Please tell me there is more of this love story.


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Thanks for putting PA in future free America.

Makes me glad I won't die in vain.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Was thinking the same. However, if you look closely It appears that Philly—and perhaps the surrounding counties—Bucks, Montco, Delco and part of Chester—did not make it over the wall.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

They won't be missed. :)


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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

That's where I live (Chester), and I will miss it. Have to hang in until mid 2023.

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Yeah, sorry about that Frank. East all down to Phili didn't make the cut. You have time.

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Go west, young man. :) Your property is probably still worth a lot.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

That's the plan (or south). The sheep are in abundance here. Plus, they'll LOVE our mask-a-palooza school district where their children will be able to choose their gender.

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That's the one benefit for people like us- as long as we stay with the wave, we will do very well on our exit sales.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Absolutely awesome. I’ll be reposting this with your permission on NewSA. In my opinion, this why we need to start the process NOW to get away from this idiocy and evil.

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sure thing. yes, we don't have much time.

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Hi fellow citizen. I've put together a starting template that our State Legislatures can use. Check it out here:


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what is NewSA

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My substack :), and a movement I’m trying to start.

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Such a poignant story - so much so because it could be the future. Citizen, you should write novels if you don't already. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I live in a deep red state and haven't endured nearly the misery that has been imposed in the blue states, but I travel all over the country and see the sheeple dutifully wearing their useless shields, while I, with my arrogance and Granny-killer mindset (so I imagine they think), brazenly go about barefaced, smiling and making eye contact with everyone. And you know what? Nobody has ever said a mean word to me. Many of the mask-wearers avoid looking at me - I think they are ashamed. Those who are like me, barefaced and smiling, exchange a knowing look of camaraderie. We live freely and with purpose, happy and unencumbered by fear and loathing. Free America is the majority, even if only by one. #CANADIANTRUCKERSFREEDOMCONVOY #TRUCKTRUDEAU

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Thanks for the very kind words. Good for you! Free America is the majority. Unfortunately, for years now the fearful and anxious minority are amplified by those in power to keep their power, to make it seem like we all should be fearful and neurotic. Your calm fearlessness will be transferred to many of them. They will remember what it was like before. That is how people will lead the sheep back to human form - by making freedom contagious again.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

You may be overestimating the territory of Red states in 2032. Technophile businesses are moving into Texas to work on rockets and electric cars, and technophiles tend to be technocrats, too. Red, course, is the color assigned about 22 yrs ago by the varsity team to the JV team of American politics. And the JV just went along with the switcheroo like submissive little underclassmen who were happy to cooperate for the sake of getting along with the communists. So I think it's fair to believe that the Lone Star State is the California of tomorrow. Maybe not by 2032, but surely by 2048, by which time a huge proportion of the population will speak Campesino as a first language. It would be interesting to see how Olivia copes with the disillusionment of the color flip and the subsequent sharp increase of persecution and oppression.

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Excellent points. Many of them can't be argued with. That does assume things don't change and people don't change. There's been massive internal migration the past two years and that's going to accelerate. If you look at what were once blue border counties in Texas they flipped near red within 4 years. 84% latino. Lots of Catholics, family-oriented people who will not go alone with the commies and don't want open borders. I have less faith in Austin and the Techno-rats. That island is going to be interesting to watch over the next 20 years.

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Watch Houston, too. It has deep ties to the space race industry thanks to Mission Control, and the Artemis program is gathering momentum. Probably the Gateway space station will become a reality in lunar orbit. These are Big Capitalist projects of Big Gov. SpaceX is in southern Texas near South Padre Island, and Musk has wild fantasies about building 1,000 of his Starships.

Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry, long dominant in Texas, will be under intense pressure to shrivel in accordance with Net Zero 2050. This strongly favors conversion to the new ecclesia. Also to come under intense pressure will be those Latino Catholics. Dr. Progressive will not allow their ecclesia to stand on its own terms indefinitely. Latinos who refuse to conform will find theirselves stalked by Mr. Antifa.

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She’ll move to Florida.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

A beautifully written horror story. May it never be!

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It's great writing, but given that Oregon Guv Kate Brown removed the standards for high school graduation temporarily (indefinitely), I'm not sure that Oregonian teenagers 25 years from now will be literate. Sadly, that's the only part I found possibly unrealistic.

