Yep. There is only one way to combat racism, and that is to quit participating in it and judge each individual by their behavior / character. EVERY time one group is given favor based solely on the melanin content of their skin or their group identity, racism occurs. I understand the inclination to try and right past wrongs by favoring one group over another, but as our mothers tried to teach us, two wrongs don't make a right.

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The assumption that Whites are one thing, and blacks are another thing is as racist as it gets. Some Whites fought and died, fighting other Whites, to free blacks from slavery. Yet the Woke Supremacists pretend that all Whites are the same. Try to find ANY time in history when a race went to war with itself over the rights of another race.

I recently published this post, which relates:


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Well, no. There were hardly any whites fighting for or against slavery. That's what they call a canard.

By the way, Lincoln was very clear about this and only changed to muh slavery" when he realized that he might lose that war of aggression (meant to "save the Union" with or without slaves/blacks)

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I disagree with this.

Sure - if you want to argue that the wealthy merchants and politicians whose machinations resulted in the war were not motivated by the slavery issue (except inasmuchas it was necessary to their wealth) then I would tend to agree.

And if you want to further argue that many Southerners were fighting not to preserve slavery but for "States' rights" then I would agree with that.

And if you want to argue that the politicians who motivated the yankees to fight were cynically and hypocritically exploiting the slavery issue I would agree with that.

Despite all that, a very great number of Union volunteers were motivated to fight almost entirely by the slavery issue, no matter the corruption and hypocrisy of their leaders.

So the war was indeed about slavery because that's what most of the people with rifles were fighting for.

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You might want to read more about Lincoln and what he actually said about slavery. He was adamant about keeping the Union together.

From the article at Abbeville Institute I linked to below:

If the North was fighting a Crusade of Liberation, why didn’t she wage war on New York and Boston, the largest African Slave-trading ports in the world in 1861 (8)? Or on Africa herself and her slave-raiders – such as the Kingdom of Dahomey – the largest exporters of African slaves in the world (9)? Or on New England and her manufacturing profits gleaned from slave-picked cotton, and from rum manufactured from slave-harvested sugar cane and distilled for trading along the African coast for more slaves (10)? Why? Because slavery was not the issue of the “Irrepressible Conflict,” as William Seward contended (11). The “Irrepressible Conflict” was between the “opposing and enduring forces” of an agrarian economy and an industrial economy. The respective labor systems of the antagonists were just as irrelevant in this conflict as in any other war of conquest.

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Did you read my comment?

Yes - I agree the leaders and political operators (not just Lincoln) had their own motivations, many of which had little or nothing to do with slavery.

But the troops were fighting against slavery - and therefore it is not reasonable to suggest that the war wasn't about that. It was about that. And it was about other things too.

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I could post link after link of letter northern soldiers wrote about the war. SOME fought for slavery AFTER it became untenable to simply use the secession as a reason. The initial reasons for war had ZERO to do with slavery.

Anyone who has studied this knows this. Its ridiculous to argue further.


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They were propagandised to fight

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Slavery would have ended without a war

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Very likely. That doesn’t really change anything wrt to the causes people were fighting for and against - merely the extent of the misguidance of almost all parties involved

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You base this on what? My great great grandfather fought for the north in the Civil war. My wife's great great grandfather was killed at Antietam, fighting for the North. Certainly Whites also fought for the South, FOR slavery.

Are you suggesting that the civil war just didn't happen? How do you explain the origins and purpose of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments?

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My Fathers, too, fought in that "war of aggression". What you fail to acknowledge is that it was the North that attacked the south (to keep it in the Union). If you are unaware of this, you certainly do not need to be writing articles on Substack about the subject.

Are you so ignorant of Lincoln's own words?

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Your arrogance is not becoming. Every time I counter your unfounded claim, you just come up with another unfounded claim, rather than defend your previous unfounded claim.

If you were reasonable, you might find me agreeing with you to some extent. I defend state's rights almost as much as I condemn slavery. But besides the southern states insisting on their right to own slaves as well as insisting on their right to secede from the Union, they also attacked Fort Sumpter militarily. Ford Sumpter was a federal facility. And that was not the only such incidence. Having seceded from the Union and declaring The Confederate States of America to be a country separate from the USA, firing on Fort Sumpter was an act of war, by any definition. And that justified Lincoln sending in troops.

There was a certain amount of sympathy in the North for just letting the southern states secede, but firing on Ft Sumpter changed Northerner's attitude real quick. It has been hypothesized that if the CSA had negotiated with Lincoln instead of firing on his troops, there might never have been a civil war. We'll never know for sure.

