Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Food for though indeed. George Carlin said your vote doesn't matter decades ago.

Have some silver, an organic garden, portable whole-house generator and propane, and a manual well pump.

Still looking outside the USA. Heading to PV in a few weeks. Eyes wide open.

Keep up the good work GS!

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Nice. That place always makes me smile. Family will be there in Jan-Feb. There are affordable homes with land in Nayarit, pero sin armas Señor.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Sin armas is a no go for me anywhere since I don't want to deal with the machete ninjas and lack of prosecution for assaults there.

I have first knowledge of what would be attempted murder assaults here are ignored there. It's like the wild west sin armas, which is not good for the good guys!

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Ya, no doubt it's like the wild wild west, that's what I call NOLA too, but the trade off is that the cartels control MX (for now?), so you don't have the WEF making you eat zbugs etc..

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Here is a good documentary on the Mexican Mormon war over 11 years ago that shows what it was like there and then. It's probably worse now.


Here is a great article that connects the dots between the crime families in the world. At the end of that article it shows who controls the cartels.


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Then there was the family with little kids totally shot up in their SUV near there Mormon community in MX not too long ago.

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I remember that too, and always wondered what the real story on that was!

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There are a lot of US ex-pats around Lake Chapala (sp.?) near Guadalajara too. I met one on a plane on the way to PV when direct flights from SD to PV were stopped and you had to stop in Guada first before PV; this was in the late 90s; this person said that for some ridiculous sum like $500/mo you could rent a mansion w/ a maid, a cook, and a gardener.

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Since those prices you mentioned were from the late 90's, they are certainly higher now. Coincidentally, I was told that you can do a whack job there for around $500 too. That price is probably higher now too though.

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Agreed with all of that... what is PV tho?

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Puerto Vallarta, MX

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Just remind yourself, it's all fake and gay.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Thank you for notifying us about Dr. Shiva. I had no idea he was running for president. What is the format of that interview with Dr. Shiva? I was also initially fond of Kennedy but my support for him has dwindled. Since I’m retired I, I’ll be searching for other countries to move to in the next few years. Regardless of who is selected for the US president it seems the American empire is doomed.

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Brave choice Steven. Was trying to get my folks to settle elsewhere, but they went for a semi-remote "active" community in AZ. Better than West Portland, by miles. I'm working on a sequel to this post from Summer 22' when I used to have regular enthusiastic readers. It will publish sometime this month, based on my two year search for new horizons, and having finally settled on one remote Scandic country.


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I'd enjoy more content around places to go. That was the piece that led me to The Good Citizen. I'm in the process of building passive income streams to live elsewhere. I enjoy your work and writing, regardless.

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This is how it works. A champion of the people tuns out to be a Manchurian candidate. The set up their Bonafide's and in time they are announcing their candidacy in order to save Democracy and truth. Wash, rinse and repeat. In case anyone is interested, there are about three hundred families that make up the cabal who run the world from behind their minions. Perhaps the other Dr. Shiva would be a better choice. Every war has been sold as a war for peace, right. or a war to end all wars, or to get the bad guys like Sadam, or Gadhafi, or whatever fallacy they choose. I remember destroying villages in order to save the village lunacy. I questioned it then as being insane, but not out loud, not in the military. I would have been court marshaled, called a traitor, yada yada. It was never about saving anything. Johnson lied us into that shitbag war, just like all the others were lies. I still get sick of the sheep thanking me for my service, like automatons with a hand up their ass moving their lips. It is Orwell's books come to life. In is out, black is white, right is wrong, the military is Inteligent, we are the greatest country in the world, we have the best healthcare in the world, we have the most drug addicted people in the world, oh sorry this one is true! Any oxymoron available will be ingested as truth by this population. Take the red pill please. On the other country search, do you think you can avoid the disaster that is coming by moving away? It will not be just the USA, it will be global. No hiding places. The only way they can be stopped is for the population to awaken to reality.