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I thought about that 😄. Unbelievable the clowns running blue states. She's one of the worst.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

like her sick pals to the north and south. Birds of the same mangled feater.

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Feb 7, 2022·edited Feb 7, 2022

If they could get us to “think” using only emojis they would be very happy. Destroying language and words is a big part of their agenda.

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Dystopian novel in the making!


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True, that. Poor Olivia longs to flee to the dungeon world from which her own was derived, and she's so desperate that she'd willingly become a zombie of a favorite superstition in Jacob's dungeon.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The photo of Francine broke my heart! I'm a big fan of dystopian fiction but this is too much!

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Is that because it all seems so possible now and less dystopian? Breaks my heart too.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Yes. And because she's just so beautiful and innocent. As an unhappy resident of the USSA, I'm really starting to feel it's not safe here anymore. This morning, our governor announced that he'll end the forced masking of children (all K-12 school children, public or private, and babies ages 2 and up in daycare facilities)... in FOUR freaking weeks! Please join me in giving a half-hearted hoorah. (In our state of 9,000,000 people, there are 1,920 in the hospital with Covid. 1,490 new cases off the daily high of 33,459 just one month ago. But let's make the children suffer four more weeks, shall we?)

Thank you for the story. You're a great writer.

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Thank you Anastasia. NJ eh? Almost had him in November. That's how unpopular these policies are, but very very damaging to the children. I hate to see the end results in 20 years. It won't be pretty.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Yes, NJ. Almost had him out. Unfortunately, the legislature has done almost nothing to take back power from the petty tyrant, and don't even ask about the courts. We had some fun at least with the ousting of Steve Sweeney the entrenched Senate President. Defeated by Ed the Trucker! For that, I give a very whole-hearted hoorah!

But on a more serious note, we were blessed with our first grandchild in 2021 and I do worry about him being raised in NJ.

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Congratulations 🎉. I know how you feel. My niece and nephew are in Oregon and it's the future that might await them there that motivated this piece.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I forgot to tell you that I saw a photo of a Canadian protester on Twitter wearing a Good Citizen shirt! Hmmmm.... was that you? LOL

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I'm incredibly sorry to hear that. Permanent masking won't stand. It can't. God help us.

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Another civil war over slavery is occurring

Digital slavery

We are losing badly

Country divided will crumble

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I am not sure the country crumbling would be a bad thing anymore. Is it not time that the free states lose the dead weight from the unfree states? The free states could then re-form a new union with the Constutition (though the 17th Amendment should be repealed, as it is IMO one of the main reasons things have gotten so bad today) at its center. The Constitution is the most perfect political document ever... it's perfectly well up to the task. We just need to actually do what it says. If people choose to disregard it, an inanimate piece of paper or parchment can't do a thing about that.

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If the Constitution was the most perfect political document we wouldn't be in the situation we are in. There are many flaws in it that need to be fixed if we get the chance.

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Of course we would. Take a look at the world... the whole thing is a mess. Is that the fault of our Constitution too? At least in the US we have free states that have stood thus far as a bit of a bulwark against the creeping tyranny, and the reason we have that is our system of federalism as defined by the Constitution.

The main flaw of the Constitution is that is it not self-enforcing. The 17th Amendment has to go too, as it has been a root cause of much of the consolidation of power in the imperial federal government, as it was meant to.

There's no way to write a document that is so potent that it is literally impossible for people to simply disregard it. The document is fine... we just need to stop ignoring it.

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Ahem. The preamble is blatantly false. Fewer than 1/2 of "We the People" did any ordaining or establishing, and MANY people fiercely opposed that pseudofederalist concoction called Constitution.

Let's add the additional charge that the phrase "We the People" plants the invidious idea that absolutely everyone has authority to ordain and establish a powerful, complex government for a collection of states. So a reasonble preamble would read something like this:

'We the qualified Adults of the United States...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.'

A qualified Adult is first and foremost beyond childhood and above the petty vices and popular delusions and superstitions of the rabble.

The perfect document has other problems, too. Read Article VII carefully. See that it pretends to state the law of "Ratification" and "Establishment" before both ratification and establishment. So anyone invokes that clause as an excuse for believing in Establishment must explain the external source of law being restated in A7. This the Constitution's apologists never do without impeaching the States' constitutions or statues, which also use the trick of presupposition.

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Ahem. The preamble is blatantly 𝘪𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘵. It's an explanation of the reasoning behind the whole thing, as was common practice at the time. The people who wrote those three words that bother you were the representatives of the whole of the people, however.

