Jan 14, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

And the news that Israel - Israel! of all places! - are going to vaccinate babies from 6mo old.

This is an utter tragedy. Why can't people see it?

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Total madness. Israeli govt. has a secret contract with Pfizer.

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Can it be, this madness, for a pot of gold coins?? 🥺

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ITS to follow the plan by a number of groups to REDUCE humanity by the billions. Watch Dr John Coleman on BRIGHTEON Video "The Club of Rome". AND his Book - a FREE DOWNLOAD - "The Committee of 300" he was an Intelligence Officer in the UK & USA. He gives FACTS well ahead of what is happening now.

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How can you be shocked that "Israel of all places" has no qualms poisoning its own offspring? Have you failed to observe the genocide happening in occupied, apartheid Palestine since the khazar filth started squatting that Rothschild criminal outpost at the end of their WW2? These thugs have been slaughtering children and everyone else on USSAN tax cattle tribute for generations and yet the global herd fed on hollow cost platitudes hasn't batted an eye.

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Hauntingly beautiful. We must protect our children and prevent history from repeating.

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Native American wisdom has the moral battle of two wolves in each of everyone-one good one evil, obviously a fiat dollar supports evil as supported by Soros who found reward as a 14 year older and turned in Hungarian Jews for reward, as someone is going to profit so it let be me! This is a war on religious beliefs and freedom. Pfizer is owned by wall street. which is named defendent in Nuremburg 2.0!

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Its far fare more than that. Pls read my comment above (reply to Marty Sanchez) re FACTUAL INFORMATION sources

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Wonderful article, very moving and emotionally disturbing. So haunting that we are repeating events from 1942 and we can't really understand how we got here in such a short time...who would have thought this could happen again?

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Jan 14, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I think that it has happened throughout history. We just haven't seen it yet. My father is 96 and lived in Warsaw in 1939 (he was 14). He has seen all of this before.

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Yes, HIstory tells us that this is part of a World PLAN started way back in History, it goes to the so called top and more.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

That's just it! When you study history, you must always remember this: HUMAN NATURE HAS NOT CHANGED! EVIL WILL HAPPEN AGAIN unless those who see it, stop it. It's on us, now.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

thankfully many are trying (and not blind). we have a long road ahead of us...

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Pls read your USA HIstory esp., and my reply to Marty Sanchez above for FACTUAL knowledge.

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As a mom of young children and a vaccine injured veteran, I can't read this horrific story without tears streaming down my face. The parallels drawn here are sobering and appalling. Thank you so much for sharing this work.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

And why the children? RFK JR said that without approval for children the vaccines will not be indemnified and the EUA is set to run out and with it the protection for Pfizer by the PREP act.

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Sacrificial lambs for a corporation to get legal immunity. As evil as it gets.

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Having any thoughts about abolishing incorporation with limited liability? Maybe this moment in history is a good moment for everyone to reconsider an institution which encourages rapacity, moral hazard, irresponsibility, and rootlessness.

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Yep, the concept of "Limited Liability" might just be the most serious flaw of capitalism, and I say this as a business owner myself.

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Once upon a time I worked in business development in telecoms. What a racket, and we were always hiding behind the regulatory apparatus like little weasels, too.

During the past two years, we've been reminded that incorporation without rstrictions (e.g. for purpose and period of time) is a bad deal for anyone who operates a small business. Big Capital didn't always enjoy such privilege, however. Centuries ago, corporations had much less latitude, yet still they earned a reputation for terrorist aggression. (They were organized, I think, mostly for foreign expeditions, and there were relatively few of them.) Nowadays they can engage in any lawful activity, they enjoy the same rights as a living person, and they can exist indefinitely. They remain state institutions, however, which is interesting given the energy expended by their apologists when trying to convince us that corporations are really just a feature of "free markets".

