Bravo for keeping your thinking cap on and attuned to the art of spectacle, TGC.

As a Conspiracy Cassandra, I made the following prediction myself (I am sharing this not because I want to be proven right later but because the more people are aware of this, the greater our likelihood of halting the plot before it materializes):

I can’t help wondering if yesterday’s assassination attempt is the first act in a play, where the next act will involve a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this Network scene:


It’s a win-win-win for the cruelites:

1) They get rid of Biden without the political cost of losing face.

2) Biden becomes a martyr who can no longer be criticized and can be used to serve the greater cause.

3) The DNC can replace him with their preferred puppet.

4) They can still rig the election without it looking suspicious.

5) The Trump supporter (and by association, Trump) are vilified as far-right–wing fascist extremists, justifying a ramp-up in the War on Domestic Terrorism.

6) The media make out like bandits on the entertainment value of the unfolding play.

Perhaps we can foil the plot if so many people see this prediction, they know they won’t be able to get away with it.



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#6 is always in the cards - bread and circus, and the bread is becoming increasingly stale.

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Haha, well-put, Roman!

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"...a Trump supporter successfully assassinating Biden, having been serenely plotted by strategists like those in this Network scene:"

I literally just said the same a half hour ago to my partner. And yes, I surely hope this does not unfold.

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Pattern-recognition superpowers at work!

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Rat Precognition Net...


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Looks to me like they’re turning on to DEI Secret Service is incompetent lane. So could set the stage for your line of reasoning as well.

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How does this relate to the attempted assassination?

Why would yesterday’s events need to be the ‘first act in a play’?

Couldn’t all of your points happen without the events of yesterday?

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Good questions, Sophie. You’re right in that the other points could happen without the assassination, but a Biden assassination wouldn’t be as plausible without Trump’s assassination attempt as a motivator for retaliation. Plus, the media is reeling all the Trump supporters into its narrative, so they may feel hypocritical suspecting a Biden assassination of being a false flag if they rejected it for the Trump event.

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I’d believe that the plan was to have both of them dead. Allowing the puppet masters to insert whomever they want in both parties to take there place. A win win, with neither being any sort of threat to there plans.

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RFK jr may be hand picked behind closed doors

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I actually thought they'd bump off Obama during his stint. Why? Because, just like Lincoln, you're not allowed to speak ill of your martyrs no matter how evil they are.

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Conservanormies forget that Trump pulled the Warpspeed trigger on the American people when he signed the Secure 5G & Beyond Act.

Now it's time for us to ACT by throwing out the TV.

The Civil War ends now.


Love your Bin Z-eladdin

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I threw out the TV (and social media) years ago...and over time a veil lifted. One of the best decisions I ever made.

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Me too! I threw my television out 20+ years ago. What a disgusting invention. Pure “programming”. What a “weapon” for the masses. I despise cell phones as well, the internet, social media. It’s simply a part of our society now. Until a possible cyber attack.

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Ive got a decade or so without tv too.

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I’m 16 years blissfully TV free, and prior to throwing the old Rank Arena, (inherited from a friend’s Gran) on the skip, was watching very little. An example of how blissful it is, I only found out Dianne Feinstein had died two days ago 😂 And that they’d rolled her in on her deathbed to vote 🙄 When you don’t watch TV, you’re always late to whatever party they’re throwing, or even better, you don’t get an invite.

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Haha, that's pretty funny...yeah, it's like much of the news you already know (and the truth about said news), without having to watch a good portion of any of it.

Love your Stack name BTW, hilarious.

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It’s so true. You kinda know it before it’s news, and care even less. It’s like you’re looking at an ulterior reality from a great distance and trying to understand how it’s actually perceived as reality. I dunno. It’s obviously a philosophical question and I have no time for that 🙄 Haha the Chronicles will begin one day. I promise 😂

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100%. The level of slumber and pure retardia all around us is almost crushing on some days...

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Isn't it amazing?! Anything specific made you throw it out?

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It's pretty crazy man...as cliche as it sounds, I had a literal "awaken from the matrix" experience, where I sat up out of bed like a wave of understanding/truth hit me (as if a veil was being lifted). It was scary, almost like a state of panic at first...as if I was tuning into some of the very difficult truths/realities about our world. It was seriously powerful, and I had trouble breathing (as well as sleeping that night).