The people themselves are sovereign by virtue of being human beings, and all are as much entitled as any other to ordain a government. Meeting your standard for lack of pettiness, delusion, or superstition is not required, and if you look at the results we've gotten from other self-aggrandizing elitists who think they know better, I'd say those you wish to call 'qualified' should probably be excluded from the process for the good of us all. It is, after all, 'qualified adults' who have led us into lockdowns, vaccine mandates, mask rules, massive censorship, and all that other stuff that has made life so wonderful for the last few years.

Please also feel free to reread my original comment and notice that I said it was "the most perfect political document," not that it was "a perfect political document." Whether that was a strawman fallacy or a lapse of reading comprehension on your part is of no consequence. If you can name a more perfect political document, please do so.

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How about....

The Rule of Freedom suite

As a political document...tis perfect

Plus, you can sing along...

Grasshopper Kaplan in utoob for sound

Words in my substack...as lyric

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The preamble is a claim to authority. If removed, any alert reader would wonder just who is responsible for it. Since the authors lacked authority—they were largely a cabal of plutocrats and their tools—they pretended to act in the name of the people. Populism is an old but effective trick, yet it remains true that neither children nor drug addicts nor common criminals nor rabble are sovereign. The Constitution's imperfections are simply intolerable, and they have badly disfigured society to favor a government which has become a leading crime organization all over the Earth.

Fyi, your demand to cite another "more perfect political document" reminds me of what Muhammadists do when people challenge the mess of chaotic scribbling called al-Quran. That, too, is a red herring and a flimsy attempt to set theirselves up for a win by default.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

It was not a demand. You attempted to counter a claim I never made, that the Constitution was a perfect political document, when I had said it is the 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 perfect political document. If your goal is to rebut my statement, as clearly it would appear to be, that would require citing a more perfect political document, since I had stated what I consider it to be.

The imperfections you mention are all functions of the degree to which the cabal of elitists have perverted and ignored the Constitution. It's a document; it cannot self-enforce, and when we fail to do our jobs as citizens, it's very easy for the evils of power, a corrupting influence on every human who has it, to subvert everything intended to keep it limited. There's no way to use words to craft a document that can't be broken by people who ignore laws and the documents that define them. It is these corrupt elites who form the basis of the criminal organization you mention, despite the Constitution, and in no way because of it.

The group of criminals you refer to are not, per se, American, though many have American citizenship. They occupy and pervert the government of the US because the US has power, and they want power. You may notice how all the governments of the world seem to be acting in lockstep, however, and those outside of the US are not concerned at all with our Constitution. If the Constitution has any fault, it is that it is merely a collection of words that have no power in and of themselves, and there is no country in the world that would not have done even worse in withstanding the onslaught of the globalist oligarchs.

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I spoke about the declaration of Independence the first few sentences

And as an imaginary idea....of course. That one of sovereignty

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I never, ever, cease to be amazed at how many Christians fail to realize what the "Funding Fathers", as one critic called them in the 1930's, bequeathed to the world. They proclaimed a new ontology to compete with the old and set up a new ecclesia to muscle aside the ecclesias of Rome, northern Germany, Geneva, and England which had established theirselves in N. America before the secession from GB. I wish that I could live another 250 years to see how the plot develops.

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Fucking lawyers. .

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Further demolition will bring more devastation. We can't rebuild building 7, nor do we want to.

But the country wants to be a cohesive locale, I suggest...

Plus I'd have to leave killafornia if it gets any further fascist

But since there's an election they have to drop the jail program....

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It won't crumble, and it won't collapse. Such things are fantasies almost as bad as Q-ism. For decades the Left has been saying they are going to wreck the economy so that the people beg government to do something. Now people act like it's an accident that the Leftists are doing exactly what they've said they plan to do.

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I am sure the Soviets said the same thing circa 1990.

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So u consider killafornia to be basically a Joni Mitchell blue, a lost cause

So it taint so

Oh it is Daddy oh

This is the fascist state of killafornia

Our Grusome Knewsomething governmer was a young Klaus Schwab dicksucker...

Woops, is that inappropriate to say?

Too bad

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I was looking forward the first map contestation. Thanks Grasshopper. I think for a peaceful split (and this fictional future assumes that) then compromises are going to have to be made in a negotiation and I don't see democrats budging on California since they and their corporate tech mafia basically own it already. But I don't see Orange County going so willingly and that's the compromise I chose.

