In 1996 I shared a house with two other guys in a mid sized city in Minnesota, looking out at the only lake in town, the rent for the entire house @ $400. I worked part time while I went to school and did just fine. If that house is still for rent I guarantee it is well more than $3000.
Ironically, no matter how bad the economy gets, I still half expect dems, combined with cheating (only dems really cheat because so many people are on the dole, welfare, grants and contracts), will come out well after the next election simply because they will promise ever more bribes, which is basically their only platform other than bad orange man is the amalgam of every evil man in the history of the world.
I assume all the blue states kept mail-in balloting on the books, and if anything will expand it, because it's racist not to. They don't even need to manufacture a new crisis, the Dem imagination is full of world-ending crisis 24/7.
I remember when my Grandparents would tell me when buying something, "this used to cost a nickel". I didn't understand it until my later years. Now, when I go to the grocery store (I don't dine out, that's insane with the prices and the fake food they feed people who don't know why they are sick all the time) and see a can of Campbells Chicken Noodle soup which is loaded with salt (not the good kind) and gawd knows what (the label is a nightmare) "on sale" for $2.49 I say to myself, "I remember when this would sometimes be on sale for .30 cents in the 1980's"! Or how about top ramen (equally just as bad for you, but if you are going to college and are a young pup can definitely keep you from starving to death) which used to often be on sale for 10 for a dollar! And the sad thing is... the young people (just like we were) will be conditioned to think these prices are "normal"....
arent people tired of telling the same worn out bullshit ramen stories? what about saying mac and cheese you know something different. I never believe any body who says they had to eat that shit
I did not mean it was shit just meant I was tired of hearing it. but how many guys will do what you can do? you must be a good cook but guys dont care about that lol
I never get tired of hearing about the old days, hahaha. My grandma had to walk 3 miles to school unless they were lucky enough to get a ride in the back of some farmers wagon who happened to be going their way. One winter the snow was soooo deep that they couldn't see out the downstairs windows and when they dug their way out to get to the outhouse the snow was over their heads! Once a week they filled their galvanized metal bathtub with hot water and took baths out on the porch. My grandma said the youngest took the last bath and by that time, the water was filthy. Come to find out that's where the expression " don't fill the baby out with the bath water " comes from. Don't even get me started with the stories about my ancestors who came to America's east coast when it was still a collection of British colonies.
Is that where you're from? Prince Edward Island? Oddly enough my grandparents never mentioned not having electricity. I quess she didn't think it was that big of a deal. We all loved it when the lights went out anyway.
US tipping is 25% now? Now THAT is real inflation.
I had a summer job in '71 as a waiter in a popular Atlanta steak house. I'd consistently take home $100. Seems that $100 is still a thing, but now it's worth $25.
Sad indictment on the economy.
If the youngsters don't wake up, they are forever f@<ked. Or conscripted. I know, redundant.
Great article, GC. John William's, shadowstats site is excellent and correlates to the truths you've posited here. When Uncle Saul's bureaucrats say unemployment is 4%, Williams shows that it's actually 24%. A slight discrepancy, wouldn't you say? To destroy a nation, destroy its people through miscegenation while concomitantly rupturing its economy and debasing its currency. No country can remain standing after a one-two punch like that. But it's just the natural course of events when race traitors allow a certain tribe to infiltrate, take over, and pervert the pillars that hold the socio- body politic together, like termites devouring a healthy tree.
People say the "last days of Rome" when the enemy was at the gates, but the enemy has been inside the gates for over a century and with all the gender perversions and pedos, the drag nuts, and rainbow struts, and with the coming hyperinflation when all those euro dollars are repatriated... it's more like the last days of Weimar.
at least the Romans the greatest empire there ever was fought them for 500 years. blowhard cowards whites the most heavily armed people in world history have not and will not do anything to save themselves. that si why they love rabbi trump he was all talk no action just like them
Well said, GC. With all of the incredible carnage and devastation that World War Two wrought, it will seem like a skirmish compared to the fury of Ragnarok. Earth is the final battleground.
I see more and more of this. I can't like it but it made me laugh. I used to think the further the pendulum swings toward debauchery, filth, anarcho-tyranny and collapse, the harder it'll swing back, and it may just be an inevitability, but they've pacified people in so many clever and easy ways that I'm not sure they'd recognize a strong leader if he kicked them in the balls. Many wouldn't even feel it.
This was a very good article! I too remember having $150 rent, .96 cent gas, bought a week's worth of groceries for $20-$40! My husband was supposed to retire last September after 38 years with his company. Thanks to this fraudulent president/administration and the ones we now know we thought we decent before, but weren't...who knows if he'll ever get to! More likely illegal immigrants will just take everything from all of us! Not like the government or military will help us! Anyway your story made me chuckle! Oh the good ole days of sex on the counter...those are long gone too. 🤭
I lived in a house with 6 guys back in ‘90-91, I paid $100 plus utilities for my room in a 4br house. Could go out drinking with $20 in my pocket and have cash left over to grab some eats at 2am. Even my current house that I bought in 2000 has gone up in value 400+%. My kids are now young adults and I’m not sure how they will make it. Even a good career other than some sort of grift won’t pay enough for them to even buy a starter house anytime soon. Rents here start out around 2k a month for a 900 square foot shit box. Closer to 3k if you want something nicer. Something’s gotta give. And as for the ask for a tip at everyplace you go now, I feel zero guilt hitting no tip.
