jaw-droppingly striking. I frequently reference Milton Mayer’s “They Thought They Were Free,” Sebastian Haffner’s “Defying Hitler,” and Christopher Browning’s “Ordinary Men” because these capture that period in harrowingly crisp detail, drawing from primary source materials (interviews, court transcripts, memoirs, etc.) of the time to paint a portrait that looks and feels precisely like what we’re experiencing today.
Agreed. There are many glaring parallels. There are also differences that have been ignored in the rush to make the comparisons. The globally-coordinated supranational nature of what we're seeing today is a historical first, unless I missed a history class. We're living through something truly unique that hasn't yet been sufficiently explained because we're all still trying to wrap our heads around it...on the fly with the best information we can get, which is often incomplete.
I’m with you 100% as that is the precise distinction I have been making as well to emphasize the historically unprecedented global nature of this coordinated campaign.
As I open “Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative” (
“Imagine the Holocaust is happening again. Only this time, it’s on a planetary scale. And there aren’t any Allies coming to the rescue—because they’re just as guilty as the Axis.”
That's well stated. There are no "sides" in the traditional national dispute sense. The holocaust is both the jabbed and what they may do with the control group who refuse them if things continue as they are.
Holocaust is a hoax just like the rona. You are still falling for their lies.
Yes. I hope the Trump camp try to imagine where the entire world would be had he been successful in overturning the election. We have the most freedoms of any country and had we fallen the entire world could by now have been captured.
The NWO had hoped the US would be first to fall... The rest would be easier!
Trump could have been our last President!
You seem nice
Thanks. I was going for nice.
Note that this global nature is just an artifact of the unified global communications toolset represented by the Internet and used so effectively by the mass media. The only reason we’ve not seen such global tyrannical efforts before is that they weren’t possible, since media organs and power were concentrated in nation-states, not distributed across the planet by the abstraction layer of the Internet. Therefore, any difference perceived is merely one of quantity. Tyrants will always grab *what they can*.
Indeed. If you think that’s scary, wait till the metaverse becomes the status quo:
Magnificent article. :)
Weoponize away. Their billions of quadruple-jabbed brownshirts will be dropped by a well-timed sneeze.
Great piece. I think the following may be of interest to your subscribers. I did post a version on a different stack...
I've been viewing Malone videos on Mass formation and I think that he is correct about the vaccinated new social club and why they ignore truth.
Thinking about this I've found, what I think is, another overlapping mass formation set against the provax group. First some ideas:
* 70 percent of Republicans think something was wrong about the lost election.
* I think about 30 percent are SURE the election was stolen.
* The last 30 percent would never vote Trump.
* 40 percent in the middle are open minded.
So, this Mass Formation social structure was implemented by Trump and precedes the vax formation. This formation is the Republicans who think Trump is the only way forward.
Trump is the masiah of this social structure. The most interesting thing about these groups is that members of one group can critically think about the falsehoods of the other group but are blind towards there own groups falsehoods.
Finally, I think that both groups help support each other in fooling everyone one way or another... Yes Trump wants you to be vaxxed. The vaxxed want ALL to be protected.
I think the 30/40/30 breakdown works for this group too. Here's how the groups overlap, for myself I'd be in the 30 percent that would never be vaxxed and the 30 percent that would never vote for Trump.
This is all about New World Order! Both groups are manipulated by bought and paid for puppets and three letter agencies. I think the New World Order plan on these two groups is for them to be further divided and turn on themselves and each other while the NWO steal our freedom. I hope we can fix this.
Okay, I hope all here go easy on me. I can't help that I see both sides and critically think about both.
You make good points on the certainty and bias of political echo chambers. People do not listen or have doubts. This engineered certainty is so dangerous, yet it's engineered for our own distraction by the nwo. I'll be covering it in another similar piece mid week.
dont know how much you know about money or econ. but if current trends continue we are going to have a US dollar sovereign inflationary debt crises. There very well could be rationing of food and fuel. Wll the regime blame the unvaxxed? Probably right. Joe brandon and whatever cabal is behind this whole thing will get desperate like a wounded animal and lash out and blame the unvaxxed. "if only these stubborn anti vaxxers would have done their duty and taken the shot this would have all been over by now... " I can see that happening.
Giving Trump far too much credit. He was brought back on the scene to take credit for and promote the vaccine after -- and only after -- it became undeniable that the vaccine was failing. If anything, Trump is being positioned as a scapegoat -- but he did walk willingly right into it.
What else? I respectfully recommend the following YouTube channel for short (20 seconds to 2 minute) clips: Why? The resistance to the vax mandates & vax lockdowns is a global movement. But one which has no central leader. Please do not over focus on the USA.
What more? Japan serves as a useful comparison. Despite their relatively older population, they are having far better outcomes than the USA. Several factors, but one worthwhile difference: NO VAX MANDATES.
Here is the source:
Here is the text:
Consent to vaccination
Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.
You have likely not heard much about Japan's policy and practices. Because they run vastly counter to the USA-EU narratives, and because Japan has better results.
Great insights into the UV mind, their ignorance, psychology, aggression and relationship to authority.
I hope one day I will see justice served for those committing crimes against humanity. The aftermath of Nazi Germany gives humanity one way of dealing with colluders. There are different groups of colluders playing different roles in this drama. Police brutality, and healthcare providers giving up their sworn ethics are two groups that come to mind. Perhaps criminal charges will be warranted. Then there's the average UV masses, many people who I have considered my closest friends for decades. We don't know how far into the darkness we will go, how long it will last and what actions they will take.
