I could just paste your two perfect paragraphs ("We are dealing with people whose minds are so programmed, so conditioned, including millions of those 'in the middle,' that no amount of evidence or convincing through empirical means will move them toward the light. These are people who will prefer the comfort of their echo chambers and the self-satisfaction of assimilation to a tribe than to ever acknowledge deadly truths. No amount of deprogramming by Substack writers or documentary filmmakers is going to save them. ") as a comment or reply in pretty much every conversation and Substack piece from now to eternity. Exactly right. Exactly, exactly right.

The good thing about the documentary is that it publicizes a thing that the PTB want to disappear. Most people can't accept the truth, so the only real victory is being a bit of a thorn in the PTB's side and making them spend time "debunking" or whatever. Every "debunking" article keeps the blood clot and sudden death issue in the headlines, and pushes some other PTB propaganda further down the page. If people haven't already had their come-to-Jesus moment based on having friends and acquaintances have reactivated zoster virus, sudden onset acute pancreatitis, sudden death "in their sleep" at age 40, etc., etc., they probably never will. So arguing about which individual on the not-evil "side" is the true prophet is really stupid, because it's not as if Breggin's existence is stopping people from being converted to the truth by Malone. Obviously. And the way people get into the mess of being duped is by giving anybody 100% credibility for all future utterances. So I can take or leave or find merit in individual things Breggin or Malone or Kory say without worshiping at the guy's throne the way the other people worship Fauci.

The "victory" of which we can (it seems) only dream is disempowering the PTB so that they can't force anything on anybody. People will always be idiots; corporations will always have more money for propaganda than smart individuals. But it would be nice if corporations didn't completely own legislatures and executive branches and at least some of the judiciary. That would be nice.

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Wouldn’t it be nice to see “the people that make the money” punished for their genocide during this Plandemic?

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What about the governments that created the protections for these “money makers”, and who helped promote their products through coercion and through the propaganda and censorship from their media lackeys?

Yes, it would be nice, but only a dream with the compliant and silent vast majority ‘In the middle’ today….

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That would be nice indeed….

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I just can't help myself -- I worship at the throne of Dr Yeadon. I give him 100% credibility for all future utterances. And I think he's cute ...

Is there any hope for me? LOL

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I don’t see how he is paid opposition? But I definitely don’t know the truth with the information war we are in

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“But it would be nice if corporations didn't completely own legislatures and executive branches and at least some of the judiciary.“

Talk about eye off the ball.

It’s been apparent for decades, to anyone with enough healthy skepticism to look, that our political and corporate “leaders” have been getting ever more cozy with one another to the detriment of the rest of us. One could see this developing since the end of WWII. Eisenhower warned us 60 years ago.

Would have been a hell of a lot easier to course correct back then.

Oh but for cowardice and apathy we’d be a free people.

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Not sure what you mean--obviously I wasn't alive at the end of WWII. I've never liked how it is. And Eisenhower--what a laugh to warn "us" against the military-industrial complex that he had a large role in creating! "Eye off the ball," my arse.

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Some of the best insights I've read so far regarding the cannibalism of the opposition! Some cliche about trees and forests comes to mind. While millions of people are dying or disabled we'll nitpick about the precise manner of that calamity? Eye on the ball. Well said.

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This is a GREAT post. It makes so much sense and I hope a lot of people really take it in.

We are all in process of growth and maturation. The people who did not take this covid vaccine injection are not automatically the most mature people, or have developed the capacity of systemic thinking. We are all on a spectrum. Making sense of this whole terrain (and any complex social system) is an emotional-psychological-cognitive process. We need to always challenge ourselves when we hit our own emotional, psychological or cognitive limitations. These limitation show up when we need to take sides, make people better than one another, or can't cognitively hold many perspectives and possibilities at once. All while being able to discern the best possible truth that people and evidence are telling us at any one time.

