Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

So which 3 letter agency members were in his chat rooms.and what was his SSRI dose?

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

If the same number of people who own guns carried them regularly, the number of shootings would be reduced where potential shooters were not mentally ill.

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Almost all of these shootings are staged drills using actors. That includes the "shooters" themselves. If they "survive" the trials are fake and they are given new identities and go on their merry way. Miles Mathis, myself and many others have shown this over and over, ad nauseam.

I looked extensively for weeks in 2017 at many hours of video and audio taken during the Vegas "mass shooting" + still photography of the venue and tents afterward and it was 100% staged and fake. Slight of hand with crisis actors, really badly done moulage , and shots piped through the concert sound system. The army moulage trucks were parked in a hotel parking lot across the street from the venue and the work they did was absolutely terrible. Peoples "dead bodies" covered in hand prints where the "blood" had been shoddily smeared on and of course the obligatory "resurections" caught on camera when the actors miscalculated when they were out of view.

There were people whose job it was to keep people moving out of the venue as fast as possible and those whose job it was to stand and shoot video. Those people were agents who were clearly unafraid of the shots because they knew there were no shots being fired. After the venue was quickly cleared the terrible and hasty moulage began on the crises actors who had pretended to be shot. I heard several times in audio people actually questioning if the shots were coming through the sound system. It didn't fool everyone who was there right away but then when actors with exploding blood packs began to drop to the ground people panicked and were quickly herded out of the venue by agents who appeared absolutely unafraid of the shots. I saw this in footage over and over.

Photography of the dozen or more tents set up at the venue revealed the next day that there were no bullet holes in those tents at all. None that I could see. How likely is that?

People need to wake up and realize that everything is now a scripted stage show. Much of it terribly produced really. Vegas was just a big, expensive, version of the kind of cheap magic tricks you could see at any carnival. The core of that is MISDIRECTION and DISTRACTION. People then perceive what the POWER OF SUGGESTION would have them perceive. This really is that simple. Add the filter of completely controlled narratives by media that is marching in lock step and you have a completely solipsistic "reality". I never let it slide when people claim these events are real. I know better.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Good citizen..I owe you. This is the first thing I thought of...and I thought I was now fully into a crazy conspiracy mode. Nope. It's real. Bless you and thank you. I am not alone

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Fucking ass wipe You Tube wants me to disable my ad-blockers...they can go fuck themselves, I went years without You Tube...I guess I can start again...Very good article GC...Those who know know...those who don't know are stupid and ignorant. It's true...how can one not see what the hell is going on in this world let along here in America...The force of ignorance is deep in these NPC's Luke! There is no salvation, there will be no absolution, when you die ignorant you will come back as a cow chewing cud with that blank look on your face and those smiling around you and sharping their forks and knives...and you won't have a clue!

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Right on target, GC, this is pure, unadulterated Bolshevism. Most sheeple are unaware that the modus operandi of communist dictatorships, of which Scumerica is one, is to unleash violent, psychopathic predators upon the populace who upon capture receive nary a wrist slap while simultaneously disarming the citizenry and locking up dissidents and resistors, throwing away the key. Meanwhile, the scum-bucket, sock puppet overseers for the Ruling Class are always surrounded by bodyguards packing heat. But, as these swine keep braying, guns don't protect anyone. Really asshole? Then order the goons shielding your worthless, demented carcass to toss theirs away.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I think this is definitely the red line in the sand. Americans will not give up their firearms. Especially TODAY.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I heard the CIA asset fled to Massachusetts, whew, good thing he’ll have to leave his gun in Maine due to their ban on assault/war/murder rifles….

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They recommend two things after each shooting. More gun grabs. More involuntary mental health treatments--especially injections of SSRI drugs.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Five'll get you ten that Mr. Card--post-mortem or otherwise--will be found to have been a glowie or associated with some dot gov agency.....Oh, and with a Gazan passport for good measure.

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Their playbook must be frayed and smudged pretty good by now. Same old, same old. Thanks for cutting through, as usual.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

One wonders whether the drugs actually facilitate the "in your head" tech they use for these guys. What's most concerning is that this guy was trained and competent not some poor schmuck the Clowns in America usually target; I guess they haven't been getting the kill counts from their previous victims so they targeted someone who knows how to shoot.

Finally, I can't resist saying "What god would listen to the "prayers" of a shithead like Biden? Pure virtue signalling.

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I really hate to sound like such a kiss ass, but oh well.😩


Outstanding job once again GC. Well done too comment section. 🤙

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Just one question--when will project MK-Ultra really come to an end. Way to many "lone" gunmen out there that somehow have a connection to the military/ intelligence complex, going way back to the coup of 63. It's obvious that the PTB are getting anxious to delete the 2nd amendment, and for the very reason it was written into the constitution in the first place. All those guns out there in flyover country in the hands of deplorables really does give some worry to those who want nothing other than total subjugation. Joe's off hand about us not having f-16s is just nonsense since goat herders in sandals, and rice growers in pajamas proved such thing are not needed to defeat the "most powerful military ever" A motivated population is all that it takes. Meanwhile, keep your hardware cleaned and oiled and your powder dry--just might come in handy in the next little while,

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It’s usually “it’s an ongoing investigation so I can’t comment” or “out of respect for the family’s privacy no comment” or “no comment at this time”. This time, it’s “he has mental health issues, stayed in a mental facility 2 weeks over the summer, he was hearing voices”. Lots of info about his health history lickety split though.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

It is exceptionally monstrous for them to continue provoking these events since they do not work. More pliable and naive populations like UK and Australia fell for the first or second event. After decades we obviously know better but they keep doing it anyway.

We see what happens to disarmed countries; things get ten times worse ten times faster. Psychopaths continuing to cause tragedies only strengthens our resolve to stay free. Knock it off assholes.

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