So which 3 letter agency members were in his chat rooms.and what was his SSRI dose?

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Speaking of which, did the identity of the allegedly retired FBI agent (handler?) who talked online with the Buffalo Shooter ever get revealed?


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If the same number of people who own guns carried them regularly, the number of shootings would be reduced where potential shooters were not mentally ill.

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I never leave home without one.

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Mine stays handy in my home since it is seldom more than walking distance away.

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Almost all of these shootings are staged drills using actors. That includes the "shooters" themselves. If they "survive" the trials are fake and they are given new identities and go on their merry way. Miles Mathis, myself and many others have shown this over and over, ad nauseam.

I looked extensively for weeks in 2017 at many hours of video and audio taken during the Vegas "mass shooting" + still photography of the venue and tents afterward and it was 100% staged and fake. Slight of hand with crisis actors, really badly done moulage , and shots piped through the concert sound system. The army moulage trucks were parked in a hotel parking lot across the street from the venue and the work they did was absolutely terrible. Peoples "dead bodies" covered in hand prints where the "blood" had been shoddily smeared on and of course the obligatory "resurections" caught on camera when the actors miscalculated when they were out of view.

There were people whose job it was to keep people moving out of the venue as fast as possible and those whose job it was to stand and shoot video. Those people were agents who were clearly unafraid of the shots because they knew there were no shots being fired. After the venue was quickly cleared the terrible and hasty moulage began on the crises actors who had pretended to be shot. I heard several times in audio people actually questioning if the shots were coming through the sound system. It didn't fool everyone who was there right away but then when actors with exploding blood packs began to drop to the ground people panicked and were quickly herded out of the venue by agents who appeared absolutely unafraid of the shots. I saw this in footage over and over.

Photography of the dozen or more tents set up at the venue revealed the next day that there were no bullet holes in those tents at all. None that I could see. How likely is that?

People need to wake up and realize that everything is now a scripted stage show. Much of it terribly produced really. Vegas was just a big, expensive, version of the kind of cheap magic tricks you could see at any carnival. The core of that is MISDIRECTION and DISTRACTION. People then perceive what the POWER OF SUGGESTION would have them perceive. This really is that simple. Add the filter of completely controlled narratives by media that is marching in lock step and you have a completely solipsistic "reality". I never let it slide when people claim these events are real. I know better.

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A great deal of what you describe appears to match October 7 as well. Seen more staged blood photos and videos with no bodies than all eight seasons of Dexter.

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Exactly, I believe the "Sukkot Gathering" "Massacre" was just another one of these stage productions. They didn't even hire decent actors for it. One Kim Kardashian lookalike could not resist posing for selfies as she was allegedly hauled off by "terrorists". It has come out that several of the girls were models and wannabe actresses. It has also gotten out that this "harvest festival" (just like Vegas) was planned by the IDF itself and was very last minute. I wrote extensively on all this two weeks ago.

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Yes, I saw that too- the woman running and smiling as she tried to take a selfie.

I actually subscribed to a couple of substacks by Israelis and posted info on Israel's decades long history of false flags, admitted to by former Israeli intelligence operatives, but they are so brainwashed that they just ignore my posts. They are emotionally attached to the evil Muslim terrorists narrative and refuse to believe that their own government and other governments are the ones running the terrorists.

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If they are Israeli there is a good chance they are just operatives and agents. That is likely why they appear to be so "emotionally attached" to the narratives.

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Yes, you're probably right, though I also think that most Israelis (and maybe even regular Jews) are highly brainwashed--perhaps even worse than here in the US.

One of these substacks must have been telling some form of truth during covid, because that's when I subscribed. And I noticed that this person in Israel, when she did her initial post on the 10/7 "surprise attack," it seemed like she had photos of victims/killed/kidnapped up way too soon, given the level of chaos going on. And seeing those photos up too soon totally reminded me of Sandy Hook because they did the same thing.

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When the tranny "shooting rampage" happened at YT's 901 Cherry headquarters in 2018 there were news stories that were time stamped several hours ahead of when it occurred. I and others I knew were finding these no more than an hour after this hit the news.

Miles Mathis had been working with an Israeli guy that had started the website Cutting Through the Fog several years ago and pretty much trusted him until 2 weeks ago when the guy stopped corresponding with him and then began stating that all of this mess in Israel was for real on his media. Even claiming he "knew the victims". Now everyone sees he was always likely an operative. There is a chance he has been taken in and is deceived but it isn't very likely. Mathis is hoping it's the latter but that is becoming less likely by the day.

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Yes, I agree- lots of staging and fakery for 10/7 too. I first started getting suspicious when I saw the video of the journalist outside talking about the beheaded babies--there were just lots of soldiers milling around, no appearance of urgency, etc. and it immediately reminded me of so many of the fake shootings here in the US. I knew these people were evil to stage fake shootings to take away our 2A rights, and at first thought, no, there's no way they would use fakery as pretext for genociding 2+ million Palestinians and starting WW3, but now I think that's what's happening. Though I'm sure there have been some deaths of Israelis, it's not clear who actually killed them, since 2 former hostages seemed to say that the IDF shot them.