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Thank you for saying this part, and all the rest of it. "I still get sick of the sheep thanking me for my service, like automatons with a hand up their ass moving their lips. It is Orwell's books come to life. In is out, black is white, right is wrong, the military is Intelligent, we are the greatest country in the world....any oxymoron available will be ingested as truth by this population." The stupidity and ignorance really is a threat to others' future and any prospects for securing liberty from the grasp of the true enemies.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I've been watching Dr. Shiva for over 2 years now, and had the same thoughts as expressed here. Shiva was a Hindu god so it must be a common surname in India.

He is a great force to be reckoned with, but has little or no chance of being elected.

He is a protest candidate, who will get many protest votes. Why would anyone one want to run for president when you already know how corrupted the entire system is? Ask Trump too.

Nevertheless, his knowledge is astounding, and he does speak and expose the truth, which by itself is admirable. That may be his real goal. If I vote at all, it will be a protest vote for him.

Now regarding countries to move to, here is my story.

Soon after the 911 coup, many of us boomers decided to take the leap into another country, and were faced with this decision as to which one would be best. That list of possible countries was much longer then than now. We settled in Panama in 2003, where I lived until 2012, when I got tired of it for many reasons that are too long to list here. I will say that 'sin armas' was the main reason, especially since crime there was worse than here, and I felt like a sitting duck with no defense. There is almost no prosecution of assaults so you're on your own. It's the same in all Latin American countries too. High crime, sin armas, except for the narcos and maleantes.

When the 2020 scamdemic hit I carefully watched how the countries dealt with the lock downs and travel restrictions, and rated them all on how bad or well they dealt with that. I suggest that you do the same when deciding which country to even consider.

The lock downs and travel restrictions were so much worse in Mexico and Panama and most of LA than here in FL that I was glad I was not there any more. Returning to FL was a good move for me, even though my 8 years in Panama were positively life changing for the better!

I married my Panamanian soul mate, alma gamela, and can get dual citizenship there if I wanted, but I'm staying here.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

On point as always! I just bailed from the RFkjr train as well. Agreed that voting in this controlled single party delusion is merely theater. If only more of us could fully understand how meaningless and ultimately impotent the office of the POTUS is. Even Dr. Shiva or the like would immediately find themselves politically castrated the second they set foot in the White House! The imitable and always astute Bill Hicks and George Carlin nail it in 3 minutes!:


I found my way to an older post by our brother CJ Hopkins that succinctly summarizes how and why the sorry-assed masses are so easily manipulated:

"Chief among the common misconceptions about the way official propaganda works is the notion that its goal is to deceive the public into believing things that are not “the truth”. However, the primary aim of official propaganda is to generate an “official narrative” that can be mindlessly repeated by the ruling classes and those who support and identify with them. This official narrative does not have to make sense, or to stand up to any sort of serious scrutiny. Its factualness is not the point. The point is to draw a Maginot line, a defensive ideological boundary, between “the truth” as defined by the ruling classes and any other “truth” that contradicts their narrative."


Yes - it seems the sensibly aware path is to fully disconnect from it all and hopefully bond in community, if possible, with others of like mind who recognize the scourge for what it is.

peace love

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Excellent comment -- thank you! Thank you for that Hopkins' excerpt, too. So G-damned true! They, as in "the public," just need a story, as I put it. People love stories, so tell 'em story -- any story, almost -- and they'll slurp it up. Can be utterly absurd, but if they "like" it, if it gives them something to talk about and be a part of -- usually vicariously -- they'll lap it up -- and no amount of facts or evidence will make a dent.

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You're the one being manipulated

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I like Dr Shiva, too. It is odd hearing him consistently say Boobyfuckingkennedy but I got used to it pretty quick!

There's absolutely no such thing as an anti-establishment Kennedy. Esp. with an in-house CIA advisor.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The CIA advisor relative is when his campaign went from kumbaya to grr.

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The late, great, Eustace Mullins said never, ever, trust anyone who is allowed to be on television. No one will get near the Oval Orifice unless the Cryptocracy wants, him, her, or it, there. Presidents, like those useless idiots in Congress, are as expendable as department store managers and their powers are comparable. I mean real power, not the cosmetic trappings of such. Great article, GC. By the way, Tom Petty was a female to male, transsexual androgyne. Without even scrutinizing "his" many female biological markers, just a look at "his" string of obvious lady-boy "wives" should be sufficient. In the music/entertainment racket of the perverse, Controllers, one's actual talent is negligible. First and foremost of the qualifications for propulsion to stardom, one must be gender reversed. The Yids get tickled pink over the masses of dumb goyim idolizing a bevy of tranny freaks. For them, tis icing on the goy cake.

