When dealing with clowns, always go for the juggler. And this you most certainly did. Your piece will most likely incur woke feminist wrath, but that's a badge of honour these days.

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It is indeed.

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If you are going 'for the juggler', why does everyone keep their eyes on his 'balls'? Is this some kind of 'club' envy?

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May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Fantastic piece. Hilarious. Scary. Isn't everything hilarious and scary these days? See our new disinformation czar here in the states. Female. Ugh. Of course, there's no need for such a thing in the first place, but she's really taking to it with a schoolmarmish glee.

Nope. Chicks in charge is not an improvement. It's objectively worse in most cases. I blame the worst of the covid crap on this overweening feminization and I'll never, ever get over it. Ladies and low-T men, you piss me off!


woman, wife, mother, pancake princess

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Normalized single motherhood has been a big factor in our downfall. My dad was the one who kept me sane as a teenage girl.

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Schoolmarmish lol. Ed Dutton, The Jolly Heretic, calls it the head girl personality type. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1MUVaTZWgbLj/

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Dr mark mcdonald in his book, “united states of fear” talks about this dynamic. The world has descended into a grotesque hysterical mass delusional psychosis. This mental illness has decidedly feminine qualities. Women are far more likely to react to stress with extreme out of Proportion emotion. Women are much more likely to hold grudges, Make decisions based on feelings rather than facts , reason and logic. I realize it’s a generalization but there’s a lot of truth to it. We’ve lost the masculine qualities of stoicism , restraint, circumspection. Even the men are acting like little girls.

And you forgot to mention the Prime Minister of New Zealand this creepy Arden person. Whenever I see or hear her i get shivers down my spine

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Author

"We’ve lost the masculine qualities of stoicism , restraint, circumspection. Even the men are acting like little girls." 👍

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May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen


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Stoicism + circumspection = circumcism. While I'm kidding, I'm actually alluding to the brutality of circumcision, which is essentially male genital mutilation and has nothing to do with health and everything to do with creating sexual and gender trauma in young baby boys that affect their entire lives on a deeply subconscious level. Its roots are in religion and the negation of sex as a sin, which of course is just another psyop.

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It would be nice for both sexes to cultivate these traits. Jane Austen's exemplary young ladies learned to practice them.

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Austen showed women's lack of control of their life, and how their future is dictated by men. She knew this is wrong - do you?

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May 3, 2022·edited May 3, 2022

Why do so many men turn into pussies the moment they see a woman leader? I haven't seen so many crybabies in a while.

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"Women have one of the great acts of all time. The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naive or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.” - DJT, right again

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Worshiping at the altar of Orange Judas should be an embarrassment. However ,the cult like adulation continues. This is especially ironic considering that he has betrayed his followers, and will kill millions in the next few years with his clot shot.

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Rudyard Kipling, a verse:

When the early Jesuit fathers preached

to Hurons and Choctaws,

They prayed to be delivered from the

vengeance of the squaws.

'Twas the women, not the warriors,

turned those stark enthusiasts pale.

For the female of the species is more

deadly than the male.

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To all those insisting that female leadership would bring universal peace, I imagine Margaret Thatcher, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Isabella of Spain, Catherine the Great, Boudicea, and Barack Obama might all have a word or two to say on the subject.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Madelaine Allbright, Victoria Nuland, Hillary Clinton...

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John - Queen Victoria’s nephews all went to war against one another in 1914! ;<)

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To be fair, Barrack Obama was under the influence of Big Mike.

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The German problem - I.e. pacifism - IMHO comes from the Allies pounding the Prussian spirit out of Germany post-1945 & shoving the Holocaust in their face every five minutes. Add to that a healthy dose of western self-loathing & you have precisely what you have now: a weak Beta male population that could no more Battle for Kharkov 3x (& win) than they can stand up to the Muslim immigrants raping their women.

Say what you will about the Second (Bismarck) & Third Reich(s), but those guys knew how & weren’t afraid to fight. Just a speculative hypothesis here but a remark made by French leader Charles de Gaulle when touring the ruins of Stalingrad may be insightful; reportedly he said “magnificent” while taking in the ruins. A Soviet handler with him immediately began reciting “the heroic Red Army/Comrade Stalin” boilerplate & de Gaulle interrupted him saying (paraphrasing here) “ No - that they [the Germans] got this far.”

So - jealous of their innate ability- the victors of 1945 went about systematically destroying the German character & ability.

Just a gut deduction.

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There was a reason that the Germans wanted the Tribe removed from Germany.

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Gen. George Patton: “We defeated the wrong enemy.”

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Patton was right. However, what he did not realize is that the Russian revolution was led and financed by the Tribe. Russia is not the enemy, the Tribe has always been the enemy.

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My impression was he was a) p’d off at being held back from going onto Berlin, which b) gave us Revolution 2.3, c) the whole Cold War d) and it was also a recognition of what else was unfolding. Patton, old school military and insightful vs Eisenhower, the making of a not very bright military career into a not too bright politician.

Patton was impressed by the German military. They fought tough and honorably, which was not necessarily the case with all at the end of the war. Germans respected their Allied POW: Eisenhower was merciless. Stalin unleashed the hounds. Churchill looked out for his masters: City of London.

OSS took care of Patton. He knew it. He was the real MIC/Secret Society whistler. Their playbook was even then already tiring. I hope to read more of Patton’s own writings.

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Well said.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Hilarious and frightening read.

