"We will never know the truth about the attempted Trump assassination." Ron Paul.

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Shots fired. Trump raises right hand to head and ducks. Stands back up pictures show bloody ear with no blood on collar of his shirt. Then the iconic picture of the fist pump of the right hand. As far as I can see there is no blood on his right hand or finger tips. Where is the blood? If you get shot in the ear a person would instinctively put your hand to your ear or to your head and then look at your hand to see how bad you're bleeding, would you not? No blood on that right hand in the fist pump picture. Why? Trump needs to release the official medical exam from the Butler Hospital that examined him after the shooting. I want proof he was shot otherwise this is bullshit. " Back in my garage with my bullshit detector, carbon monoxide making sure its effective..." The Clash

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I'm not sure if it was at the RNC or elsewhere, but a video is circulating of Trump describing the experience of being shot. He says that, after feeling something incredibly hard hit his ear, he put his right hand up to it and, on inspecting his hand, discovered it was covered in blood. "So much blood ..." This is then contrasted with the video of the event, which clearly shows no such thing. For the ear-bandage MAGA mob, I don't think they care about all the obvious anomalies - they have been swept up in such a powerful mass hysteria that they've left reality far behind. It reminds me of the early days of the plandemic - possibly worse - which is not a good sign.

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I think you are right about them not caring about the obvious anomalies. They know that most of the sheeple will not figure it out, no matter how obvious it is. In fact, I think they sometimes make the anomalies obvious on purpose. It is their way of mocking the sheeple. It is like an inside joke for them - “Let’s see how ridiculous we can make this psyop and still get the sheeple to fall for it."

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Agreed. It’s their sick and twisted form of trolling.

Funnily enough, I spent yesterday doing a bit of digging into what the ‘assassination attempt’ and Trump’s more than likely ‘selection’ is setting the scene for. I read the Wikipedia entry on Project 2025, on Trump’s Agenda47, and followed some links. Both are unsettling in many ways. And then, I somehow came across this blog article, written two days before the ‘attempt’ and the subsequent psyop: https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/project-total-control-everything-is-a-weapon-when-totalitarianism-is-normalized-by-john-nisha-whitehead-7-11-24/

It’s not optimised for mobile unfortunately, so I read it on my laptop this morning. It very much echoes the thoughts I was having while reading the Wiki entries. Martial law, a weaponised executive, a McCarthy-like rooting out of reds under the bed (and everywhere else), privatisation of most government departments, further corporatisation of the state, etc, etc, all while continuing to further enslave the population. Cheery stuff! 🙄 Anyway, forewarned is forearmed, as they say 🫠

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The unfortunate thing is that we agree with a lot of it. Even our frustration with the woke bullshit is by design. And I would certainly welcome reducing the government - state, fed, and local, by as much as we could get away with and still operate society somewhat normally. BUT…we know all these agendas work in tandem toward the totalitarian state.

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He may have wiped his hand on his pants, but the blood is clearly visible on his hand in the close up video & still images BEFORE he goes down.

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In the closer footage you can literally see the blood on his hand as soon as it comes away from his ear, BEFORE he goes down. There is other footage from further back where you can't tell, but there is also close up footage where the blood can be clearly seen on the right hand after he touches his ear. He may have he wiped his hand on his pants before the fist pump. I guess you think that blood was added with CGI in post, or perhaps he had a squib on his ear. Real or otherwise, the blood appeared BEFORE he went down. PLEASE leave your bias at the door & examine what is actually there.

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So you think Trump faked getting shot and allowed other people to be shot and killed to complete the charade?

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With the available evidence that I have seen so far it is impossible to figure out the truth of the “killed and wounded attendees”. There are three possibilities. 1) They were real people who were shot by someone (but not the patsy who just had blanks). 2) They were crisis actors, and weren’t actually shot. 3) They were fictional, i.e., those people were reported to be shot, but didn’t actually exist. Right now I am leaning towards 2), but I haven’t seen enough evidence to determine for sure what happened.

As far as “allowing other people to be shot and killed”, Trump probably didn’t know all of the details of the staged event. If there were real people shot, it is likely that Trump wasn’t told that that would happen. Trump certainly didn’t mastermind that operation. He was likely only told exactly what he needed to be told to conduct his part, i.e., wait for (whatever the cue was), turn your head to the right, wait until you hear the first shot, grab your right ear, drop to the floor, wait for the Secret Service agent to put fake blood on your ear, stand up with your fist in the air and yell "fight, fight, fight”, wait long enough for the photographer to get a few good Iwo Jima photographs, then let the Secret Service hustle you back to your SUV.

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Stop being such a damn fool.

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You can see the damn blood BEFORE he goes down. Ffs, follow the actual EVIDENCE, people!

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For anyone still sifting through video based evidence, this website likely has the largest number of Trump hoax videos online, all in one place. They do not censor.


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A lot of good videos there.

