Living in the Fact Checkers' paradise
Most people still don't know the real sources of disinformation.
The world of information as we knew it during Web 1.0 is over. Web 2.0 has been a disaster. The official returns are in after a decade of tech monopolies permitted to grow beyond comprehension while colluding behind the scenes with western governments to manage impressions and deceive billions.
The Internet is effectively dead. It has no pulse. They put it on global disinformation remdesivir fact-checking drip and murdered it.
But Good Citizen, what about Substack and the direct-to-inbox newsletter format?!
For how much longer? (Knocks on wood)
One paid subscriber (Hi Ed. Maybe?), who helped create the pensioner discount subscription option, recently said Hotmail was stuffing his spam folder with my emails. He hadn’t seen one in weeks.
How long until Gmail follows? How long until the government leans on all of these pantywaist nerd factories and just starts deleting them right when they hit your inbox?
Maybe the government can do what it does best and destroy it all by incentivizing censorship the same way they incentivized death at hospitals. $10 per blocked email address? $50,000 per banned newsletter? Congress can kick it off with the INTERNET CARES Act.
PayPal is now ditching Substackers after half a decade of targeting anyone to the right of Occasional-Cortex’s Met Gala dress train holder. Bank of America dropped Trump voters who sniffed out election fraud. Wells Fargo is too good for adult film stars who woke one day recently to find all their banking services deleted. Yes, the same Wells Fargo that created millions of fake accounts without customers’ permission and laundered billions in Mexican cartel drug money.
The White House and all regime federal agencies are directing censorship efforts right to the offices of all major attention networks, who are eager to oblige in the name of combating “disinformation”, which has always been newspeak for the truth.
Google is a laughable mess of officialdom propaganda smut after any search that isn’t related to weather or maps. Search any words connected to any topic that is even remotely political and the first twenty pages will be corporate state-sponsored lectures on how you must think about it and why you dare not deviate from that narrative or risk being “misinformed”. And then, mysteriously, their 8 million search results just end after 25 pages. They’re erasing the Internet before our eyes to control all information.
DuckDuckGo is now DuckDuck Gone. Their one salespoint was not being Google and they couldn’t even keep that up through the plandemic. Brave search appears to be some kind of homage to defunct late-90s web crawlers that would spit out everything you didn’t want. They had misleading names like Excite! and Yahoo! when more appropriate names would have been WTF! or Are You Shitting Me?
Presearch has a nice design but the results feed looks like a bunch of google ads. When I Presearched “Project Blue Beam” to see if I’d hit all those great web 1.0 sites about top-secret government holographic UFO projects and maybe even a soon-to-be psyop that will make the earth stand still like Orson Welles reading H.G. Welles on the radio in 1938 it was a miserable failure. Presearching project blue beam just gave me retail Polish sites for flashlights. If I Presearch “Trojan Horse” will it spit out retail sites for equine fleshlights?
Is it so much to ask the decentralized nerd brigade of Web 3.0 to build the future with a starting point of a new search engine that functions 60% as well as Google search did seven years ago but will never collude with globopsycho to rig results? Their single rule should be to bury all known corporate state filth like Snopes, Reuters, and NewsGuard affiliates fifteen pages deep in the results and apply a universal warning label:
⚠️This result is a known propaganda outlet with ties to organizations that want you and your family dead.⚠️
The amount of work required to find anything resembling honesty or truth is beyond the limits of the average midwit. Drooling half-wits surfing web 1.0 sites that look like ancient HTML digital cave art will have much better odds at finding the truth than anyone on the latest iPhone swiping their way through perfectly manicured government-funded dark money sites with Orwellian partners like the Trusted News Initiative with highly optimized responsive web design.
Their online propaganda yells out at you like a desperate pretty girl’s best friend and not the smart and clever ones from 1980s rom-coms.
Hi over here! Look what we’ve posted for you to read about that subject you’re searching for!! Click us! We’re authoritative and official corporate partners with acme truth-tellers Ltd. and Daddy Warbucks foundation for smart Internet browsing!
If one hasn’t self-trained to reflexively sniff out that bullshit at first sight by now, they’re probably lining up for a third booster, and well, thems the Social Darwin breaks.
