Do you condemn Hamas?!
It’s an easy question!
Do you condemn the barbarism and horror of these savages who ruthlessly slaughtered innocent people and raped grannies, beheaded forty babies and stole kids’ soccer balls, and savaged rave music go-ers, it’s an easy question, either you condemn this terror or you…uhh…uhh…
Oh. Uhh…
Why are Mockingbird outlets reporting the truth two months later? To stir more chaos in the West?
Oh, dear…why would Israel ignore the warnings?
Oy vey! Haaretz? Say it ain’t so!
It can’t be true! I was told that…oh dear…
Just as they did with the original 9-11 by shipping off all the World Trade Center scraps from ground zero to China to be smelted down before any thermite could be detected, it’s time to bury the evidence of their second 9-11, you know, as a mark of respect to those they slaughtered.
If you know anything about mopeds, paragliders, Kalashnikov 7.62 rounds, and RPGs, you’ll know that none of them could have done that to all those civilian cars.
But these could…
…and these could.
As I wrote on October 8th…
Today the official narrative managers want us to believe the most technologically sophisticated surveillance state (inside and outside their citizens’ bodies—most vaxxed) couldn’t monitor people who they claim “want to wipe Israel off the map” in a geographical area the size of Brooklyn from Coney Island to Rikers Island.
Any lapse in Israeli security that pathetic is a permitted and planned lapse in Israeli security.
This Wicked World
So, how many Israelis did Israel kill?
More or less than Israel-funded Hamas?
Technically since this was a false flag, and a stand-down order was given along that portion of the most secure border on the planet, Israel is responsible for ALL of the deaths.
Per capita, it was about 20 times more than they killed on their first 9-11 with the CIA.
Unfortunately for them, they couldn’t sell the sequel convincingly for very long to the masses. Carrying on a long Hollywood tradition in Zionist-dominated tinsel town, they proved that sequels always suck.
They still have their foot soldiers across the West doing their bidding, including the U.S. Congress that will soon vote exactly how their AIPAC masters tell them.
They still have their agents of propaganda shaming those who call it a false flag. These include all the Zionist-funded outlets like Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, Daily Wire, Spiked, Blaze, Spectator, and even “public intellectuals” like Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe, War on The West, and new performance artist for the Zionist agenda, on television and social media.
Don’t you dare cast doubt on the official narrative Good Citizens, or you’ll be accused of siding with Hamas.
Hollywood Style presents: Which actor wore it best?
Actor Charles Jaco during the Gulf War from Saudi Arabia Atlanta…
or Actor Douglas Murray from a Kibbutz where all the evidence had been disposed of weeks prior that would have shown the IDF slaughtered Israelis?
The only thing strange about the “strange” death of Europe and the war on the West as Murray calls them, is Murray’s complicity in aligning with those behind both.
But the Zionist strategy entails more than simply brutally punishing Palestinians and other Arab populations that stand up to them. They also utilize an extensive network of Israeli-run NGOs and refugee resettlement agencies in the West to empty the Middle-East of potential opponents.
…the roots of the current refugee invasion can be traced back to the year 1996 when the so-called “neconservative” movement was formalized with the publication of the now infamous memo “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” by several Jewish foreign policy analysts at the Israeli Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in Washington DC. The authors included well-known Zionist warmonger Richard Perle, and Zionist David Wurmser who would go on to be the Middle-East policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney during the George W. Bush administration.
The “clean break” memo recommended that Israel break with its old strategy of using the United States simply for defensive military aid and diplomatic cover, and instead start an aggressive war against the entire Arab world and Iran using the US military as a proxy army. In particular it recommended taking out Iraq and Syria.
This policy had begun in the early 1960s after the Kennedy assassination. JFK had proposed a special representative to find a solution that included giving Palestinians the option of returning to their lands. Israel was very much against this…
In late 1961, in the wake of President Kennedy’s initiative, Dr. Joseph Johnson, from the Carnegie Endowment, was appointed a special representative to tackle the problem and to work with the parties involved to come up with a solution. The plan he devised − to distribute questionnaires to the Palestinian refugees and permit those who wished to return to Israel, subject to security considerations − stirred deep fears in Jerusalem.
Meir, who was appalled by the idea, wielded all the influence at her command in Washington in order to ensure that the plan met a quick death.
A quick death?
Did Mossad and Israel’s Prime Minister Ben Gurion, who was livid with JFK for reprimanding him for seeking nuclear weapons at a time of heightened Cold War nuclear tensions have him killed and not the CIA?
According to Ben Gurion’s biographer Tom Segev, Ben-Gurion deeply admired Lenin and intended to be a 'Zionist Lenin'.
