it's now time for some very good people to do some very bad things to some very bad people.

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Maybe an overdose of 'Comirnaty'? Its lethal toxicity has been officially proven several times.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

AJ: They want the spiritual act of destroying innocence and the future. Orthodox priest at Putin's speech: crosses himself.

Dudes are probably just about as different as can be in many ways, but they recognize it is a spiritual war.

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David Icke and Alexander Dugin both consistently sum up the great reset and post human globalist agenda with the exact same term: anti-humanity.

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It's most definitely, obviously, anti-human.

I'm with Icke on this - there is a non-human force that's infiltrated and taken over many. If your frequency is outside it's operating bandwidth, then you are outside its reach. (Something that can changed as frequencies tend to move around). Looks, to me, like it's making its final push toward full control of the planet and in the process is being revealed. (To those willing to see it anyway.)

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Agreed. He claims it operates at those lower frequencies (fear, anxiety, suspicion) attempting to drag us down and keep us there in perceptual servitude as it moves toward complete control. While the way out is to stay in the higher frequencies- empathy, compassion, hope, etc. Next video will be on this topic.

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Excellent. I look forward to it. I know it's still a bridge-too-far for many, but I think we inevitably go there. Thanks.

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Let’s build wider bridges. We are here and more are coming.

GC, Have you heard or read Whitney Webb’s work? Just discovered her. I took a long much needed news break, so you may have already written about her/mentioned. Her site unlimitedhangout.com I’ve watched a few interviews with her. My impression thus far of her is she’s a fearless investigative journalist exposing a lot on this subject, going back to WW2. I haven’t read her books yet, but am going to order. Soooo much I don’t know. Although I don’t want to see/read about so much corruption. I’m finding I want to know the history of where all this started…..and to think I voted for Bill and Hil. Ahhhh, the silver linings of this scamdemic . I’ve come a long way, baby. 😉

Thank you for the work you’re doing. I’m especially looking forward to your next video. And thanks to the community here. I also learn so much from you all and welcome the different perspectives and info offered. Cheers

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I hold out hope that what is portrayed in art, history, literature and religious tradition will prevail. Hubris loses, two vast and trunkless legs of stone, etc.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Dark times are here.

“Furniture will get turned over, and the police will be called.”

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I almost titled this "furniture will get turned over".

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen


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Dude should just transition to Cainya, and identify as a pregnant elf and he'll be out in week.

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

It's just demonic bro.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

It’s a pattern! It happens in a lot of these high profile pedo rings. Lots of people end up dead. The other pattern is the Clinton’s, their foundation or both are involved in more than one high profile pedo case. These patterns just get ignored. Poor kids! It’s horrific. With the border being what it is now there are so many children being abused right now. In ways that we can’t imagine. Vile!

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Their operations in Haiti were monstrous. The Clintons have been working for globalpsycho since their Arkansas days and maybe earlier. The CIA was running arms from Mena, AR in the 80s down to Nicaragua and promised something to Bill to look the other way. This has given them protection and the ability to off whomever needs offing (arkanciding) while running whatever illegal rackets they want, foundation embezzlement, child trafficking etc.

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Distuuuurrrrrbing! 😐

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Oct 3, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Mena, AR, when Bill and Hill were simply state Gov and 1st lady, with DA Janet Reno in tow. CIA backwoods airstrip for ‘80’s coke/Contra/guns, and the forming of a pedo cult. Genius.

Problem with calling the police after turning over furniture is there in plain sight. MK Ultra/CIA control and disposal of the inconvenient. And now it’s anyone not in (or exposing) their satanic cabal. Evil.

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Haha. I just responded to an above comment by Heather H. with the same. I should have read all comments first then I could have copied your homework Will. Like minds.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

According to Clif High, the cabal uses adrenochrome as currency Adrenochrome is highly addictive (and therefore profitable) and extends life. It also induces hallucinations and perhaps "satanism" is used to justify child sacrifice.


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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

"There's gonna be some furniture getting turned over"

Using that from now on.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I was gonna say "furniture will get turned over" is my favorite, but someone beat me to it. That was a great release valve for this incredibly disturbing topic.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The next crop of school shooters and mass shooters is going to be girls that transition to boys. Once they realize how exploited in mutilated they are they’re gonna find weapons and take out their revenge on the people that used and mutilated them

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Long time no see doc! Yes, imagine getting duped at the level of physical and irreversible corporeal desecration at a young age. Suicide levels are already off the charts, but sooner or later they'll aim their angst in other directions - right at the source.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

thanks for reading and replying. I've been reading all your stuff. You and CJ hopkins. Kirsch, Paul alexander, Malone, Kheriaty... so many more... if it werent for substack and Joe rogan interviewing malone and Mccullough Western civ might have ended by now. I still cant accept that this whole thing was a planned conspiracy. It might have been an intentional release of a virus that was being researched ostensibly for good reasons. Seem that Fauci et all thought that this work was too important to not do and they circumvented the US congress and offshored it. And it either escaped or was intentionally released. The response was just what you would expect if large centralized bureaucratic states were in charge. Gov is only good at destroying.

Have you ever read Hans herman hoppe? He said markets produce goods and governments produce "bads".

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I couldn't accept it either in April of 2020 when a British prof. pulled me aside and blew my mind. The next week he showed me the patents, all the work David Martin was doing, the connections, Fauci's past, Kary Mullis, PCR scam, all of it. Took me another few months to wrap my head around it. You read Peter Breggins' book yet? He reveals the predators. Now I'm looking at a new NIH grant approved last week for the same guy Daszak of eco health alliance, plus a global WHO pandemic treaty that puts that Ethiopian communist owned by Gates and China in charge of the next one. You got Biden spilling the beans on an open mic "We have to prepare for the next one" and Gates "Wait for the next one, that will get people's attention this time." Late 2024 is marked on my calendar for the "next one". I hope I'm wrong but will be prepared in case I'm not. I miss the days when all Governments did was "bads".

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Don't agree with differentiating between the ages of any kid under 16 (as is the legal limit in the UK). It just clouds the issue as supposedly being 'more acceptable' for those looking for an excuse to commit these crimes. On an equally serious matter - 'LIABILITY' for VAX RELATED DEATHS & INJURIES lies with Vax Makers - not Governments! Then Covid & vax will disappear overnight! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed & Ready!

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Bibi Farber...

& Friends...

& (Other)s.


Thank you...so much.


"We Are All Artists...

[If you but endeavor]."

~ Jon Rappoport

Barry & Mum,

Are Smiling.

I reckon.

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If I may quote someone we should all be familiar with, "What is to be done?" My question is "how?"

How, indeed. Suggestions? Or do we just wait for the enemy of my enemy who has indeed become my dearest friend?

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We live in a very sick world. This normalization and acceptance "Bullshit" has all been planned. Sad!!! I have an 8 year old granddaughter, and if some pervert felt he had the right to piss in the same bathroom as her, he might have to say hello to my "little friend"! Not really, but he would definitely think twice about doing it again!!!! Good video!

Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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