Beautifully put and thought out. All. true. Hope Elon can see this and have an epiphany. Time for him to grow up and try and save the world. He would be remembered more for this than for Tesla or Mars.

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I'm not so sure. More think tanks won't do much - those exist primarily to justify the policies the powerful have already decided upon; they're meaningless in terms of cultural influence.

More social media platforms won't do much, either. As you noted yourself, there's a plethora already. They're either empty or echo chambers. Either way, not helpful.

I'm not saying that $44 billion for Twitter is a good investment. On the other hand, the fallout if they're forced to admit that they've been juicing establishment numbers with bots could get interesting. People realizing "hey wait a minute - we're the majority here, by a lot!" is how preference cascades start.

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I detest all of it (NGOs, think tanks, foundations) but that's the game being played and in every capital are people and policies for sale. Influence and change is bought. If elections are controlled, rigged, fixed, then a 'tuned in' group of oligarchs might be the best worst option. Decentralized platforms as you recently wrote about would be the only options worth pushing on the 'social' front, even if not yet perfect.

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Perhaps. I wonder if more lateral thinking might be more effective, though.

Example: Bitcoin, which together with DeFi has the potential to be a terminal threat to the usury control architecture.

Rather than trying to beat the bastards at their own rigged game, it might be better to change the game. Don't remove them from power; remove power from them.

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Great point. I suppose this piece is partially about that. It's going to take someone or group of people with power to help remove power from them. We can have some successful authentic "grassroots" shifts, but not enough to damn the flow of tyranny without some heavy lifters on our side.

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Oh, that's certainly true. No revolution from below ever succeeds. And the overall thrust of your piece, which I read as basically "really Elon? Is this the best you can come up with, smart guy?" I definitely agree with.

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Is this true? Taliban Afghanistan 2021, Ireland IRA 1922, Iraq 2022? The Shia hasn't managed to kick the US out of Iraq yet... but they are close, Iran 1978, India 1947, China 1949, Vietnam 1975, American revolution 1784, French revolution ending in 1799 with the great 1793!

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In some way... red states/rural communities during covid tyranny. Just try not to be too defeatist. Fighting back does indeed matter. Rally around the people who do fight back. Sheriff Bob Songer for instance. Living in a blue state with a tyrannical governor didn't actually effect me much. His power was indeed limited. Much more than I believe he guessed. Sheriff Songer never backed down. Even after all the hate directed his way. Just North of Seattle Adam Fortney also refused. The powers that be tried to recall him and it failed. He is running for re-election this next election so we will see how it goes for those who defy our would be masters.



Governor Inslee’s orders pertaining to public gatherings or businesses operating in violation of his orders in my opinion is a violation of our citizens’ constitutional rights under the First Amendment, Second Amendment, and other Amendments of the US Constitution and Washington State Constitution.

Not allowing citizens to attend church or firearm dealers to conduct business is a violation of the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, but the Governor has no problem allowing marijuana shops to stay open for business.

As Sheriff I will uphold our citizens’ constitutional rights and liberties and will NOT ENFORCE Governor Inslee’s COVID-19 Proclamation Orders on public gatherings and non-essential businesses.

No crisis should ever violate a citizen’s liberty or God-given rights under our US Constitution or Washington State Constitution.

Bob Songer

Klickitat County Sheriff

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Major Musk, the space cadet without a clue.

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I quit both Facebook and Twitter a few years ago, they put me in a box, and those who reveived my feed didn't respond much anyway. Gettr locked me out with a request for the ability to accept cookies. I haven't done Gab and won't because SStack is filling all those voids with higher standards all around. I think Musk is tight with the global investor elite, he was instructed to prop up Twitter's share price because these elite wanted to sell out.

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Remember he is not “buying” twitter with his own cash, he is funded by the establishment of Blackrock Etc. That tells you everything you need to know, never forget that as it lets you peep behind the curtain before the show even starts

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Exactly right.

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GCF = Good Citizen Foundation.

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The Bad Cato used that video of Stabenow too, discussing the financial case against EVs. As I said on his article, it feels like a shameless attempt to deny freedom of movement to the lower and middle class.

As the developed world is enjoying either the reality or possibility of rolling black-outs why the hell would anyone trust their mobility to the 'grid?

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Intentional pain and suffering through economic controlled demolition. I'm not even sure elections will be a recourse any longer if those too are controlled.

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Dear T. Goode,

I think The Essence of this fantastic Piece, is the difference b/w Spirit/Mind.

In an ideal way, the above two work in harmony & balance.