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Hahaaa. Of course! She made fine music. Eustace Mullins wrote some of the most important books of the 20th century that should be required reading in every High School, which is why they are not even mentioned anywhere, and Wikipravda calls him an "anti-semite conspiracy theorist." Hahaaa. Of course!

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Yeah, I read all of his books years ago, great stuff. Fuck Wik-Jew-pedia. Be well, GC.

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OMG, that's too funny; just the other night I was scanning musical documentaries and there was one on Tom Petty and the picture on it had him w/ this wispy-ass beard that looked like the kind trannies have (think Chastity/Chaz Bono), so there you go! LOL

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Hahahaha!!!! They should have been called, ""Tom Pretty and the Gender-breakers."

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I am glad that someone has read Mullins! His book, Murder by injection was a real education for me about the Rockefeller allopathic medicine model. I would suggest reading the book by Robert Ingraham, The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire, Its Origins, Evolution, and Antihuman Outlook fora look at when these eugenics loving monster started. You will be amazed and educated as to what their motives are. Jack.

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Addendum: If voting could effectuate real change, the System would do away with it overnight.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I think Sage Hana at Substack has pretty well exposed Bobby, Jr. for the rat he is. I assume some are familiar with that stack. SH has the goods on most if not all the monsters. I strongly suggest that the whole world do itself a favor and learn from SH. Certain people have a gift.

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"...the American people...are as much a liability to you and your well-being as the candidates they defend, vote for, and send money to, so the best thing to do is get the hell away from them."

That is absolutely true -- with rare, rare exception, that is absolutely true.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I just cant get excited over a brown hindu street shitter getting any power although they are slowly taking over. the snake charmers also hate white people like the jews do and they will be battling in the future with the jews for power

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Hahaa. Yo comprendo SPQR70AD. Yo comprendo.

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I have to comment on your scholarship. He, like Trump is just dog whistling it is true, but your description is pretty crude! Maybe read some books for a better vocabulary. The whole brown and Jew comment is not verry helpful, and not as accurate as you may think, but getting warm. Israel was not founded by Israelites of the original bloodlines; they were decedents of the Kazar empire. Converts to Judaism for political reasons. Too involved to explain here but I suggest you go to The White Rabbit website where the explanation is historic and Biblical. They also explain how we were saddled with the Federal Reserve system, that is not federal and has no reserves. Eye opening and informative articles, videos that explain a great deal. I did not mean to be disrespectful, but there are things you do not know about all of this. Go have a look and let me know what you think, Jack.

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so everything can be fixed with better vocabulary. I know all about the khazars and I am sick of hearing about it. bibi satanyahoo quoted their devil god in the OT about killing the amalek. that is good enough for me I dont care who they descended from 600 years ago. if it talks like a jew acts like a jew calls himself a jew it is a jew

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Go to the website White Rabbit and watch the documentary on the Jew! It is the most informative historical explanation I have ever seen. I intended to convince you that the vocabulary that I myself use constantly, I try not to use it when commenting because it just looks like something many people would not read because of it. Like I said, this type of language and worse I use on occasion, just not online. More people will respond to your views if expressed differently, Jack.

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I dont care if any one responds to my post being people in the US are a lost cause .whites do not want to fight for their survival

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The most telling sentence in the Jimmy Dore video was this: "RFKJr. is obligated to support Israel, otherwise he would n't be allowed to be president." Very true, and all you need to know about presidential politics in this banana republic.

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It might be more accurate to call the US an ADL republic?

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But also true is that those sponsoring RFKJr. as a faux stalking horse would have to know that he wouldn't pass muster as a candidate for the disaffected if he utters full-throated support for Israel as he has.