Can humanity evolve out of this drama with greater psychological maturity? Us human beings are so complex, with threads of animal survival instincts, personal trauma, and psychological insecurity and narcissism. These breed escapism, greed, and cruelty at times, sometimes covering the best of our nature, the bright goodness at the core of us all, at the core of reality. I would hope that vaccine free people will mostly express as the ability to be sovereign, stand firm, stand for freedom, intelligently question authority, and be a beacon to attract others to this way of being. Rather than broadly acting out aggression against others who fell prey to propaganda because of their ignorance.
The fact that Fauci is not yet in prison does not bode well for anyone being held accountable for any of it. They will claim they didn’t know and were acting on the best science. They really were trying to save humanity after all! And no one will have the balls to prosecute them. I mean why hasn’t anyone been held accountable yet for the funding of the Wuhan lab? All these obvious crimes that have already happened and no one is being prosecuted. I hope they are but I’ve lost all faith in the common sense of society.
Strong and relatively easier case, politically speaking, against Peter Daszak. Even Collins, the former NIH Director, criticized him. If we can get the first domino to fall, Fauci might be near the end of the chain. But I don't know if starting with Fauci is the best approach.
Im a doc and many of my MD colleagues and acquaintances got stuck and eagerly allowed their minor children to be double stuck. There were times when I heard some of them discussing the appointments they made for their teen children to get jabbed and had to stifle the desperate urge to cry out loud, " are you INSANE , you going to allow your kids to get shot up with some experimental gene therapy" I have been called reckless and irresponsible and even kicked off the staff of a local hospital for not accepting the jab. The entire medical executive committe of the 400 + bed northern NJ hospital has gone and joined the NAZI party. No evidence, no justification only that I am risk to patients b/c I am un jabbed. Weak, craven , ignorant, insane, cowardly. There arent enough words.... but I try very hard to pray and meditate and smile and treat people with dignity and compassion. But I still have boundaries and self respect. There are a group of us who see right through the gaslighting and lies. We are resisting.. thank you for these wonderful essays.
You have been called reckless and irresponsible by unthinking conformists and cowards who put salary before principals. I applaud your courage and bravery. If the majority of MDs out there had half as much maybe the Supreme Court would not have been duped into their recent shameful ruling against HC workers.
The unvaxxed healthcare workers particularly the nurses and docs and phds are some of the most informed and rational people in this whole mess. We are the vanguard of the medical freedom movement. We have the training and knowledge to put this in perspective . The CMS ruling was an act of war against us. Its a move to exclude us from major medical institutions that accept medicare; which is basically every hospital , nursing home and surgery center in the United states. Its naked fascism . Institutionalized blackmail. Its a purge , similar to what the woke military is doing. SCOTUS is the most failed public institution in america. There was no discussion of the most basic principles of natural rights ; that noone especially not the US fed government can force a Person to take an experimental medical treatment and then retaliate against them if they don’t.
There is no justification for OSHA for the CMS to even exist at all. The existence of the Medicare program is itself unconstitutional. The original legal language in the charter for the Medicare program specifically said that Medicare would not be involved with directly controlling the practice of medical care. But in fact now it is. as this trend continues and the United States medical system becomes more and more socialized, it will end up in outright rationing. Life and death decisions will be made by bureaucratic fiat.
It's beyond shameful and very sad. The best and brightest being purged by design. Were the rumors of hospital care in the form of central command protocols from the NIH/CDC for uniform covid "treatment" true in terms of forcing patients toward only one set of intentionally failing treatments? IOW did hospitals murder thousands who could have been saved with proven treatments by pumping them with Remdesivir before putting them on ventilators?
sent some BTC just now. Not sure if I accept that this is an intentional bioweapon, but certainly see and understand all the troubling totalitarian trends and psychological dynamics. Love the latest post about reality. Sent it to a philo prof friend who had sort of gone over to the dark side a little, but I dragged him back to team liberty. Thank you
Wow. After a month of putting crypto wallet IDs at the end of posts and nobody sending anything I figured nobody ever would. I'm extremely humbled and grateful. Thank you!
Finally. I have been searching for just the right article to send to my UV friends, family, associates and young readers to hopefully snap them out of it. Yet, alas, I cannot.
Once again, an otherwise gifted writer has demonstrated an inability to use words to make certain points and thus resorted to the crutch of vulgarisms (In this case, just once, of course) and because he thinks it makes him appear more adult and serious but it is actually just the opposite. This is unfortunate.
You are better than this. Grow up.
I'm not here for "appearances" or I wouldn't be anonymous. Subjective "vulgarisms" aside since you know these people you probably have the words you're looking for in you. There will be no perfect article to 'snap them out of it'. It's been two years now.
Yes, I have the words, but they dismiss me. Its nice to have some backup from someone with a platform. Yes, there will be no one article, but hopefully the effect of many is cumulative.
Regards vulgarisms, I know what words to say when I hit my thumb with a hammer but wouldn't use them in a serious article on a public platform.
Sometimes the vulgarisms have a place and serve a purpose, and I admit sometimes they don't work. My next piece will be more measured and tame and might be more persuasive and useful. I think I needed to get this out of my system first after the demonizing coordinated rhetoric of world leaders lately.
Your frustration with this coordinated rhetoric is completely understandable.
As Kipling wrote: If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you...
I look forward to reading your next article.