My diagnosis?

Absence seizures secondary to either trauma/injury, brain tumors or……(wait for it)…jab induced CNS damage. What a law firm, Fetterman McConnell, Feinstein. FMF=fecked and motherfecked.

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looks like he had a stroke

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When I said jab injury, one of those things are multiple mini strokes from the clot shot.

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Thank God I am not the only one stunned.


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There’s a great care home called Guantanamo Bay...ever hear of it? Five star⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!

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Term limits anyone?

They used to have them before they voted them out, and this is the result of that.

Feinstein isn't looking much better either is she?

Even though they could be removed for failure to perform, no one has the courage to do that.

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Mimi strokes or TIAs. Nothing good about this. ANOTHER that should NOT be in the government. He looks capable of making decisions for our nation to me! How about you all? He look cognizant?

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Well.... if he's frozen and unable to talk, he's not scr*wing over the American public.

/trying to find a positive here

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Lol. Good point.

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Blessings in all things, right?

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Since they will never bow out when they should, what protection from these disabled politicians do we have?

That is the really scary part!

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There is none - just as there is no protection when presidents lie and no repercussion when they steal. Of course, Congress being what it is, seems like stealing is a common practice, even if it is only with inside information.

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But has he tried pilates? Seriously. They interviewed old Joe exiting pilates when he was in Lake Tahoe last week. He seemed to extra eloquent and lithe. Maybe old Joe can invite old Mitch next time.

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Turtles all the way down

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Yeah, well, apparently Trudeau does yoga and see how well Canada is doing?

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😂😂I’m sure family members participated, but Joe was there just to sniff around and pretend he was exercising.

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Good grief, retire already, or at least appoint a new minority leader. Any other Senator can do as little as he does.

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He’ll run for reelection only if they cart him around and pretend he’s awake. KY and CA both need to recall their over 80 Senators.

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I’m going to pop some popcorn, grab a beer, maybe 2 or 3,😏and sit back waiting for the comments to start piling up. 🤣

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I recognize that look, my Dad passed of dementia 5 years back. It may not be full blown, but he has no clue where he is or who he is talking with, but oh well, he is fine to run the country.

GC, smart play here. Really, no words can explain this to a rational human being.

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BRICS be like, we got to get on this shit ASAP.

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The mind parasites have invaded and are shredding the fuck out of what is left of these human souls. No soul...no mind...no mind only an empty shell might as well be on the streets of Philly ... this will be the new retirement home for these monsters in Washington D.C.

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Ha ha LMAO, I needed that!

Classic and the "you got mail" at the end was priceless.

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We, as the sane ones, who value human freedom should not lose sight of the fact that this man is a human being who is suffering. He is suffering from a corruption of his soul, an addiction to power. His body is failing him and those around him allow him to humiliate himself (like biden) for power and personal gain.

Im not excusing his actions or behavior but just saying we cannot allow ourselves to be corrupted by the same darkness

Did u ever watch the walking dead?

Rick Grimes did not kill Negan. He could have but he didnt. He could have tortured him but he didnt....

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These people knowingly work for a cabal that has injected 5.5 billion humans with a deadly bioweapon. One that is still available for infants and toddlers. Even if only a third of doses are laced, that's a lot of crimes against humanity. I don't care about a fictional zombie tv show. We as sane ones shouldn't hesitate to try and hang all these cretins first chance we get. The minute they fear the people more than the cabal we might see some light again.

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If you’ve never seen the walking dead i highly rec it. It depicts a group of basically good ppl who have been severely traumatized and victimized, trying to reconstruct a semblance of a civilized, voluntary peaceful life in the face of enormous obstacles. It also depicts them trying to retain their benevolence and charity and not give in to fear and evil

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It was fun programming for a few seasons. I hit the road when they killed Beth after she got me with her piano tunes. A fine and noble struggle in a fictional world that doesn't come close to the one we live today. This cabal aren't zombies. They might be engineering some zombies so they can't see that war has been declared upon them and all of humanity. These scumbags know exactly what they're doing, and I suspect if the tables ever turned (not holding my breath) they'd love talk of charity and benevolence.

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Did u ever read the origins of totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt, or her book about the trial of Eichman

A lot of these people were convinced that they were actually doing good. They were convinced of the righteousness and necessity of the Nazi program.

A person like Tony Fauci, who I followed for years as I’m a medical doctor, and I’ve known about him and followed his career loosely for decades, thinks that he’s doing good. He thinks he’s on the side of morality and Health. He thinks he deserves a Nobel prize..

Did you ever read the book by Paul Johnson called “modern times”

The entire 20th century is littered with dictators despots demagogues . Brutal totalitarian regimes all over the world killed hundred million people or more.

Lenin for instance, genuinely believed that he and his ideas where the conduit through which a new better world would emerge

These people don’t look at themselves as evil .

I don’t know that some of them know exactly what they’re doing, and are simply opportunists out for material gain and power.

But it’s a feature of totalitarian movements , not a huge proportion of people are convinced of the moral righteousness of the movement

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I'm not convinced that's what we're witnessing at all this century. It's beyond ideology and academic retracement. It's another beast. Global, and multi layered. Maybe even beyond our species and world. The concepts used to understand 20th century history don't account for the hidden hands. Bolshevism and Nazism were permitted. Like most movements, events, wars, coups, they didn't develop organically. And if I'm wrong, that still doesn't exculpate pawns, regardless of intent or belief. You don't think Fauci knew AZT was killing homosexual men in the 80s and 90s? He didn't know it was toxic and deadly when he gave it to orphan boys in NY in the early aughts and their bodies dumped in a mass grave? He didn't know remdesivir and ventilators would kill patients with respiratory illness? C'mon doc.

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It doesn’t matter if these people look at themselves as evil. What matters is they are in fact evil.

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Indeed GC.

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Feinstein, Pelosi, McConnell, Fetterman, Biden, all well beyond any reasonable length of service given their mental condition. They all need to resign.

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Nice edit! Superb!

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if only Mitch's fugue was more in this style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsE7H6YPfco

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McConnell et. al (Biden being the first) are in full compliance with whatever it takes to render their human voice inaudible or non-functioning (as long as you don't kill mee) so the public will be stunned and unable to form a conclusion (since they are so scared of WHAT THAT would mean). GC you have put the very fine point on McConnell, et. al.

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OK, I'm NOT a Mitch McConnel fan by any stretch of the imagination. That said I will defend his "fuzz out" as I too have experienced such. As a 19 year old grunt in 1966-67' in combat in Viet Nam on patrol/combat I experienced, as did others, a "fuzz out" exactly like Mitch that the medic understood. It took about 10 minutes to regain my composure but high stress can and does affect your state of being where you are "awake" but numbed to the "present". Just sayin'

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