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Candidates are forced to walk some very thin lines. No matter what else happens in 2024, I think we can guarantee that RFK, Jr., will never win the election.

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I'm still wondering what that so called failed assault scenario with him in LA was all about. Another lone nut case, or a DS message to him, or just all fake?

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Like any politician, watch what he does, opposed to what he says. Words are cheap and manipulative.

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I went to see Dr Peter McCullough speak live the other night. I’ll be darned if he does not resemble the “created doctor” in the 2020 Utopia series. And he was so obviously part of the controlled reaction of problem / reaction / solution, that we are so aware of now. He spoke the party line of “escaped from the lab in Wuhan”, and validated every fake variant of it. Not one mention of the disappearance of normal flu. It was so sad to see how dumb the sheep were there, all good, well meaning conservatives, most of them mesmerized by celebrity, mouth hanging open. It started off like a Republican convention, with the usual pimping and The Pledge of Allegiance. When I stood silently and no hand on heart for that pledge, I must have hit a nerve; at the end, a lady nearby actually asked me straight up if I “was a spy”.

Anyway, the point is, I am skeptical of all new faces that show up saying some of the right things. Voting in theory counts in a perfect world, so it really has never counted outside your homeowners association board meeting.

And here we have that red flag word “cabal”. Seeing that a lot again lately, along with - believe it or not - Q.

What has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen, from the highest levels down to city councils and school boards, is so widespread that it’s more than just some small secret cabal. It’s a spiritual war and we are wrestling against the spirit world, and are infiltrated by non-human entities, whose signature is the letter X and the number 33.

And Dr SHIVA - the destroyer of worlds ? I find that worth keeping an eye on.

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Hahaa. "It was so sad to see how dumb the sheep were there, all good, well meaning conservatives, most of them mesmerized by celebrity, mouth hanging open." Seeing the Wellness Company (McCullough plus others) ads everywhere online is just embarrassing. Every prepared calamity they roll out a new advert for some unnecessary crap they're shilling when one can buy the same stuff on amazon for half the price. The level of controlled opposition runs so deep, it's taken me years to wrap my head around it and as with you it leaves me suspicious of anyone who says all the right things, plus gets attention from the "alternative" media, who are all just hand selected puppets like the corporate media. But nothing makes me laugh harder these days than people who talk about viruses and use terms like "long covid" and then offer fake remedies for a non-existent thing. It reminds me of the end of the Andy Kaufman movie with Jim Carey, behind the curtain of the "healer." And that's the post-founding story of America. Hucksters since the wild west to the present. Nonstop hucksterism with idiots buying it all, with their hands on their hearts.

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I just got the Shiva video to play and he certainly sounds legit, especially including Joe Rogan in the shill camp. But…then he quotes the “8 billion” fake population number, and of course that triggers the defense mechanisms in my brain.

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Yes. Those numbers just don’t add up

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What's your (and Prophesy's) estimate on global pop?

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I have no estimate, but it’s clear that the Latin based cultures (Mexico, central & South America and the Philippines, not to forget Spain), who traditionally had the big families, are not breeding like they formerly did. Ditto all white European cultures. Then China with its great leap backwards and it’s one child policy. And let’s not forget to factor in abortion.

Out of one side of their mouth they report on cavitating birth rates, and out of the other side scream about overpopulation.

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The above statement was meant as a reply

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I think the global numbers are considerably less than what's usually quoted. It's cooked up to promote the idea of too many people as a threat to Gaia - part of the Climate Change / Global warming fiction. Trying to condition people to their genocide plans they harbour for us plebs.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I also found Shiva being the destroyer something to keep an eye on, but Shiva might be a good destroyer? Sorta like the deluge?

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We’ll have to wait and see what develops with him.

The immature child in me actually wants to see TPTB cycle Trump back in, just to watch the convoluted heads of liberals explode. If there is any amusement to be found in the whole Israel-Palestinian dust up, it’s wondering how liberals are dealing with having to choose one or the other - a no-win situation for their drug addled (I’m talking Prozac etc), fragile, and split personality minds. Conservatives might be dupes, but liberals are mentally disordered. I really can’t stand either, but since I am personally conservative, I am more annoyed by liberals.