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The funny thing about Cali is (as I think you both know) the eastern counties are deep deep red. If Nevada were red like Idaho then I could see eastern Cali joining Greater Nevada during a peaceful split, leaving a small hard to defend strip of coastline for Blue Cascadia. But Nevada is dismayingly purple these days...for now.

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Good points. It pains me to say the map was the most difficult part of this project. Seems like this future is writing itself lately.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

A few more "contestations":

* There is already a movement in eastern Oregon to break away and join Idaho. Expect more of eastern Washington than you depict to sign on to that. (That would also make it easier for the letter writer to escape!)

* If the rest of IL could vote on a referendum to expel Chicago from the state, I suspect it would pass by at least 2-1. So paint the liberated downstate red.

* Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems like southern Minnesota & Wisconsin are the blue areas (MSP, Milwaukee and Madison). Switching the colors there would make it easy for Chicago to join.

* I know NH is fairly conservative, but is Maine as well?

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Yes, I've been following the eastern OR movement. Have friends there. On IL, yes of course. The same could be said for Atlanta/GA, Milwaukee/WI, Minn/MI etc etc. On Maine, yes, the often split their two votes. Portland and coastal regions are blue. The rest is pretty red. But all these red counties will turn blue in time with illegal immigration by democrat design. AND unfortunately all of this will probably not be decided by state/county referendums in the future for a peaceful split but another violent civil war and then it will come down to allegiances of the military which is why I suspect the Biden admin is purging the people they are purging.

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Well done!

The only thing you overlooked is the fact that this WEF-led NWO is eschatological, and has zero tolerance for competing modes of living. Therefore, the future you describe should include a reference to an atmosphere of besiegement.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Wow, what a great piece of writing. Just the thought of that young ladies predicament brought tears to this old man's eyes. Thankful that I choose the free state of Texas years ago, and that the majority of my grandchildren are here also. However, they live along the dreaded I-35 corridor near deep blue Austin , and I do worry for them. Looking forward to more from you GC

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In a crackup like the one depicted here, there will almost certainly be a massive ideological cross-migration of leftists to the blue areas and humans to the red ones. (The second part is already happening.) For a comparison, look up the India-Pakistan partition of 1947, where millions of Hindus and Muslims found themselves on the wrong side of the new borders.

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So touching because so plausible.God protect from our foolishness.

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Feb 7, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Very good description of different states with different mindsets. Even the Bible is canceled by the left because only government can be their god and their power cannot be questioned. How did people let these blue states take their freedoms without the slightest resistance. Sad

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So true, there can only be one God there.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Yeah, sad, but predictable for utterly lost people who were brainwashed for a few centuries to believe additional nonsense about "We the People" being in charge on Earth. But note that the state is their ecclesia, NOT their god. The People are their god, democracy is their theocracy, and government is the machinery of the ecclesia's hierarchy. Departments of revenue collect contributions from the ecclesia's captive members like ushers with much better knowledge about ability to pay. The priesthood has a new dogma of original sin to replace the old one of Trinitarianism: all white people and independent minded unwhites are born stained with sin.

The new order rhymes with the Dark Ages in other ways, too. Remember, for example, Charlemagne massacring huge numbers of Saxons and relying upon the Jews of Aachen, where some had established a colony centuries earlier, to provide him with envoys to the Muhammadists. The more things change in the ridiculous West, the more they stay the same.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

