This is much less about party and more about who owns and controls the world as we know it. Don't for one minute believe that republicans are any less enamored with the NWO. They're all globalists at heart, and there appears to be little we can do to resist them.

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That's true but I can name at least half a dozen (R's) who are not part of that cabal, including two pols from Kentucky and a governor from Florida, and since that's all we got left we'd better press like hell for more of them, assuming elections aren't rigged. More on that soon.

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The uniparty is real.

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Aug 5, 2022
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they'll need to be proven first, and then put up against the other hundreds of globalist controlled rats presently soiling western government offices, and then we'll see just how innocuous those "sins" are. Any governor who dumps a Soros prosecutor in his state (he's the first and only) and doesn't go along with the plandemic fearanny, kids jabs, masking etc. is already miles ahead in my book.

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If we try to resist them through conventional political channels or through the court system, we will lose. We’re playing the enemy’s game on the enemy’s turf.

Truly effective resistance is withdrawing from the corrupt culture. We have to get rid of Amazon, Netflix, social media, credit cards, pharmaceuticals, and debt, and instead spend our time and money on a home gym, chickens, local meat, generators, and vegetable gardens.

We are in a war. It’s time we started acting like it.

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No truer words were ever spoken!!! We are our own worst enemies! People don't get it! They enable all of it! Want real change - as you say do away with all of it!! I would die before I supported Amazon - watched TV - owned a cell phone let alone partake in social media (the greatest waste of brain cells the world has ever known) - never had a CC card because it was money I believed I didn't have and pay cash for everything! It is the easiest way to put an end to all of this - the problem being we now live in the most narcissistic society and people only think and focus on themselves - therefore getting exactly what they deserve!

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Sadly, only a fairly small number of people will be able to pull their lives away from them; most don't have the resources to divorce themselves from the powers that be. Those who do could do a lot of good making room for those who cannot, and helping them find ways to separate themselves from the grid.

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I have much less sympathy than you do. Yes, not everyone has the resources to get a generator or some land. But everyone has the ability to kill their Facebook accounts and throw their TVs away. But they won't because it's hard and people don't do hard things anymore.

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Trust me, I don't have sympathy for people who refuse to cut the cord on social media and traditional media. That is the first thing people need to do if they want to regain any semblance of an existence devoid of marketing and propaganda. As you note, though, I do hav sympathy for thiose who lack the resources to prepare for planned shortages and outages.

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I've always believed the Democrat's merely mimic what the Republicans already did - stolen elections (2000) and of course inserting an imbecile in the WH they could control - Dubya!

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That was a great example of the fake party system. Bush was always the globalist pick- part of the Clinton, Obama clan. They didn’t want Kerry. The election was rigged all right - for their candidate— who happened to call himself Republican.

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Aug 5, 2022
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A lot of Susan Rices and Barack Obamas hanging out in the speakeasy poker room.

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Nancy Pelosi SMIRNOFF!

Solid gold baby. Solid MFn gold!

TGC strikes again.

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We're so screwed.

(Bonus points for Pelosi.)

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To wit: Quote of the Day

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

— H. L. Mencken

For the current day I'd change the last phrase of that quote to "a houseful of downright morons".

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David Icke, a Brit, that We All Know, said the following about JFK's assassination.

I won't bother to go down to my basement, to my inexpensive metal frame book shelves, to find Icke's quote.

[loose paraphrase]

'The Kennedy killing did more to strike an unfixable rend through the American psyche, than most can imagine.'

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My Lord! I read your piece before I watched the video and thought you were just being your usual snarky, sarcastic but oh so funny self with the ending Pelosi Smirnoff quote. Nope. You quoted her verbatim. 😵‍💫 In that video cut she makes Kamala Kneepads sound like an orator to rival Frederick Douglas. Quite the trio Biden, Pelosi and Harris - we're doomed.

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When I was a kid, I read a book on the JFK assassination, and I remember asking who he thought killed him. His answer was "DC" killed him. I didn't understand at the time, but now, I am surprised JFK lived so long in office with a speech like that.

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Dems are the new Stasi.

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We were all Americans once who beleived in a free and open society. Can we not just realize that after JFK was assassinated, there were no longer good and bad, repub or democrat, just power and the powerless.

Please everyone, realize that the past twenty yeras fighting for party has been a distraction from what was done to us. If you cannot get this in your heart, acknowldge that everything you believed is wrong, then there is no hope. Becuase there are still two parties, but they are authoritarianism and control, and then decentralization and freedom. They fooled us all.

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The Democratic party is pure poison and is why America can never get over it's past. The Republicans are greedy cowards who can't help but betray their base at every chance they get.

Not a great situation.

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Right on the money. Shared on Twitter, Gab, and Word Press.

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The back and forth contrast is just brilliant.

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Nancy Smirnoff priceless.

JFK was calling out the world-wide hidden forces more than 60 years ago, warning us and so of course, he had to go. Thanks CIA, unhinged and unaccountable even then.

It's all coming down. We'll have to start over.

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I still contend that there are no possible political solutions for anything. When the ruling class has a monopoly on violence using force and coercion, freedom is lost and the ruled serfs are enslaved. Also, when the money is controlled and manipulated (fiat fake unbacked money) using computers and unlimited debt as printing presses and inflation, the oligarchs win.

But the real problem with the unfair advantage is that free-market capitalism becomes crony capitalism, the exact opposite of honest voluntary free markets. And to compound it, when crony "rigged" capitalism destroys honest price discovery, small "c" communism is exactly the same as capitalism. Everyone has heard "Follow the Money Trail" but more than that, "He who controls the money controls the world".

Is there a solution? Yes, it is #Bitcoin. Anyone who is rolling their eyes and laughing doesn't understand Bitcoin. I suggest two books and then let's have a debate. First, "The Bitcoin Standard" (in 34 languages) by Saifedean Ammous. It is the bible of Bitcoin. Secondly is the revolutionary book "The Price of Tomorrow: How Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future" by Jeff Booth. Although Bitcoin is only mentioned toward the end of the book in a paragraph or so, Booth is the best disciple for Bitcoin today, or at least one of the best. Short take: The system of central banking has broken the money systems worldwide and cannot be fixed. The Fed is now finished. It is only time. If they print more fake money, inflation happens exponentially until hyperinflation debases and destroys the currency. If they stop printing and raise interest rates to stop inflation, the system collapses and unwinds to the ground in a deflationary spiral. So it unwinds to the ground either way. This is where we are today. Two sides to the same coin - system failure by inflation or deflation. Bitcoin defunds communism and capitalism's addiction to grow and debase the money. Bitcoin fixes climate change (which must grow energy use exponentially). Bitcoin is digital energy, unconfiscatable property, uncorruptable software for 1000 years, and is deflationary, meaning redistribution from the top 1% to the masses. Read the books and let's talk. I will reject all doubts and answer all questions. #BitcoinFixesTheBrokenWorld

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Mr Greenlee, i have been trying to learn about block chain but have a mental block.

An honest question:

What happens to bitcoin if the power grid or internet are taken down?

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If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it. END THE FED.

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"Democrats are happy to plot in the shadows, in secrecy, against the American people, so long as all the institutions of power are on their side so there are no consequences for their crimes.

They’ve always been the shady party on the wrong side of history. That’s the one thing they’re particularly good at, no matter how hard they try to re-write history in their favor."

~ The Tremendous T. Goode


I read Kessler's book.



Dear TGC,

Your Pieces are always Works of Art. And I don't mean to be mean. But Ms. Mean's quote is full of typos.

And I don't get it, to (also).

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