Was just discussing this with my wife. We switched from registered D to R to support our local PA State Rep (even though our D card was of not much use). We're switching back to give RFK a shot. At the very least we won't feel the need to have to take a shower after pulling the lever.

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This is just my opinion, and I expect to be roundly ignored in voicing it, but frankly my conscience won’t let me not:

The fact anybody is even considering voting indicates an incomplete grasp of the nature of the conspiracy faced. You are living under the diktats of a corporation with a name easily confused with that of your legitimate government.

As you actually are contractually under their command/employ/custody, (assuming your birth was registered), you are obligated to follow their company policies (legal statutes). (They have “policy officers” (police) to help you do this). You have (unknowingly) given up your rights in return for the “benefits and privileges” of said corporation.

You live under corporations masquerading as governments. This is absolutely not in your best interests. This is why in America the ‘constitution’ doesn’t apply, because “citizens” are corporate “government” employees/artificial persons, NOT people. “Citizens” are not of “We, the people…”, and are not subject to the “law of the land” because they are actually in the Maritime jurisdiction of the sea. They have given up their (natural, god-given) rights in exchange for (corporate) benefits and privileges , a very poor trade indeed.

This is The System your parents unwittingly enslaved you in, and it is global. Everyone on earth is born a creditor of the shared global estate, but becomes instead a debtor with a change of status when their berth/birth is registered.

America may be “the land of the free”, but “citizens” are technically not standing on the land, they are lost at sea, and they consent to this every time they identify themselves with the name on the birth certificate that looks remarkably like theirs.

It is all illusions, magic spells cast with words, and it’s been going on a very long time.

The conversion of legitimate governments to corporate rule has in recent times been colloquially called “spreading democracy”. LOL

Take a look at this book on Amazon if you are still reading this comment: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1491279184/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 and have a read using the “look inside” function for an entry-level primer….

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I will take a look. Thank you.

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No problem, thank you for reading my comment!

It seems to me that the same general rule always applies: when, despite our best efforts, we are unable to satisfactorily understand precisely what is going on, we must be either lacking critical information, presuming something that just isn’t so, or both.

There is an awful lot of presumption out there regarding who/what our de facto governments actually are and, accordingly, from where they draw authority (or not).

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but it does seem that our presumptions regarding govt are quite likely the droids we are looking for.

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As an example of where some of the general presumptions regarding the govt in America may have become a little flawed, I suggest having a look at these two short essays:



(bearing in mind as you read that a member of the BAR Association is awarded the title of nobility ‘Esquire’)

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You may find this odd, but this is not the first time I've heard this.

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Not at all… I had been hearing snippets on and off for years, which I dismissed, about maritime law, corporations, all caps names and so on before I eventually decided I had to check this stuff out as I still wasn’t getting a satisfactory idea of how the world actually works without it, despite considerable effort.

The resulting narrative has, imo, immense explanatory power over both historical and contemporary events. It’s the best lens I’ve found and I simply feel a moral obligation to share it where it may be useful. It’s only really useful to a few as in my experience most are unwilling to expend the effort required, particularly the act of breaking from consensus.

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I am a Democrat In Name Only (DINO) for the stated reasons and to provide some level of a shield around me. I can say to a visiting IRS agent “look I am a Democrat thus must be given special treatment."

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Nice tactic. Standing ovation. They won't even look twice at your filings.

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The problem with this tactic is that Kennedy thinks that if only the “right people”, were in gov , that things would improve. This is naïve. Its a fantasy.

At this point things are way too far gone.

The less that people vote, the less they engage with the system the better. Voting is akin to facilitating an alcoholic

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This is why I directed the letter to Republicans and not libertarians. But what if Ron Paul were in gov? why did millions line up to vote for him in 2008 to put him in gov? So technically Kennedy might be right, he just has the wrong "right people" in mind.

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Millions of people voted for ron paul bc human beings have a psychological tendency for magical thinking. Its the philosophical problem of the “other”. The answer to these problems is not electoral politics , its the repudiation of electoral politics. The soviet union collapsed when even the elites threw up their hands and cried, this isnt working anymore. Dysfunctional relationships often have to end. Failed zombie marriages arent helped by wishful thinking a years of pointless therapy.

I m 55 and i cant tolerate any more of these elections with their creepy messianic promises of coast to coast high speed rail and “unity”. F$ck unity!

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Humanity is what it is, not what you we me think it should be (for its own good, no doubt) 🙂 Your aptly diagnosed 'psychological tendency for magical thinking' is the stubborn reality of human nature we have no choice other than operate within. No off/on switch for us to summon another.

Whining 'if only people stop/start doing <insert a favourite pet peeve>' doesn't work irl; a remotely viable winning strategy this sure isn't. Rather an instance of magical thinking on our own part—ironically 😉 You hardly can wish things into being 🤷

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That is what thomas sowell called the “constrained vision”

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That's what Christians see as an inevitable outcome of original sin 😉

PS The Western Holy Week is nearing its crescendo fast, hence the remark 🙂

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The thing that really upsets me is this constant emphasis on “pride”. Pride day, pride flag… a proud man is a sinner, a buffoon

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Yes things are too far gone. It will all crash and maybe then the real USA will rise from the ashes. Get ready. https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/dont-get-ready-be-ready

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i was a boyscout and Im so ready its scary. hope for best plan for the worst. When covid started I was scared for about 3 weeks, then its became evident that I wasnt at any personal risk from covid and I vowed to myself to continue to live my life to the fullest and protect the vulnerable and do my job as god commands us. When those masks went on , I knew something was very wrong... a totalitarian fear driven psychosis. When the vaccine program was announced I was hopeful again but then then the mandates were announced I was horrified. Because as we all know, government destroys everything it touches. So here we had a very likley gov caused problem, now being mismanaged and detroying civil society, now rolling out a hastily concocted experimental drug and forcing it on billions of people... a setup for a mass causality event. And that seems like what we have. A global democide. Now , since the West is dependant on the dollar and we about to see the dollar fail, I dont think ppl are prepared for how bad its going to get. But we are arent we? Food, fuel, water, weapons, some good liquor , chocolate. Hopefully liberty will prevail.