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I have to disagree somewhat with your discussion re: Dr. Malone suing the Breggins. I read the lawsuit. I get the Breggins wrote their book long before Dr. Malone saw the whole situation. But what the Breggins, Jane Ruby, et al, have published and publicly stated about Dr. Malone is shockingly defamatory. It is all conjecture and speculation. It appears to me they have taken threads of Dr. Malone's past and woven an outlandish narrative backed by their biases and current worldview. It made me look at the Breggins & Jane Ruby differently. I would have thought they would have a higher level of discernment before publishing such nonsense. Is it jealousy, a delusion or are they just hacks? The Breggins critical thinking skills appear to be compromised. I'm not defending Dr. Malone as some sort of hero. We have all taken different paths to get to where we are today. Dr. Malone's past in the mainstream medical/scientific complex, however, doesn't make him, according to Breggin, "a supporter of any apologist for political mass murderers. He is not a Hitler apologist and/or a Hitler “excuser”. Breggin claims "Dr. Malone IS Dangerous. I knew from day one, this man is in the middle of every horrific thing that has happened to humanity. He is an operative running interference to keep this thing going" (another of Breggin's multiple off-base claims). I have also read the original letter from Dr. Malone's attorney asking the Breggins to retract their statements, apologize and come to some sort of amiable resolve without having to involve the court system. The Breggins responded by amplifying their public statements. They won't stop. They're obsessed and to me come off as foolish. So Dr. Malone is demanding a jury trial and the Breggins, Jane Ruby, et al, will get to defend their statements in court.

The Breggins attempted to blackmail Dr. Malone to come on their show and defend himself from their made up accusations. Dr. Malone declined. It's the updated version of the Salem Witch trials. Find an antagonist. It must be this Malone character. He has risen high in the medical freedom community and his CV is suspicious with claims of work in vaccines and biodefense. He has managed government DOD research grants. He must be one of them. He IS dangerous. We knew it when we first saw him. He needs to come on our show and prove he is not a Global Predator, a Mass Murderer! If he doesn't come and prove his innocence than we'll brand him as guilty.

Now that the Breggins are being sued for what they instigated they are claiming to be victims. It's unfortunate it has come to this. This Pandemic psych op has been detrimental on everyone. Some people have become mentally undone and cling to their narratives as a form of sanity. The Breggins insist that we are all victims of these Global Predators and Mattias Desmet is wrong. Desmet looks at how did people so willingly walk into and support this nightmare. Both ideas feed the other and exist in the same space.

I realize we are living in a time of great upheaval and change whilst experiencing a nightmare spinning out of control. America as we knew it, if we ever did, appears to be lost. This dark chaos will get darker. But I think there is a less obvious light chaos starting to reveal itself. It will likely take generations to fully unfold but I believe a new world is being created and we are a part of that. You can't create the new without letting go of or destroying the old. Unfortunately, this destruction creates vast anxiety, fear and pain and the opportunists show up to alleviate the anxiety or take control. Mattias Desmet speaks of a forced evolution of those who make it. I agree with that, however, I don't want to be forced to evolve I want to choose it.

If you care to read Malone's complaint this is a link: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/just-the-facts?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=583200&post_id=87613609&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email.

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To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject.

Defamation has to have caused damages that can be proven. I can prove the defamation done by the corporate press against Malone is far greater than anything the Breggins or Ruby have said yet he is not suing over a hundred corporate outlets that slandered his reputation. Yet he is curiously suing people with almost a tiny fraction of the corporate reach who are in a similar community vying for the attention of followers. Don't you find that curious? The Breggins' first amendment rights entitles them to say what they want about Malone, even if certain aspects are untrue if they didn't at the time know it or not. And some of what they've said about him is very true, even if they take their liberties with some implications. The line between free speech and defamation in the states is thankfully tougher to crack, and we should always fall on the side of free speech over someone's ego and feelings or there would be zero free speech. Again, if it's about his "reputation" why isn't he suing those 100 corporate outlets? If this case is even allowed to proceed, the discovery process will be very interesting as the Breggins should be able to request a lot of financial information on Malone's side that requires he proves damages. Can he prove it? With his book advance, speaking fees, consultation fees, and substack subscriber base all increasing his net worth considerably since he found out his government was lying to him, I doubt it. Perhaps the Breggins will reveal how many new horses he has purchased for his horse farm since they "defamed" him. I cannot see this lawsuit as anything more than ego, power, money, and wanting to be the dominant figure of a new highly lucrative "movement" through litigious means even if it means helping to destroy others within it who dared to question his motives and intentions, which is basically what I've done here also.

