Methylene Blue Persuasion
Ask your Rockefeller white coat DIC if your favorite 'alternative health' hero is pure MAHA.
Ever wonder why we have to pay extra for organic food that doesn’t have poison in it? Shouldn’t all food be organic as standard and the food with poison in it have the label?
There are two approaches to human health and wellness: One is a path rooted in a single word—whole, from the Greek "holos" (ὅλος). The other is a repetitive doom loop—a descent into neglect, where the body is deprived of care until it reaches a crisis, forcing detoxification that is only temporarily suppressed and interrupted by allopathic poisons posing as cures. The poisons may treat the symptoms, but never the underlying condition. This latter model of health is pushed on humans by the Death Industrial Complex (DIC), fueled by ignorant, pompous, miseducated, greedy white-coat DICs mostly interested in getting bonuses from Merck and Pfizer so they can upgrade to the latest S-class Mercedes.
The other is the true path to wellness, where the body is nourished before the side effects of detoxification take hold—fortified with natural antidotes in herbs and real foods (instead of artificial American-manufactured almost foods or beyond foods or “I can’t believe it’s not food!”) bathed in sunlight, strengthened through frequent activity, and restored by deep rest—ensuring resistance to stressors and imbalances that lead to this detoxification process, or what we commonly know and describe as “illness.”
95% of humans across the most advanced countries are trapped in the medical doom loop they believe is legitimate because The Science supports it, but nowhere is it worse than inside the Empire of Lies. This is the gift we truthers know today as Rockefeller Medicine, which has left more corpses in its wake than Mao, Stalin, Churchill, and Israel combined.
The true story of Rockefeller Medicine goes like this: Once upon a time, medicine was a decentralized broad, diverse field with low bureaucratic and administrative fluffery. Doctors had to heal and mend people, or nobody would see them again, which meant nobody would pay them again. Healers used plants, food, teas, elixirs, and time-tested natural remedies to keep people well, often rooted in what we call Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, or naturopathic medicine. Doctors often treated the whole person, as opposed to just suppressing underlying symptoms. Of course, not all doctors were like this, and some were snake oil pushers like we have today.
On the flip side, many wonderful and fantabulous advancements have been made in healing and healthcare, from simple hand washing to regenerative therapies to complex neurological procedures that restore motor function and reverse paralysis. I have no issues with many technological advancements that help diagnose and heal people today which weren’t around even a century ago. Medicine has indeed come a long way since pseudo-scientific medieval treatments like leeching, bloodletting, trepanation, mercury, radium, lobotomies, and snake oil tonics.
But did you know the last four on that list were still used in the Rockefeller era? The last lobotomy in the U.S. was performed as late as 1967. Dispensing with many “medieval” pseudo-scientific methods, left a void, that unfortunately was filled with more (mostly) pseudo-scientific garbage by the profits-before-health parasites.
Enter stage left right hell (below the orchestra pit) a group of industrialists, dripping with oil money and greed, like John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie who saw sickness as the ultimate cash cow.
The Standard Oil monopolist John D. was left with a surplus of petroleum and a new market to conquer—human bodies. He turned the byproduct of his black gold into the foundation of a medical empire that would entrench sickness as a business model and patients as lifelong customers. To keep them dumb to his schemings he also coopted the public schools, forming the first national education board to control the minds of the masses, but this is another story.
Under this diabolical “medical” model that still dominates today one phrase best sums up their mission statement: healthy people produce no profit.
To create this model, they hijacked medical education, pumping millions into schools that preached pharmaceuticals as the only solution and shutting down those that didn’t comply with the new curriculum. The first order of business was dispensing with all holistic and naturopathic textbooks. The infamous Flexner Report, the original “The Science” before there was The Science, was their wrecking ball, demolishing medical traditions that had served humanity for centuries.
What did Abraham Flexner’s (Rockefeller-funded) report of 1910 say?
It condemned most medical schools in the U.S. as substandard. It advocated for a science-based (OG “The Science”), laboratory-driven curriculum that prioritized pharmaceuticals and surgery while dismissing alternative medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy as unscientific.
Leeching and bloodletting humans may have been unscientific, but not leeching their pocketbooks and immune systems.
Herbal medicine? Holistic healing? Natural remedies?