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“I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.”

Time to take care of some unfinished business.

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There is no way to vote our way to honest sound money. We either use it or use the FED's fake money. Using their fake money is supporting our own enslavement. EndtheFed.world

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Like I told my husband when he sent that to me...I don't approve of digital money period! Everyone thought Bitcoin was our saving grace and look how that turned out! No thanks!

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When the government 100% controls your money and your life you'll quickly find that you do approve of decentralized privacy coins Zcash, Dash, and Monero. When stablecoins collapse, outside of silver bits locally, those will be your only sources of financial liberty.

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Honestly, if it all gets that bad I believe there won't be anything to buy anyway. Unfortunately.

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If it is not 100% redeemable in gold then the State of Texas will still have all the power.

Unfortunately, Michael Maharrey is a bit of a charlatan.

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Yes. It's more than likely no state or govt. will ever be able to issue sound money again. Silver bits in person or decentralized privacy coins in the post-cbdc world. Not backed by gold, but not monitored by the state either. When that boot gets heavy people will improvise.

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The State never issued sound money. Sound money "rings" when dropped on a rock. A silver dollar is sound money. Sound money comes from the marketplace.

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You are right about the uni party that controls "our" government. Just the two sides of the same coin, and that coin is not in any of the peoples pocket. As for RFK Jr's . candidacy, I can only say the he is an extremely brave man. My first thought is the deep-state will do to him what they did to his father, uncle, and cousin John Jr. The deep state cannot afford for it's involvement in all that murder to officially become public knowledge (even though it mostly is), and the first thing any new occupant of the WH gets to see are the deep secretes of years past. Ask yourself why the entire set of papers on the 1963 coop in Dallas have not been made public even though the legislated date is well past. Even Trump would not do it.. If elections could actually change things, they would be outlawed.

I'm firmly convinced that our country's salvation depends, as Jefferson said, that the majority needs to withdraw it's consent to be governed by the cabal that has steadily gained power since WWII. I can't vote for RFK Jr. because I do not want to be complicit in his murder. Saw mention of an interesting ticket--Rand Paul/Tulsi Gabbard. But they would have no chance in the controlled outcome elections we are permitted either.. I've withdrawn my consent, and will no longer participate. I once thought that if you didn't vote, you had no business complaining, but over the years, I've come to the conclusion that if you do vote (participate) there is no sense complaining about the government you will always have. The new revolution can only start at home.

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LOL! Form our own damn uniparty? Realpolitik.


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I feel it is a good strategy because, worst case, the International Banking Families, who run the entire show we are watching and experiencing, will have a tougher time corralling someone like RFK than any other DEM if the DEMS win another General Election. We would at least end up either way, Trump or RFK, with the best horse in the glue factory.


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With passport in hand, my escape destination scouted out, and plans for a life post permanent surveillance, I'm willing to put it all on hold for one last try and put this plan into action. If RFK doesn't get the nomination though I'm hopping on the first flight out of here and never looking back. Let's spread the word and pray that this works.

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I'm working to have my escape destination. My plan b will likely become my plan a.

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It's unfortunate that it's come down to needing an escape plan but, like the old saying goes, "hope for the best and plan for the worse".

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But is RFK still an environmental nincompoop . . . . he was recently . . . . .

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He's an environmental lawyer but yeah a global warming dunce too. Nobody bats a thousand. But on all the other tyrannies, he's 1000% better than whatever corpse they push forward with a (D). And if his mind is open maybe someone will show him that 'global warming' is a scam. It's possible he's figured that out already he just can't say it out loud in his circles.

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It will be good to get the whole plandemic conversation going nationally and in front of everyone

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I’ve not looked into it yet, but I’ve heard (no, I don’t believe everything I hear,!or I wouldn’t be here) he’s very anti-2A. That’s a deal breaker for me. But I like the idea of sticking my finger in the Uni-party’s eye.

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Brilliant. I hope it works. Nothing like a good old fashion poo fling. 🤭

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OMG! I just wrote this same comment to another substack yesterday when they were complaining about never wanting to vote Deomocrat again but they like RFKjr........they want to vote for Trump...I said they should sign up as Democrat so they can vote in the priamries to get RFKjr nominated.....then they could vote for whoever they want for president.......

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Wow, it's as if you're in my head.. I was just saying this last night. I'm Independent, but what the hell, go register D, if that's what it takes.

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What makes anyone think that the elections will be fair? The leftists will ensure that their favorite puppet prevails again in 2024. Even if his 2nd term is spent on life support from a hospital bed in the basement. Not much difference from his sorry state now.

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They could easily rig the primaries, again. But if millions of Rs switch teams, then even the non retarded non-squad Ds, however many are left will know they live in a banana Republic 🍌.

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I imagine RFK Jr could get the JFK treatment if he succeeds. All it takes is a winning presidential drive through Dallas with the top down. I think he can do more good as a lawyer than a president. And stay alive at the same time.

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I've been thinking about this. Thanks for the info on Kennedy.

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