Apr 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Portland, Seattle, NY, SF all came to mind when you said, you know, that city.

I'm listening to New Discourses this morning. Also have Race Marxism in my stack next.

Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein have much to say on this subject as well.

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Yes. I'm surprised those two still live in Portland. Each time I visit it's more unrecognizable. It's like the dystopian future cities in apocalyptic movies. Trash, needles, feces, tent cities everywhere. For over a decade it's been a national magnet for the mentally ill, drugged up violent dregs of society. It's very sad because it was a great city in the late 90s/early aughts.

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Left Portland in 2013. Still had much going for it then -- even if some decline was obvious. (Still have some family there). I respectfully suggest you underestimate how quickly Portland descended into a nightmarish dystopia for many residents. It went down FAST. And the same sudden and harsh and steep fall could happen -- and likely is underway in several aspects -- for any deep blue city in a blue or purple state. The build up might be gradual over time like erosion, but the collapse is like a mountain side coming down.

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I used to love Portland, lived there 2009 - 2011 ... so sad ... Matt Taibbi wrote about "America's Sexual Red Scare", and interviewed Laura Kipins. Praphrasing a long article, but basically about how universities are using threat / overuse of Title XI violations to criminalize humor and ruin people over consensual adult relationships or unwanted looks. Women are powerless, sex is traumatizing, any interaction could be accused of being inappropriate.

Seems like there's more graphic sex talk in early elementary school than in colleges. Backwards world, literally everywhere? This is the comment I wrote on Taibbi's article (thinking partly of this) -

Meanwhile, it's suspicious, criminal, and abusive to NOT want ACTUAL CHILDREN to be talking about genitals and hormones and sex and changing their biology as casually as changing their hair.

I wonder if elementary school curriculums would have tons of Title IX violations? And if the artificially prudish ways universities are operating would be better suited to elementary school(?)

1pm - try to destroy the career of professor who shook your hand and held it too long

3pm - take your seven year old to a reading of Dick & Jim dress in drag and read about kids who secretly take puberty blockers ???

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In May of 2020 we adopted a kitten for my then 7 year old from a rural honey stand in Arkansas. It was a calico, about 5 weeks old, and the woman at the stand insisted that it was a boy. I checked it a little later it was a girl of course. I explained to my two daughters that Calicos were virtually always girl cats, because the gene for orange color is carried on one X chromosome and the gene for black color is carried on a separate X chromosome, so a calico (black, orange and white) or a tortashell (black and orange) cat is almost always by default female, because it has two X chromosomes. My older daughter ((14) was really blown away by this and asked me if you could have boy cats that were Calicos. "Yes of course you can. It would be very rare though, involving an XXY chromosome." She had never heard such a thing and was fascinated. I thought that used to be common knowledge but they've done a good job of covering it up!

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Yes, the lies by omission are just as bad. They just stopped teaching what they don't want them to learn. From basic civics and the bill of rights all the way to biology. Sad.

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Are schools covering up the chromosomal basis for some genetic traits in general, or feline genetics in particular?

Your children are lucky that you are keeping a close eye on their education, and can educate them on the genetic basis for gender, such as transgender and gender dysphoria. I'm sure that many children are unaware of this, and might consider gender to be a mainly social construct that is heavily influenced by other factors, such as education.

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

What I don't understand is why parents would allow their children into these schools. Nor why they would allow that their children be made to wear masks.

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Because they literally do NOT care. This is the compliant 95% of the population. They don’t see what we see, because they are not even looking. The future is so bright, that we have to wear shades 😎

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Must long for the good old day's of the church run school. No indoctrination there!

And no one had any gender issues

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Most likely peer pressure, from those who are not really peers, but just digital voices in the wind. When the loud drone of the disconnected from reality voices are all that the current generation of parents hear, via their handheld telescreens, this is a result.

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Don’t the well off parents have the means to exit the government school system?

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I suppose that has its own calculus. Perhaps some those that have the means to opt out of gov schools don’t because they agree with the current agenda? Perhaps others with the means continue to choose to allow their children to be exposed to this agenda because they remain wilfully unaware?

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

“ When I asked where she learned that, she said school. They live near the one city in the U.S. you would imagine as being the center of all this ideological madness. Yeah, that one.”

With lots of geese? Sounds like Portland Oregon.

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Home schooling, period. Anything else is child abuse...

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These little AOC Pol Pot soldiers will lose when parents learn the great harm they have in store for their precious babies. Great job.

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Apr 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

How is this even a thing, madness everywhere!

