Your airport vignette stands out in a piece chock full of ideas. The passivity of constant screen time is corrosive on multiple levels. It encourages physical deformity in the postures people adapt to keep those thumbs rolling, and it leaves no time or space for contemplation. With constant, curated input, where will the new art, philosophy and inventions come from?

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"...it leaves no time or space for contemplation. With constant, curated input, where will the new art, philosophy and inventions come from?" 🎯

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It's all remix and recycled, each time with less understanding and more political compliance.

The Advent of AI (term used very loosely for a neural network approach of pattern recognition) will generate more "art" than people will, going forward.

Look at the output of Dalle2, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney all of which can imitate styles and reproduce them...

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Why would we need new inventions, new art, new philosophy when we're supposed to only live 8 hours at a time, if that, while being slave labor for the cult and renting everything and being so fu(king happy?

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If you are not one of "those we lost along the way."

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? By pew pew?

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Like any tool, or resource, the information on the net can be used to catch food, or catch people, to do good or to do harm. The switch is intelligent discernment, and active participation, versus passive absorption.

One clue to me has been the divide between those who read, as opposed to those who watch. As an avid people watcher, maybe we should relabel it people reading?

A footnote to your opening, my network microsoft (msn dot com)(or as i refer to it the micro soft penis meshwork) has consistently put your emails into my junk folder as well. As an early adopter from when the web was new, and having tried just about all the flashy new and improved mail providers with even less satisfaction, I realize their limitations, and so I have become an adapter and will overcome.

Another great summation to be shared widely, for all those caught in the net.

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To be fair, the problem with email probably has nothing to do with your content. I know a lot about email deliverability and I get very controversial emails inboxed consistently.

The Substack email policies are not going to have high deliverability because that depends upon engagement and many people read the article on email without clicking on the link. Only clicking on the link tells the ISP that your recipient wants the email to be delivered to their inbox.

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A few of my substack emals used to go to spam, not many. I always looked to make sure they got sent to my primary folder. None have gone there in a very long time. I don't click on links, unless they're too long for email and have to be extended.

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Enlightening fact that. Makes perfect sense. Thank you!

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What do you mean "I don't believe in God?" Talk to him every day

What do you mean "I don't support your system?" I go to court when I have to

And what do you mean "I can't get to work on time ?" Got nothin' better to do

What do you mean "I don't pay my bills?" Why do you think I'm broke? Huh?

What do you mean "I hurt your feelings?" I didn't know you had any feelings

What do you mean "I'm not kind?" Just not your kind

What do you mean "I couldn't be the president of the United States of America?"

Tell me something, its still "We the people" right?

If there's a new way

I'll be the first in line

But it better work this time - "Peace Sells" by Megadeth from the album Peace Sells....But Who's Buying

Another brain exploding very well written article by The Good Citizen!

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“We the people”? Not for a long time since before you were birthed, Danny.

You’re a person, not a people (‘people’ is the same singular and plural, just like ‘sheep’).

It seems a subtle distinction, but it is very, very important.

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You're right, but it was in the Megadeth lyrics that I posted. Never thought of it that way until you replied. Thank you for opening my mind to that.

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To clarify for anyone else reading, people are living beings, whereas a person is a dead corporate entity. People don’t have surnames, they are of “house of windsor” and so on. Persons must have surnames and this is why agents require your “full name”/proof of identity and or signature… by providing either you have just agreed (unknowingly) that you are the corporate “person” that the legal system has jurisdiction over and not the living being (people) that it does not.

This is also why they will always ask if you “understand”… not if you comprehend something, but whether or not you stand under their authority/jurisdiction.

A comprehensive description of the world system we unknowingly live within can be found here: https://www.gemstoneuniversity.org/modules/mod_flipbookmaster/assets/pdf_files/OverviewOfWorldSystem-v2.pdf

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Now you lost me. I am a person but I am a "dead corporate entity". So now I'm a ghost? And why are you calling me Danny? Only people who know me call me Danny. Do you know me from somewhere? I sure don't know who you are.

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No I don’t know you. Daniel is written above each of your comments, so I presumed your name.

Person, defined legally, is a dead corporate entity, and yes, that persona, the one often written in ALL CAPS and always including the surname (which your parents did not give you when you were born (it was appended by the govt)) is also known as the holy ghost. Every time you answer to that name you are being legally joined to that corporate entity and now come under the jurisdiction of the state. It is very simple, and you have indeed grasped it right away.

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This is a great piece. So two questions:

1) What search engine will actually deliver decent results (if any)? There are many engines out there besides the handful you mentioned.

2) What do we do about the entire mess?

I read more stacks than I can count, and the number of people describing the problems dwarfs the number with any kind of even tentative solution. There are lots of us who would like to move forward and do something other than abortive one-off gesticulating. We all hope that brighter minds like yours might have some constructive suggestions as to how to fix this. Playing dirges is fine if one is in the funeral home business, but I am hoping not to be.


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One more about the entire mess but a century of it in three parts with a nice infographic a month in the making, then comes one on digital solutions (Web 3.0 musings) assuming I still have any readers left. As for search engines I use all of them partly to gauge the level of nudging and censorship and official collusion. I rarely find what I'm looking for with any of them, especially Google which I now completely avoid for serious searches beyond chance of precipitation in my area. Duckduckgone requires going to page 3 or 4 of results to filter through the official trash though that only works now 50% of the time depending on topic.

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I was afraid that would be the report on search engines -- never has so much been potentially available and so little actually available. Really sad.

Looking forward to the following articles. You will at least have ONE reader left.


