The biggest super spreader event is still going on and has been throughout the whole escapade. MSM is the super spreader of lies and disinformation. Unfortunately there isn't a vaccine and early treatment was suppressed via censorship. Fortunately many of us have functioning immune systems and we just didn't catch the propaganda virus.

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Thank you Good Citizen for another glimpse into the shadow world that surrounds us.

My old Grannie's propaganda was simply there is your story, their story and somewhere in the middle is the truth. I have taken that propaganda to heart for 70 years or so now. Back when I was in school, we were taught (at least some of us) how to think, and those of us outside the box were not drugged and stuffed into it. Today, our children/ grandchildren are taught what to think, with many put on mind destroying drugs to insure conformity, resulting in masses believing only what they are told to believe.

A famous scientist (Feynman ?) once said that if the data, what is really observed, does not fit your theory, then you need a new theory. Today we are inundated with "facts" that do not fit the theories, and like that herd at the top of your page we for the most part still believe the official theory, story, propaganda, we are told to believe.

I actually picked C, quite a while ago, as it does fit the evidence more than any other story we've been presented with. At least for we who know the official story is (and always has been) a lie, and are willing to look at all the "sides" being presented.

I do congratulate you Good Citizen for being strong enough to put it into print,- not many others have.

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So far on my front there is nothing you can tell the opposing camp that will move them from the Government is God movement. Even if you show them NIH information on Ivermectin and its positive effect on treatment of COVID. Nothing. Their family members die from the vaccine and they commend its use saying it kept the person from dying a miserable covid death. I have seen a few who got round 1 of the vax, had a bad reaction and stopped. Only God knows what the future holds for them delusion wise. I am always happy to welcome them out of darkness though. Mostly I ignore the dark side folk. If I love them I offer hugs and then call them a few days later to see if they have survived it. My husband is not as charitable. But then again he never bought the actual big lie.

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"Their family members die from the vaccine and they commend its use saying it kept the person from dying a miserable covid death." My wife always jokes about these thoroughly brainwashed sheep whose family members (or medical patients in the case of doctors and medical 'authorities') are dying and they chirp, "Well it could have been worse!" There is none so blind as he who will not see.

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Isn't that the truth. My husband sez about me when I proclaim that I just keep my mouth shut and let vax lovers show themselves as dopes that my face while they are talking is one that every poker player would love to have at the table.

They must never look at me when heralding the miracle of Pfizer and Pfauci.

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And here's the rub, "You must actively choose rather than passively accept information in our hijacked information age. It takes effort" - and it's an effort that I see so many unwilling to exert.

(Fantastic article by the way!)

Effort that requires, in my own experience, critical thinking in the moment, based on a knowledge of our history and the human condition. I agree that the propaganda today is not the propaganda of my grandmother's era, but human nature and the propensity for mass psychosis is still the same - what does the average person know about such things? Probably very little (maybe until now). And so the required effort - to read history and the application of propaganda, mass movement, and totalitarianism, is an effort so few make (I mean how many people actually read books anymore? I mean classics about real things, not the latest "How to get rich in 30 days" or other similar garbage).

(Fortunately we have thinkers like you, Good Citizen, who summarise such things for us and bring them into focus).

Maybe it's human nature, for many, not all, to go the path of least resistance, stay plugged into the matrix (what you say about the pervasive nature of todays propaganda makes The Matrix such a great analogy - I know it's over stated by many, but it still remains rather fitting). But the passive state will lead to our doom, as you rightly point out, and so effort is required to escape the mass psychosis, the parallel unreality, and return to objective truth and rationality.

Once again, thanks for a fantastic, thought provoking essay!

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And I have to add that rather than teaching our kids all this woke bullshit at school, how about some history on propaganda, totalitarianism, and how to do critical thinking rather than blindly accepting critical theory?

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I'm completely amazed that no one identified the clock graphic that fit your criteria... It is the far right image!

My New Year resolution was to stop yelling at the T V... Failed the first day!

Here's my biggest worry:

Information becomes impossible to distinguish between fact and manipulation.

When I look into the past I assumed it was understood that big conglomerats should be avoided. NOW, look at all the huge corporations restricting our expression! We have work to do!

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Amen. I long for the day any student on any campus anywhere has even a tiny fraction of the fearless passion of students in the 60s.

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Look at what countries DID not compete at the CISM games Oct 2019 in Wuhan! Maybe GMO talapia were the production/distribution device by the criminals-got have lakes for the triathelon.

its good to be insider trader of the agenda.

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I'm a retired Marine, with "gulf war disease" multiple sclerosis, from one of the four "classified experimental anthrax shots", I've been sick thirty two years, watched my wife die, from this, the opioid epidemic, and the war on opioids, less than two years ago.

I watched this roll out in 2019, as our troops went to international war games in Wuhan, some thirty percent sick, "colds". On top of all the truth spread, the intent is to get everyone on "monoclonal antibodies" for any viral or genetic based disease, for the profit. I've given myself more than 2870 shots of three different interferons, and had 157 infusions of monoclonal antibodies, ending in June last year. They feel like "a shot of the fountain of youth" for a while, then they cause the problems prescribed for as our bodies adapt, and recognize them finally. I quit because my neurologist told me I needed the jab, and denied it, and the antibodies, are "gene editing technology". I don't do "lying doctors", several have almost killed me.

Semper Fidelis, John McClain, Vanceboro, NC

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20 and 30 years ago we used to hear about "helicopter parents." I knew there would be problems down the road from that.

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Oooh, this is good, thanks-very-much. I got Covid, became quite ill, recovered, smelled a Big Rattus Rattus on mainstream media, discovered Alex Jones thanks-very-much-Alex and chose Number Three on your list. I also read all the books that Christopher mentions and had a father from whom I inherited a pretty good bullshit-meter thanks-very-much-Dad.

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Obviously mass programming has been around along time and made clear when I was in 8th grade in 1970 and we were assigned “Animal Farm”, “1984”, “Lord of the Flies “, and “Fahrenheit 451”. The humans are a curious group to watch but oftentimes not so easy to live with.

Great article as always! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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You certainly know how to write long. And every bit is entertaining and full of valuable information. I have to say on my behave that I dropped the towel on shedding some light on the blind. Too blind for my patience. Most of them will wake up dead.

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It does get tiresome. Requires a lot of patience.

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My theory, call it X, is that a group of morally retarded lunatics released the idea of a killer plague virus on the population of the world. All deaths, including at times accidents and murder victims were classified as deaths from the imaginary virus. Waiting on the shelves, ready to be inflicted on humanity was a bioweapon which could only infect humans if it was injected into them, and the bioweapon was designated "vaccines".

The morally retarded lunatics then released the bioweapon by having the mainstream media trumpet the announcement that salvation from the imaginary virus in the form of "vaccines" was now available and the terrified TV addicts clamored to be injected with it. The lunatics convinced the victims that salvation required that all humans everywhere be injected or the unvaccinated would infect everyone else unless 100% of humanity was injected.

That's another theory. It makes as much or more sense than the others, at least to me.

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"Slay" is an irregular verb. It does not go "I slay it/I slayed it/it was slayed" the way "I play it/I played it/it was played" goes, but rather "I slay it/I slew it/it was slain". The verb form above should be "slew", not "slayed".

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I am in the process of reading your archive and greatly appreciate the clarity that emanates from it.

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