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Oh, I think corporations are indeed a feature of free markets. In a free market, there's nothing to prevent me from selling ownership shares in a business I've started, and presto, it's a "corporation". However, I see absolutely no reason why it's a necessary feature of free markets that the shareholders (who share in the profits) shouldn't also share in the liability for any malfeasance that the company engages in. If they did share in that liability, there would be strong motivation for them to ensure that management didn't engage in acts of malfeasance, and under current government protection from liability, there's little such motivation.

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You are correct that "if they did share in that liability, there would be strong motivation for them to ensure...". The solution is to abolish any and all incorporation. Go-getters will then be free to conduct their commercial affairs as sole proprietors or as partners with each other. This would, however, tend to destroy stock markets, which "free market" fanatics love so much. Good riddance to all that, I say. Firms will be smaller. Locals will have a fighting chance against travelling sharks. Precious capitalism will have no choice but to slow down, and this will have healthy social effects like making alternate ways of living appear more attractive.

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"and presto, it's a 'corporation' "

Nope. Corporations are state institutions. You are trying to smuggle the idea of freely tradeable, highly liquid shares into partnerships.

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NO, all part of the incredible EVIL being perpetrated in so many areas of life in the World and more to come if they are not stopped. Resistance by not responding to the sick demands!! stop buying from Companies that are heavily involved in all of this.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

January 17, 2022 – A Dad's Musings

The Children of Lidice ( www.thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/before-the-children-of-pfizer) are today's Children of Covid-19 Vaccines. "We may not have enough bronze for all the statues of our pharmaceutical epoch." As I think about my beautiful daughter and my beautiful grandkids my heart aches for all the parents and grandparents out there who unwittingly have put their faith in greedy pharmaceutical companies, corrupt politicians, and health bureaucrats. Will these powers ever be held accountable for their genocide? How can we stop them? Why can't people open their minds and see what is happening around them? Do they not know the meaning of "lest we forget?" Words that have been carved (with blood) into stone and the hearts of so many. I read somewhere that one of the hardest things to do is convince somebody that they have been tricked. Albeit the word "tricked" is a gross understatement of what has taken place in the world today. So many educated and learned people have bought into the false narrative, even when they see their esteemed and learned colleagues being censored, ridiculed, and persecuted for simply questioning the narrative. Would that alone not be enough to at least raise a flag of concern, plant a seed of doubt? All the doctors and scientists in the world who have had their jobs and careers threatened by speaking out against the narrative must feel, must know in their hearts, that this is wrong and something dangerously evil is taking place. How can an educated and learned person look at published government data such as “www.openvaers.com/covid-data” and call it fake news? The proof and evidence of the dangers and lethality of this experimental injection is in plain sight for all to see, yet they choose to look away, just as millions did during the Nazi execution of 6,000,000 Jews, or the Rwanda genocide. Albert Einstein was a great mathematician, but he was also a philosopher and said, “three great forces rule the world...stupidity, fear and greed.” I suppose as true as his famous equation E=MC^2, which is an equation that relates energy to matter, I can rearrange his philosophical quote to solve for compliance, C, and relate compliance to those three great forces. C=(S+G)F^4, where S=stupidity, G=greed and of course F=fear. I put F to the fourth power because it is a significant factor in increasing the value of C. Stupidity and greed will affect the value of C, but it will never have the same effect as Fear. Fear truly is a powerful force, right up there with the speed of light, C. There is one more factor that is missing from this equation and that is truth, T. I would put truth in the denominator as it will not affect the equation a great deal unless it is a very large number, in which case it can, in theory make C small. C={(S+G)F^4}/T. So, I suppose we need to get as much Truth out there as we can to reduce the effects of fear, greed, and stupidity. Is the world ready for the truth?

A Dad and Granddad

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Thank you for this. The truth always wins in the end. People will have no choice but to face it. That's why we prevent any further advance of this global evil.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

We will hold accountable, only those we choose to stand up on, and make happen. I've seen almost no accounting in my sixty four years of life, dozens of wars of destructive intent, led by my own government, at the behest of "people who know nothing", yet demand all. I once thought it honorable to serve my country. Now, I know I served an evil government with no concerns at all about law, Constitution, there is no "moral" for those who hold themselves as the highest authority. I live in "farm country, North Carolina", where the least imposition is, I go to town once in ten days, as do most, and we are generally bewildered. The good citizen says "no, I am my own governor, I know my health, and my children are God's, not government's". Nothing less is adequate, sufficient. We stand against the lives of our children, or we are damned. God doesn't forgive those who "would harm the least of us". There is no nation in this world, that has escaped the impact of "western hubris", in every way and sense.