Maybe that’s all the western world has been reduced to now, our waking existence is one long IQ test of rising out of bed day after day and looking at loved ones and asking:
“How is our government working for globopsycho going to try to kill us today?”
They should be asking, “Why do we keep paying taxes to a government that wants us dead?”
Of course, dot gov knew that people would eventually find out about their death incentive payments and then maybe even start to have second thoughts about funding this slaughter with another dollar of taxes.
Does intentional government death still sound like hyperbole?
Rockefeller captured all of the American death management systems over a century ago. They sprayed people with DDT for a decade knowing it was toxic. They created an epidemic of Autism in children with childhood vaccine schedules and then covered it up to keep doing it. They hid cancer cures and murdered holistic doctors that offered them. They spray the skies with deadly metals. They routinely experiment on American soldiers with secret pentagon medical projects. The USDA let the sugar industry create the food pyramid for children and schools. They murdered Americans in hospitals when they could have treated them instead so that the entire nation would soil its collective trousers and race to the vaccines for safety.
How many fact-checkers do you remember telling you that hospitals were being paid to kill patients? The returns are now coming in and the only conclusion anyone who hasn’t been using Google Search for two years can arrive at is to finally admit: “Why yes Good Citizen, it appears my government wants me dead.”
The CARES Act included billions of dollars to school districts that enforced vaccine mandates, masking, and social distancing. The hospital incentives were essentially medical firing squads. Aside from the mass slaughter, the point of all this is total government control of information and industries. The government bought loyalty from industries it seeks to socialize.
All the doctors, teachers, and school and hospital administrators who refused to go along with their mandates are gone. Some tried to stay and fight, but most are now gone. It was a massive loyalty pledge and giant purge, similar to the one in the military. The government wants total control over death management and education, so it bribed the private sector and threatened to withhold funds from school districts that didn’t abuse kids and move everyone toward deadly injections.
And like Andrew Tate said a year ago, it wasn’t a plandemic for rich people, and here’s how that was confirmed for me in the winter of 2020.
A family member ended up in the hospital after testing Covid positive (Beta variant if that was even a thing). Nearing eighty and not at all slim, he was in the ICU for about two weeks likely with pneumonia, but they never put him on a ventilator and they never gave him Remdesivir. Why not? His son was valedictorian of the medical school of the university hospital system treating him and is now head of a major surgery department of the nation’s leading hospital in his field. He called in to check on his father’s condition. If his son were a landscape architect or plumber they’d have taken California’s $450,000 government bonus to kill him.
This fits in Dr. Pierre Kory’s claim that he treated over a hundred members of congress with Ivermectin while the FDA banned it for the people and threatened doctors’ medical licenses if they dared prescribe it. Not a plandemic for the rich.
Do the billions still searching Google and Facebook and reading “fact-checked” garbage know this was never about health?
As one astute Good Citizen recently commented:
Most people still trapped in the fact checkers’ paradise have no clue any of this happened or what else is happening. Their ignorance is the sum of many parts. It’s part lack of curiosity, part laziness, part ideological devotion, part conformity, part fear, part cognitive dissonance when presented with contrary evidence, and maybe even part mass psychosis when the fear levels are ramped up high enough in the company of other conformist, collectivist wussies.
But, this is the point I’ve been trying to nail home since I started this Substack: none of those parts are even remotely possible without total control over all significant points of digital information acquisition. A decade of herding the masses into a handful of platforms that are completely captured by globopsycho was all they needed to control minds to alter and nudge human behavior.
The purpose of the Internet was not to liberate information for society but to isolate individuals into controlled information monopolies so their ideas, behaviors, and beliefs could be easily weaponized for the aims of global technocracy.
— T. Goode Charley
With layovers at a few American airports this summer, I sat at gates and embraced that old game that people without smartphones used to play — people watching. The thing about people watching today is you’re just watching people who have their eyes glued to their smartphone or tablet screen. You can’t surmise too much about people who don’t look very, alive, and yet can deduce a great deal about them because in America they often look rather sickly, untidy, and extremely heavy-set. Impulsive, vacant, indifferent, lacking self-control, and limited self-awareness? Before you start on with that idiotic “over-generalizations and stuff” millennial blather, you must know younger Good Citizens, that this was the entire point of people watching back in the day, when that could still be done in public spaces, because not everyone always dressed like they were going to a slumber party.