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Yep, the only thing I appreciate about Duck Duck Go lately is their creepy commercial, they ruined that song for me, I used to love it as a kid. Hold on I'm having a melt down. ....Ok, I'm good!

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Same script, different season. See this chart showing current control of US media by the CFR network partners: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

Note that the Atlantic Council was founded by CFR members, and most of its chairmen and directors have been CFR members: www.atlanticcouncil.org/about/history/

Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird" after WW2, was a CFR director for 40 years. The media barons of the period were fellow CFR members (Paley, Sarnoff, Meyer/Graham, Luce, Sulzberger, etc).

One search engine which sometimes gives interesting results is Mojeek.com

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4) Tom Cowan recommended

Ivan Illich ‘LIMITS TO MEDICINE’ (1976 & 1995) saying something like “if you really want to have your mind reorganized!” I guess all his insights fell on co-opted/deaf ears. The ‘Introduction’ begins thus: “The medical establishment has become a major threat to health.”

So this was, as you point out, the pinnacle of planning and implementation. Who says those jabs aren’t ‘effective’?

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1) Anyone can see you just want to be AOC’s train bearer, you horny misogynist, you!

2) All those tech barons must have the same legal teams coaching them pre-hearing. “Don’t answer, or say ‘I don’t know’ but keep it real simple, like one word or one sentence max; it’s going to be on the news, so smile, but don’t laugh. Like you’d like to help them understand, but...”

3) Solution: chuck the digital and go live “in a van down by the river!”

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A lot of Matt Foleys out there now embracing number 3 with no place to go number 2.

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"Congress can kick it off with the INTERNET CARES Act."


Oh God !

And you're not even campaignin', for A Seat.

Imagine that !

Ahead of the curve yet again.

Maybe you should send your

pro-scrip-tion to a mouthing campaigner.

Include a hammer.

So he can bash the idea through his thickened skull, into his birdie brain.

On 2nd thought,

Don't waste your precious time.

~ The Latter

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"web 1.0 sites that look like ancient HTML digital cave art"

This is why I like Moon of Alabama. It looks like a page from twenty years ago and I find myself strangely nostalgic for the Old Times.

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I crave these raw sites now but it's part nostalgia and part complete distrust of anything that looks too official, crisp, certain, or prepackaged. They’re all so desperate to sell a narrative paid for by their funders who upon further digging usually lead back to globopsycho.

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Yeah I was already thinking of that video and the "missing" billions of Google results even before I saw the link.

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Here's another "old school" site you might find interesting, with some classic conspiracy texts cross-referenced to a database of people and organizations, including all CFR members since 1921: ModernHistoryProject.org

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Beware !

When A Truly Peaceful Man,

Is Called, To A Righteous War.

~ anonymous

(Algorithmists: This is meant metaphorically. Calm down.)


If one pulls one's car into a service station because one hears a continuous, rhythmic, off balance sound, repeating, then call dear Occam to diagnose. Clearly, he'll start a look see, at all wheelies rotational.

Got it !



I'll go to my grave with that one.

See Ingo's Penetration Cover,

2nd Printing, June 2000.

Cover Art: Jim Harter.

"This book is dedicated to 'Mr. Axelrod,' wherever and whoever he is."

~ Ingo, The Swann

The Moon,

Still Swoons,

Inside US All.

It's rainin' right now in my parts.

Wonder what it will be like in November.

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Yes, it does look like the train has gone off the rails while in a dark tunnel. But we were warned by prophets (like Orwell) not so very long ago. Most were too busy to pay it any mind. Even the most dystopian of futures always had some stay outside the walls. We can only hope an/or pray.

I have to say, my google search history is rather short and boring to anyone looking.

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"The thumb dexterity action was surreal."


You're Fantastic !

Alright alright, I said it again.


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"Their ignorance is the sum of many parts."



Symphony, a song composed of many parts, via multi instrumentation.

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I want to thank you, Good Citizen, for allowing me to read this! My papa died last September, actually one year ago tomorrow, and I know he was murdered. He got "covid" and admitted to the hospital where he was diagnosed with pneumonia and given the death treatment.... He was 83 years old but healthy, very healthy! I wasn't worried when I first heard he had covid but he went down once the hospital got ahold of him! Damnit I'm still pissed!

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I can't "heart" your post... Sorry about your papa. There is so much rage building up and I wonder where it will go. My mom is 83 and at her last stay in hospital (heart condition) the white coats coerced her into not just the death jab but the flu jab too. She told them NO but was too weak and frightened to keep fighting back. She is going down hill... Stay strong and keep standing in the truth.

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May God watch over your mom and bring her through. 🙏

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Thank you. Thankfully my mama is very stubborn and refuses to get the death shot. I'm so sorry about you mom tho! My God, these people just won't stop until we're all dead! You stay strong too, my friend! We all need each other.... It helps to know we're not alone

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I'm sorry to hear about your father. What they have done to so many people and their families is horrific. May God bless your father, you, and the rest of your family.

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Thank you Bandit. I pray you and your family are blessed as well. I know I will see my dad again someday but until then, I will fight these monsters until the end! Good bless us all ❤️

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*God bless us all! (stupid autocorrect)

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I knew what you meant and thank you, too. 😢

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The last video you posted is not available in my country.

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This needs to go out to the masses. Well done.

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The Internet has been nudging people in so many ways it boggles the mind. All to reduce them to mindless consumers and appeal to lowest base instincts. To create the soulless useless eaters that they view us as we have to be compromised first by being herded there. Content creators of all stripes know this and follow rigged market signals. Gangstas Paradise is acceptable

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