Feb 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

...and now this..... the war might be over tomorrow...... something should have already happened to try and stop this.....the WHO treaty is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "There are amendments proposed to international law that are binding. Waiting for changes of the original document upon approval from the different nations. 307 amendments, plus extra annexes. In short, signatories from all these countries will discuss matters further, while they will not need approval from their legislations for signing the final document" 194 countries are about to sign over their national sovereignty to the W.H.O. on February 27th in a new P•nd•mic Treaty. This would give the W.H.O. LEGAL AUTHORITY to declare a P•nd•mic and manage the response of every nation including lock-downs, mandatory vac••nations, 24/7 surveillance of the population, supply chains and much more. This is the greatest threat to humanity right now. It would be the end of the world & freedom as we know it

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Regarding the pending “treaty” with the WHO giving that foreign body control over the US response to any future so-called declared “pandemic:

Under our Constitution, it is the responsibility of the Senate to ratify all international treaties. An “executive agreement” is nothing but a treaty by another name. pResident Biden does not have the authority to obligate the US to surrender its authority to any such international treaty unilaterally.


As a sovereign individual, my Rights are superior to our Constitution, being granted me by God through my existence as a human being. Our Constitution was created to protect my Rights, and does not grant them. That would make them privileges, not Rights.

As such, my bodily autonomy is sacrosanct and supersedes all laws within the United States and through any foreign treaty. No act of government can abrogate my Right to my personal sovereignty.

As such, I will make this simple to understand:

I WILL NOT consent or comply with any law, treaty or other obligation that seeks to usurp control of my God given Right of sovereignty over my own body and being, regardless of source. I WILL DEFEND my Right to bodily autonomy to whatever degree and level I deem necessary to Preserve my Rights. Any coercion or force, from any agency or body, foreign or domestic, which seeks to force me into actions with which I do not consent, under any pretext, will be considered, by me, an act of terrorism and the enforcing organization will be considered, by me, a terrorist organization.

As my elected representative, I advise you to proceed accordingly. I pledge that I will.

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This explains it in more detail...... ttps://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/there-are-two-separate-tracks/comments

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As for holistic medicine, I cured all of my own ailments by switching to strict carnivore diet. Including autoimmune disorders, clinical anxiety, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and I lost 40lbs. They are poisoning with our food.

As for conspiracy, the biggest one is around Ivermectin. It’s a wonder drug, super safe, and yet they demonized it. Why?

It’s not just anti-parasitic, it also stops cancer cells from replication and stops all single celled RNA viruses from replication as well. This includes marsburg, avian flu, and more.

Read about it all linked here https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/gain-of-function-how-about-reduction?utm_source=direct&r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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If you’re eating carnivore you should probably take butyrate supplements or eat a lot of butter to replace the butyric acid that you would otherwise get from your gut bacteria digesting fiber.

Yes, that’s one of the benefits of fiber that I’ve just learned about, because all they ever tell us about its benefits is that it cleans out your colon through being indigestible or something.

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All thanks to John D. Rockefeller. The father of big pharma and allopathic medicine.

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Christ, that is a frightening list!!

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

if three times is enemy action, what is 106?

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Thank you GC. Valuable information. Once again. Peace to you. Time to drink heavily. 🤭

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Hello. I would love to watch the entire video of the Australian woman talking about lack of viruses. Do you know the URL for it? I also would love to rip & save that to my hard drives (for safe keeping). Thank you.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

With apologies, I just noticed the credits at the top. 😊

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Austrian biologist, author, pianist and mRNA vax critic Clemens Arvay, 42, was suicided on February 18. He had published numerous books about health ecology, the ramifications of industrial farming, the healing effects of forests ("The Biophilia Effect"), the positive effects of plants on the human immune system ("The Healing Code of Nature"), and many more. He was a frequent participant in Austrian tv discussions about the Covid pandemic and tried to educate people about the dangers of the mRNA shots in his youtube videos (which of course were all removed, even though he always cited the published studies and widely respected sources that his conclusions were based on). Oh, and he also made videos about Ivermectin which he called a miracle drug.

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Thanks for linking Erin's info.!

Her first article I ever linked was back in December 2017 - 80th Doctor Dead: Holistic, Prominent and Outspoken Dead in Florida: https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2017/12/05/30567/

Steve Quayle also has a list of scientists on his site as well from 1994-2016. https://www.stevequayle.com/

Linking as usual tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Some years ago I was a leader in two public campaigns concerned with natural health as such is termed in Canada. One targeted Health Canada, the other the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO). Both campaigns mobilized consumers and were intitially dismissed as insignificant. Both campaigns led to favourable legislation in the Ontario Legislature and the Canadian Parliament.

The utter fury of the respective regulators to the humiliation of being humbled by legislation was difficult to measure. Not surprisingly, some factions undertook criminal actions against our camp hoping for some embarassment or reversal. We identified and exposed such initiatives. All failed and some heads rolled.

Murder wasn't in vogue. At the time. And, this is, well Canada. But be in no doubt there are no boundaries of conduct with the stakes so high. The medical elites will rely on their pharmaceutical allies to do whatever is necessary to keep their power.

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Scanning this list I'm reminded of seeing it last time and thinking again to myself about how many alt practitioners end up living in warmer climes. I'm also thinking about what I was reading a couple of days ago by Dr. Stephanie Seneff and Vitamin D supplementation vs natural production from sun exposure. Interesting enough I made a note to look into it further regarding possible negative consequences from oral supplementation. Certainly sun exposure is the way to go, if you can avoid being assassinated on your way to optimal health.

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I followed this story from the beginning, Dr Bradstreet, and even mentioned it to my holistic doctor in Pa. Many of these doctors were working on finding where the Nagalase came from that was found in so many autistic children's brains. They were certain it was in the food supply. Later , my doctor died from glyphosate poisoning. I am told he was clearing debris from a pond on his property and within minutes he was covered with chemical burns, soon after developed lymphoma and died a year later. I could never reconcile how my dear doctor would ever use such a chemical. It just made no sense to me.

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It’s conceivable that Hollywood might one day tell this story once a mass awakening happens. After all they made movies like Erin Brockovich based on true stories about chemical disasters.

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Not so fast. Anybody with kids knows that a flu or cold runs through a school classroom like a wildfire; are all those kids stressed out to the point of “self cleaning sickness” at the same exact time?

Ditto for work environments. We’ve all caught or passed colds & flu from our colleagues.

Moral of the story: be very careful with truth videos. Do not disengage your critical thinking, or you’ll be set up for manipulation.

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I love the fact that you featured a David Dees graphic. Rest in peace, David.

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Excellent and horrifyingly fascinating ….

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