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And its been "hypothesized" that the entire Ft Sumpter thing was a false flag because the south warned the people to leave the fort.

Every aspect of what you write is bullshit. Its the tired old lie.

Instead of reading your lies and bullshit, study what actual brainiacs write about it instead of your shitty, lying, substack.


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Didn't Lincoln send a "relief fleet" to Fort Sumpter thus provoking a defensive action by the South ? He wanted that war like Roosevelt wanted America to enter WW2

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Why are you here pushing your BS? No one cares.

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Don't be ridiculous.

Look up any study of the CW, and look at the list of events that lead to the CW. Every single one revolves around slavery. Missouri compromise, KS-NE Act, Bleeding Kansas, John Brown's raid, Dredd Scott, etc. etc. Furthermore, the southern politicians that voted for secession gave speeches explaining why they were voting to secede. They mentioned slavery quite a bit...

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Some did. A few did.

But the war was created by the North. The South simply wanted out of the Union. That is what Secession is. Not a call to war.

Its unfortunate that so many people fall for the garbage ideology of Centralized Power. It is the very catalyst for many of our woes.

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Even here in Australia ( no skin in the game ) it was obviously a war of Northern aggression. Slavery would have died a natural death without a war. No right minded person approves of slavery but only the European people put an end to it as a trade. Instead they treated their own poor people worse in the industrial revolution, children stolen from the streets to send to the colonies and poor people as indentured slaves. Slavery denied poor people work.

Britain ended the African slave trade at tremendous cost but note that the British rich slave owners were compensated from the public purse to free their slaves

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I had family that fought in that war. None of my family members owned saves. They despised slavery, even when they didn't care one way or the other for the slaves. They were fighting against an overwhelming invading force intent on keeping them submissive and our money flowing. Period.

The fact is that very rich people owned slaves (the largest contingent in population percentages was jews AND they owned most of the ships). The poor people (my family) hated slavery because it kept them in perpetual low wage debt slavery.

Thank you for your comment. Probably the most astute I've seen and you aren't from here.

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The acting “masters”, as part of their pursuit of wealth and power, propagandize the people to believe both conflict and compliance are about independence, freedom and the moral or religious high ground.

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Certainly, they held massive disdain for independence, since THAT is exactly what they wanted stopped. These centralized "masters", as you put it, could never control the south's wealth if they were independent.

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It's beyond absurd to think that hundreds of thousands of poor dirt farmers would die a horrible death and millions would be maimed for life just so some rich fella could keep or not keep his slaves. That's like throwing your life away so that some dude could keep his stable of Lamborghinis!

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You've got issues. Get help.

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The British spent a huge amount of money and devoted a lot of manpower and sacrificed lives to end the African slave trade

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Yes. Whites didn't go to Africa and captures slaves. They went to Africa and BOUGHT them. The slaves were already enslaved by other blacks and Arabs. In the 1700s, WHITES were examining the idea of the individual having God given rights that no government could overrule. We take that for granted now, but the idea was INVENTED by White Europeans in the 1700s. As the examined this idea, they couldn't help seeing that slavery contradicted that ideology. And so they worked to end slavery. Not all Whites, of course, but significant numbers actively campaigned against slavery. In the end, it wasn't blacks who ended slavery in Africa. And it wasn't the Arabs. It was White people who ended it.

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Correct. Now we have wage slavery instead

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You are buying into their kumbaya nonsense. That bullshit only works on White people, everyone else knows it is BS and they'll keep taking advantage of those who run around trying to be everyone's friend.

The next CW will be pro-White Whites versus everyone else. If 'everyone else' wins, the Whites on that team will learn to regret it.

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I was fortunate to grow up in a 50/50 environment. I lived through the Jim Crow laws and rode in the back of the bus so I could sit with friends. I stand by what I said. We’re all individuals. Group identity politics are wrong regardless of which direction they are approached from.

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I prefer basing my behavior on games theory and logic rather than faith-based suicidal altruism.

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Race is not melanin

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Not strictly and solely, no.

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I must admit I'm eager to see what you might write that could keep me from continuing to read your work?

Really excellent. Thanks.

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Me too 😏

Happy New Year GC and flock. 2024 should be a wild year. Buckle up, pop some corn, and read TGC in preparation for the ride.😎

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I'm not planning of flying ever again, if I can help it. I will not die due to DIE. Nor will I die from them having a heart attack while flying due to the clot shot.

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Me neither.

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BOOM!!!! Wow...thank you for this beautifully, brutal piece of writing....will be sharing everywhere...keep us the truth telling.... it's later than we think.....

