Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Food for though indeed. George Carlin said your vote doesn't matter decades ago.

Have some silver, an organic garden, portable whole-house generator and propane, and a manual well pump.

Still looking outside the USA. Heading to PV in a few weeks. Eyes wide open.

Keep up the good work GS!

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Just remind yourself, it's all fake and gay.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Thank you for notifying us about Dr. Shiva. I had no idea he was running for president. What is the format of that interview with Dr. Shiva? I was also initially fond of Kennedy but my support for him has dwindled. Since I’m retired I, I’ll be searching for other countries to move to in the next few years. Regardless of who is selected for the US president it seems the American empire is doomed.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

On point as always! I just bailed from the RFkjr train as well. Agreed that voting in this controlled single party delusion is merely theater. If only more of us could fully understand how meaningless and ultimately impotent the office of the POTUS is. Even Dr. Shiva or the like would immediately find themselves politically castrated the second they set foot in the White House! The imitable and always astute Bill Hicks and George Carlin nail it in 3 minutes!:


I found my way to an older post by our brother CJ Hopkins that succinctly summarizes how and why the sorry-assed masses are so easily manipulated:

"Chief among the common misconceptions about the way official propaganda works is the notion that its goal is to deceive the public into believing things that are not “the truth”. However, the primary aim of official propaganda is to generate an “official narrative” that can be mindlessly repeated by the ruling classes and those who support and identify with them. This official narrative does not have to make sense, or to stand up to any sort of serious scrutiny. Its factualness is not the point. The point is to draw a Maginot line, a defensive ideological boundary, between “the truth” as defined by the ruling classes and any other “truth” that contradicts their narrative."


Yes - it seems the sensibly aware path is to fully disconnect from it all and hopefully bond in community, if possible, with others of like mind who recognize the scourge for what it is.

peace love

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I like Dr Shiva, too. It is odd hearing him consistently say Boobyfuckingkennedy but I got used to it pretty quick!

There's absolutely no such thing as an anti-establishment Kennedy. Esp. with an in-house CIA advisor.

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The late, great, Eustace Mullins said never, ever, trust anyone who is allowed to be on television. No one will get near the Oval Orifice unless the Cryptocracy wants, him, her, or it, there. Presidents, like those useless idiots in Congress, are as expendable as department store managers and their powers are comparable. I mean real power, not the cosmetic trappings of such. Great article, GC. By the way, Tom Petty was a female to male, transsexual androgyne. Without even scrutinizing "his" many female biological markers, just a look at "his" string of obvious lady-boy "wives" should be sufficient. In the music/entertainment racket of the perverse, Controllers, one's actual talent is negligible. First and foremost of the qualifications for propulsion to stardom, one must be gender reversed. The Yids get tickled pink over the masses of dumb goyim idolizing a bevy of tranny freaks. For them, tis icing on the goy cake.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I think Sage Hana at Substack has pretty well exposed Bobby, Jr. for the rat he is. I assume some are familiar with that stack. SH has the goods on most if not all the monsters. I strongly suggest that the whole world do itself a favor and learn from SH. Certain people have a gift.

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"...the American people...are as much a liability to you and your well-being as the candidates they defend, vote for, and send money to, so the best thing to do is get the hell away from them."

That is absolutely true -- with rare, rare exception, that is absolutely true.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

I just cant get excited over a brown hindu street shitter getting any power although they are slowly taking over. the snake charmers also hate white people like the jews do and they will be battling in the future with the jews for power

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

The most telling sentence in the Jimmy Dore video was this: "RFKJr. is obligated to support Israel, otherwise he would n't be allowed to be president." Very true, and all you need to know about presidential politics in this banana republic.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Like any politician, watch what he does, opposed to what he says. Words are cheap and manipulative.

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I went to see Dr Peter McCullough speak live the other night. I’ll be darned if he does not resemble the “created doctor” in the 2020 Utopia series. And he was so obviously part of the controlled reaction of problem / reaction / solution, that we are so aware of now. He spoke the party line of “escaped from the lab in Wuhan”, and validated every fake variant of it. Not one mention of the disappearance of normal flu. It was so sad to see how dumb the sheep were there, all good, well meaning conservatives, most of them mesmerized by celebrity, mouth hanging open. It started off like a Republican convention, with the usual pimping and The Pledge of Allegiance. When I stood silently and no hand on heart for that pledge, I must have hit a nerve; at the end, a lady nearby actually asked me straight up if I “was a spy”.

Anyway, the point is, I am skeptical of all new faces that show up saying some of the right things. Voting in theory counts in a perfect world, so it really has never counted outside your homeowners association board meeting.

And here we have that red flag word “cabal”. Seeing that a lot again lately, along with - believe it or not - Q.

What has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen, from the highest levels down to city councils and school boards, is so widespread that it’s more than just some small secret cabal. It’s a spiritual war and we are wrestling against the spirit world, and are infiltrated by non-human entities, whose signature is the letter X and the number 33.

And Dr SHIVA - the destroyer of worlds ? I find that worth keeping an eye on.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Every one of, all of them, including Dr whomever is or will be part of the cult. All forms of government are illegitimate and tyrannical. I am slightly confused at your angle here GC.

I haven’t read much on Kennedy from you that I recall, he is just a pandering hypocrite, a wanna-be cabal member in good standing.

I will look into this Shiva, but I recall writing him off months ago for some reason… it must have been something quite simple, as I have given him zero thought since…

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Great post. I like Dr. Shiva--he's the only one with enough courage to call out the Zionist control over America. The rest of them are sickening whores for Israel. If Shiva's on the ballot, I'll vote for him. I can't stand the rest of them. Trump is beyond disgusting to me--now he wants to deport people who don't support the genocidal monsters in Israel: https://theduran.locals.com/post/4889116/trump-will-deport-american-citizens-resident-aliens-who-support-palestine-the-usa-is-doomed#comments

As for RFK Jr, before he started his campaign for President, I thought of him as a fraud since he never called out the bogus PCR test and instead went along with the establishment narrative. But when I first heard that Kennedy was going to campaign for the Presidency, I thought that perhaps he could do some good by using his campaign to spread the word about the Great Reset, CBDCs, and digital ID, kind of like the way Dr. Ron Paul used his campaign for the Presidency to spread the word about the private banker controlled Federal Reserve. But from what I've seen of his campaign and the Jimmy Dore video, it looks like Kennedy is just campaigning like these are normal political times and isn't saying anything about the ongoing genocide or that we are on the verge of being digitally enslaved.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Good Citizen

Kennedy is the Democratic version of faux conservative Republican Nikki Haley. The problem is the entire world is somehow conditioned to believe that being anti-Zionist is antisemitic. To me that’s like being anti-Catholic because of Italian mafiosos like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano and others. The Zionist mafia is responsible for most genocides, wars, and mass atrocities in this world for well over a century. Take a hard look at who most of the worlds, bankers, Pharmaceutical company principals, Bidens illustrious Cabinate, Gates, Soros, Kissinger and Israel’s new self appointed dictator Bibi and you will find that they are all Zionists. Thank you for the courage of this post. Most people won’t accept the truth of it due to cognitive dissonance resulting from many generations of conditioning.

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