When a Russian S-300 missile lands in a remote region of Poland just a few miles across the border from Ukraine and nobody sees or hears it, does that trigger Article 5 of the NATO charter?
How about when a Russian S-300 missile hits a farm in a remote region of Poland and kills two Poles?
What if it was Ukraine who did it? Does that trigger Article 5 for NATO to invade Ukraine?
It appears that somewhere between the dirty bomb false flag idea getting the axe in October and Russia handing over Kherson without a fight the western intel handlers of Ukraine’s poison dwarf decided to test the second and third questions intentionally.
How can we suspect it was intentional?
Anytime things shift ever so slightly toward even the faintest hint of ending this conflict, the agents of global chaos emerge with new ideas for its continuation.
New staged bodies of war crimes atrocities, new false flag missile attacks on civilians at train stations, barrages of nuclear power plants, shelling of hydroelectric dams, new economic terror ops like bridge and pipeline sabotage, and on and on.
It’s all so laughably predictable now when I saw the headlines last night that Russia deliberately launched missiles at a farm in a remote area of Poland I spit out my tea and spent five minutes cleaning my monitor, before seeing more headlines that said Poland was scrambling some fighter jets and calling an emergency meeting of its NATO partners before bursting out in laughter and spraying the monitor screen again with more tea.
A quick review of the previous week’s events:
Russia hands over Kherson, retreating east while giving the cocaine dwarf a massive public relations win and some territorial gains
Does Russia launch a missile to take out the poison dwarf and his team of underlings posing for photos in the square in Kherson? No, that would be too easy and would eliminate a key figure in this staged drama.
A day later the dwarf speaks of finally ending the war and uses the word ‘peace’ for the first time ever, though he makes it clear Russia will have to return those ethnically Russian territories they liberated AND pay “reparations”
Another day later and Russia launches its heaviest barrage of missiles against Ukrainian infrastructure since the start of the conflict
Why would Russia not take advantage of the tiny olive branch extended by Zelensky to wind down the conflict and play his words against his own people to check his level of sincerity despite his terms being non-starters?
Putin could have made a fool of Zelensky when his real handlers refused any negotiations as they did in Turkey last spring so that the war would only end with more war.
It’s clear by now that both sides are performing their roles in this theatrical orchestrated farcical conflict designed to keep the masses always on edge.
And so another day later a Russian-made Ukrainian-fired S-300 “defensive” missile(s) hits a farm in Poland and kills two Poles…in one of the most remote regions of the country?
Ukraine claims they shot down roughly 70 Russian missiles during yesterday’s attack. The official story is that one of the Ukrainian missiles that ended up in Poland was defensive and missed its target.
Trusting official Ukrainian figures on anything that comes from their ministry of propaganda is like trusting anything that drools from the retarded actors performing journalism for western corporate media outlets.
That area of Poland is so remote that for a missile(s) to strike a farm, killing two people, the very first time any projectiles have ended up on the Polish side of the border in the past nine months would approximate odds somewhere between winning Powerball and Russia winning the World Cup in Qatar.
But let’s play along with the official narrative anyway, you know, just for shits and giggles.
The Russian missile barrage hit cities all around Ukraine, including the city most pertaining to this Polish incident, the city of Lviv.
The Mayor of Lviv reported 80% of the city’s power was out after the strike along with running water, sewage, and other infrastructure.
The variant of the S-300 missile matters.
The S-300P has a max range of between 100-150km.
The S-300V on the other hand has a range of up to 230km. The chatter from both Ukrainian and Russian telegram channels is that based on the photos from the site in Poland, the fragments look like an S-300P variant.
Which would make sense since it’s the older shittier model and the U.S. has offered to send updated missile defense systems to the country along with another $50 billion in U.S. taxpayer loot before the new Congress begins.
Assuming the defensive missiles for Lviv were located somewhere east of the city toward Russia, it would mean that the older S-300P would have been positioned in a way that it was aimed toward Poland.
Logistically it makes more sense to station defensive systems further north and aim them south, but Ukraine doesn’t give a damn if their old hardware accidentally ends up on Polish villagers. What has Poland done for Ukraine after all?
The only conclusion one can infer from the facts as they stand right now is that Ukraine wanted Poland and NATO to believe that Russia was responsible for killing two Polish farmers.
If they didn’t want them to assume that they might have said something along the lines of, “Oopsie, sorry about that, our mistake.”
Based on the trajectory of the Russian projectiles toward Lviv, assuming the most generous and northernmost possibility within Russia, this means the missile defense system was located south of the trajectory of the incoming Russian missile so that it was fired in the location of Poland to the North and West. If this S-300 was even used in a defensive manner at all and not intentionally used as a false flag event, which appears to be the case.
If you believe all this, and that this missile magically struck a farm, hours after the Russian barrage ended, AND happened to accidentally kill two Polish citizens, I have an S-300 pocket rocket to sell you autographed by Sean Penn and Zelensky. Together they used it with Sean Penn’s Oscar to…well it doesn’t matter.
What matters is the agents of chaos are testing NATO’s articles. And they won’t stop anytime soon, which is why my bags are packed and the movers are coming this weekend to shuttle me the hell out of Poland once and for all.
When you lay down with the western neoliberal war rats your nation gets leveled, and when it’s the economic breadbasket of the world, a lot of other countries suffer too, including Poland which is still housing and feeding millions of Ukrainians and still hasn’t even been reimbursed billions of Euros by Brussels for the plandemic economic destruction.
The EU will hold this money as ransom until a more liberal and “accommodative” Polish government is installed.
I can’t say I’ll miss it much here with all the engineered madness going on nearby and the Russophobic disposition of both peoples who were once at each other’s throats with deep-rooted hatred and animosity. How many Poles did Ukro-Nazis slaughter less than 80 years ago?
Historically that conflict might as well have never happened. Poland and Ukraine are already so committed to riding the US-UK suicide train to hell that Ukraine can launch missiles into Poland, and offer no apology while trying to blame it on Russia, and Poland responds with no anger or outrage toward Ukraine but instead publicly blames Russia.
It’s all such a laughable farce.
If Russian missiles happen to never strike real targets in Poland, and World War 3 is averted, neither country will ever be the same again. And the people who are to blame for this fact are the ones both idiot nations are still in bed with asking for solutions to the very calamities they seek to expand.
Now that we can confirm it was a Ukro-missile that hit Poland, something that I knew the minute I spit my tea across my monitor screen, that still leaves one important question unasked by the usual propagandists in the western corporate press.
Damn good question!

And I’m gonna be, high as a kite by then
I miss the Earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
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"It’s clear by now that both sides are performing their roles in this theatrical orchestrated farcical conflict designed to keep the masses always on edge." 🎯
It doesn’t matter if a tiny minority sees that this is theater. Unless we can get a large number of our fellow citizens (not just talking about the United States here) to see the light, get really angry, and show up, this will continue. Every time I think I see people around me waking up there is a new distraction and they are sucked under again.