They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today


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Day tapes! Crucial.

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I've been handing out written transcripts of the Day Tapes to those who I felt might benefit from them, for years. Not going to waste time or money on as anyone else, though.

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That's a great idea....don't give up....you never know who will see it and who's life you will change.... sharing it on different platforms might work, too....thank you.... 😀

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Thank you for this. I’d never heard of Dr Richard Day before. Wild stuff!

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Yes...I know when I first listened to it, it blew my mind.....so many still don't know...pls, share, repost and do what you can to get this into as many hands as possible.... 😀

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Will do 😊

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I was looking through job postings for technical program management positions ( requiring domain training and experience) on LinkedIn the other day and what struck me was after the job position description paragraph there was an equal length paragraph stating (paraphrasing for brevity) “studies have shown that certain minorities and other groups do not apply if they do not meet every qualification requirement. You are encouraged to apply anyway. “ This was followed by a paragraph twice as long about (paraphrasing again) “we don’t discriminate against (fill in the blank) and hire based on merit. “ This for a $150K+ job.

We are so fucked.

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Shocking. I couldn't get permanent full time jobs in central California, that I was highly qualified for, because I don't speak spanish. I moved to Mississippi and more than doubled my avg. yearly Income.

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Try getting a decent job if you're over 55 and white. "Female" is no longer a benefit BTW, unless of course you're a lesbian.

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God forbid I get hungry and feel force to fake lesbian😄

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If only I can figure out how to fake non-binary on a job application. Currently, I answer "prefer not to answer" on a lot of the automatic screening questions.

It's all so ridiculous.

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Those disclaimers are all over the place on job ads now, especially for larger companies.

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The Good Citizen knows his constituents, but only kinda sorta: As regards being insulted/offended/etc., I want the other point of view and to not visit an echo chamber where my comfy zone isn't threatened. I'll still peruse Drudge just to ascertain that my arteries are pressurized and for a cheap laugh as well; NYT for a max dosage.

I used to fly a lot, primarily on business. No mas. I'd rather drive my Accord over a thousand miles of broken glass without a working jack than put up with the horrors of TSA mouth-breathers plus the general discomfort of the entire airline/airport experience.

You keep writing and I'll keep on reading.


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The return of the great american road trip. I love it.


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Excellent comment!!!

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It's not that hard to give up flying. I've driven to Central America four times. Btw, that plane door hit the earth within walking distance of my home ( a long walk).

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It's become a ritual of dehumanization and/or robotization. Everyone is assumed a danger, everyone must submit to being treated like an animal, herding themselves through large lines, passing through radiation, maybe being called out (highly suspicious )where they will be 'searched' publicly.

If you don't agree to these rituals dehumanization and submission to authority, you can't get on the plane.

This is what flying has really become - training course for Good Citizens who are okay with being Good Robots.

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They want normal people to stop traveling, in general. "15 minute cities" and all that. What better way than to make flying so dangerous that you'll be too afraid to risk it?

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It gives a second meaning to the phrase "They have a screw loose"... This would be funny if it wasn't so damn serious. And uhm, it will be a cold day in hell before you can offend me. Then again, I am a heterosexual white male. This would be funny...

And fren Elon is not right. Soon as an airplane hits the ground nose first they'll blame it on an unsuspecting ghuwait passenger. Ideology before reasoning, that's what it is.

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Fantastic, great article.

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Peregrin Axiom of Life #1: Progs f@<k up everything they touch.

I have to say when I first saw that fat Ashleigh human, my eyeballs about exploded. I just thank the Lord I will never have to pretend to kow-tow to a woke POS like her/xir. If I did, security would escort me to the door.

The only personal solution is to not live anywhere these "people", and not frequent establishments that wear DEI/ESG on their sleve.

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The impudent expression on that comissars mug says it all.

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Spot on. We too have been ostracised by family and friends for daring to even question the narrative. Don't despair!

Be the truth seeker.

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When will we just go back to being people (human beings) and judged upon our merit?

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After the world wide implosion of everything I'm afraid.

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I don't know if we can go back to that time. The brainwashing, especially in young people, is really, really strong.

A few years ago, Joe Rogan started to turn a young, college educated guy I know in his mid 20s. He went from "the trees have rights" to "I regret voting for Biden." Now... he has a new job with new co-workers and has gone back to being leftist. Turned in less than a month. Older people might be able to be influenced, however, I'm not sure about anyone under 40.

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Implying that situation ever existed.

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Good point. Perhaps in contemporary society, however, I grew up with that mindset, so it must have existed at some time.

