"It’s clear by now that both sides are performing their roles in this theatrical orchestrated farcical conflict designed to keep the masses always on edge." 🎯

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Yes, thank you for that observation, GC. I am reminded of a lesser known dystopian novel “Lord of the World” written c1907 by Robert Hugh Benson. It takes a few chapters to engage but, once in, it is a jawdropper, in particular the part of the narrative highlighted above: “performing their roles in this theatrical orchestrated farcical conflict” … There is always a new geopolitical enemy, a fresh hate, a reason for fear - all enslaving.

As I think back over 20th century wars, it is heartbreaking that our young men were sent as bloody fodder for manufactured wars. How many died, were maimed, came home traumatized. Families were changed. May we hope … never again?

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“Hope” is the prayer of those too cowardly to act.

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Yes, I can see how someone could conclude that. But in its proper capacity Hope is considered one of the three theological virtues, acting like a two-pronged verb. On one hand it lifts our hearts, releasing us from despair. On the other hand that very Hope may inspire us and catapult us into the necessary action with firm purpose.

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It doesn’t matter if a tiny minority sees that this is theater. Unless we can get a large number of our fellow citizens (not just talking about the United States here) to see the light, get really angry, and show up, this will continue. Every time I think I see people around me waking up there is a new distraction and they are sucked under again.

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Trump just announced his candidacy, so we can all get mad about that for a few weeks until the next shiny object appears.

I think a fair number of people have seen the light and are angry. But unless they actually do something (voting doesn't count), this will continue. Lifestyle choices are the only practical way to fight back.

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Not sure what you mean by lifestyle choices. Are you talking about a parallel economy?

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I'm talking about starving the beast. Quit social media, quit Amazon, quit Netflix, grow your own food, get some chickens, etc. The more physically and mentally independent we become, the less power they have over us.

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I don't think parallel lifestyles are gonna save us

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Especially the young that still join the military, and the one's that know they should get out.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Does this mean I have to take down my "I stand with Ukraine" yard sign?

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Not as long as Sean Penn is still eager to parade around with the midget cokehead.

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Get with the times mate, that was so last week. The on trend this week are “I stand with Poland” and “DeSantis 2024” signs.

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Nope, keep wearing the camo.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Russia ought to apply for NATO membership and demand article 5 protection from Ukraine.

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More money for the coke head cross dresser please.

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They will just create some digits on a computer screen and deposit it in his coke account. Fiat OoTA (Out of thin air) money is a MAJOR issue here. Has been for over a hundred years.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Spectacular, I couldn't agree more with everything you said (although if I explained it to someone, it wouldn't be anywhere near as amusing as your version).

Good luck with your move.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Like Steve Kirsch putting together the long lists of all the problems with covid vaccines, it would be great if someone could put together a running list of all the Ukrainian false flags and hoaxes.

The NYT and WaPo claim nonstop Russian atrocities and people never bother to read about the errors and holes in those stories that leak out shortly after. Considering the goal of the false flags and reporting on them is to build support for escalation into another world war, a list would help people grasp how evil these people are. And also encourage more skepticism for the false flags we are yet to see.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The Daily Mail as well. Russian disinfo in every article concerning the war. It’s quite pathetic.

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What a shit show. Freaking nuts!

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

When the malfeasance of money printing won't sustain the socialist utopia any longer, the only move left is to figure out how to kill enough people and deflect responsibility. It only took about a 110 years, but we are here. Apparently long enough history to dupe the masses into believing four dangerous words! It's different this time! Humans love their fantasies.

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Which is why government education is so necessary. If the schools don’t teach the students to think critically, then they will never see the scam and never rebel.

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Which is WHY Karl Marx was behind government school for all children. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/communism-american-style

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Another great article GC, particularly nice sarcastic touch. But like others are saying here, we need to do more than just read articles and comment on them. It's time to make these globalist bastards pay, and that is best done by stopping the funneling of money their way and keeping it in our pockets.

I used to think it was high time to kick down the doors of the govt buildings and hang up all the politicians. But that is exactly what the WEF bastards want us to do. If we tear down that system, it will be easier for them to build their new world order they love to talk about so much.

Instead we need to decentralize everthing and slowly setup parallel economies of trade.

Something they're going to be having a conference about in a couple of weeks in Texas. But you can watch online for free.


We need to stop shopping from the sam waltons, and the jeff bezos' of the world and go back to local markets, and buying and trading from each other in our local communinites.

Will it be easy, nothing worth having in life is ever easy, but its not impossible, and I see more and more people moving in this direction all the time.

There is even an effort to create an entire parallel town here in Poland, free of the government and populated by liberty loving Slavic people.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Author

All those ideas are top o' the line. Been on the decentralized train for over a decade but its been rife with corruption and dressing itself up as its opposite. Now I'm not so convinced we get anywhere without a violent revolution of some kind, preferably with the help of a large military. Think of all those who marched against lockdowns and mandates who met with police batons and prison time. Until states fear their citizens, (and dare work for them after being stripped bare), we are left with that atomization variant where we just opt out of their diseased systems in a deliberate way that still makes us pariahs and enemies of the state. We can opt to be alone, but that doesn't mean they will leave us alone.


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Mass awareness is key to a successful revolution. "Until they become conscious they will never rebel; and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."

Most still have no real idea how "the system" operates. The network, the players, and the agenda remain a mystery, hidden behind the virtual reality show on the telescreens. If we can break through the matrix, the revolution will be self-organizing.

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I hear what you're saying and I feel it in my bones, relunctantly so. In the same time it's the road I want to go and the road I don't want to go.

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'We are the dead,' Winston said.

'We are the dead,' echoed Julia dutifully.

'You are the dead,' said an iron voice behind them...

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The whole idea of "to weaken Russia" has always sounded very stupid to me. Because, OK, say that goal is met. Russia is now "weaker". Now what?

Also, I think about it in smaller terms. Say there's a bully in the neighborhood. Let's send every limp-wrist over to have him beat up, to weaken him.

"Well, OK. My knuckles have gotten really sore lately but, you stand 'em up, and I'll knock 'em down. Who's next?" -The Bully

What comes after the "weakening"? "Job well done!" and self-congratulations by everyone? Now Russia is weaker and yay... the world is a better place. Right?

Or does it all sound fucken stupid? 👈

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022

Sound? Who's here to hear? 🤭 👉Fucken stupid👈 That much I'm willing to readily concede.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Best of luck with your move GC. May you find a good place to put down new roots.

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Thank you.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Can't blame you for wanting to get out from under the coming cloud GC. So where to next??

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Mexico, but just for the winter to see what happens next on all of Globopsycho's fronts.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Good luck on the move TGC. Wishing you safe travels.

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Thanks Spek.

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Come to Arkansas. We'll have a room for you until you can find a place. Harrison area.

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Your pictures didn't post apparently. Great analysis. Keep it up.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Another money-grab/launder, power-grab scheme. "Send your unaccounted for $illions _ or die!" and they give you an equiable untraceable cut.

( BTW: interested in the autographed defensive missile, but it's gotta be Penn & Stiller; call me before it hits the Polish market.)

Hope you're going to a place where there's OTC Ivermectin, not for scam viruses, but for a world full of parasites. A Dios.

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You got it Will. The Penn & Still is really the primo model.

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Yesterday, my husband asked if I had seen the news regarding the Russian missiles in Poland. I said, you mean the Ukrainian missiles fired at Poland to make it look like Russia attacked Poland. He said, of course you already know!

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