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I was reminded today of the movie "Wag the Dog". I won't say most this time, cuz, who the f**k knows how many Americans got it then. We are way over what that was about. Good Citizen, my friend, please don't wear out; you are on a serious roll; keep it going. Those individual patents you list is eye popping.

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Yes, I agree with you on the Las Vegas psyop--a total fake. And for these staged shooting psyops, I always look to people with medical backgrounds, who are easily able to spot the medical fakery:

Sane Progressive (Debbie Lusignan- she's a nurse, so she can spot the medical fakery, believes it was a hoax)

Sane Progressive Shows How Las Vegas Shooting Was Staged Rig https://www.bitchute.com/video/WvfPeoCi61Ul/

Sane Progressive Las Vegas Coverage | Archive https://www.bitchute.com/video/GynQfIcuqkMD/

And here are reports from two doctors also calling it fake, as shared by Paul Craig Roberts (former Assist. Sec of Treasury under Reagan):

Military Surgeon Says Videos of Las Vegas Gunshot Victims Are Fake https://www.unz.com/proberts/military-surgeon-says-videos-of-las-vegas-gunshot-victims-are-fake/

An American Trauma Surgeon Reponds


(agrees with the military surgeon and makes additional points)

And here's Jim Fetzer's presentation:


Fetzer had a number of articles on the Las Vegas psyop posted at his site, but his site is now messed up and it's hard to find articles. But for Vegas, he also worked with a researcher, Mona Alexis Presley, who did searches of obituaries and found that many of the victims claimed for the Vegas event, actually died weeks/months earlier in other locations.

Also, fwiw, Russ Winter at winterwatch.net has done a lot of good work on the various false flags, psyops and hoaxes, which he prefers to call "staged deceptions."

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The moulage was so hasty and sloppy at Vegas it did not take a medical expert to see any of it was fake. I looked at some of this stuff frame by frame and all of it at 1 quarter speed. There was one girl covered in smeared on blood from head to toe with hand prints from the smearing visible throughout all of it. They came in right on her face with the camera, and as soon as the camera started to rapidly pull back she opened her eyes wide open. It was only watching this frame by frame that this became visible.

There was another instance of a particular video being used as proof that shots were indeed fired that I also personally debunked using this method. The vid appeared to show a soda can on the ground being struck by a bullet and suddenly flying away. On frame by frame inspection of this vid the truth came to light. People were quickly running through the scene and somebodies foot simply clipped the can and it flew several feet.

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Good citizen..I owe you. This is the first thing I thought of...and I thought I was now fully into a crazy conspiracy mode. Nope. It's real. Bless you and thank you. I am not alone

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Oh, it's real. Sadly.

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I think parts are real. Did that many people get injured/killed? IDK. I've heard about a young girl who was supposedly shot in the leg who appeared to be a very bad little actress. At this point, I question it all.

Also... "MK Ultra."

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Fucking ass wipe You Tube wants me to disable my ad-blockers...they can go fuck themselves, I went years without You Tube...I guess I can start again...Very good article GC...Those who know know...those who don't know are stupid and ignorant. It's true...how can one not see what the hell is going on in this world let along here in America...The force of ignorance is deep in these NPC's Luke! There is no salvation, there will be no absolution, when you die ignorant you will come back as a cow chewing cud with that blank look on your face and those smiling around you and sharping their forks and knives...and you won't have a clue!

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Forgot about that YT BS. I just turn my Adblocker and Privacy Badger off and then back on and it leaves me alone for a week. Not that there's very much worthy content still on that cess pit platform. Here's his Odysee Channel.


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So, I'm on the Brave browser with AdBlock Plus.

I get the "turn off your adblock" on Youtube... sometimes. In the upper right hand corner, there is a circle like a clock. It gradually goes from white to black, and when it's black, you can just hit the "X' in the upper corner to close the message and watch the video.

At least, that's how it's been working for me. Most of the time I don't even get a message.

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I haven’t signed into CommieTube for years! If I use CT (rarely), I’ll search for only the subject I’m looking for, usually music. After what people have NOT learned, why would anyone use these platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, PayPal, etc.)? They are responsible for affecting elections, deleting lifesaving information, and censoring every whisper that comes out of your mouth.

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You can watch videos without an account.

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Yep! And no history (yeah, right😉).

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Try the Epic Privacy Browser. It has a built in VPN, and does not have a history. In other words... if you go into the browser, you can't see what you did earlier in the day or last week or whenever. They don't remember your history at all.

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WOW…I’ll definitely check it out. I usually use Brave. I haven’t used GOOLAG in years. Thank you!