I definitely need to get better at not giving 20% for self serve places! I remember going out with $20 too! A place we used to go to had 50 cent draw beer night! It was reg beer mug size too. Not processed with high fructose corn syrup back then either! Agree on children situation! One son has 6 kids and wife doesn't work. They just sold a NICE house for a bigger one that needed a total remodel! 🥴 I know his greedy wife thought oh I'll get to blow equity and my husband will remodel cheap! Because her dad used to do that in a few days. Rip out kitchen and start over. Those days of it being cheap to do it yourself are long gone too! Can't tell ms knows it all anything though! Haha remodel costs messed her out of a self serving Disney trip! My son works all the time, helps cook, clean, and let's her sleep in on his days off yet expected him to remodel an entire kitchen! 🙄 Other son and his wife both have good jobs but worries me when they trade cars alot! 😳 I did that when younger though too. Once you pay off a car it's easier to realize new and improved doesn't look as tempting! Not to mention NOTHING is new and improved! I have a 2017 that looks brand new and is loaded to the max! Trying finding a vehicle under $50,000 (what we paid) that has everything mine does! Not to mention you can't even find a $70,000 that has all mine does! Cars rarely have dvd players anymore because this new generation is letting technology raise their children so instead of movies they all have tablets and they use their parents hot spots! Like if all day isn't enough time on tablets now they get them in the car too! Instead of learning to share who gets to pick a movie! God forbid little Johnny not get his every wish and desire immediately!!! Cars have heated seats, but rarely cooled! Oh and a cd player is rare because again they pair their phones to their car and listen to paid Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora, or Apple music! Because God forbid we have to sit through one song that's not our favorite! 🙄 During the rona scamdemic I made the comment on social media... "All you yahoos are worried about the flu, but have no problem driving 75 mph+ through intersections in your masks staring at your phones!!! Put the damn things down!"
We had a DIY neighbor back in the day. He'd do every room in the house little by little with just his savings account, home depot and elbow grease. Most Dads in the neighborhood were DIY to some extent. I couldn't believe what real cars cost when I was back in the states last year, nevermind the electric ones tied to Klaus Schwab's grid lever. Or new anything on those HGTV shows. "We can do the landscaping for $20k, the kitchen for $50k, and the living room and dining rooms for $30k." Why did they buy that house? What did they buy, studs and a foundation? The couples are the best on those shows.
"Honey, we really can't afford the marble countertops."
"Oh no, I will not compromise on that!"
"Miele appliances have to go then honey, those are eating up 30% of our budget."
"Oh no Bruce, don't you start nickle and diming my kitchen!"
They should change the channel name to WCFTV. Watch couples fight TV.
LMAO!!! That was ALL spot on! We just sit there flabbergasted because they spend $500,000 on homes that they then give Joanna and Chip another $140,000 to update! 🤯 I've said since the late 90's a MILLION times...if dumb@$$'$ would quit paying $60,000 for wouldn't cost $60,000!!! Common sense 101!
LOL that does happen in real life saw a lot of my male friends get duped by the women to spend a lot on a kitchen and half the time or more the women did not cook that much. well marble tops good place for pizza boxes chinese food containers
Part of the problem with these people is that as kids they got used to having their movies in the car. Let them look out the windows at passing scenery, play punch bug, etc. The other morning I saw a kid waiting for the school bus, eyes glued to her phone while a beautiful sunrise was coming up behind her. It’s a shame really and part of the reason why they don’t know how to get anywhere without some gizmo calling out directions.
I don't mind the movie part. Plus my car's dvd player doesn't emit emf's! I don't know if you've been in a car with little ones, but they won't look at sunsets they'll just zonk out. I'm over 50 and always have joked...I could NEVER be a trucker because car rides make me sleepy! LOL "Mom...the truck driver beside us is asleep at the wheel!" 🤭🤣 Plus I only allow feel good movies or learning videos. Bubble Guppies always teach something from seasons to being nice, etc. But I do understand your point. My one daughter-in-law is great about limiting technology or saying no movie we are going to listen to music. Especially on short trips like to school! Before school technology surely shouldn't be an option! They get enough of that crap in school these days as most elementary school rooms use ipads. 🥴
Yes I have been in a car with little kids and sometimes they just need to hear the word No. Listening to music is a much better option than watching a screen. I have been around so many adults who grew up watching movies in the car who can’t find their way around where they live without a phone calling out directions. We use the time in the car to have a conversation with our grandkids and have never had them say that they would rather watch a movie instead. We have to get back to a place where technology doesn’t occupy every minute of our day and a great place to start is childhood.
And PS we'll never get back to a place where we don't have technology. It will always move forward. All we can do is limit and have conversations about healthy and unhealthy usage. Unfortunately.
Oh we definitely talk! Mine aren't glued to it by any means as it's usually something they've already watched. I did not grow up with technology or movies in a car and I am HORRIBLE at maps and directions. You either got it or you don't! 🤣 I definitely don't!
Doesn't that just boggle your mind?! ESPECIALLY since cellular data is NOT reliable! I started saying over 14 years ago..."With as much as cell phones/plans cost you should get cellular service in the fiery depths of hell to call the Culligan Man for water!" It doesn't help the FCC isn't doing it's job at breaking up monopolies! We are with Patriot Mobile, but they all use ATT lines. And yes cellular companies fought and won that right, but do they monitor att to see if they are doing anything nefarious there?! It's like using Brave on this google ran different from Chrome is it really?! I guess all we can do is try. I'll add forcing us all to login to Google or Apple on these trackers isn't right! Unfortunately they are like Wal-Mart...a necessary evil! However, EVERYONE can live without Target, Fascistbook, Twatter Insta-attention, Any coke or Anheuser Busch product, and Pedo Disney...they just don't want to!
Me too! Most of my friends just want to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away! Even all the ones that do believe exactly like us don't want to DO anything about it! Now our new neighbors are from CA and they are on top of all we are and we discuss things alot! Totally red pilled! She's a nurse and didn't even get the clot shot! On the friend comment... I remember in HS people saying you'll never have friends like the ones you had in HS... It turned out to be true! Either they are married with kids and busy with all that or single and only want to go out AND the second they meet a guy GONE LIKE DONKEY KONG! During my first marriage which lasted 11.5 years I did have some really good friends! We'd talk several times a day on the phone! Boy was it nice when cordless came out! Until then we'd buy the longest cords we could so we could still cook, clean, etc! 🤣 Then when I got divorced in '98 between working and kids I still had some, but just didn't have alot of time for them. After the kids got older I prayed for a good friend more than a boyfriend! But by then internet was starting and things were already starting to change. I didn't get remarried until 2013! Got a great one this time! 🙏 Now with social media and watching things my daughter-in-law goes through there's mom clicks in their married couples friends groups, but half are usually talking about the other half. Guys always seem to get along. 🤷♀️ I wonder if they are sad when something dramatic happens amongst the wives and they have to break up their bromance too?! 🤔🤪🤣 I guess at my age I should just be the lady at church with her hands in everything friends with the others likewise? However, eventually somebody would do something stupid they thought I'd tolerate and let them know how the cow ate the cabbage! 🤪 Plus it's hard to find a good church where they actually preach the Bible WHICH INCLUDES fire and brimstone! Not just all the "good parts" of the Bible! But anyway I agree everyone needs friends and it's sad people don't put more work into it! I always say gotta laugh through the tears these days! If sarcasm were a career I'd be a BILLIONAIRE! 🤭
I agree! I'll add lazy self entitled criminals who screwed their own countries up and need to be rounded up and dropped back into their countries! Soros etc will eventually realize it's too expensive to keep paying for them to come back! PS We need to start shooting too! I'm tired of reading about hurt or murdered border patrol where they have no consequences for their acts! I told my husband years ago I'd be fired day one as a police officer because if I catch someone in an act and I say stop or I'll shoot and they run...they are getting shot in the back! I believe in innocent until proven guilty except when 50 damn people and I SAW you do it! Or it's on video! Too many bleeding hearts in America! Yet they had no problem with the blacks during the Rodney King riots who ripped that old man out of his semi and cut a hole in his crotch then spray painted his genitals!!! Like WTF??? That will haunt me forever. Unfortunately that has been an issue longer than people realize! Around same time I lived in a small town that had a "black" section of town that cops wouldn't even go into unless they had to! We constantly send the message if you act like ruthless animals we'll look the other way instead of putting them down or away like we would a rabid animal! Hell there's way too many that would say that's bad too now! 🤦♀️ Can't fix ignorance!
