DIE at 35,000 Feet
Falling from the sky the passengers last thoughts were, "Good thing they were quadruple-vaxxed Latinx Lesbian pilots or it could have been so much worse."
Life insurance pays off triple if you die on a business trip.
— Flight Club
What’s it going to take for people to wake up?
Two years ago I wrote a viral essay about how we’re all on our own journeys to find the truth, and there are various stages to the journey with things becoming clear from the top of a f**king mountain.
With less than three hundred subscribers the essay got nearly 14,000 views in a matter of days. I finished the week with nearly 2,000 new subscribers.
Then I followed it up with an irreverent piece about remembering the common cold, and how people seem to have forgotten that sometimes they get ill, especially in winter, and that they don’t need a government test to tell them if they have the sniffles. That essay did nearly as well.
And then instead of playing it safe and counting my chips at the window, I stayed at the table and threw the dice on a social justice essay, and it went over like a white man walking into a POC-only campus safe space.
The attempt at exposing this scam as neither social nor just was met with a less than lukewarm response. That I brought up racism toward one particular race probably scared the shit out of a lot of Good Citizens raised on MLK speeches and programmed to be self-satisfied by virtue of their incredibly tolerant views. I can accept the attempt may have failed, but I suspect something else was at work.
Liberals (and probably some conservatives) left me by the hundreds just as quickly as they found me after claiming to “love” what I had written in the previous two weeks.
Seeing the plandemic scam for what it was is not the same as seeing all the other connections to Agenda 2030 from which it sprouted, including the toxic DIE and ESG madness, more colloquially known as “woke.”
That’s Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity being forced down the throats of (mostly Anglo-American) Western populations for nearly a decade now.
I had made some false assumptions about the masses on Substack before publishing that piece:
Assumed they knew about the scam of Social Justice, which is just Race Marxism packaged as tolerance and collective guilt for emotional manipulation
Assumed they knew that multiculturalism and diversity are not only not a strength to any society, but that social science research has shown the opposite—it erodes social cohesion, lowers trust, and creates division as people revert to in-group preferences
Assumed they worried this “woke” madness would destroy their children, schools, community, nation, etc.
From that post, I learned a valuable lesson early on in my Substack journey.
Many of you reading this today will no longer be fans or readers of The Good Citizen in a year or two. Somewhere along that timeline you will grow tired, weary, offended, or outright insulted by something I write. It’s guaranteed.
When that day arrives, I’ll be sorry to see you go. For those rare ones who have stuck with me the past two years and offer your patronage, thank you!
But I stand by what I wrote that day as its veracity has only been reinforced by our continuing clown world:
…the tyranny of social pressure for comforting conformity masquerading as justice, incessantly obfuscating reality, destroying history, tradition, culture, family and ignoring truth to lure the feeble minded souls toward self righteous indignation and resultant performative virtue. You can get mobs to do anything under pretenses cloaked in justice and virtue, equity and inclusion. You can get them to hate a nation and its people, especially a certain race, if you fabricate narratives of the past to demonize and associate anyone who defends the ideals of that past as oppressive and tyrannical. You can engineer them to never see anything redeeming in the myopic scope you prepare for their viewing of the world.
Conformity and social pressure applied to younger demographics make them easy targets for early manipulation and indoctrination. Weaponizing their stupidity and ignorance by converting them into righteous warriors bravely fighting historical oppression with…(checks notes)…more oppression. Anti-racists bravely fighting racism with…(checks notes)…more racism. Anti-fascists bravely fighting fascism with…(checks notes)…open fascism. Universities, government agencies, the military, corporations, advertising firms, Hollywood casting companies openly embracing inclusivity with…(checks notes)…exclusivity, openly lobbying for diversity everywhere by mandating…(checks notes)…discrimination everywhere. One beautifully dysfunctional and inept managerial kakistocracy has no time for effective skills and merit… they are placed there as useful functionaries busy serving the interests of the oligarchy.
As with all terrible ideas orbiting our world today, Social Justice (aka Woke if it makes you feel more comfortable) started at Universities in faux departments of academia that aren’t just deeply unserious, they were invented to propagate lies and foster division, especially racial division.
It got a boost from the Oligarchs when the Occupy Wall Street protests were beginning to rattle them, and they might have seen pitchforks and torches in their future.
All of this toxic stew expanded and became its own very lucrative industry. Today The University of Michigan has an annual DIE payroll of $32 million with nearly a dozen employees taking in a quarter million each year to sit around and plot racist and sexist policies.
These are not professors, or academics, though some may hold credentials from those aforementioned faux departments including PhDs with plagiarized dissertations that are beyond parody. But these people are not educating anyone or improving the institution or the nation. They’re destroying both.
After getting the green light from global equity firms like Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street, all of which own more than 52% of the shares ($20 trillion) of ALL the S&P 500 companies ($39 trillion), to push this toxic shit in corporate America, employees of companies had to attend compulsory reeducation seminars bordering on struggle sessions to keep their jobs.
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DIE became mandatory policy at nearly all companies, a prerequisite under ESG (Environment & Social Governance) scores, a kind of blackmail credit score for companies that determined if those giant equity firms would keep buying their stock, or dump their shares.
If they hired Latinx trans hobos with mediocre qualifications it increased their ESG score. If they hired highly qualified white men, it lowered their ESG score.
Executives whose wealth depended on selling their shares at overpriced levels raced to fill their HR departments with highly trained Social Justice lunatics who made racism and discrimination their number one priority.
Affirmative Action became racism and discrimination on steroids.