That was soon followed by a profound spiritual experience that changed much about me literally overnight -- my thoughts, motivations, awareness...my way of speaking, interest in violence/gore movies, satanic metal music, interest in TV/social media, interest in certain behaviors/habits, etc., all literally changed, almost like someone flipped a light switch. I never asked for any of it, it just happened.

Suddenly I found myself feeling "incompatible" with and quite literally, almost sick to my stomach when attempting to consume the same "programming".

I have been on a 4 year quest for real learning and knowledge. Literally thousands of hours later, I feel much more awake (with no illusions that I don't still have massive blind spots and much I am being deceived about myself). I am however, seeking truth daily with the right spirit, and with a strange passion and fervor that I never had before. Over time, more and more truth has revealed itself.

Also over time, the realization of the soul sucking and literal MK Ultra'ing that happens from the garbage programming we feed ourselves, became clear. I feel quite liberated, having detoxed myself from all that stuff.

I'm now officially one of the "crazy" ones though, and it has caused a lot of challenges in relationship with friends and family (some of them "former" now). As silly as it sounds, I just can't exist in the same paradigm or dimension of consciousness with many of these people any more...nor can they stand mine. We keep things at surface level, and can't talk about much these days.

Not easy but I certainly wouldn't go back to sleep for anything...

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Wow! That is exactly what happened to me in 1990, at the age of 30 . It was evening, and I was lying on my bed. What transpired happened in a second. It felt like a download. I did a 180 overnight. My entire way of thinking changed in 24 hours. I had already at that time not been in a cinema for 10 years, but I junked my idiot box immediately. Most of the people in my life fell out of my life very rapidly. I did not have to get rid of anyone...they just left. The few who remained kept saying I was going through a phase that I would "come out of". Now those folks are all dead or dying from their Jonestone jabs. I can really, really identity how you state you become sick to your stomach around the normie world pleasures. I had to distance myself from all that a long time ago. Anything from pop-culture gives me a visceral negative reaction. I have used your exact words: "I never asked for this" when futilely trying to describe my experience to others (who will never understand anyway).

Thank you for posting your experience. Up until today, I had never heard of anyone experiencing what I experienced. It always feels good to learn one is not alone. I was pretty much alone for the first 15 years...but after 2005 a few really wonderful, fully awake people came into my life. It indeed has been a hellish 34 years for me ...but I would not trade it for anything. Btw, I tried to "like" your comment, but my "likes" have not been registering for the past two weeks.

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So awesome and thank you for sharing yours! Yes, it's great to know I'm not alone here in cyberspace....I just wish I had more around me that were awake. I know you know that one. God Bless you on your journey Kris!

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Looks like my ability to "like" comments has just returned. I think what separates a genuine conversation experience from others, is that it lasts...and grows stronger and solidifies with each passing year. After 34 years, I think it's safe to say my conversation was genuine. I feel blessed that at that time I was completely in the dark about the horrific suffering that I was going to experience... I might have thrown in the towel immediately, if I had known. My experience differed from yours, in that I did not feel fear at the time, rather an intense euphoria that lasted all night. God bless you, too.

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This is so resonant with my own version. It was a longer ride for me and only really happened with Covid. Once I saw them lying directly, to all of us, it was a profound wake up. I'd never watched much TV anyway, but after this it was like a bucket of ice water. Ever since, I feel like I've been in some horror movie, some version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I've woken up from a dream into a nightmare. It's incredibly unnerving. Just hearing everyday people, acquaintances, friends, family speak the same story over and over. The mind control is everywhere. But what maybe is the most shocking is how right they think they are, the righteousness, the confidence, the absolute belief in the dream, the thoughts that have been put into them. I don't stand a chance in a conversation. There's no getting through. And it's always the same when I try - either ridicule, adolescent name-calling or politely changing the subject. There's no one in my physical circle whom I can talk to. It's just so weird on every level but like you, I wouldn't change it. Once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep.

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By the time the scamdemic rolled around, I had purged all normies from my life, so it didn't touch me at all. Those of us in the conspiracy world had been talking about the planned scamdemic since 2001. When I heard the first msm news story while listening to talk radio in DECEMBER of 2019, about a new "virus" in China, my thoughts were: here we go... they're finally going to do this thing.