Razor wire fence with motion detection machine gun turrets in towers every 100 meters. Drones for the cartel and NGOs in Mexico. The invasion would end in a week.
I like the way you think! Sorry, but I was raised when you mess up there's consequences! There's NONE for anyone, but Christian conservatives these days!
the hell with the useless border rescue patrol. 90% are latrinos and most getting paid off by the narcos. want to stop the invasion ? eliminate the traitor BP. what would the invaders do when they cross over and nobody is there to give them money phones food medical care change diapers and a free plane ticket to any state.
It is possible to live in these times and be able to buy stuff and tip well. The key is not how much you earn, but how much you spend. All my friends have huge loans on everything and don't seem to notice how that burden fully compromises their lives. They can't afford anything because they thought they could afford everything. A new car every 3 years. Moving about in search of something better every few years is very costly. Buying a house while under severe financial pressure becomes impossible. All they can think of is getting a gig job to increase their income. They never think about reducing their expenses. Most have Dish or Direct TV, which costs at least 1200 a year, and is full of propaganda and advertising that promotes even more spending. They go on vacations using credit because they hate their jobs, and their house. They are truly unhappy with their lives and want to escape it all.
All this because of previous purchases (using credit) they couldn't afford in the first place. The problem began in the 1920's when car sellers would "finance" a new car for those who couldn't afford it. The price of financed cars went up because of the easy availability of credit. If people only purchased things that they could afford (in cash, out of pocket), prices would reflect the true demand and not the false demand that easy credit creates.
The key is to live within your means without credit. Stop taking on more debt. Pay off your current debts. It's amazing how much extra money there is when most of it isn't already spoken for every month and your only costs are unavoidable, such as property taxes, utilities and food. I don't buy anything that I can't pay for using yesterday's money because using tomorrow's money has no limits, except to keep you poor. I am going out for a $16 burger tonight, and I will tip at least 20% gladly, because I can afford it. I might even buy a $7 beer. I have the money today because I didn't spend it yesterday using credit. I realize that the currency (it isn't money) is depreciating, so I buy (physical) silver and gold to prevent that loss.
Usury is a big problem. Financial illiteracy is nurtured in public schools so that people live beyond any common sense or reason. I think you nailed the crux of a consooomer society here though: "They are truly unhappy with their lives and want to escape it all."
So I went to Legal Tender in Lamy NM last night and had a wonderful burger for $16 and a $7 beer too. I paid cash of course. I was thinking of all the other patrons there and I wondered; how many of them are in debt? How could all this debt accumulation affect those assets, should there be a default?
What will happen if it turns out that all their wealth is digital and then it vanishes and they can't pay? Will they lose all the assets they used as collateral to obtain a loan? What about their 401k, pensions, IRA, stocks, bonds, ETFs? Would they be safe?
I just read a great book called The Great Taking, written by David Rogers Webb where he describes the end game of the current debt accumulation super cycle, and how that will result in the greatest wealth transfer in history - and most people are not aware of it. He says that private closely held control of all central banks and money creation has allowed a very few people to control all political parties and governments; the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations and, of course the media. This is about a decades-long scheme to confiscate (steal) our assets. A great read with full source documentation.
I have been aware of this trend for decades but I thought it would deteriorate much slower that it has. But now, it's more like Hemingway's “How did you go bankrupt?" "Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly."
Great name for a restaurant or brothel. I still remember when a fancy beer was 2.50. I watched his documentary last year not long after it came out. I only have so much time to read and I always have twenty books in the cue. 300 trillion derivative time bomb plus fractional reserve banking, phony fdic, and passive ETFs, the people have no idea how fraudulent the whole system is. It's like looking at a skyscraper held up by toothpicks. When the bank term funding program ends march 11 there could be hundreds of small banks in the guillotine. Bail ins wouldn't be a surprise. Wouldn't be the first time. If it's as bad as he says at it happens suddenly then that's their intentional reset for digital currency slavery and UBI chains.
I recently hired a caterer for a dinner event for 10 people. The extent of their involvement was cooking the food at their kitchen and delivering it to me in containers for me to heat the food back up MYSELF later that day. We had agreed on $600, a more than fair price for the meal she was making; she sent me an invoice a week before our dinner with a line item tacked on for a $150 tip, 25%. So it's now to the point that there's no service even involved and a 25% tip is expected a week before you even taste the food! I didn't pay it. When I explained to her why, it turns out there was absolutely no rationale for her including it on the bill except "that's what everyone does" (and of course most people probably just pay it without questioning).
Crazy! People just pay it, and nobody stands up for their earnings or wallet. They'd rather not have a "confrontation." I read somewhere that calling Zoomers on the phone instead of texting is considered rude because it could trigger their anxiety. They're all just going to pay whatever bills they get on their phones without asking questions. Too triggering.
Nobody at the supermarket complains about those charity prompts that stop you from ringing up your groceries (saving them labor money). Nobody says, "What the f**k is this s**t?! I came to buy groceries that are now 50% more expensive than last year and the first thing you do is panhandle for a charity? Why doesn't your CEO donate to the charity if he's so fond of it?!! Why don't you donate the money I'm saving you by ringing up my own groceries?"