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I believe Dr. Malone has mentioned somewhere that a lawsuit against these larger entities is coming. I agree with you that what is defamation and what is classified as free speech is a high bar. My understanding is Dr. Malone is not a rich man and his substack is his primary source of income. I know they lost their farm in the 2007 real estate crash. His book is being published by Children's Health Defense so I'm not sure there is a big advance. I don't think this lawsuit is about ego, power, etc. My gut take on all this is Dr. Malone left a long-time career to do what he believes to be the right thing and speak out about what is going on. He could have kept his head down and stayed silent but he chose not to. For that he has lost his career and his vast network of connections from his old life. I've come to the conclusion he is not perfect but he is honorable. I believe he is deeply offended by the Breggins irresponsible rhetoric and the division it has created and what he perceives as reputational harm. We'll see how that plays out as far as a court case. I took an interest in this lawsuit after all the negative response to it from this community with what I think are biased and loaded reasons for why he shouldn't sue. And suing may turn out to be a bad choice for him. Though I'm not sure if I was in Dr. Malone's situation I would sue I think he has a right to. I originally was not interested in reading Dr. Malone's new book but after watching an interview with Dr. Malone and Mike Adams on Brighteon where Dr. Malone let it rip - I decided to go to the amazon listing and "look inside" to read the beginning of the book. Surprisingly, I thought it was pretty good and it kept my attention. So my plan now is to read it. That's where I am with all of this.

This is the link to that interview if anyone is interested: https://www.brighteon.com/5a0610f4-d9aa-47ad-a3a6-1e35b14627d4

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I had never been opposed to Malone, and thought along similar lines as you, and was even sympathetic to how he was treated by the media in 2021, with wikipedia erasing his past. And why didn't he sue Wikipedia for this, when this is clearly great reputational harm and he can prove his accomplishments in mRNA development? Still am rather ambivalent about him, but do question his intentions and motives since this lawsuit. You should look more closely at Peter Breggin's claims about Malone calling them and asking him and Ginger "what the hell do you think you're doing?" when he dared poke holes in Desmet's theory that Malone had attached himself to, and then after finding out the call was on speaker he hung up the phone. Sounds like a highly defensive and reactionary individual who doesn't like his authority or intentions questioned by others. A few of his substack posts have also given off the same vibe of someone who is highly desirous of narrative management around his name, except when it comes to the hundreds of articles by the corporate media apparently. As for CHD, they have a ton of assets and probably offered a nice advance on his book, and he is not doing poorly, to put it mildly. He probably takes in tens of thousands a month on this platform alone and good for him. So, I don't think he'll be able to prove any reputational harm via damages, and find $26 million a massive over-reaction to what was said about him, even though I don't agree with many of the things the Breggins said. The fact that the two sides refused to debate and both pointed the finger at the other as to why this was, shows that even the so-called "leaders" of movements are often just petulant people who are highly sensitive and come across as simply childish. That goes for both sides here.

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For a while, I bought into the mass formation psychosis theory, until I heard the explanation of it, as well as the ramifications from Breggin.

Desmet wrote a possibly flawed book about mass formation; Malone added psychosis. In my opinion, Desmet used the book to advance his theory, when many could argue that the behavior of groups could be explained by the behavior of people under severe stress who were simply afraid and felt they had to conform.

Malone added the term "psychosis," which was one of the reasons Breggin was disturbed. It is a psychological diagnosis that can be used by the government to commit people to mental institutions.