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Join a White Nationalist group or sports club. Eat organic, and only drink filtered water, Buy a million rounds of ammo. You still have some catching up to do! Oh, welcome to reality! Hail Victory! \o

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You kind of give off the vibe of "I lead a white nationalist group". ;)

I eat truly organic organic, and only drink triple-filtered non-chlorinated water...with a hint of lavender.

Only a million? Pffft, you're the one with catching up to do. ;) ;)

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I sold my TV a couple years ago and my life has been better for it ever since. Social media has always been a joke to me so I don’t participate.

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This was so good. Bravo. So glad to see someone who is clearly awake...and it was a very well done, humorous, great read.

We have zero evidence Trump was actually shot. Although I'm sure more and more will come out to try to convince you of it. They have faked FAR bigger/greater things in the past. If you do your homework and look at the absolute ridiculous number of contradictions, failures, coupled with an understanding of why they would want to fake such a thing...it literally becomes harder to believe it was actually real. But alas, people don't yet see how the world and our country, truly operates. They don't realize how scripted and architected all of this is at the top and on the world's (literal) stage. They don't see the strategy and tacticts and fake events/narratives, etc., that all play into pushing a set of underlying agendas.

Now, here we are, one big step closer to (Trump) 47 !! The archetypal story gains some powerful steam today and further sets up the triumphant return of the MAGA messiah. Ahh, what a script. One of the best plot archetypes that books and movies programmed us with, growing up…

“The sacrificial hero”...something like that...

Sure there may have been a shooting...but I can assure you...that this was fake and staged. Feel free however...believe what you want. We all see or wake up on our own timelines (or don't, I suppose).

I hope and pray that people start to awaken and see the deceptive theater playing out all around us, while a deeper, underlying agenda is playing out.

Grab your popcorn…watch the bad B movie script play out.

TO THE STUPID PEOPLE WHO STILL BELIEVE THE B-GRADE HOLLYWOOD PRODUCTION FALSE FLAG https://aim4truth.org/2024/07/14/to-the-stupid-people-who-still-believe-the-b-grade-hollywood-production-false-flag/

IT JUST HAPPENED....JUST LIKE THE SCRIPT TOLD YOU IT WOULD! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gufx27IMf4Ec/?list=notifications&randomize=false



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Apparently the SS received a "stand down" order. The sniper was allowed to fire, and the extraction of Trump was bungled by agents who appeared to have never practiced extraction. By the way, the head of SS is a woman who was once in charge of security for Pepsi. Apparently she had a lot of experience in guarding soft drinks.

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Hahaa. Unreal. The 5'3" rotund DIE hire who couldn't holster her glock?

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What a comedy act she was. Curly Howard couldn't have done it better.

The rumor is many of the SS agents were temps. Rent-a-cop anyone?

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That caught my attention. Surely you want well built strong agile MEN as security for such a high profile presidential candidate and former president? Sure, women can be the brains but in the thick of it you want brawn? I really expected a slicker performance from the team. Looked a bit fumbly jumbly.

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She was a Coca-Cola operative in her job at Pepsi.

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I find the eye witness with the McDonalds fry hairdo pretty sus. Very subliminal.

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The two sides absolutely hate each other, and a house divided cannot stand. The US is headed for a divorce. Perhaps it will be peaceful, with like minded people moving to like minded states. Or perhaps the divorce will be bloody, with massive casualties on both sides. This remains to be seen. However, there is one thing for certain in this sordid drama: The US will break apart. The US, as you know it now, will cease to exist by 2030

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Czechoslovakia had an amicable split for different reasons. Might as well do it peacefully, and definitely build a wall along those blue borders because sooner or later, they'll all come running.

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I went years before I heard anything about 911. Now I can tell a show without even watching any footage at all.

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Anything meaning other than the msm version. Yet I have met people and they could tell from day one. So I wonder how it could be that one can go so long without hearing any truth at all and then suddenly you do. And I watched JFK many years ago.

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Who couldn't see this coming from a mile away? You don't have to be Carlson or Jones to see the obvious.

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Agreed but anyone who says Trump planned or agreed to this needs to use some common damn sense! I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm NOT going to agree to be hit JUST in the ear! Like seriously does that make sense?! I don't care how on point someone supposedly is! I don't care if it's just a wad of cotton being shot! You're not shooting at my head! People say oh he was broad spectrum or whatever using that as an excuse to have been manipulated. Like not EVERYTHING in the world is a psycops!