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Indeed. that website as been up since about 2017, run and created by a former Google guy from many years previous. he's super Christian and took his family to live off grid in Panama maybe 6 years back. The website is a treasure trove of video based evidence on many many subjects.

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Do I think he’d do that? Yes. Do I know for sure? No.

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Your're right. If Trump used a blood capsule to fake his injury, there should be plenty of blood on his right hand. I hope you read this article.

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Not if it was a SS agent who applied the moulage.

There's an iconic photo very zoomed in of Trump under the doh pile. In that photo you can see the wrist of one of the SS agents and something is clearly tucked into it. Looks like a red comb almost? At any rate, this photo is everywhere online. Most of the versions if it I have seen have a red triangle around the setting of Trump's face and the SS agents wrist.

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But Trump is now "anointed by God." Watch the RNC and throw in today's pageantry. Biden finally realized he's done? War is on the menu. If I were a betting man, my money is on Iran and the "Middle Eastern Axis of Evil." Yahweh saved Trump and will lead America to the Promised Land and save our BFF ally Israel.

To me, the assassination "event" has little to no meaning. Who really cares? It's all sold to get a certain level of buy-in. Whites are no longer signing up to be cannon fodder for the Bankers so the psyop has to be refocused with shades of 9/11 and 'Merca with Cheetos Jesus to lead the way. So brave and "fight fight fight."

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" Whites are no longer signing up to be cannon fodder for the Bankers so the psyop has to be refocused with shades of 9/11 and 'Merca with Cheetos Jesus to lead the way." It certainly seems that's afoot.

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I'm not discounting your really good analysis, GC. What comes out of it is what matters. We all smelled bullshit from the get-go. Personally I believe Cabal will muddy the waters as much as possible; "the ends justify the means." So many normies have bought into the "divinely anointed" narrative which frankly terrifies me. "Why God himself intervened to save Trump" was my mom's take. How much has "God's will" been abused to justify the slaughter in the past?

A false flag will drop and like the White Snake song, "here we go again."

My only hope is Trump kicks out the illegals before it all goes down.

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Unless they've chosen the honorable President Heels Up Harris. 😂

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Whore in chief. It would only make the USSA more of a laughing stock to the world, even if it's temporary.

Relates nicely to your upcoming flock post on Simps, Incels and Volcels.

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"fight fight fight."

I think you nailed the intent of this whole psy-op right there.

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Without wading through all of the news reports, videos, audio analyses, and online accounts by various bloggers, which I don’t have the fortitude to do, I can say with 99% certainty that Crooks’ rifle was loaded with blanks. He was simply a mind-controlled patsy, and was never intended to shoot, or shoot near, Trump or anyone else. Regardless of whether it was a Deep State assassination attempt, as most on the right believe, or a staged assassination attempt, which is the correct answer, you wouldn’t want to depend on a 20-year-old kid whose aim was so bad that he got kicked off his high school gun club because they thought he might accidently shoot someone. His job was simply to be a distraction and a patsy. If someone has video, audio, or other proof that that can’t be the case, I will look at it, but unless and until that happens, I am confident that my answer is right.

As far as why all of the police and Secret Service ignored him running around like a clown with a rifle and a ladder for an hour, there is only one possible answer for that. They were instructed to ignore him. It is absolutely impossible that that many trained officers could have been that incompetent over such a long period of time. However that doesn’t mean that all of them were in on the conspiracy (whatever that conspiracy was). They were undoubtedly told that it was some sort of exercise, possibly that they were testing the Secret Service to see how long it would take them to spot him, or perhaps they were told that it was some sort of training exercise, or something similar. (Exercises often go hand-in-hand with false flag events.) But regardless of the reason given, they were told to ignore him.

“It’s not like the average person knows what an ear shot should “look like” on their programming screens.”

Agree. I find the blogs and comments on the details of his (alleged) ear wound especially moronic. In the first place, how much blood there would be depends on how much of his ear was hit. If it was just barely nicked the amount of blood would be different than if it took out a large chunk of his ear. Additionally, many of the available photos have been photo shopped, or are otherwise deceptive. Without knowing with 100% certainty the source and authenticity of a photo or video it is useless to analyze it. But the main reason that it is a waste of time to analyze those things is because his ear was not hit by a bullet. No bullet was fired at or near Trump.

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You watching Jeff Berwick this week?


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Yes, I watch most of his videos, and he is usually right about almost everything. The video you linked to here is a good one, but the one he did yesterday is even better. I know it is somewhere on vigilante tv, but I usually watch them on BitChute or Twitter. The Twitter one is here.


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Interesting. So what do you think was the motive for Crooks to step into a virtually guaranteed suicide situation with only blanks in his gun? Also, the more you move to the extremities of a body (hands, feet, head), the more it bleeds. I find the amount of blood proportionate to such an injury.