Right now, in Canada, they have told doctors that those who refuse the vaxxine are having mental problems, and should be offered medications.

See where this is going?

That's why I tend to lean towards to side of the Breggins.

Also... Breggin suggested that Malone is aiming for Fauci's job. I can see that as well. Who more to trust to get us out of this mess than the man who created the mRNA jabs? Seems like a perfect government solution.

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See where this is going? Yes, no bueno. And Desmet at first was uncomfortable with that term added and then relented once it got substantial PR for his forthcoming book.

The Fauci thing is news but we'll see. If Malone does take Fauci's job, then everything will be clear.

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I've heard that Malone is thinking about public office, but not which one. In the same conversation it was pointed out that if, indeed, he is he would need much thicker skin for the job.

My uneasiness about him started when he said he took the jab because he needed to travel. Later when people said they had adverse events he said he had an adverse event and it involved his heart. Really? Wouldn't you mention that right away?

For me, since science doesn't believe in morality, cause it's science and "objective" - so objective they have to train people in bioethics? IMHO, bioethics is eugenics.

It's to the point that if "the science" has a prescribed solution I know the opposite of what they're telling me will actually be helpful.

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Actually, Desmet also took issue with the term psychosis in relation to the phenomenon. I first heard Desmet explain his theory on Jerm Warfare in September 2021. Jeremy Nell used the term and Desmet corrected him. I'm not defending Desmet or his theory, but I got the sense that he was annoyed with Malone early on because his interview on Rogan brought a lot of negative attention.

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Not a rich man... Right... Horse farm, managing hundredths of millions in the past, published books, traveling all over the world etc. Are you a billionaire by any chance that you consider Malone not to be a rich man?

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You're misinformed. The Malone's lost their farm in Maryland in the 2007 real estate melt-down. The current farm they live on they bought as an owner-financed undeveloped 30 acres in a remote area. They moved onto the 30 acres that had zero infrastructure - no plumbing, electricity, etc. They lived in a construction office trailer and used a porta potty. Over time they built a modest house and barn, fenced the property, etc. They built up their horse breeding business with one stallion and a few mares. It takes 5 years to raise one of these horses and bring it to market. Malone describes their lives previous to 2007 as being comfortably middle class. Have you seen photos of their house?

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Very well argued!

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Once again, if Malone is so serious about justice, why isn't he putting his efforts into suing the entities that are perpetrating these evils upon the citizenry, instead of a couple of commentators that have a small area of influence?

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I believe that is coming.

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Mattias Desmet has been a witness in what's been described as the worst mass murder trial in Belgium. The person charged with these multiple murders was a client in Desmet psychiatry practice. Desmet admitted that his client had told him what he had done, but he did not inform the police as he claimed that he thought had cured him. Really.. what about all the people he has already done away with their families don't deserve any justice. Why Desmet is not on trial here is incomprehensible to my mind. This man caused the death of other people murdered after he knew the facts about his client.

Desmet other faux pas was publishing a treatise regarding him having been present during open heart surgery being done without any anaesthetics, not once but twice. He wound up having to retract that article.

This man has the morals of a crocodile and is in the service of the dark side. His mass induced psychosis nonsense seeks to put the blame on the victim and absolve the perpetrator.

Reading between the lines.. you don't suppose that the reason he did not turn over a mass murderer was because he was part of the same sick group as he is... do you.

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No. I don't believe Desmet is part of a sick group and in service of the dark side.

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Desmet might not be part of a sick group and in service of the dark side, however, it seems he might make questionable ethical decisions in regards to his career, so perhaps anything he says requires additional examination. It's also worrisome that Malone is aligned with him.

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Who exactly is this criminal whose process was described as the worst mass murder trial on Belgium?