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Right on target, GC, this is pure, unadulterated Bolshevism. Most sheeple are unaware that the modus operandi of communist dictatorships, of which Scumerica is one, is to unleash violent, psychopathic predators upon the populace who upon capture receive nary a wrist slap while simultaneously disarming the citizenry and locking up dissidents and resistors, throwing away the key. Meanwhile, the scum-bucket, sock puppet overseers for the Ruling Class are always surrounded by bodyguards packing heat. But, as these swine keep braying, guns don't protect anyone. Really asshole? Then order the goons shielding your worthless, demented carcass to toss theirs away.

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Bolshevism 101 plus Kibbutzim 101. Disarm population right next door to people who want to "wipe them off the map." Also, since I've got you HD, what if Robert Card turns out to be a woman?

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It wouldn't surprise me in the least, GC. The Hebraic overlords just love employing their brigade of trannys for chaos and mayhem. It gives it all a satanic flavor.

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I think his name, "Robert Card", is as phony as a federal reserve note. Generations ago, a "Card" was a term for a jokester who amused people and made them laugh with his puns and pranks. Oy veh, vat a sense of morbid humor our Talmudic tyrants have!

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I think this is definitely the red line in the sand. Americans will not give up their firearms. Especially TODAY.

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They gave up their faces for 2.5 years though. Who knows what they'll do?

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Lol! Right you are! I didn’t! I did lose my job of 23 years, though. There are MANY that will not ever give up their right to self defense with a firearm.

I don’t think I look gorgeous with a boot on my face…it’s not my style 😉.

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"Reeee. Your right to breathe is not as important as muh safety. My health is everyone else's responsibility." Squeals Mrs. Karen NPC.

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REEEEEE🧂! Lol! I’ve been taking pics of people alone with masks on. Talk about insanity!

My birthday was last week. I was taken out to dinner and the waiter shows up with a black mask on covering his face. I got up and walked out.

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As she lowers her mask to take a drag from her cigarette.

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Oct 26, 2023
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And to try on that new dress she bought him.

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games 😉

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Let's hope not!

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I heard the CIA asset fled to Massachusetts, whew, good thing he’ll have to leave his gun in Maine due to their ban on assault/war/murder rifles….

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They recommend two things after each shooting. More gun grabs. More involuntary mental health treatments--especially injections of SSRI drugs.

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Or as in Australia- get a mentally retarded young sucker (Martin Bryant) to take the fall for the precision slaughter of 35 people at Port Arthur.(Tasmania). Convince him via his State appointed lawyer to plead guilty and summarily sentence him to 35 life sentences.

As a State Premier (Barrie Unsworth) had previously said “it will take a massacre in Tasmania before we get gun reform in Australia “. Shortly after- guns confiscated

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and look what they did to Australia once they took the guns

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Five'll get you ten that Mr. Card--post-mortem or otherwise--will be found to have been a glowie or associated with some dot gov agency.....Oh, and with a Gazan passport for good measure.

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Hahaa. They'll find his Hamas bandana in his pocket and his perfectly intact Palestine passport next to his burned up backyard garbage heap.

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Their playbook must be frayed and smudged pretty good by now. Same old, same old. Thanks for cutting through, as usual.

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I really hate to sound like such a kiss ass, but oh well.😩


Outstanding job once again GC. Well done too comment section. 🤙

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Spek 2024!

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Just one question--when will project MK-Ultra really come to an end. Way to many "lone" gunmen out there that somehow have a connection to the military/ intelligence complex, going way back to the coup of 63. It's obvious that the PTB are getting anxious to delete the 2nd amendment, and for the very reason it was written into the constitution in the first place. All those guns out there in flyover country in the hands of deplorables really does give some worry to those who want nothing other than total subjugation. Joe's off hand about us not having f-16s is just nonsense since goat herders in sandals, and rice growers in pajamas proved such thing are not needed to defeat the "most powerful military ever" A motivated population is all that it takes. Meanwhile, keep your hardware cleaned and oiled and your powder dry--just might come in handy in the next little while,

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It’s usually “it’s an ongoing investigation so I can’t comment” or “out of respect for the family’s privacy no comment” or “no comment at this time”. This time, it’s “he has mental health issues, stayed in a mental facility 2 weeks over the summer, he was hearing voices”. Lots of info about his health history lickety split though.

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It is exceptionally monstrous for them to continue provoking these events since they do not work. More pliable and naive populations like UK and Australia fell for the first or second event. After decades we obviously know better but they keep doing it anyway.

We see what happens to disarmed countries; things get ten times worse ten times faster. Psychopaths continuing to cause tragedies only strengthens our resolve to stay free. Knock it off assholes.

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Side note: Most meth users who have auditory hallucinations and see any sort of "health" provider are immediately diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, despite the obvious direct cause of their voices. An increase in hearing voices/schizophrenia may correlate with an increase in meth use. And there are so many functioning-enough meth users in our population. Add on any psych drug, and it's a horrible, brain churning cocktail.

But I'm not discounting the existence of TIs. I don't flippantly discount anything anymore. Even that the unassuming guy with two cute pups is one.

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