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Thank you, TGC. Utmost Priority:

Our Personal breaking straws to move from The Birthplace of The American Revolution, early 2000's:

1) A local father jailed after refusing to leave his child's elementary school. Finding an odd new book had come home, he had sought a clear explanation as to why his child had been taught about "diverse" family structures. He had been given the "let him wait" two days in-a-row; no one had talked with him past the reception desk. (Realize there was a clear statute on the books that elementary parents would be notified a week prior to any "sex education" and given the opportunity to keep their child at home.) The third day he refused to leave until he met the principal. He met police instead. Then the press obfuscation began on behalf of the system: the father was a Christian; his tone and attitude were abrasive: this was not technically sex education, but diversity enlightenment. This made state-wide and even some national news. The family fought in court and lost.

2) For weeks the main news event, preceding, during, and following, was the public High School's multi-day gathering of non-traditional sexuality speakers, workshops, booths, activisties, a parade, etc. The"carnival" atmosphere was lauded.

Realize this is not happenstance; moving to a red state is no more inoculation than experimental gene therapy. (Maybe a bit better, considering.)

There are four clearly stated strategic steps; they need not neccessarily be sequential; they can always be massaged and replayed:

1. Demoralization: more than realizing that one is losing; it is subverting and debasing historic values: familial, spiritual, judicial...

2. Destabilization: schools, families, churches; things once inherently understood as...

3. Crisis: 9/11, Patriot Act, wars, pandemic, inflation, open border, crime, two-tier justice, lies...

4. Normalization: The New Normal. The Great Reset. NWO...

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Noting the similarities - encouragement to change-gender-identity-without-telling-parents, and get the newest, coolest, vaccines without-telling-parents. (Like VaxTeen, pharma sponsored, grassroots-pretending, org that helps kids vaccinate without parents consent) https://www.vaxteen.org/

( And this by James Corbett is important to see - some of the same people behind transhumanism / transsexual / mRNA injections - https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-trans-agenda-questions-for-corbett-video/ )

(& This is a great article by Heather Heying, evolutionary biologist.

https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/iamawoman?s=r , and this, letter exchange of Heather and Abigail Shrier (Author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters) https://letter.wiki/conversation/893 )

Somehow, gender got conflated with biological sex. I'm both horrified by children being taught biological sex can be changed, and in agreement with the premise that gender can be fluid, and mutable, and if a child or adult wants to dress or act like the other sex, for an hour or lifetime or whatever, that should be respected. (Not made international policy to coddle, but, respected).

But how in the actual fuck did that get confused with BEING the other sex, either in medical interventions or pronoun obsession??

And, as Heather says, there are some who are born with different combinations or lack of The Only Two Sexes That Exist. And there are some who would be truly better off if they medically change their biological sex. And they all deserve dignity and respect.

One of her letters is about a student she knew well and cared for, who was really and truly a boy inside a girl's body.

I can't imagine how deeply awful that would feel - to literally feel trapped in the wrong body.

The awfulness of that, and the pain of having one's struggle denied when they are in that turmoil, or that sure, of who they really are, is what a lot of teachers / people on the left are trying to protect kids from. Many had friends, or who were, gay or bi and were heartbroken by parents / teachers being not-accepting.

But like the reasonable, good, feeling of wanting to protect the vulnerable ... the basic human decency of not wanting to kill innocent people, has been twisted to perversion and thrown back, when "Responsibility to Protect" becomes "Obligation to Inject" ...

The respecting diverse identities has become making sure way more kids feel like they're in the wrong body, and their own concept of themselves and their parents is broken, and they may have felt comfortable in their own skin except for being taught to wonder from grade one if there's something wrong with them because they feel like a girl and look like a girl.

There are a lot of trans-coddling, pronoun-careful allies who really mean no harm. But the manipulation behind all this is real and wrong ...

NY Times Kid's Section (found outside ice cream shop in Woke-but-mostly-mean-well-ville) - the subject is Keeping Secrets. https://store.nytimes.com/products/for-kids-the-secrets-issue-march-2022?variant=39925164113990

How to talk in code. Things you don't want to tell people.

Even a section on government classified spy-kinda-stuff. Because it's OK for the government to keep secrets.

Maybe not every single thing from the mainstream media is purposeful indoctrination. But the more disgusting (or brainwashed), I realize they are, the more it seems like it.

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Right. There is a lack of nuance in this discussion by parties on both sides. But the transgender grooming agenda is real, and the ongoing displacement/destruction of the family for the state, likewise.

What I think is truly awful and terrifying: encouraging adolescents to undertake life-changing surgeries. Someone who is not old enough to vote, to drink, to be drafted, or to drive a car is now being encouraged to demand gender-reassignment surgery . This is NOT simple cosmetic surgery. It does not have a "save, and reload game" option. If a confused adolescent regrets the decision only a few years later, that person cannot be simply and easily returned to their original gender.