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Love this!!! I'll walk, if it takes me a year to get there. I don't know how well this plan is working to get people to stop flying. So bazar the various methods they concoct to kill people. But they gotta make money doing it no matter what. Fear --if they even feel it-- doesn't seem to stop anyone from risking their life just to take a trip somewhere --I know, I know people have "jobs" that compel them too. I quit flying many years ago because of invasion of my person and property (the radiation wands, which were a joke) and so much "ugly". I had to get a card from my dr. to show I had artificial hips to stop them. After that I quit.

I have no plans to stop reading your essays. I was getting ready to close my computer until I saw your entry in my email, couldn't wait to read it. Foo Fighter video so realistic!

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It was about 33 years ago I figured out the plan that would go down in the future to stop people from traveling. Being very poor, I really fretted about how I would be able to see those places in the world that I wanted to see...before it was too late. Then in 1998, I lucked into a house. I got a home equity loan to travel, and the day that check cleared the bank, I was in the travel agent's office, booking my first flight to Zanzibar. I didn't quite get to every place I wanted...but most.

I had a friend, a normie, who castigated me, told me that taking out that loan was the worst mistake of my life, and I would regret it. I told him, the day was coming when it would be almost impossible to travel, and I was going to travel while I could. I wish I could tell him: I told you so. He killed himself in January 2009. Totally freaked out when he lost his job during the melt-down of 2008. He would have been first in line for the Jonestown jabs. He believed everything he saw on the idiot box. That loan was one of the best decisions if my life.

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You did the best thing ever, going with your personal gut feeling about how to achieve a wonderful and life fulfilling goal. There are few who knew how to use debt. Bravo. Sorry about your friend; I knew from experience with someone who let fear overcome reality after the '08 housing crash (was in the building business). At my age, I can dream about Zanzibar; it will probably have to do. Love your post.

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Thank you. I had another plan that I worked up, living on credit card debt. It only took me three years paying on the home equity loan (using the loan money to make the monthly payments) to go from no credit, to 15 cards with $75,000 worth of credit. Having been poor for so long, I had been used to living on next to nothing. For several years I lived only on the credit cards. I used cash advances to make payments on the four cards I used daily. I thought of it as guerilla warfare against the banksters. I knew they were going to crash the economy, because they were handing out cards like candy to anyone breathing...and then encouraging everyone to take out a home equity loan to pay off their cards. It's crazy to trade unsecured debt for secured debt. I could see they were planning on taking the homes of those they duped. That's what my friend Frank did. Even after I carefully explained to him what was going to happen, how (((they))) were going to pull the plug. It played out exactly as I foresaw. Frank thought he would be homelessness. All of my actions were based on my research, not on my gut. I had a great time living on those cards, and even better, the satisfaction of knowing (((they))) didn't get a dime out of me. I had no allegiance to a system that I had never been a part of.

Even though Frank was infuriating, I do miss him. We had some good times as camping/hiking buddies...but I feel certain the scamdemic would have ended our friendship. I can picture myself trying to talk sense to a brick wall. I knew from the very first msm radio news stories I heard in December of 2019, that a psy-op was going down.

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But you had to have a strong "gut" to live out the plan, based on good research; should never do anything without it.

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Shuck-a-roonies...I thought DEI was a new 3 letter government agency. I don't know what the letters stand for just like ESG or GSE or EGS or even LQBTIOU or whatever. I couldn't care less. WOKE = DEATH. Therefore, I avoid all wokeness.

One can never be offended by anyone or anything else if they are grounded by awareness and presence of thought. If you are offended by something, then that means you have allowed your silly ego and arrogance to preclude the real self.

You are never what any wokie says you are or what any government wonkers claim you to be. These are people lost to their true selves and therefore offer no validity for defining anyone.

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Woke Supremacy is the enemy of Reason. Woke is a psychological condition that gives rise to the politics of Woke Supremacy. DEI is a cudgel to enforce compliance with a disruptive ideology that is being used to emasculate the populace in preparation for authoritarian rule. “The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all.”

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Exactly. It's all about compliance and control for submission. Which requires a great deal of emasculation and endless demoralization.

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Pussification + DEI Tolerance = Limp Dick = unsatisfied heterosexual women, no children/families and no revolution.

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Shirley Q Liquor made a video describing this situation with Ebonic Airways :) : https://youtu.be/o6VY3-Haaps?si=3GdJyoJdK-OYCle_

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Oh shit. I spit my whiskey across my keyboard. "It is not yet paid for."

"We get there when we get there."


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