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agreed. there's always a risk of reversion to laziness and just dumping everything in the psyop folder.

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I may be guilty, but that folder is still open. Also, do MAGA-types sacrifice their self-respect when they honor an immoral half-wit? It's all so embarrassing!

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The whole world is immoral that's why we are where we are! So called Christians flocking to theaters for 50 Shades of Smut or glued to their TV's for Game of Thrones or whatever else trashy show HBO offers. I honestly don't support any politician. But not every shooting in America is staged. There's WAY tooo many whackadoodles out there for that! But him raising his fist and comparing it to raising the American flag is a common sense stretch! Not comparable at all. Not arguing. Y'all have your opinion and I simply could care less. But when it comes to the economy now or Trump era I'll take Trump. Lesser of 2 evils is all we've ever got. And we can cry moan.and complain but until we do something besides that or post memes nothing will change. Come on rapture! Oh and you bring that up then someone wants to argue about how we aren't even close because this, this, and this hasn't yet occurred. People just want to argue which is why we left fascistbook. At the end up the day none of us really know what did or didn't happen. Just like the couple during the scamdemic who were protecting their home everyone, even the ones for them argued til the cows came home they shouldn't have had their fingers near the trigger until ready to shoot! Totally true, but then the REAL photos came out not too long ago showing how close that crowd was to them! Totally justifying a finger by the trigger! Look how they spun J6! I'm not perfect, but I'm not an immoral half-wit. But I don't vote democrat or libertarian...talk about immoral! Those parties are by immoral in the dictionary and they are even smart enough to try and hide it!

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Hey bud, go re-watch the videos. He is "shot" in his right ear. Uses his right hand to touch his ear. Then you see his entire hand as he pulls it away - weird, no blood? None on him either. Suddenly he is tackled..... a few moments later, Trump gets up and there is blood on his ear & face now (the trajectory of the blood appears as though he got shot from behind? Hm. Weird). Why wasn't that blood there before he got tacklef?

Then a few more times we get a glimpse of his whole hand and still, no blood. None on his perfectly white shirt either. Weird. But he touched his ear.

How come none of the agents applied pressure to an open wound? Why did they allow him to show his face & chest when they're supposed to be completely shielding him? Why put a 4'9" women in the front of a 6' something tall man running for president & former president? Surely they could have found someone closer to his height to not allow his entire face to be exposed.... (God she was sad to watch).

But boy did it do wonders for his campaign. Funny how he told all the SS agents to stop so he could poke his head out and put a fist up and shout FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! - Just enough for the camera to get a few good shots.. annd END SCENE! It was perfect.

I cannot tell you how many fencesitters are now 100% Team Trump - posting about it all over social media - after that incident. If thats not effective marketing, idk what is.

Trump doesn't need to get "shot" to be in on it. How many politicians came from Hollywood? Just take a guess. Trump sure did..... he was a reality TV star before, wasn't he? Grab the popcorn, enjoy the show.

This is basically the WWE.

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I love this comment and it suits your name. I left a similar comment with similar questions within an hour of the "shooting" if that's what it was, and was pillioried for it on ZH. I considered that one of the more "awake" communities for comments, but now I wonder. I suppose every forum has been infiltrated by counter op bots, but the uniform programming and herd behavior there came as a shock. I've seen those slow mo close ups of his hand and the theory that he exploded a blood sachet at his ear before dumping it on the podium, but I didn't see anything come out of his hand. And while there's no blood, I think it can be explained by the liklihood that it takes time for blood to excrete and the slow mo shows his ear tap a half second after likely impact. The risk of trying to pull that off with all the cameras is probably too great. While he's a fine actor and performer, I'm not sure he'd risk it. It's tough at this point for me to implicate him, but my mind is always open. Still, all of your other questions matched mine in the aftermath. The incompetence seems organic given their open DIE hiring practices. Some agents performed well covering his head, others, well, we've all seen those performances and they weren't hired for competence. After fifty years of mockingbird programming, staged events, and political theater they've made it very easy to be skeptical, though it's not easy to be so openly skeptical without taking a beating from the mob. I suppose that's what motivated me to write the first half of this piece - the pathetic reaction of those who have been duped all their lives (and know it) to buy the official events without second thoughts while blasting those who have serious questions. Thanks again.