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May 3, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Remember our little beauty here in Canada....even though she is not a Defence Minister, she is Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada....remember her during the Freedom Convoy in February and the Emergency Measures Act invoked and the bank accounts that were frozen...it was this beauty....also the PHO from BC is Dr Bonnie Henry...another winner, Alberta's PHO is Deena Hinshaw and the best of all, for all your COVID needs in Canada....Dr Teresa Tam!!!! See how lucky we are....all these women have been exemplary examples of strong women, who care for people, children and the ability to protest freely.....I am so glad they hold all this power....what could possibly go wrong?

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I always disagreed with that remark of the feminists. Along with the nonsense that women should automatically be believed since presumably we never tell lies. As an individual woman I know my own heart too well. I have told lies. And I've dealt with my share of "mean girls" too.

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Anyone, of any gender, is particularly suspicious to be in any political setting. The timing is the “tell”, in most cases.

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The Tuff Darts had a song in the 80's called "Your love is like a nuclear waste". Who knew they'd be reincarnated as chick DM's in Europe?

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May 3, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

There was a time when I stupidly believed we needed women in power but now it is so obvious that no matter what your sex, power is overwhelmingly addictive to human beings.

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Your essay -- once again -- a vital corrective to the MSM and status quo nonsense. Why I am a devoted reader, even if not always in full agreement on all points. One respectful point about Finland and energy. They are a world leader in 21st century nuclear power. Highly efficient plants, and they seem to have come up with a waste storage solution second to none. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYpiK3W-g_0&t=12s

So they are not dealing in Green Deal delusions which rely on conflict rare earth minerals or those stockpiles controlled by China. I do give the Finns serious credit for that, as well as for the general quality of their school systems. That said, I'm with John J. Mearsheimer and many others on NATO -- or rather, the USA leadership of NATO -- as a general risk to both Eurasia and by extension the world. Except for USA ambitions, NATO could have -- and likely would have -- ended shortly after the reunification of Germany and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Reading a decent scholarly tome on that which given your background you might well already know: Sarotte, M. E. (2021). Not One Inch More: America, Russia, and the Making of Post–Cold War Stalemate. Yale University Press.

The one part of the history I'm sure you know, because you've posted on it before. In return for his cooperation, the USA leadership promised Mikhail Gorbachev "not one inch more" of NATO expansionism. Well, if anyone wants some free maps with some background context on what happened next: https://rpubs.com/Thom_JH/Mearsheimer_NATO Suffice to say, NATO expanded considerably -- starting in 1999.

No Marshall Plan for the former Soviet Union states, and the economically devastated ant intellectual property-looted Russia (thank you, Yeltsin) with sharply declining life-expectancies was NOT under the USA's watch to be economically or politically integrated with the rest of Europe. Even if this what many Western Europeans nations wanted at that time. We wanted to or needed to keep Russia -- a weakened shadow of its former WWII / Soviet Union imperial self -- as an enemy.

Keep in mind, please, if it were not for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we would have one clear candidate for the rogue nation of the 21st century: the USA. Why? To start, the War on Terror in Iraq, Libya, and Syria -- all on false pretenses. The 20-year war in Afghanistan, for which the primary objectives had been accomplished by year 2. The global economic collapse of 2008 caused by American elite greed and lack of government oversight.

And the Covid-19 pandemic, which like the old-fashioned I-phone, was evidently manufactured in China -- but for which the designs and the money came from the USA. No Fauci funding of Dazsak, whose earlier proposal based on Baric's chimerical virus plans was REJECTED by DARPA but forwarded to Wuhan, and we have no reason to believe this pandemic happens.

So, let's do the list. A series of forever wars, a global economic meltdown (2008), a global economic crisis again with a pandemic and public health crisis (2019-2021), and now -- because of the desire to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian rather than insisting on a negotiated resolution -- a risk of global food shortages and even famine. A risk even of WWIII.

This may sound perverse to you and your readers, but I consider myself an American citizen who is loyal to the constitutional republic and to the people. My point being: the 21st century has NOT been our best century.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The City of London dinner last week trotted out Liz (all) Truss(ed) up to lay the ground work for belligerence. Then von der Leyen. Now, It’s sort of like 16 year olds taking selfies and posting them for all to see and envy; who’s next; who’s got the most “likes.”

The juxtaposition of Lybian women calmly stating how good things are with Ghadaffi vs Hillary being interviewed in a comfy drawing room stating “We came. We saw. He died!” Cackling.

All globalists, with their “Rule of Law” _ where you work, they organize and live off the interest of your debt. Look at leaders who try to break free from their debt/interest fiat currency. All villianized and dealing with the MI6/CIA/MIC coup/war machine. Sick. Send in the clowns. Send in the chicks.

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

So these feminine WEF oligarchs leaders are going to enjoy this now plutonium polluted environment? What private island resort will they fly to so they can avoid all this messy war stuff? You think just the U.S. is going to lose half their population? Think again--so will Russia and the entire EU. The beaches will be less crowded so there's always that.

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May 2, 2022·edited May 2, 2022Author

Yes we're all done for on the planet. Everything will be gone. but it's the damn US that's pushing everything toward total annihilation and half the clueless country is cheering on these neocon psychopaths presumably unaware what a 1000kt Dongfeng or sarmat will do to them and their cities. At least during the cold war Americans knew the stakes and were against self destruction. Apparently not so much anymore.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Fantastic writing!

Is it WEF Marin’s objective to Finnish them off?

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Finnish your Danish dont be Russian

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Thanks for the laugh :)

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Not sure why I’m supposed to care about Ukraine. I guess I just am. Oh well, guess I’ll buy a Ukraine flag and fall in line like a good citizen. Maybe if I wrap myself in the flag I’ll survive the nuclear Holocaust.

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