
Link Fixed to Full Doc. Apologies.

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I have just posted some news:


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Popcorn time.

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Thanks! Will share.

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Ukraine on Fire 1&2 overcome the narrative bias that all Ukrainian conspiracy’s are “right wing” extremism. Being produced by Left-leaning Oliver Stone, allows for a more open dialogue when leading with his name and other movies he has produced.

Ukraine on Fire (YouTube link)- https://youtu.be/pKcmNGvaDUs

I have also used the following video from guest speaker Vladimir Pozner at Yale University’s “Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies” to overcome the old white guy conspiracy theorist epithet. Pozner is World-renown and a unilaterally accepted reliable voice for Russian-American relationships. His prophetic discussion from 2018 holds great relevance today.


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Maybe now that the Left is Far Right, and the Right is Middle Left, things might be different?

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Yes, they do seem to leapfrog a bit.

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Ukraine has been a shit show since the collapse of the USSR... The war in Ukraine started in 2013/14 with the USofT & England & Friends sponsorship.

Since OPERATION COVIDIUS was running out of steam to keep the Wealth Transfer discreet and most of the HERD CONTROL tools were already in place and working well, the SRF & Billionaires needed another good source of PROFIT... and DISTRACTION.

Let the Good Old "War" take the center role!


And just like with OPERATION COVIDIUS the herds of modern moron slaves are behaving as expected.

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As the Wicked Witch said, what a world, what a world. Will our youth put down their cell phones and look to the hills, to the fields, the mountains, the oceans? Or have they all been digitalized?

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Deliberately made to be addicting, so... you've got a point!! Sad.

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I immediately thought, after I wrote the first comment, below, that addiction is often successful when there's an alternative to take its place... Maybe some Real Human Contact would do it? Outside, in Nature's arms... ?

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There has to be a clear and present REASON to do so... And then they probably will. ^_^

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Grievous internecine blood baths. Research millennia, go deep, then deeper still. Shine light onto the ancient forces of Darkness. Give life; live life.

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Saw this doco some time ago - a great summary of the place - really feel for the average citizen caught in the middle of such a violent and deadly political/ideological shit fight for decades.

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Apr 19, 2022·edited Apr 19, 2022

I have shared with family and friends. Thank you for sharing with us. I am not on any social media platforms.

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Here is a take been waiting for:


If you look at her Uncensored Substack, click the link to Rumble, and then while you're there check out this earlier one from 7 April: (sorry got to do a bit of typing...) SonOfEnos channel...

ANTIFA & The AshkeNAZI Infiltration Of The West Exposed - Russia Check-Mates The New World Order

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Seems DC and US corporate media do nothing other than act to decieve in order to push their political prejudices. They are toxic trash, worthy of nothing more than our disdain.

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Not sure which you are sharing as the only link goes to the full documentary of Part 2 Revealing Ukraine (2019) which is around 88 minutes and not the first 30 minutes of Ukraine On Fire (2016).

Unless I am clicking on something wrong here. Sharing anyway @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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fixed it.

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😉 Thanks will link both today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Also Part 2 can still be watched on You Tube as of 5 minutes ago.

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Seems like I watched the entire documentary on... Odyssey? Can't remember. Maybe vimeo? Found a bunch of links for Youtube, and others, but here's one for Rumble.


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