Both you/Elon are very bright. Since my first reading of you, you have stunned me with your ethical ethos.

This is the most necessary Quality for sustainable/Good change.

I don't know if Elon possesses this quality.

I hope someone sends your article to him.

I hope he contacts you, for Guidance.


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Thanks Paul. 🙏

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One of your best, as it inspires hope…even though most likely just folly.

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When I think of the billions being sent to God knows where once they are dropped off in the vicinity of the thouroughly corrupt Ukraine; and billions, adding up to trillions faster than a speeding bullet transferred during Scamdemonic, while we complain about gas, fantasizing that electricity grows on wind farms, my inner being knows that clean water, sanitation and non-engineered food is available for All. One problem, TGC, you make too damn much common sense.

Spent the last 2.5 hours replacing the light switch in my daughter’s ceiling fan which was reachable, but too high to be easily worked upon. Little screws kept falling and then self-camouflaging. A song started rattling around in my head; from back in the days before Social Media Murder, during the Decade of Assassination Nation. And to think we people thought peace was possible, and then many went on to teach what we got now. Fine version:


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classic. they should bring back the draft before the next world war they clearly want. that'll wake the kids up from their screen slumbers right quick just like in the 60s. Instead of burning down wendy's and autozone, they might be more apt to find the proper targets.

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Yep, wakes one up being 1A. I am struck on “come on Wall Street don’t be slow there’s plenty good money to be made supplying the army with the tools of their trade.” Hmm.

I hear BBC and MSM are reworking their drum roll, trying to get ahead of new reality; War Crimes (from the folks who wrote the book.)

It’s a noble path you put forth. Thank you. It may take some entrepreneurial rebel to derail this Westernocide. It’s time; the old are psychopathic. Build your burger be damned.

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Major Tom, Part Two

Phoenix Rises...

"They got A Message

From The Action Man"


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A nice article but built on a false premise.

You compare Musk's Twitter buy to Gates/Soros philanthroimperialism, which is a word I just created. You suggest there are better ways to "spend $44 Billion to take a flame thrower to the agenda of Global Tyrants."

But Musk is not spending $44B, much of it from his personal assets, to fight globalism. He's spending it to buy a large social media platform he wants to reorganize and make profitable, and believes that this can be done by adhering to the principles of free speech and a free market.

Musk is making a business investment. Not creating a philanthropic foundation called Twitter, or funding freedom fighters in the war against global tyranny.

He is doing something he hopes will be profitable. If it isn't, he won't do it.

Musk is a businessman who has some principles a lot of us happen to like. He's not leading a crusade.

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None of those other billionaires with half the resources are "philanthropists" either. Every dollar Gates spends he expects 2-10x return for his "foundation". As for Musk, read his tweets about free speech, democracy and you'll see a guy who pretends to care about these institutions, care about making a difference, which makes Twitter far more than an "investment" for him and at least a partial "crusade".

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Maybe the truth is in between these two aims, maybe, just maybe he is on a win/win strategy where both outcomes are realised?

It’s not an either/or game because one aim supports the other

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Not only these points, but he’s not even spending his own $44B - he has investors that are spending their money because he has a plan to turn Twitter profitable.

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The Spirit of Manhood


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(s)Election Code (trailer)

Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that.  


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The conservative lionization of Musk is just another in a long line. To continue the David Bowie thread, Trump, Peterson, Rogan, Musk, et al. are savior machines. It’s hard to build a home gym, plant a vegetable garden, raise chickens, and read books. It’s much easier to get someone else to fight for us while we continue to live as if everything is hunky dory.

There is no victory without sacrifice. It has always been up to us, and it will always be up to us. We cannot rely on politicians or the eccentric billionaire du jour to save us.

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Not trusting Musk about anything. He's a leftist because he supports fake global warming by selling EV's and yet wants us to believe he favors free speech by trying to overtake twitter. The thing is, he's like a child, similar to gates, who may be the richest people on earth , but are never satisfied despite the fact they can have and do anything they want as long as money can pay the fare.

Never buying an EV, not a twitterite, and I think A/I won't fly.

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Your pieces are always opened first. Such well thought out writing. I'm reminded of Bret Weinstein's motto, "no matter how cynical you are, you are still being naive."

If Elon wanted to help fix the situation we are all in, I would think he'd have done so already. I don't much care what he thinks.

I would like to know what Daniel Schmachtenberger thinks of our predicament. I have not heard him weigh in on it. Has anyone else?

Has anyone seen this clip from X-files? It almost exactly describes our current scenario. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v10TUkx0gtM

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