I say no every single time to the charitable donation question, either by the computer or the rare person. The person, "round up to fight childhood atrocities?" While I stand next to my child, I say, "No thank you". I tell that child, the corp gets the multimillion tax break on the cumulative donations of their customers. So if I want to donate to a childhood atrocity charity I will do it on my own and claim my own tax break (as little that is worth, but still).
Dude! (I call you this with the highest regard and bro respect a fellow man born in the 60's, who came of age in the late 70's/early 80's can award) I swear you're my brother from another cohort from another coastal port.
Your musical references, your movie clips, and your DEW-ish sharp wit have evolved a kinship that deserves not only recognition, but praise and encouragement.
I have observed a recent trend here on substack, for which I would like you to consider. Have you considered creating a "Founding Member"-ship"?
If not, I wish you would consider it. If so, go for it. I am confident I am not alone in thinking that it would be an honor to support your vital perspective and important contribution to the world with a premium membership.
You deftly appeal to all of the uniquely human characteristics of logic, emotion and art, which makes you persuasive and effective.
As a veteran of the hospitality industry that once earned only $2.15 per hour as a bartender on the Emerald Coast of Florida, who relied on generous tips generated by exceptional customer service and genuine interpersonal skills, seems we both paid our dues. Now, as a state licensed healthcare professional, those skills and that experience pays dividends daily working with patients and colleagues.
I feel deservedly fortunate to be in the statistical 1/3 of the population who has modest savings and the ability to support worthy artists...whether they be musical, fine artists, or creative writers. This is why the option to buoy your gifts would be an honor.
Please consider this proposal, perhaps even create a poll for readers to respond in order to explore what extra benefit(s) a founding membership could offer.
Thank you for all the painstaking research, effective references, and authentic expression!
Thanks David. I appreciate the kind words. There is no higher praise than 'brother from another mother.' There is still a founding member's option for $169, with a few dozen members, but apart from paywalled pieces I haven't figured out what extra perks can go to this group. Any ideas? I was editing a book compilation of essays, those I found to be my best writing, but have had trouble publishing it anonymously on Amazon. I'm working to publish it via my LLC, and needed to set it up a new one last year anonymously which can only be done through a few US states. If this works out it will go to founding members as a free e-version and free paperback. Though I have to figure out how to give free paperback versions to those specific people through amazon without shipping the orders myself. I'll be sending an email to founding members soon with updates.
Hey GC. Although I would be happy to receive a book compilation of your essays, nothing extra is necessary. I was unaware you already had the founding membership option. Now I know, and now I have upgraded my subscription.
The only idea I can conjure is possibly a brief guide to becoming an expatriate based on your experience. The pros/cons and processes of how an individual would most effective go about such an endeavor.
Anyway, I’m proud to have been able to enjoy your work since the c19 years and plan on continuing to do so.
I sincerely appreciate all of your creative and courageous contributions.
We have to be creative in these times snd forget about what our patents had.
I did a crazy thing recently that affected my housing-it was cheap housing in a new construction Gulf Coast beach house. I left this $500 per month 3 story house with an elevator to get out of a situation whereas I was shacking up two years with my long time who might be suffering from dementia onset,,,, became too much of a thorn in my side to stay any longer. So rented a 1960 house that has survived 2 major hurricanes, ewe, and living expenses tripled. Next move: RV baby ( I've RV'd before) and expenses will drop about 2/3. I love this feeling of freedom from (someone elses) psychosis, at least for now.
Wow. They're really making life tough, especially for renters. All part of Agenda 2030, herding the masses into planned 15 minute total surveillance cities. The RV nomad life looks a great affordable alternative. Lockdown resistant and mobile. Can camp on BLM land up to two weeks at a time. See the national parks. Meet fellow travelers. Travel is a wonderful cure for what ailes many these days.
I have one question about rv-ing, you gotta have some money saved, right? After you own the rv and your basics already. I don't need much, shit, I already don't own much, so I understand living without shit but you gotta eat, you gotta cruise, shit costs money. I guess my question is once you're crusiing and camping, dipping into that savings, where's the incoming money coming from? Honest question. I'm sick of living in modern society, I have nothing holding me down, I'm at that point. Thx in advance.
Well I am going to LIVE in RV soon, while I'm still working a lot, because I can live in a park way cheaper than a house. There are a bunch of quiet RV parks in my area because the snowbirds and casino players come here.
After my kids are done getting a couple more years of education I will travel a bit, even if I can only afford to do it in my Honda.
I may also hang out in communes. I heard there is a cool place in Missouri. I'm praying there is still social security in 4 years.
I’m glad I’m in the UK where tipping isn’t really a thing.
Something I did learn years ago is that if you pay a tip by card instead of cash then what some companies would do is use the card payment tip to make sure they met monthly quotas etc. corruption as always.
That's one of the many benefits of this side of the Atlantic. You know what you're paying with a 10% tip included (France, Germany, others) and can leave extra if the service is good without any expectations at all. Good service usually means keeping an eye on you but generally leaving you alone to enjoy your meal and wine in peace. Edit: On the card thing...that's why I only leave extra in cash.
In 1996 I shared a house with two other guys in a mid sized city in Minnesota, looking out at the only lake in town, the rent for the entire house @ $400. I worked part time while I went to school and did just fine. If that house is still for rent I guarantee it is well more than $3000.
Ironically, no matter how bad the economy gets, I still half expect dems, combined with cheating (only dems really cheat because so many people are on the dole, welfare, grants and contracts), will come out well after the next election simply because they will promise ever more bribes, which is basically their only platform other than bad orange man is the amalgam of every evil man in the history of the world.
It's guaranteed that the Democrats - with the help of the RINOs - will concoct some "dire crisis" and reinstitute mass "mail-in voting."
I assume all the blue states kept mail-in balloting on the books, and if anything will expand it, because it's racist not to. They don't even need to manufacture a new crisis, the Dem imagination is full of world-ending crisis 24/7.