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It's very hard to maintain objectivity on this world-changing colossal event starring an unknown, possibly non-existent virus in a pandemic that never had to be. Who to believe? What to believe? Is anything the truth? I think I've listened to or read something from nearly all the people who have come down against the mainstream narrative, and most of them have been persuasive when attacking the narrative. When it comes to attacking each other, I fall into a mindset of not believing any of them. Y'all are probably familiar with Judy Mikovits - she was one of the first I just didn't believe. She struck me as paranoid or possibly attention seeking. True? I don't know. I quit listening to anything she had to say.

In the end I usually let my gut sort it out for me, while still trying to keep my eye on the ball.

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Agreed. I think Judy Mikovits tried to speak out years ago and was destroyed by Fauci and Company. She hasn't recovered.

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Very well said.

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Dec 3, 2022
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Mikovits is a trooper, I think she has ptsd from what Fauci put her through, well before the plandemic.

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I can see people thinking that Miskovits comes across as a paranoid attention seeker.

That being said, I do believe that most, if not all, of what she's said has come true. I have no problem believing her.

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I know the mafia is real. My family doctor is useless now, but about 15 years ago, he was told to stop treating Lyme disease so successfully or he’d be in court defending every Medicaid Medicare bill he ever submitted. I think he is just glad to be alive and close to retirement now.

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After her video, I watched it again. Then, because of her constant embellishment of her credentials, bizarre accusations, and assertions of mass murder with no proof, I started digging. I did over 250 hours of original-source research on her...Every Science Mag article, her paper itself, testimony of her co-authors of her paper, etc. Altho I agree she's a little "off", she ruined her own career. And she lies incessantly.

Science will forgive mistakes, bit it won't forgive fraud. And in science, you don't claim what you can't prove. She falsified her research, and got caught. And as much of a monster as Fauci is, he didn't have anything to do with it. You can't believe anything she says.

She's desperate for money. She started her own Substack. Reader beware.

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Been following TLAV for years! Long before this shit show blew up. He’s awesome if a bit windy. He does an excellent job of reporting.

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If you need proof of the Satanic origin of the plandemic and the Great Reset, observe that they have not broken their narrative stride *once* and have suffered *zero* public betrayals. This is not what happens in ordinary human plans and movements.

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My father is a retired clergyman, writer and professor of theology. He has mentioned the link between pharmaceuticals and witchcraft dating back to ancient times. I've noticed the link between technocracy and Satanism. Bill Gates has a witch for his spiritual guru and Elon Musk is dating one.

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"Satanism is not a 'belief in Satan' but the false pursuit to self-deify oneself." (Dr Taylor Marshall from his book, "Antichrist and Apocalypse") If the global leaders or elites have anything in common it is surely their god-like belief in their superior knowledge and power which they use to justify any action no matter how destructive; as for "pharmaceuticals" and big pharma that controls them, the same evil forces are at work in their quest to be part and parcel of that very same power structure; "technocracy" or any new technology has the power to be used for good or evil (as Marshall McLuhan warned us!) ; to humanity's misfortune we have been outsmarted by the forces of evil which can only be overcome through a resurgence of belief in personal sovereignty which only comes from the Creator."I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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Satanists do not believe in the same devil we Christians do. They see him as a force they can use to glorify themselves and reach godhood. They don't take him seriously. But he still takes advantage of them.

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Until the payment comes due. Many times men will answer that whisper in their ear, not considering the cost. I have personally seen a man grow rich very quickly, and his first born son be taken from him. He thought he could buy his son’s health back with some of that money. His son had a cancer that is 85% survivable.

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Perhaps all true to a degree, but there are plenty of people interacting with evil spirits and drawing resources from them.

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They don't argue with the AI.

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Exactly right. In this drama of life, there are humans that are “in the game”, there are NPCs (normies), and there are “others” who appear to be human, but are not. There is no way this stuff gets pulled off with just humans. And behind and around all of us is the spirit world which creates, influences and drives the narrative.

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Very insightful comment!

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Good to see quotes from Desmet's book because I have not read it. Maybe CJ was right. Hmmm. Yes.

But Desmet still has a point, I image the shrieking Karens. Do they bear no responsibility for drinking the Kool Aid and internalizing the "hypnotic story" or is it only the equally deluded and sly 'nudge units".

