Excellent! The Dissident Life is calling. We are not many, but we are strong. We are building a future for our children. This is not a high-status life of shiny things, spotlights and activism, but rather hard work, stoic mettle, and spiritual fortitude. It is, however, a life full of Truth & Beauty.

The system is but a cul-de-sac of false offramps to keep you coming back around to lap up the same old lies. The inversion must be righted, one heart at a time. Reject it ALL.

For the sake of your children's children do the work now, have the courage now, to plant trees under which you will never sit to enjoy the shade. Do not indenture them into the empire of lies.

This is the calling of our generation. A great reckoning stands between more dereliction, selling out, and rationalizing submission as necessary. Do not let your kids bury a coward's bones.

Thanks GC. There are scant voices who dare to cross the great divide with the truth of our current station.

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This is all so on point. Pinned. Especially enjoy..."hard work, stoic mettle, and spiritual fortitude. It is, however, a life full of Truth & Beauty"

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We are few indeed. A life of suffering, but yes, one full of truth and beauty as well. I’m not sure we will know where to put them all, the graveyards will be overwhelmed with the bones of all the cowards soon enough….

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This is your best post. Thank you for saying this. Withdrawing from the corrupt system and *fixing ourselves first* is the only meaningful way to fight back. Unfortunately, this approach is continually ignored because it requires effort. It's much easier to hope that somebody else will fight for us.

In addition to what you've said, I'd like to plug Privacy Badger as a simple way to take control of our data trail --


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100% Agreed. We fight back through non-compliance on an individual level, and we do that by nurturing and maintaining our sovereignty. There are many facets to that sovereignty, but chief among them is a sound and strong body and mind. The wasteland that is industrial food in our current world, has poisoned and weakened the minds and bodies of the people. I urge the GC flock to take a good look around the next time they are at the supermarket. Take a look at what is on the shelves, take a look at what is in the other shoppers carts, and take a good look at the people themselves. You will be tempted to look the other way, it is truly soul crushing, but force yourself to witness it, all of it. We need to feel the full discomfort of what we have become, before we can become what we were always meant to be.

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...chief among them is a sound and strong body and mind.

Absolutely. This is where we all should start. Looking back even as recently as the WWI generation, it's amazing how much we've devolved. We are not as fully human as they were.

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I don’t interact with many people, but I do try to search out the few open minded people that show a willingness to think. The one thing that these people have in common is not age or gender or race or “education” level, but a vibrant mind. The conversations we have are open and varied. The topics run the gamut from the natural world to society today. Somewhere in the mix of conversations, nutrition comes up. Almost without exception, these vibrant minds have a holistic diet, or are on the path of moving towards one. The brain is an organ, and it is a voracious one. No other organ has the energy demands of the brain. How is this organ to function properly without the proper fuel? Does a car run without petrol? Do you put low grade fuel into an exotic sports car?

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Eating single ingredient foods only solves 99% of nutrition issues. Unfortunately, that solution is too simple for most people.

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Unfortunately, we live in a time when convenience is king. Processed food is really just “value added products”. Take low cost single ingredients, then process, package and brand them into a reformulated product that offers convenience to the consumer, but much more importantly, much higher profit margins for the producer. For a glaring example, look at the commodity cost of the inputs(corn, rice, sugar) of children’s sugary cereals, and then the end cost. By weight, these sugary cereals can reach an end cost of a fillet steak. The inputs can be so low cost, that the packaging of the box they are in exceeds them. After a lifetime of being poisoned by this processed “convenience food”, Pharma is more than happy to profit from keeping the victims alive just a bit longer in their misery….

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Absolutely. The entire "healthcare" system is incentivized to keep people sick so that they keep coming back for more. And since the vast vast majority of doctors went along with the gene therapy debacle, only a fool would trust any sort of mainstream medical advice.

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Much great stuff, thank you. I'd add commit to doing positive things for your health (and hence sanity). Not just ditching Big Pharma as far as it is possible -- although that is necessary. Fat Rabbit Iron has a number of great posts on physical, material, and even spiritual self-sufficiency. I'd recommend him to any of your readers who don't know his stuff. https://fatrabbitiron.substack.com/

I'm a bit more positive on Tulsi's statement and recent actions as it seems not yet certain to me that she has simply switched uniforms. More people need to opt-out of the rigged game. You might well be shortly proven right. She at least did answer your query (well-worded, btw). You highlighted well the problems with her response.

The overly intelligent Phillip stopped by my sub and posted this on a somewhat related topic::

## quote ##

Lifestyle is the key. The foundations for political freedom are widespread ownership of capital, savings in a currency that functions as a reliable store of value and the lived experience of personal autonomy. Without those, democracy is a sick joke.