I remember when my Grandparents would tell me when buying something, "this used to cost a nickel". I didn't understand it until my later years. Now, when I go to the grocery store (I don't dine out, that's insane with the prices and the fake food they feed people who don't know why they are sick all the time) and see a can of Campbells Chicken Noodle soup which is loaded with salt (not the good kind) and gawd knows what (the label is a nightmare) "on sale" for $2.49 I say to myself, "I remember when this would sometimes be on sale for .30 cents in the 1980's"! Or how about top ramen (equally just as bad for you, but if you are going to college and are a young pup can definitely keep you from starving to death) which used to often be on sale for 10 for a dollar! And the sad thing is... the young people (just like we were) will be conditioned to think these prices are "normal"....
arent people tired of telling the same worn out bullshit ramen stories? what about saying mac and cheese you know something different. I never believe any body who says they had to eat that shit
It's true though and it isn't shit, you can do a lot with ramen with a little creativity and the right connections, lol
I did not mean it was shit just meant I was tired of hearing it. but how many guys will do what you can do? you must be a good cook but guys dont care about that lol
I never get tired of hearing about the old days, hahaha. My grandma had to walk 3 miles to school unless they were lucky enough to get a ride in the back of some farmers wagon who happened to be going their way. One winter the snow was soooo deep that they couldn't see out the downstairs windows and when they dug their way out to get to the outhouse the snow was over their heads! Once a week they filled their galvanized metal bathtub with hot water and took baths out on the porch. My grandma said the youngest took the last bath and by that time, the water was filthy. Come to find out that's where the expression " don't fill the baby out with the bath water " comes from. Don't even get me started with the stories about my ancestors who came to America's east coast when it was still a collection of British colonies.
Thought you were talking about PEI, Canada but then you would have mentioned: 'snow sledding off the barn's roof, no electric/telephone' etc
Is that where you're from? Prince Edward Island? Oddly enough my grandparents never mentioned not having electricity. I quess she didn't think it was that big of a deal. We all loved it when the lights went out anyway.
US tipping is 25% now? Now THAT is real inflation.
I had a summer job in '71 as a waiter in a popular Atlanta steak house. I'd consistently take home $100. Seems that $100 is still a thing, but now it's worth $25.
Sad indictment on the economy.
If the youngsters don't wake up, they are forever f@<ked. Or conscripted. I know, redundant.
Great article, GC. John William's, shadowstats site is excellent and correlates to the truths you've posited here. When Uncle Saul's bureaucrats say unemployment is 4%, Williams shows that it's actually 24%. A slight discrepancy, wouldn't you say? To destroy a nation, destroy its people through miscegenation while concomitantly rupturing its economy and debasing its currency. No country can remain standing after a one-two punch like that. But it's just the natural course of events when race traitors allow a certain tribe to infiltrate, take over, and pervert the pillars that hold the socio- body politic together, like termites devouring a healthy tree.
People say the "last days of Rome" when the enemy was at the gates, but the enemy has been inside the gates for over a century and with all the gender perversions and pedos, the drag nuts, and rainbow struts, and with the coming hyperinflation when all those euro dollars are repatriated... it's more like the last days of Weimar.
at least the Romans the greatest empire there ever was fought them for 500 years. blowhard cowards whites the most heavily armed people in world history have not and will not do anything to save themselves. that si why they love rabbi trump he was all talk no action just like them
Well said, GC. With all of the incredible carnage and devastation that World War Two wrought, it will seem like a skirmish compared to the fury of Ragnarok. Earth is the final battleground.
We can only hope for a Hitler to come along.
I see more and more of this. I can't like it but it made me laugh. I used to think the further the pendulum swings toward debauchery, filth, anarcho-tyranny and collapse, the harder it'll swing back, and it may just be an inevitability, but they've pacified people in so many clever and easy ways that I'm not sure they'd recognize a strong leader if he kicked them in the balls. Many wouldn't even feel it.
This was a very good article! I too remember having $150 rent, .96 cent gas, bought a week's worth of groceries for $20-$40! My husband was supposed to retire last September after 38 years with his company. Thanks to this fraudulent president/administration and the ones we now know we thought we decent before, but weren't...who knows if he'll ever get to! More likely illegal immigrants will just take everything from all of us! Not like the government or military will help us! Anyway your story made me chuckle! Oh the good ole days of sex on the counter...those are long gone too. 🤭
I lived in a house with 6 guys back in ‘90-91, I paid $100 plus utilities for my room in a 4br house. Could go out drinking with $20 in my pocket and have cash left over to grab some eats at 2am. Even my current house that I bought in 2000 has gone up in value 400+%. My kids are now young adults and I’m not sure how they will make it. Even a good career other than some sort of grift won’t pay enough for them to even buy a starter house anytime soon. Rents here start out around 2k a month for a 900 square foot shit box. Closer to 3k if you want something nicer. Something’s gotta give. And as for the ask for a tip at everyplace you go now, I feel zero guilt hitting no tip.
I definitely need to get better at not giving 20% for self serve places! I remember going out with $20 too! A place we used to go to had 50 cent draw beer night! It was reg beer mug size too. Not processed with high fructose corn syrup back then either! Agree on children situation! One son has 6 kids and wife doesn't work. They just sold a NICE house for a bigger one that needed a total remodel! 🥴 I know his greedy wife thought oh I'll get to blow equity and my husband will remodel cheap! Because her dad used to do that in a few days. Rip out kitchen and start over. Those days of it being cheap to do it yourself are long gone too! Can't tell ms knows it all anything though! Haha remodel costs messed her out of a self serving Disney trip! My son works all the time, helps cook, clean, and let's her sleep in on his days off yet expected him to remodel an entire kitchen! 🙄 Other son and his wife both have good jobs but worries me when they trade cars alot! 😳 I did that when younger though too. Once you pay off a car it's easier to realize new and improved doesn't look as tempting! Not to mention NOTHING is new and improved! I have a 2017 that looks brand new and is loaded to the max! Trying finding a vehicle under $50,000 (what we paid) that has everything mine does! Not to mention you can't even find a $70,000 that has all mine does! Cars rarely have dvd players anymore because this new generation is letting technology raise their children so instead of movies they all have tablets and they use their parents hot spots! Like if all day isn't enough time on tablets now they get them in the car too! Instead of learning to share who gets to pick a movie! God forbid little Johnny not get his every wish and desire immediately!!! Cars have heated seats, but rarely cooled! Oh and a cd player is rare because again they pair their phones to their car and listen to paid Spotify, Amazon Music, Pandora, or Apple music! Because God forbid we have to sit through one song that's not our favorite! 🙄 During the rona scamdemic I made the comment on social media... "All you yahoos are worried about the flu, but have no problem driving 75 mph+ through intersections in your masks staring at your phones!!! Put the damn things down!"