Hucksters like Ashleigh Shackleford (who never saw a drive-thru that couldn’t compel her hands to turn the steering wheel) a “master consultant” of the lucrative DIE industry would show up and get white people within these companies to confess to their “white privilege” and admit their “unconscious bias” that fostered their inherent racism.
A lot of white people went along with the farce because white people have been heavily conditioned (brainwashed) to ignore their ingroup preferences and believe that all other races are as tolerant and accepting as they are of other races.
Whites in America being the least racist have been exploited for decades for their tolerance (or stupidity?) in tolerating… racism against them. All other races think highly of their race, and less of other races, and these sacred minority groups that whites decided deserve preferential treatment (out of collective historical guilt) are much more racist than whites. Statistically speaking, whites aren’t racist at all.
But never mind facts, Jack!
Because white supremacy is the greatest threat to the nation!
It all seemed innocuous and “tolerant” to white people since Affirmative Action (deliberate discrimination and racism) became federal law in the 1990s.
This is still the case for the mentally ill liberal mind, while other ideologies caught on to the scam long ago. But it’s too late. The damage is done and only getting worse, not just for whites, but for all Americans.
Though the consequences, especially for white men have been nothing short of catastrophic as John Carter showed in a great piece he published in October.
And once all this “woke” identitarian madness came for entertainment, it had no chance of ever being art because propaganda can never be art. It is simply programming…
And now, as expected DIE has arrived for passengers at 35,000 feet.
It wasn’t enough to inject all the competent and experienced pilots (and ATC personnel) with a Department of Defense depopulation bioweapon, grounding thousands of pilots with heart conditions, forcing their early retirement, and killing hundreds, sometimes in the cockpit while cruising at 35,000 feet.
United Airlines’ latest corporate diversity report: Of the 51 students who graduated from United’s first class of pilots, nearly 80% were women or people of color.
Where are they getting so many “pilots” to squeeze into their DIE matrix?
Sisters of the Skies? S.O.S?
Imagine being a pilot and starting a flight school and calling it Mayday! Flight Academy.
Inside scoop from a pilot.
DIE “Pilot Shortage” Vice Documentary (no mention of clot shots causing the “Pilot Shortage”)
They are openly and brazenly putting passengers at risk by placing DIE hires in the cockpit, and on all the inspection teams charged with making sure that bolts are fitted properly and doors don’t fall off at 16,000 feet.

Door plugs?
Poor Alaska Airlines customers.
Good thing my airline Delta doesn’t have any Boeing 737-Max-9 airliners in their fleet.
Delta’s first marketing slogan in 1929? Safety! Yeah, baby.
Delta’s marketing strategy nearly a century later? Oh, FFS.
In 1987 Delta’s slogan was: We Love To Fly And It Shows
How about in today’s clown world where one doesn’t know how deeply unqualified the people in the cockpit might be, they go with something like…
I swear the first Airline that openly and actively ditches DIE policies, increases Pilot salaries and says in their ads that they only hire for all positions based on merit will be the first trillion-dollar airline by market capitalization. People will be fighting to pay premiums for middle seats near the lavatory on twelve-hour TransPacific legs.
In a few weeks, my brother and his family will fly on Alaska Airlines from Portland, Oregon to Mexico. I sent him a text message the other day asking if his airplane would have doors or not. He replied that it was just one plane, to which I responded: “Not all their planes have optional doors?” As an Alaska frequent flier for decades, he wasn’t amused.
But after seeing this headline, the DIE jokes now write themselves.
What changed over at Boeing in 2022 so that loose bolts are being discovered on doors, and door plugs are now optional accessories on their newest airliners?
Product Safety and Quality are in the same operational performance policies as Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. You just can’t make this shit up.
In the past, the “free market” would have prevented ESG scores and DIE policies, but with big equity behemoths like Blackrock buying up failing companies in the aftermath of DIE exposure, they don’t have to abandon these deadly policies.

In the aftermath of Boeing’s 737 Max-8 software catastrophe that led to two downed jets taking 346 souls in a matter of months a few years ago, one former employee claimed, “The 737 Max aircraft are designed by monkeys, who are in turn supervised by clowns.”
A Boeing spokeszir responded to that claim:
The clowns have NO part in the design process, nor would we let them. And monkeys make poor managers—they always try to motivate employees to work harder using bananas as incentives, and there’s just no stopping them from using that leadership style. Believe us, we’ve tried it, and it just doesn’t work: humans need a more diverse diet. But the monkeys really do bang away furiously on the keyboards when designing the maneuvering systems for these jets, and who can argue against the cost savings?
And finally, our Fren Elon, Mr. Obvious of X marks the Psyop answers the opening question of this post, “What’s it going to take for people to wake up?”
Elon won’t have to worry. His private Gulfstream G650 will be fine.
The ultimate question people of all races need to ask themselves now is this:
Would you rather appear tolerant and be dead, or appear “racist” in the eyes of actual racists and land safely at your destination?
DIE must DIE.
Before a lot of innocent people at 35,000 feet.
But not to worry Good Citizens…the “adults” are back in charge.
DIE-hire & U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has found a solution to Boeing’s “Door Plug” problem.
“Check the elevator trim, not the rudder Latonza!”
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Yep. There is only one way to combat racism, and that is to quit participating in it and judge each individual by their behavior / character. EVERY time one group is given favor based solely on the melanin content of their skin or their group identity, racism occurs. I understand the inclination to try and right past wrongs by favoring one group over another, but as our mothers tried to teach us, two wrongs don't make a right.
I must admit I'm eager to see what you might write that could keep me from continuing to read your work?
Really excellent. Thanks.