Couldn't agree with you more. Get your money out of their system. I started stacking physical precious metals years ago. Own the physical stuff, not the paper derivatives. There's more claims on physical PM's then there are ounces in circulation.

And I own crypto's, while I understand many people don't have the stomach for them, either because of lack of knowledge or because of the volatility (which will dissapear when trade volume grows larger).

Don't ever trust CBDC's, our rulers will not be able to keep their paws of the minted volume. If you want an example, take a hard look at the Venezuelan Petro.

I've always found https://www.litebit.eu/en a solid company for buying cryptocurrencies in the EU. Low rates, and plenty of crypto's to choose from.

"If you don't hold it, you don't own it"

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Interesting. I left bitstamp just after they were hacked years ago, but went back because at the time it was one of the few available options. Has Litebit ever been hacked? Good service?

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As far as I know they've never been hacked. Although it's been a while since I bought any crypto at all due to portfolio diversification, I remember them as having an excelent service. My questions were dealt with in a timely and courtious fashion, and they even answer the telephone if need be. It's just the business hours are a bit odd for people in the Americas because they're based in the Netherlands, and I don't know how much they facilitate offramps that suit people from the States.

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Ok. I might look to add it as an option. I'm in Poland with an EU passport so it should work. You see the dutch MP kid who scorched Rutte's ties to Klaus recently? Forgot his name but Europe could use more like that kid. Thousands more in positions of power.

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Yes, Gideon van Meijeren from the Forum for Democracy (FvD) party, of which I'm a proud member. All their MP's are like that, so they catch a lot of flak. I've even wrote a small article about it on here: https://dutchpartisan.substack.com/p/small-incidents-used-to-silence-opposition

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I will remember his name now. He's earned it. Thanks.

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Outstanding! Thank you.

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I know of no one who will trade gold or silver for an intangible on a screen. Fiat currency, yes...

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Agreed. The best protection is gold and silver. But in the future, when fiat is gone you will also find very few vendors who will accept payment in gold or silver for goods and services while millions already accept crypto and transactions can take seconds from anywhere in the world.

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That is when I will transact with cryptos backed by precious metals...

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It's not a must. If you don't have the stomach for crypto's, stick to precious metals.

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Thanks, I needed some tips on cold storage!


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If you need clothes too, Bitcoin fixes this.

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Thanks for another fascinating and informative article. Could you please clarify why you don't recommend using Kraken? As far as I know, it has never been hacked.

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I believe their are two kinds of "crypto" 1) Bitcoin and 2) Sh*tcoins (aka Kleptocoins and Cryptocoins). The only truly "unconfiscatable" or "unbannable" digital money is Bitcoin, not even Ethereum, Solana, or some others who call themselves "Defi." Bitcoin is mistakenly called a "cryptocurrency" rather than a monetary asset / digital property.

I bought my first 12 bitcoins in 2013, like you, Good Citizen. Unfortunately, I was scammed out of the $1031 I "invested." But I persevered and bought more in 2014, never selling. I changed everything I owned in dollars (except my Social Security) in 2017, including gold coins, for my bitcoin self-banking system. I always HODL. BTW, I wonder if I can get my monthly SS check in bitcoin, like the football and basketball players?

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You apparently didn't see GiveSendGo's response to the order. From memory, GSG is in the US where the Canadian court has no jurisdiction. The money goes directly to the people who opened the fund.

The simpler version was "You can't make us. " 🖕

(Actually, I got the impression the money is dispersed immediately.)

It was classic Andrew Torba response to Europe's attempts to boss Gab around. I suspect he gave GSG advice. He's kept Gab going & grown through all kinds of attempts to shut him down, from cc companies to countries to tbe EU.

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Economist Michael Hudson has a lot of insight into our economic system.


We no longer live in an industrial capitalist system, but a finance capitalist system. Debt has an interest rate, interest rates are exponential, therefore debt in a finance capitalist system increases exponentially, and so debt increases faster than the economy. This means bubbles and bubble pops are guaranteed to happen, which leads to savvy investors becoming vultures, as everything is short-term. You have to get what you can while the getting is good, because inevitably it will collapse. Then it starts over again.


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It's the compiling of financial wealth that makes us targets. Compile skills, physical endurance and social connections and you'll have banked the basics

Unfortunately, the youth of today are starved of human social skills. Even 'please' and 'thank you,' these fundamental glues of society, are anachronistic to them. They expect to bank wealth inside their rude digital bunkers, but are ignorant about the social marrow in which wealth germinates.

Les Chateaux dans les Ciels. I'm not sure about bitcoin. If the power goes out, you'll be back to square one. And if you haven't banked the basics, you'll be a beggar with a bitcoin account.

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Very good article will be linking it today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

It's a good one for people who aren't all that familiar with Bitcoin. One of the better articles I have read explaining it and why it's needed. I still do not rule out precious metals as well, I still like the old adage, that if you can't touch it, you don't own it!!!!

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Terrific piece of writing!

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So the thing is. Cash is necessary..

No cash, no economy... please address this....

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Feb 5, 2022
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