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Your analysis pretty much matches what I think happened:

The ‘shooter’ was a mind-controlled MK-Ultra nut job who was sent up on the roof with a rifle loaded with blanks (although he probably thought it was loaded). Then on cue, he fires blanks at Trump, the snipers on the adjacent roof take him out seconds later, several real bullets are fired into the crowd (by someone in the Secret Service or one of the police agencies) to kill or wound a few people to make it more authentic, Trump drops to the floor and slaps the side of his head to break a movie-prop capsule with real or fake blood in it. Then he stands up for the Iwo Jima photo op. Trump’s popularity soars even higher. It is likely that Trump wasn’t told that there would be casualties. He probably wouldn’t have agreed to the hoax if he had known that.

There are only two other possibilities. One is the official narrative, i.e., the Keystone Cops allow a lone nut gunman to climb on a nearby roof with a direct line of site to Trump, while they ignore warnings from bystanders about a man on a roof with a rifle, and the snipers watch him for several minutes before he starts shooting, no one bothers to tell the Secret Service guys around Trump to get him out of harm's way, then less than a minute after he is shot in the ear the Secret Service lets him stand up for a photo op. Most of the sheeple will believe that, just as they always do.

The other possibility, which many on the right are suggesting, is that it was an assassination attempt by the Deep State to take out Trump to prevent him from being elected in November. There are many problems with that theory, but the main reason that doesn’t work is that it would never have been allowed to happen. Trump is the NWO-designated winner for November. There is no way that a conspiracy involving the Secret Service and everyone else that would have to be involved could have occurred without the upper hierarchical levels of the NWO knowing about it, and they would have absolutely quashed that plan.

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Excellent points David. I know you've been ahead of the pack on the "Trump is the NWO horse" this selection cycle, first dropping it in the comments of a piece last autumn. I still have it in my bookmarks because it really got me thinking more WWE/NWO selection, and less along the lines of performative party cohabition. Once it became clear (possibly) no Presidentional election in my lifetime was organic then 2016 took on a new dynamic which served multiple purposes that you mentioned from Russian hoax, Ukraine groundwork, pandemic hoax, vaxxocaust, to furthering the "swamp" narrative, and creating more problem, reaction, solution scenarios.

This is my current struggle that will iron itself out in time: "It is likely that Trump wasn’t told that there would be casualties. He probably wouldn’t have agreed to the hoax if he had known that." Was Trump involved or not? This question engenders the instant wrath of most people who fancy themselves tuned in and having "escaped the Matrix" while gladly submitting themselves to the cult orthodoxies of one political party which is one half of the same machine.

This is why I say, if they wanted his blood splattered across the stage they would have done it, yet perhaps they chose the Patsy route and shots were fired, or perahps something else entirely happened and people need to keep digging that soil without making presumptions that can't be backed by visible evidence (barring whistleblowers who would never survive their attempt to blow) because that's what the masses will require to escape the clutches of the dramatists.

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If my details are correct, specifically that Trump applied the fake blood himself, then he pretty much had to be involved. However, now that I think about it more, I guess that could have been done by one of the Secret Service agents. But it is still hard for me to believe that he didn’t know that it was all staged, although as I said, he probably wasn’t told all of the details, especially that there would be casualties. So I guess I would have to say that I am only 75% certain that Trump was involved. One additional clue that he was involved was the fact that he got back up right away for his photo op, long before he or the Secret Service agents could have known that everything had been secured if it was a real assassination attempt. If he had thought there was a possibility that there was still one or more people trying to shoot him he wouldn’t have done that. Of course, the Secret Service agents around him wouldn’t have allowed him to get up either if they thought he was still in danger, but they obviously had to be involved in the hoax, so they knew all along that he wasn’t in danger.

But I have always had trouble trying to figure out how much Trump knows. The possibilities run the gamut from him fully understanding how the NWO operates and his part in their plans, to being a completely clueless useful idiot. I think he falls somewhere between those two extremes, but I just don’t know where. For example, to this day I still haven’t figured out if he understands that his impeachment in his first term was all theater, and there was never any chance that he was going to be convicted by the Senate. However, I don’t consider it very important to try to understand how much he knows. The outcome of any event will be pretty much the same regardless of how much he understands, since ultimately he is just following orders.