Aside from the obvious observations that anyone with some obesity statistics and retail sales figures on jogging suits could conclude without people watching, I mostly wondered what people were looking at on their screens. The first things that came to mind were other people’s meals, other people making asses of themselves for attention by dancing or singing, and probably just a lot of scrolling and scanning photos and headlines.
Mostly I just saw a lot of thumbs going from the top of screens and pulling down in a rapid and hectic motion that made it impossible to gather much information unless they had ingested that blue stuff Scarlett Johansson does in the film Lucy. The thumb dexterity action was surreal. It was like watching an old-school corner pimp pulling stiff cotton greenbacks down one corner at a time to see how his stable was hustling that day.
Attention is so limited and focus so eroded in the average person that they don’t read any news or information. Every piece of information they glean is based on the dominant “fact-checked” headlines of the great narrative propaganda complex. They’re taking in and processing “fact-checker” lie after lie after lie after lie, day after day after day, after month, after year.
And I could see that this was the case at the airport by the masks on their faces, and the evil eyes they gave to strangers who came too close to their socially distanced safe zones. I could see it when the airport intercom sounded that L.A. County public service announcement about masks being mandatory at LAX, and dozens of people pulled their masks up from their necks and over their noses and mouth.
Are they all still suffering from mass formation psychosis two years on, or are they still getting their news and information from the official fact-checkers who keep saying the virus is dangerous, masks will protect them and the vaccines are safe and effective?
They’re all still living in the fact checkers’ paradise.
It’s all just repetitive mental and perception conditioning for behavioral management through obedience and compliance. Moving the herd as one unit is the aim of global technocratic central planners. They’ve had decades of practice and are masters at it.
It’s been war-gamed for years and tested by western intelligence agencies and their numerous shadowy groups including Britain’s now-infamous Behavioral Insights Team or “nudge unit”. The U.S. government health agencies contracted with the lesser known equivalent Fors Marsh Group in Virginia with its Behavioral Change Team that can, “develop evidence-based solutions that are designed to modify behavior in an effective and measurable way.” Their team of researchers and communication experts “…have decades of experience using psychological theory, neuroscience, and behavioral and social sciences to design and execute behavior change programs.”
Control information — control minds — control people.
The psychological component — minds, would never be possible without controlling information first.
Created five years ago as all this was becoming obvious:
I presented this censorship agenda in a short working paper to a Ph.D. seminar at the time and was called a conspiracy theorist. The professor mediating the seminar said it was all a nice story, but simply not true. I showed him evidence from Facebook and Google press releases and Gates Foundation tied organizations like News Guard with connections to the CFR and Atlantic Council but he refused to acknowledge it was happening. That professor, who was lean and healthy died suddenly last spring at the age of 42.
And now the next stop for this deadly censorship agenda is global.

They want us all to live perpetually within the fact checker’s domain which is a kind of information prison, because as that ancient Sanskrit proverb says, “There is a war on for your mind.”
Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise has 1 Billion views on YouTube now.
I once subscribed to 110 YouTube channels. 72 of them have been banned over the past five years.
Remember when that Korean kid goofing in a horse stall was the first to a billion views a decade ago when YouTube didn’t censor, blacklist, ban, or filter their search results to give you alphabet network horsecrap?
Remember when you played Terminator, in the second Terminator, and you said “I’ll be back”?
That was awesome.
Remember when they killed people in hospitals intentionally, to scare everyone into getting a deadly “vaccine” to kill millions more while rendering millions more infertile and sterile?
That was fu**ing horrific.
What’s to stop them from doing it again?
Certainly not the “fact-checkers” on the Internet.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's not much left
'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long, that
Even my mama thinks that my mind is gone
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Your airport vignette stands out in a piece chock full of ideas. The passivity of constant screen time is corrosive on multiple levels. It encourages physical deformity in the postures people adapt to keep those thumbs rolling, and it leaves no time or space for contemplation. With constant, curated input, where will the new art, philosophy and inventions come from?
To be fair, the problem with email probably has nothing to do with your content. I know a lot about email deliverability and I get very controversial emails inboxed consistently.
The Substack email policies are not going to have high deliverability because that depends upon engagement and many people read the article on email without clicking on the link. Only clicking on the link tells the ISP that your recipient wants the email to be delivered to their inbox.