Has Desmet's thesis caused you to say the blame is "Nowhere and everywhere'? It's true in a very broad philosophical sense perhaps, but it won't stop me from advocating guillotines.



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I’m with you on the guillotines or a rope. The demons that orchestrated this Plandemic with a real or not virus story need to be punished and not a slap on the wrist.

This has caused a huge divide in people. Those that adhere to the propaganda of the msm and the other half. Who wins this information war?

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As someone who discovered all the lies psychiatry is built upon and struggled to flee the mental system it's easy to despair. I gave up on trying to convince people that "brain chemical imbalance" was a myth cooked up by the marketing team for Big Pharma to sell their precious uppers (Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) and downers (Neuroleptics.) The poly pharma used to treat this alleged brain disease--with no bio markers--can cause mood swings diagnosed as bipolar, as I well know. But the truth was complicated so no one wanted to hear it. Same with this "pandemic" and the methods for dealing with it. People don't want complexity or nuance or honest debate between disagreeing specialists. They want black-and-white statements, Expert Science Narratives never to be questioned, and bite size chunks of instruction to mindlessly obey and force on others. Willful stupidity. Outsourced thinking.

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Thanks for the link to unlimitedhangout.com It provides the best analysis of Desmet's theory and the present state we find ourselves in that I have ever read!

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Btw the letter to unlimited hangout is very good. I interacted with their logic. Thank you for sharing

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Yeah, I think it changed my mind. Still, I have not read Desmet's book but my previous view was... "Why is this mutually exclusive?"? I still think that with or without Desmet. I hope to see a response from Desmet, it's a very comprehensive article.

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I want to like this article, but it got a bit convoluted for me to follow. Maybe it's because I don't have as much inside info as the writer. I'm not sure who he sees as the good guys and the bad guys, or if he sees them all mixed up.

I do have a problem with Malone. Call it discernment or whatever, but he facial expressions and manner of speaking makes him look dishonest to me. But, I don't know he is dishonest for a fact, so will not accuse him. I can't imagine suing people who are presumably in the camp of those searching for truth.

None of the experts have everything figured out completely. Some have some things right and other things wrong. But I wish people would quit being so picky or pissy because something doesn't exactly fit their theories. That is why the evil ones are so successful. They are all pursuing the same ends, even if they disagree with each other, they don't care. The good guys all want to be the ONE that has it ALL figured out, so infighting never ends. So we keep getting played and will never succeed in taking back our lives and countries.

Stew Peters isn't perfect. The snake venom info needed to be more subdued. But, there is venom in the vaccines, just not to the level they at first thought it was. It is an adjunct and enhances the toxicity problems. I don't bash his new documentary as third-rate. Sure, it's not a Hollywood production, but I appreciate that he put the effort into getting out info in a watchable format. It does have 12 million views just on Rumble. 12 million views that nobody else made the effort to provide.

Enough sniping among the community. There needs to be tolerance for differing opinions within the construct, and support for each others efforts.

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Worth noting all the snake symbols everywhere in medicine. But that has nothing to do with snake venom in the shots. I still listen to Stew but am flabbergasted at how he reconciles his condemnation of these mRNA shots with his unswerving loyalty to Trump who boasts about being their "father."

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This is why I’ve strayed away from reading most comments and commenting myself. There are ppl that are always wanting to disagree no matter what the subject/argument. I’m merely an observer and take what I think is valuable and move on. If ppl want to infight within a movement it takes away from the cause and creates more division. Which seems to be the point. Anyway, I read almost everything you post GC. Thank you for your wisdom.

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That was just excellent. Thanks.

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I couldn’t agree more Kathleen. TGC is a man of truth in a world full of bullshitters.

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So far, there’s only one documentary that I’ve seen during this Covid nightmare that actually does an excellent job of waking up those who don’t know they need to be woken. Not just the middle “marginal mind.”