We had a DIY neighbor back in the day. He'd do every room in the house little by little with just his savings account, home depot and elbow grease. Most Dads in the neighborhood were DIY to some extent. I couldn't believe what real cars cost when I was back in the states last year, nevermind the electric ones tied to Klaus Schwab's grid lever. Or new anything on those HGTV shows. "We can do the landscaping for $20k, the kitchen for $50k, and the living room and dining rooms for $30k." Why did they buy that house? What did they buy, studs and a foundation? The couples are the best on those shows.
"Honey, we really can't afford the marble countertops."
"Oh no, I will not compromise on that!"
"Miele appliances have to go then honey, those are eating up 30% of our budget."
"Oh no Bruce, don't you start nickle and diming my kitchen!"
They should change the channel name to WCFTV. Watch couples fight TV.
LMAO!!! That was ALL spot on! We just sit there flabbergasted because they spend $500,000 on homes that they then give Joanna and Chip another $140,000 to update! 🤯 I've said since the late 90's a MILLION times...if dumb@$$'$ would quit paying $60,000 for wouldn't cost $60,000!!! Common sense 101!
that "fighting" is just theatre for the show
I dunno. She really wants that hard marble countertop. Her husband doesn't understand why, but he'll still pay the landscaper.
LOL that does happen in real life saw a lot of my male friends get duped by the women to spend a lot on a kitchen and half the time or more the women did not cook that much. well marble tops good place for pizza boxes chinese food containers
Part of the problem with these people is that as kids they got used to having their movies in the car. Let them look out the windows at passing scenery, play punch bug, etc. The other morning I saw a kid waiting for the school bus, eyes glued to her phone while a beautiful sunrise was coming up behind her. It’s a shame really and part of the reason why they don’t know how to get anywhere without some gizmo calling out directions.
I don't mind the movie part. Plus my car's dvd player doesn't emit emf's! I don't know if you've been in a car with little ones, but they won't look at sunsets they'll just zonk out. I'm over 50 and always have joked...I could NEVER be a trucker because car rides make me sleepy! LOL "Mom...the truck driver beside us is asleep at the wheel!" 🤭🤣 Plus I only allow feel good movies or learning videos. Bubble Guppies always teach something from seasons to being nice, etc. But I do understand your point. My one daughter-in-law is great about limiting technology or saying no movie we are going to listen to music. Especially on short trips like to school! Before school technology surely shouldn't be an option! They get enough of that crap in school these days as most elementary school rooms use ipads. 🥴
Yes I have been in a car with little kids and sometimes they just need to hear the word No. Listening to music is a much better option than watching a screen. I have been around so many adults who grew up watching movies in the car who can’t find their way around where they live without a phone calling out directions. We use the time in the car to have a conversation with our grandkids and have never had them say that they would rather watch a movie instead. We have to get back to a place where technology doesn’t occupy every minute of our day and a great place to start is childhood.
And PS we'll never get back to a place where we don't have technology. It will always move forward. All we can do is limit and have conversations about healthy and unhealthy usage. Unfortunately.
Oh we definitely talk! Mine aren't glued to it by any means as it's usually something they've already watched. I did not grow up with technology or movies in a car and I am HORRIBLE at maps and directions. You either got it or you don't! 🤣 I definitely don't!
I still have CDs in my car... no disc player though 😞
Doesn't that just boggle your mind?! ESPECIALLY since cellular data is NOT reliable! I started saying over 14 years ago..."With as much as cell phones/plans cost you should get cellular service in the fiery depths of hell to call the Culligan Man for water!" It doesn't help the FCC isn't doing it's job at breaking up monopolies! We are with Patriot Mobile, but they all use ATT lines. And yes cellular companies fought and won that right, but do they monitor att to see if they are doing anything nefarious there?! It's like using Brave on this google ran different from Chrome is it really?! I guess all we can do is try. I'll add forcing us all to login to Google or Apple on these trackers isn't right! Unfortunately they are like Wal-Mart...a necessary evil! However, EVERYONE can live without Target, Fascistbook, Twatter Insta-attention, Any coke or Anheuser Busch product, and Pedo Disney...they just don't want to!
Your hilarious! I wish I had friends close by that were as honest about reality 😀
Me too! Most of my friends just want to bury their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away! Even all the ones that do believe exactly like us don't want to DO anything about it! Now our new neighbors are from CA and they are on top of all we are and we discuss things alot! Totally red pilled! She's a nurse and didn't even get the clot shot! On the friend comment... I remember in HS people saying you'll never have friends like the ones you had in HS... It turned out to be true! Either they are married with kids and busy with all that or single and only want to go out AND the second they meet a guy GONE LIKE DONKEY KONG! During my first marriage which lasted 11.5 years I did have some really good friends! We'd talk several times a day on the phone! Boy was it nice when cordless came out! Until then we'd buy the longest cords we could so we could still cook, clean, etc! 🤣 Then when I got divorced in '98 between working and kids I still had some, but just didn't have alot of time for them. After the kids got older I prayed for a good friend more than a boyfriend! But by then internet was starting and things were already starting to change. I didn't get remarried until 2013! Got a great one this time! 🙏 Now with social media and watching things my daughter-in-law goes through there's mom clicks in their married couples friends groups, but half are usually talking about the other half. Guys always seem to get along. 🤷♀️ I wonder if they are sad when something dramatic happens amongst the wives and they have to break up their bromance too?! 🤔🤪🤣 I guess at my age I should just be the lady at church with her hands in everything friends with the others likewise? However, eventually somebody would do something stupid they thought I'd tolerate and let them know how the cow ate the cabbage! 🤪 Plus it's hard to find a good church where they actually preach the Bible WHICH INCLUDES fire and brimstone! Not just all the "good parts" of the Bible! But anyway I agree everyone needs friends and it's sad people don't put more work into it! I always say gotta laugh through the tears these days! If sarcasm were a career I'd be a BILLIONAIRE! 🤭
why blame the young waitress who has to pay high rent also?
They're illegal alien invaders, not "immigrants." Words matter.