How does an ant eat a five tier wedding cake? Easily. One bite at a time. How does society fall into corruption? Easily. One bite at a time. We accelpted Madeline Murray O Hare kicking (as if..) God out of the schools. We accepted the wanton murder of the unborn, with nary a whimper, except for a stlawart few that were seen as wierdoes. We acceptd sodomite "marriage" becaus,e well they're not forcing ME to do that,are they? We laid down and let the masks, dsepaation, lockdowns, shutdowns, , and now the pokes, run over us as if they were all great and wonderful things. I simply carried on as though notiing was happening, because from MY perspective, it was not. Got kicked out of two stores for refusing to slap amug nappie ccross my face. So what? Not the only music store in the state. Soemone else got my nickel. Friend and I wanted quick unch out, Panda had closed their indoor area, tied all the outside tables and chairs up in an heap. So we got our order, walked over, sat down on top of a stone wall for a divider pante,r and ate our grub, laughing and tlaing as if nothing was wrong. It wasn't. at least with us. We were the ONLY two doing anything like that. Had a dweeb approache me, got rightup in my mug, berating me for nohing on my face byt my whiskers. Told me "the law' says I HAVE to wer a mask. I said "that is not law, not nacted by the state legislature. Locla rules, not binding. He then got on me for 'putting others in danger". I said I am NOT contagious, else I would not be in public. He snidely 'suggested" with a leer so big I could see it rhough his upper nappie. I chuckled and "tnaked' him for his concern. I ws polite nd gracousl he ws nsty and mean. I KNOW who won. And no I will NOT take the poke... nor don the nappie. They can ound sand. I refuse. They do NOT own me. time they get pout into their rigihtful places (which, at this point in time, I am convinced is in a warminsh place where everyone wears a nice new uniform.. a finely talored orange Onesie, and they spend their days looking out between grey iron bars.. and NOT at the gorgous bay set about with high palm trees, sparkling blue water, shorebirds, but at one more tan cooured stuccoed concrete block wall.

Until this happens, their tyranny will continue and it will most certainly devolve into a world like the one depicted so well in this story. The only difference between this and what Aleksandr Solzhenitzen wrote about is that Orego is considerably warmer. Same tyranny.

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Very impressive!

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Great story. I moved about 3 years ago from the communist state of California (SF Bay area) to the free state of Texas. I know while I will never be considered Texan by locals, I feel more Texan than many of them who have never experienced the growing darkness outside of the state. I feel like God was speaking to my wife and I too leave before it was too late. I usually don't remember my dreams, but I had a dream where my family and I were up in Lake Tahoe on the California/Nevada boarder and there was an announcement that the boarder was closing at midnight and they started putting up a Berlin style wall. My family and I were one of the last groups to squeeze our way through the wall before it was finished. I told my wife about my dream, and we both took that as a sign to make preparations to leave the state. We finally moved to Texas in the fall of 2019. A few months later Covid hit and all the crazy started.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I just moved to Oregon's rich coast, and I'm binging on oysters, local beef and terrific, fresh produce. This is the green ground I've chosen to die on.

Oregon is worth fighting for!

The crags and cliffs of Federally occupied Arizona, where free society is only sprayed thinly onto the rocks, and the overflights out of Edwards AFB at all times of night litter the mountain skies like beggars litter the ditches of Khandahar, not so much. Despite the receding growlings we hear emanating from its aging, pensioned warrior-classes in Sierra Vista, Tuscon and Yuma, the battle in Arizona, I'm afraid, is long lost.

John McCain was a belwether. And the state drafted happily in his wake.

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It's rugged beauty is mesmerizing. Was there last spring. My only error was watching a video on the cascadia subduction zone and tsunamis the night before and had trouble sleeping.

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I grew up in the PNW. So blessed, and not in the humblebrag hashtag way but seriously, to have lived in some of the most beautiful - and bountiful land in the world. I have travelled all over the world and there are many postcard vistas, but home is what we fight for because we have been shaped by that land and owe it our stewardship.

This is why I never fault those who choose to dig in and make their stand in Occupied lands. I have little to return to myself, as my past is a foreign country just as those orchards and vineyards are now strip malls and meth barrios.

So, I have moved on and will make a move again soon toward a freer State. Which of course is a tenuous illusion given the power we are up against and as much as any State can be defined so broad stroke. But I grant the same benefit to those who would take the risk to migrate toward a better life as I do those who dig in. There are many of us facing very tough choices.

These are big places we speak of with quite different people and lifestyles within their bounds. Having been a cowboy hat wearing surfer as well as an urban corporate striver drone, I know quite well how the lives we choose to live are what matters most. Not the shorthand mythology of what we think it means to be Californian or Oregonian.

To your point re: AZ, there are several such states that teeter toward lost. But then the debate is much like the generational one. Blame the boomers while becoming the boomers while the kids no little of what has even been lost. Plenty of responsibility to go around but the question is what will we each do to build a future for our children?

None of [Current Year] happened suddenly or because of some "virus". There was a long culture war that was largely lost. And so now we get to duke it out in various goat-patches and backwaters to cling to whats left of our heritage. I would rather be among steeled and honorable men in this task behind enemy lines than in a "free" State in which the largest effort underway is to gather more "votes" for Trump in 2024.

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