For most of us -- nearly all of us -- childhood and adolescence are periods of exploration, learning, and sometimes deep confusion and uncertainty. Dealing with sexual and romantic issues presents challenges for nearly everyone: regardless of that person's sexual orientation. I think it is abusive to push a young person to make a decision they have not thought out, do not fully understand, and will change their life forever.

I do acknowledge there may be exceptional cases. Gender dysphoria manifests itself early. The person is convinced from an early age that they should be instead the other gender. Etc. But typically, much of the confusion also concerns perceived gender roles and gender stereotypes. The young person saying "I'm not this -- I'm also that." No problem when we respect individuals -- when we acknowledge the need to protect against what JS Mill called "the tyranny of the majority." But the new movements -- the CRT and Trans+ -- have no place for respecting individuals or individualism. They are about imposing a caste system -- about taking away personal liberties, personal choice. You exist as a group member and have a defined role. That is it.

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Yes ... I'm also horrified by teenagers / children changing their biological sex with surgery or puberty blocker injections (besides those very truly rare cases). Many are advocates for trans "rights" without realizing how the desire for acceptance in being different from traditional gender / sexuality roles has been twisted to tragic absurdity.

And for CRT who don't see how the desire for balance, repair, recognition of systemic injustice has been twisted to a caricature of hypocrisy.

In these three things, trans, "vaccines', and "choice" (meaning only one thing), any pause to think deeply about their long term effects, and weight options, and realize something significant is happening, is fought so hard by forces that use the same tactics. . .

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Something I've not seen anywhere has to do with Biden's Supreme Court nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. When it comes to, say, "Lia" Thomas participating in women's sports, those of us who insist that a real woman has two X chromosomes, a vagina, uterus, and so on are told we are white supremacist, racist, misogynistic domestic terrorists. Race is also supposed to be "fluid" which is why Elizabeth Warren can get fast-tracked to Harvard for being a Native American.

Why then did the Biden administration and Democratic Congress insist that the nominee fit the domestic terrorist definition of a "Black woman"? Couldn't someone like "Rachel" Levine with a law degree identify as a Black woman and be a nominee that fits their criteria? Are they not violating their own woke ideology by insisting that "Black" and "woman" fit the definition we rednecks in flyover country insist on?

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Dan, the thing is that they are not violating their own ideology regarding Race and self-identity. They have carefully carved out a Racial exception to their general post-modern-inspired insistence that all categories and definitions don't really exist but are instead imposed by those in power. James Lindsay explains this well but it's hard to convey in a quick soundbite. Here's my best effort: people like Kimberle Crenshaw drew a hard boundary around Racial identity as the one thing that is NOT fluid because even though there isn't really such thing as biological Race, it does exist as an inescapable IMPOSED identity. Imposed upon all non-White people by White people whether they like it or not. So a White person can't claim to identify as Black, period---in fact, that would just be another way that White people exercise illegitimate power.

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Ouch! That makes my head hurt. Can people actually sit through a semester of that bullshit? Just seeing other people as human with the right to live their lives peacefully seems a lot easier. Grown men wanting to wear a dress and pretend they're something they're not is totally fine with me. Insisting I (pretend to) believe in their fantasy is not. Being a perpetual "victim" is a total waste of a life and denigrates those that have truly suffered. Trying to understand where these morons are coming from is a complete waste.

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How long do you suspect this has been going on? I’ve noticed this phenomenon in Caucasian young men who are as old as a college junior. And I think perhaps my own son, homeschooled his entire K-12 education, and turning 30 next month, has experienced this. (Our relationship is still broken down.) I partly suspect the influence of liberal progressive family members, so watch out for them too.

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These people do not get my kids, they will not get my kids, and this is 100% the line that none shall pass.

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Bravo, my sentiments exactly. Very good serious article. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Apr 3, 2022·edited Apr 3, 2022

The ideological war of good vs evil, right vs wrong, has waged for all of human history. It is not over, and has taken on a very challenging dimension, the denial of reality.

"Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it, can not be conquered by it." Ayn Rand wrote this in her notes on The Strike (aka Atlas Shrugged).

As we battle the forces of anti-reality, we must remember they are immune to the ammunition of reason. We must also never give up on finding chinks in their armor, unless we are willing to concede defeat to "ungood".

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Indoctrinateing children into woke madness is horrific. Also the indoctrination of children into religious Invisible supernatural creatures is also madness. So the indoctrination of children continues.

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Outstanding work TGC! Thank you for your efforts. I’m trying my best to spread the word.

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