It’s hard to imagine a seventeen-year-old with no formal education jetting off to Philadelphia today with the equivalent of fifty bucks and a bread roll.

This is what America is supposed to be about. This is the American spirit. People used to *do* things, not sit around and ask for help.

St. FDR did more to kill this classic vision of America than anyone else. Until we get rid of the welfare state, I don't think we'll see any more Franklins.

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FDR and LBJ with the final nail. The AI writing "history books" will surely engineer Franklins out of its creators, Gates and Musk, one criminal and one fraud, both chosen by the global cabal. "The algorithm told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears."

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Until we get rid of? The welfare state has ridden America of its soul….. it ain’t going nowhere, until it simply stops, and then the game will be afoot… don’t be caught in Philly my brutha!

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Fantastic essay !

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So good TGC!

"The Scales of Justice have become as Feathers, too Light to tip in any Direction?"

Your talents are amazing.

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Well done

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Classic GC. You missed the part where Franklin watches Meatball twerking.

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A tremendous oversight indeed comrade. I look forward to Meatball's Presidential medal of freedom ceremony during Biden's last week.

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Oct 5, 2023
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And himself.

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When I worked in Old City, I often found myself having lunch at a table near the official Ben Franklin impersonator at the Bourse food court. I always got a kick out of the anachronistic scene of Ben eating Sbarro pizza, or lo mein, or whatever. Those were the good old days of Philly. Last spring I took my older daughter to her volleyball tournament at the convention center, and brought along my younger daughter to explore the Reading Terminal Market, Market Street stores, and LOVE park during the down time. I hadn't been into the city since pre-covid, for a lot of reasons, but mainly because I didn't have a vax passport. The kids experiences before then were Comcast holiday shows, ice skating at Dilworth plaza, doing all the historical tours, all of which I had done a million times. Well, a new experience was had by all that day. Complete debauchery. Human excrement on primary streets. Harassment by countless probable drug addicts. In the heart of the tourist section. Real Ben definitely would wish a lightning strike to get out of there these days. It's truly sad.

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...a republic, if we can keep it. I kind of think the destruction of the republic started before the ink was dry on the signatures. Excellent post. :)

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Very appropriate article GC. Parallel to Franklin, but different, I spent my first 17 years in Philly. Left for the free state of Texas and college, just as soon as I was able. The coup in Dallas was still on everyone's mind then and family thought I was crazy to go to such a place, But I persisted, and wound up in Waco for 4 years.

But back to Philly---As far as I remember the writing was on the wall even way back then. The Democrat machine controlled the city, gang warfare was common, and drug use amongst the young was not unheard of even in the 60's. The video going around now (the streets of Philadelphia) makes me cry though--it's like the people on the same streets I grew up on, no longer even hope for a future--just doing time till the ground swallows them.

So much has changed there even over the last 60 years I have been gone. My returns have been not very frequent, and not at all since Mom passed 18 years ago, but I did find a good cheese steak, and the soft pretzels from the corner vendor were as good as I remembered. Don't believe the same can be said today. I suspect Old Ben would be turning in his grave ( as well as many of the other signers of those two most important documents ) at what we the people have let that fabled republic become. Our freedom was given up at first slowly, and now during my life as fast as a sled flying down an icy hill side. So Sad

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This is another great essay, but this line chafes:

"What would Franklin think of the subversive financial speculator and teenage Nazi collaborator George Soros destroying American cities?"

Instead of calling Soros a "Nazi collaborator," why not just call him what he is? A Jew. Especially since his behaviour is typical of Jews, not National Socialists.

The word "Nazi" has become a shortcut for talking about all things tyrannical, but using this shortcut is part of our deeper malaise, as Craig Nelson so aptly illustrates in this post:


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Because I would think Franklin would be more disturbed by him being a Nazi collaborator Jew rather than simply a Jew. Though I could be wrong based on some of his writings and forbidden history... if accurate. It seems we've reached a point where there's no way to know what history is truth and what is managed narrative for the unwashed masses who can't handle the truth. Once AI is in charge of everything, forget about all alternatives.


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I agree it's hard to know what's true and what isn't these days... but the pattern of destructive Jewish behaviour is a little hard to miss. It's been going on a long time. And the best Jews (from the perspective of the rest of humanity) always get kicked out of the cult.

I also wish people would apply the same critical thinking skills to WWII and the "Nazi narrative" as they do to the scamdemic, 9/11, "climate change," etc. There's not much point to any of our pontificating if we can't call a spade a spade.

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This is brilliant! I can see an entire mini-series.

S1 E2: Ben visits a Gender Studies class at U Penn and is perplexed with the faculty and students' lack of critical thinking skills and their infatuation with pronouns.

S1 E3: Ben attends his first Eagles game (This writes itself)

Go nuts G.S!

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The present incarnation of America is doomed to die the long overdue and ignoble death its held off for generations. Just as you can't hold off the inevitable end of all flesh so too you can't hold off the inevitable end of empire.

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Our founding fathers must be rolling in their graves to see what we've become. :(

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History mixed with a satirical ka-pow, excellent GC!

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Ben had better come heavy with ammo, a couple of Uzis, stun grenades with an optional tank and/or drone.

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This is absolutely Golden. I'm glad you mentioned the Isaacson biography; I also read it and enjoyed it. Kids that still get educated should read this; the visuals included.

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Its a different theme, with historical accuracy as the thrust, but the comparison to today's Philly tells it all.

I am a paid subscriber, GC. I bit the bullet. I only hope it don't bite me.

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