We all need to rethink the culture at a micro level (individuals, families and grassroots communities). People who don't think for themselves as a matter of course cannot function as citizens. And this requires less use of infotainment technology, less consumerism, education in things of substance (maths and languages) and valuing practical skills.

## end quote ##

Thought it worth sharing, so shared. All best!

Source: https://americanexile.substack.com/p/the-american-un-civil-wars-to-come/comment/9913681

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Excellent recommendations, especially the physical health. When we rethink and reorganize at the level closest to our abilities to manifest change that's real grassroots transformation and contagious.

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Thanks, Data Humanist!

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Excellent and helpful comment. Thank you!

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Thank you, Bianca. I look forward to the Covid Culling when it launches, and I wish you and your husband all the best with your relocation. I earlier recommended Fat Iron Rabbit. Someone else with two substacks who might have content that relates to your interests and concerns is Grant Smith, who does not publish often but does so thoughtfully. So if you have time:

https://substack.com/profile/74631320-grant-smith More and more, I find that my substack reads are as much about the comments and communities as the inspiring posts. & Good Citizen, whose sub I've been recommending for some time, knows that I mean him no disrespect -- quite the opposite.

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Thank you for another well reasoned, elegantly stated post. The rising background hum of "red wave" is just as toxic as the past three years of "six feet" and "safe and effective". If it can be reduced to a slogan, it's likely not your benefit.

I had a personal lesson in enslavement on Friday. I moved out to the country a year ago, but had to travel back towards town to go to a wedding. Before leaving, I did a quick search on Google maps (on my laptop) just to verify the route. After the wedding, I had a coupon in my email from a business I used to frequent when I lived in town. I haven't been there for at least three years. Funny thing, the timestamp on the email coupon corresponds to the exact moment that me and my phone were driving by the store.

Remember "kill your television". Kill your cellphone. It's a television on crack.

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Exactly. Have you seen an ad yet that corresponded to a conversation you had while your phone was "asleep" nearby? They turn on the mics at all times now. Probably cameras too. When an old professor I met for coffee complained about his prostate, and I got home later to see prostate drug ads despite my phone being inside my bag, that was the final straw for me...some years ago.

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I don't have anything on my phone feeds me ads, but I have heard about this phenomenon from other people. It typically elicits just an exasperated chuckle and eye roll. Zero outrage. What?! I'm increasing just unable to relate to other people. They seem like a different species.

This seems like my straw. My phone has been in airplane mode since while I research and ponder my options.

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Why the hell do we need smart phones anyway? Just 15 years ago, before the original digital sin product began the process to do us all in, we lived just fine without being able to consult the do no evil brothers to answer any question we had on a whim. And we were just fine with that. Nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find anyone so much as simply waiting in a restaurant for their food to come without their nose being buried in their phone. People don't even know how to be themselves anymore, they get uncomfortable if they have to just sit or stand there without their constant stimulus of memes and posts. The greatest thing that could happen perhaps would be a power outage long enough that everyone's phone dies for at least a week.

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Dickens used to wander the streets of London at all hours observing, overhearing, or just being lost in his own thoughts while letting the characters and plots of his latest creation come to fruition internally. His works may or may not be to one's liking, but there's a larger point. How much creativity, philosophy, and invention are squashed by that dictatorial demonic device?

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The great irony of these times is they are called smart devices. They are smart, so you don't have to be.

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So true! My husband was a musician and used to do his 'Kill TV Show'(which included smashing an old tv on stage) about 15 years ago here in Chicago. He also wrote a song about cell phones and cancer. Unfortunately, at the time, few people got it.

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Caline, I'm worried few people get it even now. My grandfather called TV "the idiot box". Now everyone's got an idiot box in the the palm of his hand.

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When I see yet more fake money getting sent away to be stolen or laundered by Ukrainian Nazis I find myself thinking "I didn't vote for this!" Then I see fucking Ukrainian flags everywhere and realise most of the people around me would vote for it in a heartbeat, even as they're made to suffer the consequences of such reckless government policy.

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Politics is not real. Its a Hegelian dialectics theater for the "useless eaters":

The Hegelian Dialectic Process: One and the SAME. The Devil's Most Powerful Tool


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Yep GC, they're all rotten, the whole lot of them. You don't get to their level of politics without sharing a few drinks of adrenochrome and selling your soul. I would like to think that the libertarians running are trying to make a difference from the inside, but you just never can tell.

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Never heard a libertarian candidate say many disagreeable things. But yeah, you never can tell with all the money involved and all the controlled figures polluting the space. "Garbage in, garbage out" as Carlin observed 25 years ago.

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Any place or position of authority over large groups has been rigged it seems.

There are small town mayors, sheriffs and police chiefs who are trustworthy. But they are local. Not federal.

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Damn! You pulled out all the stops!

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Well, you did it again! Thanks.