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It would be highly entertaining to see Trump get cycled back in, but it doesn't look likely, regardless of his popularity. TPTB have done their best to be rid of him for good?

Even less likely would be for Shiva to get enough protest votes to matter, but he probably won't even get on the ballot in enough States. He woke up too many people so TPTB probably fear/hate him even more than Trump.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Every one of, all of them, including Dr whomever is or will be part of the cult. All forms of government are illegitimate and tyrannical. I am slightly confused at your angle here GC.

I haven’t read much on Kennedy from you that I recall, he is just a pandering hypocrite, a wanna-be cabal member in good standing.

I will look into this Shiva, but I recall writing him off months ago for some reason… it must have been something quite simple, as I have given him zero thought since…

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I wrote about RFK in July, that he needed to run independent, and about all the factors that needed to fall into place...it doesn't matter. It was a waste of time. Dr. Shiva may or may not be. More likely not.

My angle here? Vote for yourself.

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I think it was Mark Twain who said "if voting made a difference...they would make voting illegal"...

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If everyone voted for themselves, the Dem would still win by a landslide. Voting…. Perhaps locally there is some validity to its purpose, otherwise it is a sign of psychological issues, voting….

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Great post. I like Dr. Shiva--he's the only one with enough courage to call out the Zionist control over America. The rest of them are sickening whores for Israel. If Shiva's on the ballot, I'll vote for him. I can't stand the rest of them. Trump is beyond disgusting to me--now he wants to deport people who don't support the genocidal monsters in Israel: https://theduran.locals.com/post/4889116/trump-will-deport-american-citizens-resident-aliens-who-support-palestine-the-usa-is-doomed#comments

As for RFK Jr, before he started his campaign for President, I thought of him as a fraud since he never called out the bogus PCR test and instead went along with the establishment narrative. But when I first heard that Kennedy was going to campaign for the Presidency, I thought that perhaps he could do some good by using his campaign to spread the word about the Great Reset, CBDCs, and digital ID, kind of like the way Dr. Ron Paul used his campaign for the Presidency to spread the word about the private banker controlled Federal Reserve. But from what I've seen of his campaign and the Jimmy Dore video, it looks like Kennedy is just campaigning like these are normal political times and isn't saying anything about the ongoing genocide or that we are on the verge of being digitally enslaved.

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Trump's speech at Zodfest was as grotesque as any other. Their passion for Israel and willingness to toss the constitution in the trash for Zionist pigs is disqualifying, aside from being thoroughly nauseating. I almost signed up for locals last year until I remembered it was founded by Dave Rubinstein and Zio Muppet Jordan Peterson with seed funding from Peter Thiel who probably connected it to his Palantir for police state surveillance.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Kennedy is the Democratic version of faux conservative Republican Nikki Haley. The problem is the entire world is somehow conditioned to believe that being anti-Zionist is antisemitic. To me that’s like being anti-Catholic because of Italian mafiosos like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano and others. The Zionist mafia is responsible for most genocides, wars, and mass atrocities in this world for well over a century. Take a hard look at who most of the worlds, bankers, Pharmaceutical company principals, Bidens illustrious Cabinate, Gates, Soros, Kissinger and Israel’s new self appointed dictator Bibi and you will find that they are all Zionists. Thank you for the courage of this post. Most people won’t accept the truth of it due to cognitive dissonance resulting from many generations of conditioning.

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Thanks Maxxx. I've lost more subscribers than gained the past month since writing about Zionism, and I've barely scraped the surface. It's much much worse than people can imagine, but they refuse to even open their mind on this one. The decades of school, hollyweird and media conditioning runs too deep.

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Definitely. That's the best thing to come out of this Hamas op for me: it shined a light on all the crypto Israel lovers in politics; no one has escaped that conditioning (nor the $$$ from AIPAC). I'm voting for myself (if elected, I will not serve!)

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Ha! I am voting for myself also. Been writing in my uncle for years, but this year is mine! (I really should go find those official tallies and print them for my uncle for Christmas. Maybe a time or two he tied with Micky Mouse.)

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