I agree! I'll add lazy self entitled criminals who screwed their own countries up and need to be rounded up and dropped back into their countries! Soros etc will eventually realize it's too expensive to keep paying for them to come back! PS We need to start shooting too! I'm tired of reading about hurt or murdered border patrol where they have no consequences for their acts! I told my husband years ago I'd be fired day one as a police officer because if I catch someone in an act and I say stop or I'll shoot and they run...they are getting shot in the back! I believe in innocent until proven guilty except when 50 damn people and I SAW you do it! Or it's on video! Too many bleeding hearts in America! Yet they had no problem with the blacks during the Rodney King riots who ripped that old man out of his semi and cut a hole in his crotch then spray painted his genitals!!! Like WTF??? That will haunt me forever. Unfortunately that has been an issue longer than people realize! Around same time I lived in a small town that had a "black" section of town that cops wouldn't even go into unless they had to! We constantly send the message if you act like ruthless animals we'll look the other way instead of putting them down or away like we would a rabid animal! Hell there's way too many that would say that's bad too now! 🤦♀️ Can't fix ignorance!
Razor wire fence with motion detection machine gun turrets in towers every 100 meters. Drones for the cartel and NGOs in Mexico. The invasion would end in a week.
I like the way you think! Sorry, but I was raised when you mess up there's consequences! There's NONE for anyone, but Christian conservatives these days!
the hell with the useless border rescue patrol. 90% are latrinos and most getting paid off by the narcos. want to stop the invasion ? eliminate the traitor BP. what would the invaders do when they cross over and nobody is there to give them money phones food medical care change diapers and a free plane ticket to any state.
It is possible to live in these times and be able to buy stuff and tip well. The key is not how much you earn, but how much you spend. All my friends have huge loans on everything and don't seem to notice how that burden fully compromises their lives. They can't afford anything because they thought they could afford everything. A new car every 3 years. Moving about in search of something better every few years is very costly. Buying a house while under severe financial pressure becomes impossible. All they can think of is getting a gig job to increase their income. They never think about reducing their expenses. Most have Dish or Direct TV, which costs at least 1200 a year, and is full of propaganda and advertising that promotes even more spending. They go on vacations using credit because they hate their jobs, and their house. They are truly unhappy with their lives and want to escape it all.
All this because of previous purchases (using credit) they couldn't afford in the first place. The problem began in the 1920's when car sellers would "finance" a new car for those who couldn't afford it. The price of financed cars went up because of the easy availability of credit. If people only purchased things that they could afford (in cash, out of pocket), prices would reflect the true demand and not the false demand that easy credit creates.
The key is to live within your means without credit. Stop taking on more debt. Pay off your current debts. It's amazing how much extra money there is when most of it isn't already spoken for every month and your only costs are unavoidable, such as property taxes, utilities and food. I don't buy anything that I can't pay for using yesterday's money because using tomorrow's money has no limits, except to keep you poor. I am going out for a $16 burger tonight, and I will tip at least 20% gladly, because I can afford it. I might even buy a $7 beer. I have the money today because I didn't spend it yesterday using credit. I realize that the currency (it isn't money) is depreciating, so I buy (physical) silver and gold to prevent that loss.
Usury is a big problem. Financial illiteracy is nurtured in public schools so that people live beyond any common sense or reason. I think you nailed the crux of a consooomer society here though: "They are truly unhappy with their lives and want to escape it all."
So I went to Legal Tender in Lamy NM last night and had a wonderful burger for $16 and a $7 beer too. I paid cash of course. I was thinking of all the other patrons there and I wondered; how many of them are in debt? How could all this debt accumulation affect those assets, should there be a default?
What will happen if it turns out that all their wealth is digital and then it vanishes and they can't pay? Will they lose all the assets they used as collateral to obtain a loan? What about their 401k, pensions, IRA, stocks, bonds, ETFs? Would they be safe?
I just read a great book called The Great Taking, written by David Rogers Webb where he describes the end game of the current debt accumulation super cycle, and how that will result in the greatest wealth transfer in history - and most people are not aware of it. He says that private closely held control of all central banks and money creation has allowed a very few people to control all political parties and governments; the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations and, of course the media. This is about a decades-long scheme to confiscate (steal) our assets. A great read with full source documentation.
I have been aware of this trend for decades but I thought it would deteriorate much slower that it has. But now, it's more like Hemingway's “How did you go bankrupt?" "Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly."
Great name for a restaurant or brothel. I still remember when a fancy beer was 2.50. I watched his documentary last year not long after it came out. I only have so much time to read and I always have twenty books in the cue. 300 trillion derivative time bomb plus fractional reserve banking, phony fdic, and passive ETFs, the people have no idea how fraudulent the whole system is. It's like looking at a skyscraper held up by toothpicks. When the bank term funding program ends march 11 there could be hundreds of small banks in the guillotine. Bail ins wouldn't be a surprise. Wouldn't be the first time. If it's as bad as he says at it happens suddenly then that's their intentional reset for digital currency slavery and UBI chains.
I recently hired a caterer for a dinner event for 10 people. The extent of their involvement was cooking the food at their kitchen and delivering it to me in containers for me to heat the food back up MYSELF later that day. We had agreed on $600, a more than fair price for the meal she was making; she sent me an invoice a week before our dinner with a line item tacked on for a $150 tip, 25%. So it's now to the point that there's no service even involved and a 25% tip is expected a week before you even taste the food! I didn't pay it. When I explained to her why, it turns out there was absolutely no rationale for her including it on the bill except "that's what everyone does" (and of course most people probably just pay it without questioning).
Crazy! People just pay it, and nobody stands up for their earnings or wallet. They'd rather not have a "confrontation." I read somewhere that calling Zoomers on the phone instead of texting is considered rude because it could trigger their anxiety. They're all just going to pay whatever bills they get on their phones without asking questions. Too triggering.
Nobody at the supermarket complains about those charity prompts that stop you from ringing up your groceries (saving them labor money). Nobody says, "What the f**k is this s**t?! I came to buy groceries that are now 50% more expensive than last year and the first thing you do is panhandle for a charity? Why doesn't your CEO donate to the charity if he's so fond of it?!! Why don't you donate the money I'm saving you by ringing up my own groceries?"