This morning, Igor shared the almost OPPOSITE recommendation and asked his readers to contribute to DeSantis, Gov Lee (TN) and others who are working to stop the vaxx (except that they are not).

This substack and his are two of my favorites regarding covid (and yours for other things, as well). Yet Igor let me down today just as Steve Kirsch has with his requests to support Ron Johnson (who, too, embraced the shots).

See this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Sqw1U6Ia9DrI/

Sometimes the smartest people are still saying the dumbest shit.

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Had to leave Kirsch for the sixth time recently. "Sometimes the smartest people are still saying the dumbest shit." Amen. I just don't think people who may have scientific backgrounds and are now paying close attention to politics have been doing so for very long.

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Many were fooled at first. No shame in that. Johnson's long hearing last winter allowing Alexander, Malone, Risch, Marik, Kheriaty, etc to publicly air their grievances with All Things Covid was excellent and garnered him nothing but fierce criticism and contempt from good-thinkers.

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True. I haven't been paying that close attention to what each one says. Curious if you know, has any politician of the few one can count on one hand that are worth a shit, come out and said the shots are deadly and should be stopped immediately?

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Not even Rand Paul who boasted that his wife was "vaccinated" during a recent interview.

I had given up on politicians after seeing them allow the perpetrators of the 2008 crisis skate away with their ill-gotten gains. But not all are bought and paid for. That would be an inefficient use of resources by our oligarchy. Some critical figures need to be owned, the rest can howl away into the wind. So, some do.

The Johnson hearing from earlier this year is long, but worth a listen. Many shocking revelations of medical corruption and malfeasance.

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Rand? Oof. That was a revealing hearing. I look forward to seeing more hearings if R's take the house or Senate, while doing absolutely nothing about it.

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That's exactly why Ron Mittney and Ms. Lindsey Graham are in the senate.

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Excellent read.

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Thank you for your research. I have known several politicians at the local, state, and even federal level. They are opportunistic types, and will switch affiliations and stances depending on what they believe will garner them the most political success. Sickening, actually.

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I'm not as cynical of TG as you are TGC, nor as cynical as Carlin. I also fully understand the root of your cynicism and agree with much. I'm just not ready to go totally off-the-grid yet.

The first step is to admit you have a problem.

Even courage has a modicum of self-serving in it.

Her words are one thing. Her actions will determine her sincerity.

I have "hopium" in that I see regular folks all over finally waking up. Not those of us who have always been engaged. But folks who are normally unpolitical. One bit of "hopium" is that more people hear what TG has done and begin their research.

An analogy is the scene in Wizard of Oz when Dorothy melts the witch, and is fearful of the reaction of the flying monkies and the guards. I "hopium" that many, many more begin to sing "ding dong, the witch is dead" regarding the evil glodalists and their satanic cult.

You gotta wake up first to become fully awake.

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agreed. the hopium refers to politics, politicians and voting. it's pointless if a system is so corrupt to the core. the waking up others is a whole other arena worth fighting in.

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Seems to me The Overlords want non-True Believers to NOT vote so they can "legitimately" claim tyranny is what The People voted for.

If there needs to be a fight, it is paper one-day-voting ballots hand counted, with a purple thumb as proof of one-man/one vote.

The Overlords need to cheat to win...and they know it.

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It doesn't matter in a two-party system where both candidates are controlled and 100% owned by corporate entities. I don't consider Carlin's position cynical, it's realistic and honest. The cynics are those who lie to the masses with promises they know will never even be addressed while stuffing their pockets with corporate money. What's more cynical than that entire theatrical farce?

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But not all "corporate" money is tainted. My companies always contributed to candidates, but not blanket contributions, specific contributions to specific candidates. And all I expected was honesty in representation.

So we have to find people to run who are honest, sincere brokers of freedom in a constitutional republic.

Humans are not perfect, but some are more perfect than others. And those more "perfect" need the courage to fight those forces aligned with the evil, Satanists.

I used to view politics as a sort of contact sport with playoffs every two years and a Super Bowl every four years. Now I see it in vastly more spiritual terms: a literal fight between Good and Evil. Carlin's opinions ignore the spiritual battle humanity is in.

The Satanists have been at war with the world as long as I remember. I just didn't think they had the numbers or horsepower to pull it off, because normal people have decent critical thinking skills (or used to) and see through them (I'm looking at you, Schwab, and anyone associated with The WEF or Frankfurt School.) I no longer believe that, and I can see masses also understanding the True Nature of the battle: spiritual at the core. And I also believe than normal people are getting engaged.

Evil cannot stop us if we pull together.

The only open question: is it too little, too late?

I'm old (70 going on 19), but don't want to die anytime soon. But I know that day approaches. I just now have to decide what hill, exactly, do I want to die on?