Pure Quackery!
The formation of a revolving door, nay, an avalanche of obedient killers in white coats and their chemical poisons, never let up. For some reason, doctors following this model were revered by the lesser humans who didn’t attend medical school, while the naturopathic healers were ignored, mocked, and chided.
“What kind of doctor are you?”
“I’m a naturopathic doctor.”
Gives a funny look and runs away scared corralling her children near her to protect them.
Long story short: Dis-ease became a business model. Prevention was ignored, chronic illness was cultivated, and highly expensive, lifelong treatment was the name of the new medical game.
Millions suffered, millions died, and the machine just kept rolling, raking in profits while calling it “science” and "progress."
Over a century later people are sicker than ever, hooked on synthetic pills manufactured to maintain them as perpetual customers. The sick pay more with dis-ease of the body, mind, and discomfort of the pocketbook, all while the rich get richer.
And the medical cartel (AMA) isn’t the only scam in town. Americans are quickly discovering that both health “insurance” and Dentists (ADA) in their empire, are nothing but greedy hucksters with a monopoly on business.
A young Empire subject finds out that her “dentist’s” quote of $4500 is actually $280 if she just drives south to Tijuana.
Obumacare mandated that all Empire subjects must “obtain” insurance or be fined! The subjects are since realizing that EVERYTHING costs more if you have insurance than if you pay out of pocket. Obumacare was one massive extra Astroglided handjob to the insurance-HMO-DIC.
A woman needs an MRI on her back and finds out it’s $5100 with insurance or $750 out of pocket uninsured.
Eighteen million Americans owe a medical bill of $1000 or more, and each year around 550,000 file for bankruptcy due to medical bills despite most having insurance! No other country has a system so diabolical and a population so ignorant of other nations’ superior systems.
A sinister insurance profiteer of this Rockefeller DIC model was recently gunned down in Manhattan, and quickly one could tell who was who among the braindead populous performing their outrage. Standing atop the tens of millions of Rockefeller Medicine corpses (excluding abortions, and medical bankruptcies rendering Americans homeless, and destitute, before committing suicide) they exhibited their moral self-righteousness indignation, and fabulous ignorance:
Violence is NEVER the answer!
An entire industry is ripping people off like crazed maniacs, pushing millions into bankruptcy, and terrorizing people with fake medicine in the process. Are you sure violence is not the answer? Based on how your government supports it, maybe violence is the only answer!
The saddest part is that maybe 5% of the population knows the true story of Rockefeller Medicine. (Longer Summary Here) Even fewer have read Eustance Mullins’ essential book, Murder By Injection: The Medical Conspiracy Against America.
The good news is that in the aftermath of one of the greatest mass slaughters against humans with the pandemocide, people around the world and even many sleepy Americans are starting to wake up in greater numbers. The levels of distrust of the Rockefeller system are at all-time highs. More parents of newborns are tuned in to the scam of vaccines and are refusing the CDC’s baby and toddler poison injection schedule. This is terrible news for SIDS morticians, special education teachers, and the autism industry.
One of the most powerful and encouraging mantras to come out of the psychological terrorism and iatrogenocide campaign of 2020-2022?
Become Your Own Doctor.
People realize now that DIC white coats are not their friends. They’re not there to offer anything related to health and wellness. They’re just humans who jumped through a series of institutional system hoops created by demons to get an overpriced degree for money and status. Sure, some were probably naive enough (and still are) to think they were truly helping people until they saw behind the system’s curtains, the money, the greed, the suffering, and the never-curing fellow humans, and in many cases outright killing them fast or slowly.
The money and the greed are the foundations of the system. The DIC’s front desk workers are there to get paid by an insurance outfit that will pass on the $450 ten-minute visit to all the other suckers in the insurance pyramid scam through higher deductibles, inflated co-pays, and ever-shittier billing and payment services so that if the insured doesn’t die from the DIC visit, they’re sure to die on the phone at home from cardiac arrest dealing with an automated voice recorder assigned to the billing claims denial department.
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Becoming one’s ‘own doctor’ as in treating oneself through wellness is the only effective way to live within the Empire of Lies and avoid its white coat DICs. It starts with recognizing how the government are poisoning empire subjects, and detoxing daily from all of their onslaughts:
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