I say no every single time to the charitable donation question, either by the computer or the rare person. The person, "round up to fight childhood atrocities?" While I stand next to my child, I say, "No thank you". I tell that child, the corp gets the multimillion tax break on the cumulative donations of their customers. So if I want to donate to a childhood atrocity charity I will do it on my own and claim my own tax break (as little that is worth, but still).
It's true! My 28yr old niece gets absolutely livid when her dad calls her unexpectedly lol
This is in Texas by the way. And a fast food meal here that I wouldn't feed to my dog already costs close to $20 these days.
At least she could call it a delivery fee... 🙄
If you know the truth, what GC is describing is called "Applied Talmudic Judaism."
What’s all this talk about tipping? Who can afford to actually buy something where somebody actually makes your food and serves it to you?
It’s gonna get worse, and you’ll fondly remember these days.
That’s what’s frightening about where things are going -- our current situation is going to be remembered as a pretty damn good life.
Biden is just the latest in a long list of jewish owned Pols who are instrumental in the downfall you write about:
Dude! (I call you this with the highest regard and bro respect a fellow man born in the 60's, who came of age in the late 70's/early 80's can award) I swear you're my brother from another cohort from another coastal port.
Your musical references, your movie clips, and your DEW-ish sharp wit have evolved a kinship that deserves not only recognition, but praise and encouragement.
I have observed a recent trend here on substack, for which I would like you to consider. Have you considered creating a "Founding Member"-ship"?
If not, I wish you would consider it. If so, go for it. I am confident I am not alone in thinking that it would be an honor to support your vital perspective and important contribution to the world with a premium membership.
You deftly appeal to all of the uniquely human characteristics of logic, emotion and art, which makes you persuasive and effective.
As a veteran of the hospitality industry that once earned only $2.15 per hour as a bartender on the Emerald Coast of Florida, who relied on generous tips generated by exceptional customer service and genuine interpersonal skills, seems we both paid our dues. Now, as a state licensed healthcare professional, those skills and that experience pays dividends daily working with patients and colleagues.
I feel deservedly fortunate to be in the statistical 1/3 of the population who has modest savings and the ability to support worthy artists...whether they be musical, fine artists, or creative writers. This is why the option to buoy your gifts would be an honor.
Please consider this proposal, perhaps even create a poll for readers to respond in order to explore what extra benefit(s) a founding membership could offer.
Thank you for all the painstaking research, effective references, and authentic expression!
Thanks David. I appreciate the kind words. There is no higher praise than 'brother from another mother.' There is still a founding member's option for $169, with a few dozen members, but apart from paywalled pieces I haven't figured out what extra perks can go to this group. Any ideas? I was editing a book compilation of essays, those I found to be my best writing, but have had trouble publishing it anonymously on Amazon. I'm working to publish it via my LLC, and needed to set it up a new one last year anonymously which can only be done through a few US states. If this works out it will go to founding members as a free e-version and free paperback. Though I have to figure out how to give free paperback versions to those specific people through amazon without shipping the orders myself. I'll be sending an email to founding members soon with updates.
Hey GC. Although I would be happy to receive a book compilation of your essays, nothing extra is necessary. I was unaware you already had the founding membership option. Now I know, and now I have upgraded my subscription.
The only idea I can conjure is possibly a brief guide to becoming an expatriate based on your experience. The pros/cons and processes of how an individual would most effective go about such an endeavor.
Anyway, I’m proud to have been able to enjoy your work since the c19 years and plan on continuing to do so.
I sincerely appreciate all of your creative and courageous contributions.
Thanks David. I just you're flock addition. I greatly appreciate your support!
I made $2.15 an hour as well! Those were the days... 😉
We have to be creative in these times snd forget about what our patents had.
I did a crazy thing recently that affected my housing-it was cheap housing in a new construction Gulf Coast beach house. I left this $500 per month 3 story house with an elevator to get out of a situation whereas I was shacking up two years with my long time who might be suffering from dementia onset,,,, became too much of a thorn in my side to stay any longer. So rented a 1960 house that has survived 2 major hurricanes, ewe, and living expenses tripled. Next move: RV baby ( I've RV'd before) and expenses will drop about 2/3. I love this feeling of freedom from (someone elses) psychosis, at least for now.
Wow. They're really making life tough, especially for renters. All part of Agenda 2030, herding the masses into planned 15 minute total surveillance cities. The RV nomad life looks a great affordable alternative. Lockdown resistant and mobile. Can camp on BLM land up to two weeks at a time. See the national parks. Meet fellow travelers. Travel is a wonderful cure for what ailes many these days.
I have one question about rv-ing, you gotta have some money saved, right? After you own the rv and your basics already. I don't need much, shit, I already don't own much, so I understand living without shit but you gotta eat, you gotta cruise, shit costs money. I guess my question is once you're crusiing and camping, dipping into that savings, where's the incoming money coming from? Honest question. I'm sick of living in modern society, I have nothing holding me down, I'm at that point. Thx in advance.
Well I am going to LIVE in RV soon, while I'm still working a lot, because I can live in a park way cheaper than a house. There are a bunch of quiet RV parks in my area because the snowbirds and casino players come here.
After my kids are done getting a couple more years of education I will travel a bit, even if I can only afford to do it in my Honda.
I may also hang out in communes. I heard there is a cool place in Missouri. I'm praying there is still social security in 4 years.
There are a 1000 ways to do the RV life!
Yeah, just like anything in life, there's a thousand ways to do it. Thx for your response, I wish ya nothing but the best.
“Its all soviet now.” Indeed GC.
Clowns to the right of me. Jokers to the left. Here I am stuck in the middle with you.
More cow bells!! Please
I’m glad I’m in the UK where tipping isn’t really a thing.
Something I did learn years ago is that if you pay a tip by card instead of cash then what some companies would do is use the card payment tip to make sure they met monthly quotas etc. corruption as always.
That's one of the many benefits of this side of the Atlantic. You know what you're paying with a 10% tip included (France, Germany, others) and can leave extra if the service is good without any expectations at all. Good service usually means keeping an eye on you but generally leaving you alone to enjoy your meal and wine in peace. Edit: On the card thing...that's why I only leave extra in cash.
I try to do the same. One of the perks of living off tips in the 90's was not claiming them!
Remember -- debt is a tool. It's just money that we owe ourselves!
1984 in 2024. I’m writing 2048 at the moment.