It’s “2030 Unmasked,” released in summer 2021. My understanding is that the producer is intentionally unknown, having distributed it to deliver value not credit or fame - which may be the very reason why it’s so friggin’ effective. Because of the clear and convincing way the information is presented, it has opened the eyes of nearly everyone I have shared it with.

Unfortunately, it was released before mandates and the real vaccine damage began. I just wish whoever produced it would make a follow up to cover the current situation in the same brilliant, non sensational way.

It’s been banned from YouTube many times but thankfully, people keep uploading it to other platforms. When I watched it in Sept 2021, it had hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube.

While the data presented is now dated, the awakening value remains.

Here’s a Rumble link where it is still available:


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This was fantastic. Comprehensive and helpful. Don't know how I missed but glad it finally found me, so thank you. I might post it here.

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Right?? Truly an amazing piece of work. It tells a compelling and comprehensive story. The average person can relate to the build up and see the very credible connection to what has transpired - and why. The section on the vaccine was so well done too - and way ahead of the news cycle - ie, relative risk used vs absolute risk.

Ed Dowd’s presentation from October is another great “connect the dots” piece that has been very effective for me when I share it with the non believers. It validates 2030 Unmasked with Ed providing the true reality of the financial situation being the underpinnings of this whole sh*t show. Ed has the impeccable credentials to know.


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Btw, in case you have not heard...Ed will be in DC this Tuesday for a Senate panel, presenting his thesis and data analysis on why he believes the vaccine is responsible for devastating excess death and spike in disability. He was personally invited by Sen Ron Johnson. 🙏🏻 🍿

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Super. Looking forward to his testimony.

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Thank you for sharing this link. Will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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My list of the establishments phoney Oracles be it health, business, finance & the economy, bankstering and so on is extensive. My torture cabinet in the words of Dr Franz Pik is unlimited. I am of course here referring to those wearing the cloak of deceit by pretending to sympathize with the confused masses while trying to capture the narrative and lead it away to nowhere, cause confusion and turn the already bad faith discord into a tower of babel.

Every website that I visit regularity or infrequently is under constant trial and censored by me personally, even if I have found it to be factual over time. I use that part of my brain called the frontal cortex to separate the chaff from the kernel. The cortex is also the seat of the intellect, this intellect space and capacity does not grow on its own but has to be developed by the exercise and exposure to stimuli throughout life. I have found over many years of living that less intellectual development has been the trend and today it is almost extinct especially among the so called educated. A true intellectual will never participate in anything below the level of a worthy discussion, such as an argument. The expression... garbage in garbage out seems to me to be appropriate here as time and time again discussing an important point or problem with someone who has an under or undeveloped intellect, thats what you get... garbage. Just listen to any politician and you know immediately that the cookie jar ( cranium ) is empty.

This affliction, lack of intellect is a great deliberate robbery, especially among our youth who will be handed the steerage of the nation and incapacitated as they are intellectually others will it lead for them.

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The sheep of the Plandemic who feed on the msm propaganda will never change. The cabal is now dividing the opposition to “you will own nothing and be happy”.

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I honestly don't care what people's reasons are for opposing the covidian measures. The measures are authoritarian. That's enough.

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I don't depend on any of these people to lead us anywhere. There isn't anyone coming to save us and this "movement" for me is about having local people in real life that I can work with and support. Legally, I don't think any of the bs about the scamdemic will ever get anything more than a congressional hearing.

And yes, bioethics, where science gets to decide what products are too lethal to administer and which are not is eugenics. So far the record for being about saving people is pretty bad, especially since before this fiasco medical mistake was the third leading cause of death.

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"...for me is about having local people in real life that I can work with and support." Amen. Nobody is coming to save us.

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Totally!! We need to find and connect with each other locally. I am exploring ways to facilitate that around the US.

BTW, I’m in Westchester County NY if anyone wants to connect. 😊

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I thought Stews film was pretty good, with a few errors, but nothing that impacts the really important and terrifying parts.

I have more disdain for those carrying out their angry attacks and smears.

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