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I hear you. I'm not sure any corporate money should be allowed to buy politicians even if it's just a dollar. It always leaves in doubt who they end up working for while in office with a revolving door, sweetheart deals, backroom shenanigans, promises of board seats and speaking fees once they leave office if they vote the right way. It's a cross between corporatocracy and oligarchy and so far removed from representing people's best interests. The Satanists very much own the corporations who own the pols. It'll be too late if they keep getting their way between now and 2030. But you had a good run. Born at the right time, beneath the disco balls of the 70s, the cool 80s, and then the slow and gradual fade from this century. It wasn't so bad. We saw it. We lived it. There will be plenty of hills to choose from, maybe after one last boogie down.

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GC, Another great analysis and straight to the point about Gabbard. She is a politician. She will hedge her bets. I don't trust her or any other. If they can't (who's holding them back?) stand up and back up what they say, f--- em. Her response to you told me she's a hedger. As for someone mentioning Ron Johnson and his efforts to let the public speak in a hearing about their injuries. Well, wasn't that nice. He will get some votes for that. Ron Johnson is wholeheartedly in favor of any and all monies being shoveled to the "war effort to help Ukraine". So to me, he's no better than any other in Congress. Liars, all of them.

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F-in liars. All of em'.

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Short comment: canning our venison steaks this season as opposed to deep freeze. Long comment: being of an age and with a health condition that requires monitoring and expensive medications cannot go scorched earth there, but have moved out of ‘big Wall Street bank’ to bank based here (TX) and am divesting out of all ESG related funds.

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I've largely gone scorched Earth. The only thing connecting me to polite society is my job and my cell phone...job requirement. My last day is supposed to be Nov 30. My boss is trying to talk me into part time. I haven't said no yet. My plan is to work and live outside the system. Quite a leap. I'm prepared but haven't cut the last line yet. I want to be done. Half step is kind of tempting. I would work Mon to Wed

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I always appreciate your well thought out and completely accurate analysis's!!

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Say what you want about Desantis, but he put the choice of getting children vaccinated in the hands of the only people who have the right to make that choice, the parents. You can't very well blame Desantis for people's stupidity. In a free world, you have to let people be as stupid and ignorant as they want. People have the responsability to educate themselves too, but that's another story.

And giving people the choice to either vaccinate or not, in spite of him getting campaign donations from the pharma industry, is about as far as he can go. In my opinion, if you ban Coca Cola because it's bad for you, you're marching down the same wrong lane as those that would try to make it the mandatory national drink. The company will not stop producing and pushing Coca Cola, it is your responsability and yours alone to stop drinking it. Freedom of choice works both ways.

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I would politely disagree in this instance. I would say if the state has ONE single meaningful role it ought to be to protect its citizens from deadly products of greedy corporations, and they can't even muster that. Coca Cola is not gene-altering clot shot inducing deadly soda.

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The "greedy corporations" are getting their opportunities handed to them in the case of "clot-shots" from DOD. Watch a very important 2hr. presentation to the Corona Committee on Odysee Alexandra Latypova, Session 124 Down the Rabbit Hole 9/30/22. Sorry I don't have the link, but you can find it. Tell you all you want to know.

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I'm in the UK. That video explains clearly why absolutely no-one on the politics stage is demanding an immediate halt. Also, quite a few docs calling for this are controlled ops. Albert Pike said "If they want a hero, we will give them a hero!" The changes our gov want to make with online safety (ending free speech), powers to police and others to do illegal things in the course of conducting covert human intelligence and criminalising protests. Not only was Truss not up to the job, but not City of London's preferred next leader, Rishi Sunak, who got less votes in earlier rounds. Even many of opposition are in WEF club so it matters not who one votes for. No mandates on jabs for MPs either. Have a look on Frances Leader substack, and read who really rules the world.

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The only explanation from watching this is the DOD wants a lot of people harmed or dead. Both parties fund the DOD with blank checks and no oversight.

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Absolutely. Alexandra goes into much detail about ingredients (much more comprehensive show and tell) and how obvious it is that this is a compaign to kill and neuter the population, and help Pharma stay in business. Very worth the time to watch. Your comment of blank checks and no oversight from Congress is why I said they are all liars.

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It will be an added bonus for pharma too in drugs to treat harmed people. I am very concerned about the graphine which self assembles into what experts say are nanorouters in people's bodies.

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If you watch the video on Odysee, in describing what is being seen under microscopy, Alexandra shows objects trying to be identified. She says at one point some of the objects look like carts with wheels to the question from Dr. Wodarg could the squares be cholesterol crystals. She says that is considered but some look like carts with wheels.

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I have watched many different ones with many different objects that move and link together. Some scientists have tested people who give off MAC addresses, even those who were just tested! Signals came from cemetery of recently buried also. This was in Spain and Mexico. Edit swabbed to test but never jabbed. I personally think this is reason for jabs, not a virus. The fear spread by media was to make sure everyone complied.

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