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He was an MK-Ultra mind-controlled wind-up tool. Google MK-Ultra. Of course, the official propaganda says that the program ended in the 1970s, but if you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

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Well, one does not rule out the other. But I find it very hard to believe he shot blanks, after reading a full article with sound analysis of the incident, and knowing that it's impossible for a blank cartrigde to produce such a sound profile. Oh and Googling MK-Ultra? Sjeez give me a break man.

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We don't have a correct answer & likely never will. The hubris of "knowing" doesn't flatter us humans, in fact it's a total disaster.

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Try playing the shots backwards and syncing it up with the Wizard of Oz.

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By the time you get past the third "coincidence" you have to scratch your head.

They said Oswald was a "loner" lone gunman.

They said SirhanSirhan was a "loner" lone gunman.

Like Rogan said, if the CIA wanted to kill Trump this is what it would look like.

There will be more attempts on Trump's life. This ain't over.

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This recent firing event is revealing that in reality there are PLENTY of sandy hook deniers after all!

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He was wearing a MAGA hat when shot. Is there blood on the hat? What happened to the hat? Show me the hat he was wearing when shot. There seems to be an a slow dribbling of information with this and all pointing to Secret Service incompetence which seems to be the preferred narrative.

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I watched the video of the attempt on Trump about an hour after it occurred, without reading any analysis, so I had no bias and no idea of what happened,

besideshe survived. I have no idea what really happened, but goddammit if that wasn't one hell of a scene, Trump standing up with a raised fist in front of the flag, yelling "Fight!" If that isn't worth 10 million votes and $250 million in donations...

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Perfect analysis of the quantum field theory in that the outcome is determined by the observer(s).

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The blood on Trump’s face is flowing against the tide in the wrong direction. If the shooter shot looking at Trump’s face – the blood trail should be toward the back of Trump’s head, but the blood trail is going to Trump’s mouth.

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Or the blood capsule. But if we follow his movements afterwards, he goes down to his knees then on all fours, or cat pose in yoga, or promotion pose for Kamala. In that position gravity would bring the blood towards the ear and face, no?

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"promotion pose for Kamala."


Priceless. Best comment in this thread, thank you!

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Indeed. 🤣😂

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You can literally see a picture of the blood dripping & running on his face while in that very pose. It's almost as if people are out here making all kinds of speculations & even conclusions without even bothering to spend any amount of time examining video & images of the event; they see one image that they don't understand & immediately try to make conclusions instead of attempting to find out what was actually going on by looking at all the available evidence.

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I also was confused about the blood streaks on the face at first. There is a picture where you can see how that blood got there: it dripped from the ear onto & down his face while he was crouched down with his face pointed at the ground. Also, you can clearly see the blood already on the hand immediately as it comes away from the ear & BEFORE he goes down in the close up footage & still images. So real or otherwise, the blood appeared BEFORE he goes down. If the blood is fake, there was a squib on his ear. There's also plenty of footage after he stands back up where he appears to be missing a chunk of his ear. So if this was staged, either someone did one hell of a rush makeup job while he was crouched behind the podium, or they actually blew a chuck out of his ear. Personally I'm leaning towards an actual shooting (which carries far too much risk of accidentally killing to be a deliberate miss), but I'm high IQ enough to understand the difference between having actual proof and making reasonable, preponderance of the evidence conclusions, as well as the importance of keeping an open mind in the absence of definitive proof.

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"What you think is the op IS THE OP."-- John Dvorak, No Agenda Show.

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In the morning!

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One question that has been boggling me, and I guess we will never find out. If you put yourself in the same situation as Crooks, you know, distance, gun, sights, training etc. why on earth would you prefer a head shot over a center mass shot?

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Kevlar clothing? That head turn 3D modeling analysis is also questionable. It shows the shooter aiming for the left side of Trump's head before his sudden tick. Why not have a margin of error in the direction of the 6mph W wind at the time? Then again why have such shitty optics? To your question he did not even try for a center mass shot after a supposed 2 second pause with shots 4 and 5. All bizzaro.

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Not sure that's enough time to reset aim after recoil, esp under duress with no prior experience pulling the trigger on a living person. It's a massive amount of adrenaline to overcome, & very often severely underestimated.

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Next assassination will be a close-up Hinckley try. Look for a security change at magnetometers.

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Woman behind Trump identified. I guess

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Lori Carney? She looks like a Lori Carney. Thanks for that.

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That's what those guys found. Who knows. Seemed impossibly stupid that an FBI agent would just stand there and film it, we aren't living in the movie Zoolander, I hope.

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Before the willfully ignorant were able to walk around with a handheld computer for all their Pokemon-chasing and uniformed "follow me" comments, trolling had a certain meaning, that is 'off-topic, time-wasting, intentionally incendiary statements'.

Is the permanent government trolling Americans with a few facts and a lot of hot air from the usual pundits?

Is the ocean of information something to feed until truth is subjective & enforceable?

Is deception and delusion the only promise of government, regardless of region or reach?

Also, is it fun to rapel from a water tower or a little tricky without walls?

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