Election Day in the USA is just another brick in the wall.

If you don’t eat your beyonded meat, you can’t have any gmO pudding.🤤

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We don't need no vacinnations....

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Or indoctrination!

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That's true Becks but I was kinda going with Roger's song ...brick in the wall so "we don't need no vaccinations" kinda fits pretty good I think.

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Yep, and I use Indoctrination instead of Education now when I sing along 💜

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I ate the beyonce meat but then I hurled so do I get my pudding anyway?

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😂 truth

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Cheating was expected; they will not surrender power without a fight. What I didn't expect, but probably should have, was the brazenness of their cheating this time. They're not even hiding it any more; it's all out in the open for everyone with 2 functioning brain cells (that leaves out 95% of the public, it seems) to see, if they look. How much longer can they get away with this before we tear the whole thing down?

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Tear the whole thing down is exactly what they want us to do. That way they can swoop in and build their new world order.

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Unless we tear it down and not allow them to do the rebuilding. Not saying that would be easy, but we could do it.

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Well that we agree on, but it would have to be done in a specific way. Just going straight in guns blazing is not the answer.

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On that we agree.

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you underestimate

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el gato malo's article "if i stole it" explains the open cheating nicely. shut up and take it or we use the guns

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The cheating is weirdly brazen. As if they want to be seen. The MSM keeps talking about "election deniers" and "civil war."

They want the latter. Been warning conservatives I know about what lies ahead. Bemused chuckles. "We survived 8 years of Obama." "It will be fine."

I mention how a peaceful secession (in theory if pulled off) would be the best thing for our future. And I get accused of lack of patriotism or being too negative.

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el gato malo's article "if i stole it" explains the open cheating nicely. shut up and take it or we use the guns

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Right on! TEXIT now!

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I am rooting for a blatantly fraudulent Fetterman win to install our first vax damaged state senator.

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Let’s call it “Jab Enhanced”. Coherent sentences are elitist(and not nearly as entertaining). Unfortunately, you got your wish…..

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Maybe he and Biden can play games of chess together. They'd be worthy adversaries for each other.

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Another way to disenfranchise the citizen, is instead of preventing them from voting, to just make the entire exercise a complete waste of time, and an insult to one’s intelligence. By this measure, I would say that they have succeeded….

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Amen, brother. The really "great" in the great awakening is that some folks are now starting to realize they have simply been voting for someone to rule over them. That they are no longer doing that is a good thing. #TEXIT now and forever, since we not be able to vote our way out of this mess anyway. ~~ j ~~

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We are being groomed to further accept mentally incompetent people to make decisions about our lives.

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Looks like you're gonna get your wish.

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No surprise there.

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Now is the time for some real good men to do some real bad things to some real bad people.

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women can carry too ya know....

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Good article from Good Citizen, Today is the day for the big erection in the USA, and as always it will be the people who get screwed. It is just incredible how blatant the intended fix is, and as always, the deep state will get the results they want, even if it does take days/weeks/and even months to get them. Personal confession. This is the first erection I am sitting out since I could first vote in 1968. After having voted for Nixon and his pledge to end the VietNam fiasco, (where I got to go a little bit later) I generally I cast a protest vote for a third party candidate--usually the Libertarian. However the Libertarian party forgot it's roots, and started nominating neocon deep staters. But now in my dotage, I figure why even bother. It don't make any difference no how.

Franklin, when asked upon leaving the convention in 87 what sort of government they had formed, answered a republic, madam, if you can keep it. Well the politicians started nibbling on the edges right from the get go, and Lincoln pretty much disemboweled it. But since the start of this century even a pretense of a constitutional republic has been blacked out, and the much vaunted US democracy is nothing but a huge figment anymore.

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I'm perfectly happy with those who voted for this garbage getting screwed. The rest of us need to find how to survive the consequences of their stupid, harmful choices.

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Spot on JVC. I too ghosted this last erection fiasco. It was easy. All I had to do was remember the previous erection. And you know what "they" say about erections ... Two strikes and you're out!

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Wondering if this shows another reason Farley’s “excesses” caused another early demise? CIA=Cardiac Incognito Arrest...

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They seemed to enjoy it, the parasites having a laugh at the no term limits joke. At least Farley did it his way and not Pfizers.

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RIP Chris / Matt Foley

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"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." Mark Twain. Yes, I'm repeating a prior comment. Lateley, I've been concerned with the pervasiveness of the impersonal pronoun, "They." It's in your comment, dear GC and also appears in Clemens' quote. We all use "They" quite-frequently which avoids the responsibility of utilizing a "proper name" instead. Whereupon another saying comes to mind: "We don't care if you know who rules over you. Just don't say anything bad about us." So yeah, they're sadistic psychotics who probably raise quail in their west-wing's vestibule while thinking: "They don't know what they're missing." I sure hope Edgar Cayce was right about The Akashic Record.

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Hi Ed, Just wondering to what you are referring re Edgar and The Akashic Records cuz I think he spoke alot about them.

“If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.”

― Emma Goldman

RE "they": it's a shortcut for sure and can certainly mean different groups of people to different speakers/writers.

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"They" is also easier to say than naming an entire litany of names.

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Agree, not Pfizer’s; but we know who ran the drugs into CA, and some folks have untraceable special heart stoppers.

Look at the known Fentanyl OD’s the last two years. Makes the plandemic pale. Where’s the hysteria?

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I'm writing in Matt Foley. Thanks for the crazy idea. That pic with the Hillarymobile looks like some type of Hearse. I live down by a river and do allot of_______, not in a van though. It's the only thing that I do over and over that doesn't cause me insanity. (oh boy, I better watch what I reply on here, there may be someone keeping tabs on me). There, I fixed it. Our founding Fathers are turning in their graves right now, restlessly thinking, "What in the Sam Hell is going on with this ballot bullshit?"

Bloodmoon going on right now and my sixth sense is telling me something is going to pop. Thank you Good Citizen for the awesome writing!

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Yep right on track for another successful erection. I'd say who they're gonna fuck with it, but I think we all know.

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I sure hope they put a condom on it.

" they blew their election psyop loads across the Internet,..."

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Hey Shep! Seeing as you are trying to lead the herd, I realized a new expression the other day that I think you need to incorporate in your lexicon, that would be the "Useless Bleaters". I coined it for that midwit managerial (fake) "expert" class that you have in your sights so accurately.

They are the Useless Bleaters.

Use it, make it yours!

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Great stuff again TGC.

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Yup, ya put the money in the ol' reliable jukebox, always plays the SAME tune (goes Doink Doink...) Monkey at the throttle agin'..

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"Purchase The Good Citizen Fabulous Tabulator Machine."

[Insert pic of Rube's Cube here]

Once again, Citizen the Goode has nailed it, precisely.

Excellent---<Run Mockingbird Election Memo Translator>

"Elections are now like software programs that the CIA runs every two years on the public.' with virus built in.

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It's all so cynical.

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"Deniers" this time around will literally be classified as a terrorist, with full rights and privileges attached.

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And bank accounts frozen/taken.

The 87k IRS agents on the way will hoover up the rest.

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Hey Doc Holliday, Hows it hangin'?

re froz / stolen accts check out: https://justpaste.it/gideon-intel-drop-21

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Pretty wild.

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Would be funny, if it wasn't true!! Linking as always @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Everyone in the United States of America

We're gonna win this one, take the country by storm

We're gonna be elected

You and me together, young and strong

We're gonna be elected, elected, elected

Respected, ➡️"selected"⬅️ , call collected

I wanna be elected, elected

( Lyrics by Alice Cooper)

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