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I'm with you. The Federalists won and the rest is history. True students of history become more and more aware government is primarily interested in maintaining itself and increasing its power and control. Sadly, in our current system, the worst of us are attracted to government like moths to flame, so we end up governed by the worst possible sorts of people, typically either complete psychopaths or busy body do-gooders with no inkling of the concepts of individual sovereignty.

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EACH & EVERY INDIVIDUAL MUST stand up and be counted on a daily basis to stop this

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Many of those in my loose group feel America is to be judged. Jonathan Cahn books, HARBINGER and HARBINGER II speak of this. He's a Messianic Jew, who believes Jesus the Christ WAS the Messiah.

Because he's in lost none of the Torah wisdom as in our Old Testament, he sees 9/11 and the World Trade Centers destroyed, a warning! To America.

It's possible the recent Tongan underwater volcano with tidal waves reaching from Alaska to Chile, is another warning of coming (just) judgement on America.

A nation which believed in God at its founding and for many years, then turns FROM God? Things won't end well, I believe.

In my 72 years of life, I suffered through the '60s as America changed. It's gotten much worse ever since.

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Its gotten much worse BY DESIGN by psychopaths- people who always have a need to control so as they can get some sort of weird feeling of being alive inside themselves. They are dead emotionally. It goes back in history and now with BIg Tech, Big Business, Big Pharma, BIg $$$$ it has been moved along quicker than even "they" anticipated.

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Jan 15, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Stories such as this should never be erased from history. They are testament to the brutality that is ever present, even today, in the world. There can be no excuse for this kind of behavior and I hope somewhere, somehow those responsible have and will meet their reckoning.

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In the next life. I believe in God even if those evil people doing this THINK they're getting away with it.

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Those perpetrating this are coming from the fear, desire, and anger levels of consciousness. They are fully invested in this physical construction and are willing to harm anyone to any degree, young or old, in order to realize their goals. The only hope is enough people rise to the level of courage/integrity to allow humanity to collectively understand and simply not comply with evil and complete nonsense.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Did you read of Maine doctor who prescribed Ivermectin to her patient? She's lost her medical license, has to have a mental exam (!!!) and whatever. All the losses? She's saved her integrity and her soul!

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Sounds a lot like Nazi Germany or Lenin's Russia, doesn't it?

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Yes. I often tell people we're living in 1930's Germany. Of course, they look at me like I have two heads.

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Jan 17, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Especially if all people stop buying from Companies and doing what they are told to do by...... Dr Reinhard Fuellmich (International Lawyer watch his latest video about the INternational Case to be started before the end of January 2021. He said that firstly, Gates, Fauci, Tedros Gh... (WHO) and Daszak are ........

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Jan 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

New horror invented with later generations. Believe your government WOULD do this! They've done it before, but your schools and college classes left all that information out of the lessons they taught you.

I, me, myself, know of this history, so I am prepared to believe men CAN choose to do these evil things to children.

Now, YOUR TURN! You MUST believe the past, and you must believe it's happening now. It's YOUR TURN. What are YOU going to do?

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Feb 6, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

They will forever be sacrificing people to the altar of money because they have NO humanity. :-(

Look up The Radium Girls and Radithor. You think the marketing on cigarettes and this virus cure was bad.... it shocked my conscience. And now they are taking on cancer (oh boy) been hearing all the commercials about cancer lately? Create the problem/need....then introduce the cure - modern marketing. :-(

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Kill Bill gates of hell, best buddy of Maxwell Epstein pedovore in chief and Mossad kiddy porn director along with filthy Swi$$ money laundry and spawn of kosher German Nazis, the Hollyweird central casting SS cutout lout aka Satan Klaus Slob, vertical snake and Rothschild bagman geriatric peddler of fellow Jews to Nazis, the inimitable Gyorgi “Soros”, all these demons would have you believe that their Tony Jaws Fauci and his Fort Detrick (debt trick) Wuflu virus has it all sewn up and you are nothing more than a redundant head of tax cattle down on Rancho Goyim, USSA soon to be slaughtered for the greater good of the zero 1% reptilian slime that imagines it has “inherited the earth”.