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The "deep state" has their Trump replacement ready to go, and Trump selected him. All NWO scripted. Amazing how much "fortune" and "luck" Trump has had in just three days.


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Interesting. I suppose I haven't yet contemplated his involvement sufficiently with those details in mind and would have to go back and watch everything again through that lens. I don't like to rule anything out, and my conclusions are always subject to immediate change pending further evidence and until further notice.

Let's assume he was involved. The billion dollars of free advertising is definitely suspect. To play devil's advocate, Trump supporters argue his getting back up was a result of an "all clear" given over the radio by SS. Assuming that's true where were those radios during those two minutes authorities were alerted to a shooter on the roof, and SS snipers (in police flak vests) aiming exactly in that direction? Answers only lead to more questions. Still probing further on that line, "His courage was on dispaly and he wanted to assure the world he was fine and keep talking." Skeptic evidence that he knew something was taking place and wasn't that rattled. Supoooorter evidence that he's brave, bold, and the kind of leader America needs. This kind of dialectic exercise could go back and forth for eterntity depending on one's lens of partiality. Other argue that he was already popular and didn't need the photo op, or popularity boost. But he was only up a few points in most polls and within the margin of error in key battleground states that were (Probably) rigged for Biden last time. Counterarguement... it's not about polls or election prognosticating since elections are fixed, it's about savior complex PR imaging and kneading minds for hero worship. Your final point is excellent: Utlimately he is just following orders is key to understanding everything, and wiping the drive clean of any software bugs. I look forward to seeing what more people uncover on this front. Thanks again.

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This guy asks similar questions, implicates Trump...


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If you believe Trump applied fake blood, then you are seriously delusional. Perhaps it is you who is a deep state plant.

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Without a doubt, the most delusional analysis I have seen of the attempted assassination.

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"This is basically the WWE. "


For 10 years I have been saying.....politics is emotional professional wrestling. and I meant it every time.

They simply put him under a pile of SS agents (morons earning a paycheck) and then applied moulage. Note, there's no blood dripping down onto his lapel/shirt/suit, at all. That is why they were not on the move (which they would have been if there was an actual threat to Trump) and delaying. They had to apply makeup/moulage.

Stay tuned to Trump episode 2 tonight at the RNC. Find my post about it here, if you wish.

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Where did the white towel that is seen in the photos of Trump on the floor behind the podium come from? Where did it go? Why don't we see blood running anywhere. Why don't we see the towel covered in blood? Who carries white towels around or has them on a podium? Or does he use one to wipe his sweat during speeches?

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Ear helix is primarily cartilage and it's one of the few parts of the body (tip of nose, cornea, ear, etc.) with limited blood supply. It's not going to bleed immediately. I've seen multiple people shot and ripped apart, and you'd be amazed on how much blood there isn't, and sometimes how much blood there is.

Don't base your claims on blood.

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Nice and no easy thing trying to apply reason in current landscape. If 'they' are ultimately going for melt-down levels of confusion.. they may get it.

I don't know what happened but I know it's not what we think or will be told. Thanks.

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Whether flag, false flag or false false flag, we are the target, not Donald.

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Great stuff GC.

Buckle up folks. This ride is going to be bat shit crazy.

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Oh fook it’s not already? Oh well I’ll detach more ;-) idgaf bout these actors anymore

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All I can do is shake my heads about how the entire world on fire.

Sometimes the answer is right in your face because they tell you.

How many on the left (and maybe some neo-cons) want Trump dead? It's a long list. Even Sniffy von Poopypants has expressed such in so many words the last couple of years.

I suspect it will take some time to sort out what actually happened. One thing for fucking sure: I do NOT trust they MSM to say truth. And the "citizen journalists" need common sense vetting.

In the age of gubmint DEI, I think we give the alphabet way too much credit for smartness. It was easier in 1963 and 1968 when ALL we had was MSM. Today, citizen "journalists" will do the work, then we have to sort out fact from bullshit.