The great r€$et my ass. The entire scam is falling apart as quick as you can say Pfizer macht frei and nothing on this Earth is going to save their mountains of fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petroscrip toilet paper dollahs and gimp bastard €urodollah or their evil genocidal asses in the coming Nuremberg reloaded. The Wall St shitter is about to blow their Ponzi sewer to hell and all the fake covaids and DARPA mRNA death pricks won’t put Humpty Dumpty together again when the tsunami of toxic derivative shit washes over Slumville and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of filth. Simply by staying unjected we win when the millions of vaxxed sheeple start falling like dominoes in the months ahead; Dark Winter comes with a vengeance. Then guess how long the vertical pigs and uniformed mutts slurping their swill for now at the elitist trough along with rancid politcal swine and craven presstitute hos will cover for the cabal of reptilian scum that unleashed this vile insanity on the planet. These porcine scum will have their own offspring croaking like flies and even pigs and sheeple finally understand the stench of mass slaughter the nearer they come to the slaughterhouse erected by the reptilian alien slime now running planet moron.

There’s going to be a lot of entitled, hubris bloated elitist garbage dangling from lampposts in the years ahead and nothing is going to stop the stampeding, poisoned sheeple from taking grisly revenge when the herd finally grasps the totality of their stupidity and the enormity of their betrayal at the hands of our “Western democratic” kakistocracy. Forget about the ravings of trans slash humanist oddball geriatric retards and their great psychopathic “reset” and get ready for the greatest flush of demented loons that humanity has ever seen in its sorry history of depravity at the hands of gubermint puss and the ghouls that wallow in it.

The vertical swine, with their snouts deep in the oligarch trough and gleefully crushing skulls, have been chosen by our kakistocracy for their psychopathy and ignorance, a blend of ruthlessness and obedience to follow the whims of the demons now running the global asylum. The pattern of total control now being enforced by the divisions of global robopigs is obviously being micro managed by the serpents behind the scenes who own the banksters, political hoes, presstitutes and every other cog is this monstrous machine. At this stage identifying the vertical swine at local level, where they live, their families (if they have any) even if it were possible to organize a campaign against these thugs it would unfortunately bring very little, the dystopia has been constructed both in the sheeple skull and in the sheeple "society". In the wings wait the death squads, the real deal aka Cheka, Gestapo, CIA, all the gangs of clever, hired killers and demented brutes that every evil regime has ever relied upon to erect its dystopia and they are already busy "eliminating" any perceived threat, now under the radar, but that will soon change when the global concentration camp is thrown open to the "infectious anti-citizen dissident" whose image is now being etched clearly in the hive mind of the insects we once imagined our neighbors to be.

Picture a thousand Hitlers all emerging from the serpent's egg at the same period in history, all coordinated as Adolf was, by the same demented force that has always preyed on the human herd and that is where we are at today.

Nothing can be salvaged out of what we have allowed to be constructed around us; it must all be destroyed totally in the hope that from the ruins something decent and still human can be reborn and not the Frankenstein abortion and abomination that the trans-humanist filth are cobbling together with their covaid$ death squirt assault on every man woman and child that they are poisoning. But destroyed it will be, of that I have no doubt whatsoever.

YOU are the disease, their covaid$ death squirt the cure

PfiZer macht frei.....permanently

Same as it ever waZ

By staying unjected you win; it's that simple.

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Skillfully penned!

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Excellent, as always.

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You could really use a sub-editor, what with the spelling, grammar and over-use of the historic present.

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You're hired. Pays $0.0. when can you start?

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