Occam's Razor: sometimes, the correct answer is the obvious one. IMO, globalist progs, those mentally ill psychopaths who want us either dead or eating bugs in a 15-minute prison, need to eliminate a threat to their Great Reset. Almost every Donk I know are down with the WEF, and it's clear the only ones who want Sniffy to run are are "Dr." Jill and Hunter Crack Pipe. The rest of the Swamp knows if Trump wins, he represents an existential threat.

I mean, is there any bigger real threat to the globalist WEF goals than Donald Trump? Especially after polling leans his way?

So he needs to be gone.

Embarrassments, impeachments, rigged J6 bullshit, indictments, throwing close supporters in the gulag, The Normals jailed without trials for being pissed off, and clear cheating have not only not worked, but made him stronger.

This simply can not be tolerated in DC, London, Berlin, Geneva, Brussels, Beijing, or any other globalist nest.

I have long opined, like him or loathe him, the only way to get rid of Trump ascendancy is to kill him.

And here we are.

The failure was setting up a chump who had not mastered shooting 150 yds. with a slight breeze.

So now "they" are fucked. And WILL become more desperate as polling continues to show The Normals have had enough.

Was this a conspiracy? I suspect so, I will never believe the lone gunman theory. But I'd also overlay accelerating incompetency because of strict adherence to DEI, political affiliation and loyalties, and not merit.

Don Bongino brings up some good points: https://x.com/i/status/1812485847737840058

All I know is unless shit changes, America is screwed. And then where does one go?

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My buddy yesterday told me, "That kid was no assassin because a real one wouldn't have missed". True enough. A twenty-something patsy placed where he needed to be, within eyesight of the real killers, and allowed to get away with his part in the play only to be silenced. Trumps raised fist and all of the meme bullshit that followed was pure propaganda gold.

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Exactly what I theorized the minute I saw the story. What else can it be?

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AS another pure coincidence, June 6 Trump questioned vaccines, not just the coof vaxxx, but all vaxxxes, and pledges full investigation and research.

Barely a month later he sacrifices an upper ear to a .223.


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Interesting. I kind of tuned him out months ago, (Feb?) when he was celebrating his glorious warp genocide shots in interviews. "I saved millions of lives."

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A bit of an overview and related thoughts..** We agree with Mr.Raven.. on the possibility of A 2nd shooter..first…the shots we heard. thru the cheap news video audio….were….probably a 223 round..not 556…..certainly didn't sound like a 308 or a 30 odd 06*… Or a pistol caliber rifle round… others claim a handgun was used from--near or behind the bleachers s area..long whizzing sound s like what Mike Adams correctly informed the folks….*whizzing(traveling thru air sounds)first…then gun report.(sounds..)..we think if the round was a 308 and connected …trump would be dead*.Strange tho..this female fatty die hire stuff. couldn't holster her 9msemi auto standard Glock….we don't think she had plus P 9mm.ammo..we wonder if she could really qualify on the range…we don't want her on the battlefield. that's for sure..””brings new meaning to..”dead weight”….…..maybe just a lesbian hire..who knows…...strange that SS…blamed police..police blamed secret service..that regular normie type guy who warned the recalcitrant cops who wouldn't listen……anyway…...**…**the beast miraculously survived--** and the holocausts …exterminations genociding ..of Palestine continues..jewkraine now the 2nd Isreal..owned by Rothschild..fink..schwarsmen…….zelenksys wife ..Bugatti…yeah..back to . Palestine… Back to the gay Jewish disco meat grinder of Ukrainian white Slavs….. is””less important”than jewdog trumprat s assasination attempts..,?…....more assassination(s) to come? more bait and switch distraction,-deliberste obfuscation…..only the New Jew order controligarchs benefit..every time…..as per expectations No ballistic s. info provided …only lame stream massmedia fearporn …spin…fearmongering provided..”dspensed.brread and circuses style to the public. someone….is myth building or ..Psy opping trumpdog or….the usual suspects just want trump dead because he s not enough of an Isreal firster fanatic for “Them*..no cynical sarcasmi intended..no sardonics ….just….questions ..that we think will be answered soon** REARM NOW**

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This June as in 2024 Trump questioned all "vaccines?"

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"Sometimes a cigar is just a good smoke," Groucho Marx.

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"Too soon for jokes?" NEVER...


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Enough with the soy crap. Lame and cheap.

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I agree. Make raw milk legal again.

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