Was the resettlement choice for displaced Arabs in Israel the final straw to set up Dealey Plaza’s turkey shoot on November 22, 1963?
Fast forward to the War on Manufactured Terror Created By Israel and the United States, and the “strange” death of Europe as Murray calls it, is no longer so strange or mysterious.
Step 1: Send tens of millions of Muslims (young unassimilable young men of military age) to destroy Europe demographically by using useful idiots like socialists, greens, Marxists, communists, and globalists to lay down the red carpet and spend their own citizens’ tax euros by the hundreds of billions so they don’t have to work and can build thousands of mosques with funding from Saudi Arabia and Gulf States on their conquered territories while knifing the occasional kids, raping women, slaughtering theatre go-ers, suicide bombing football stadiums and concerts, and driving trucks through crowds of innocent Bastille day observers in Nice.
Step 2: Watch as all your useful idiots in Europe act confused, surprised, or just ignorant while creating new speech laws to silence the natives that dare speak out about it, in Germany, Ireland, Austria, France, Netherlands, Italy, etc
Step 3: When the time is right, help get the far-right (Zionist-supporting) anti-Islamist candidates elected in Italy, the Netherlands, and soon Germany and France to stir up civil war between the new arrivals and the natives because when all the West’s enemies are Israel’s enemies then Israel is not alone. While simultaneously supporting them have your media lackeys call them far-right Nazis to scare Jews in Europe from both sides—the Islamist transplants you sent, and their native opponents you helped elect.
Step 4: Sit back, watch the chaos, looting, terror attacks, protests, fires, and destruction, and welcome the many new Jewish arrivals from Europe to the Zionist “Promised Land” who will bring generations of more IDF servants to sacrifice future citizen hostages of a terror group that your ethnostate created and funds.
Zionist M.O. for over a century: “You and you fight, now. We’ll watch.”
See, group A, we told you they were your enemy.
See, group B, we told you they were your enemy.
But this isn’t the only Zionist hobby, along with expanding territory and controlling friends and foes.
There’s a lot of natural gas in Gaza, and the Gazans are unworthy of the hundreds of billions of natural gas reserves off their coast. These uncivilized barbarians wouldn’t know what to do with it.
With plans for the construction of the Ben Gurion Canal soon to rival the BRICS Suez Canal, Israel is going to need all that land to turn their apartheid ethnostate into Europe’s top gas importer.

Consistently bombing Syria and keeping it stuck in the stone ages prevents competitor Qatar from building its pipeline toward Europe, something they’d been planning since 2009 while taking out Lebanon’s only major port with a strategic Moab a few years ago sets them back in their plans for providing energy to the old continent.
Israel will say they’re targeting Hezbollah and Iranian arms in any country they bomb, and that’s a nice cover story for their long-term plans, which may include duping the U.S. into another Middle East quagmire, this time in Iran.
To keep that from going hot Israel ordered the U.S. to send carrier groups to the Med and Gulf so that Hezbollah and Iran don’t get too confident while Israel grabs that valuable land.
In the meantime, Israel will need to get their allies in Europe to block future gas imports from Russia and Turkey’s Turkstream Pipeline and then it will have close to a monopoly on natural gas exports to Europe via pipelines (Norway excluded) and not expensive transatlantic LNG transfers.
With holdouts like Bulgaria and Hungary (and Serbia), benefiting from Turkstream, the diplomatic path through the EU will be difficult to cut off the flow of Russian gas via more economic sanctions.
So, they’ll turn to their Khazarian Kin with their cocaine comic leader to do the dirty work for their Zionist masters and sooner or later blow the damn thing up.
Russia would view this as an act of war, but if Israel (and their puppets in DC) can make it look like the snorting dwarf did it, and Putin remains as patient as he did after the first pipeline bombing (Nordstream) then the world might avoid an expanded war. Maybe.
This is a plan twenty years in the making and will be implemented over the next decade.
First, they need the land (in progress).
Before they can extract and export Gas, they need to export those pesky Palestinians occupying Israel’s land—in Gaza.
And all it took was a false flag, mass human sacrifice of Israeli citizens, and thousands of women and children “terrorist animals” who wanted to wipe Israel off the map.
Now, where to send those remaining “animals,” those filthy terrorists that rape grannies and murder and behead babies?
“Did we say animals? Who said animals? We didn’t mean animals.
Now be tolerant, open your border, and take your share of terrorists desperate refugees in need you American Bigots!”
They hate your guts.
Enough with the conspiracy theories Good Citizen!
Do you condemn Hamas!!?
By Hamas you mean Israel?
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But, uh, but you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us stop talkin' falsely now
The hour's getting late, hey
Do you condemn Hamas!? Do you!?
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Let’s not forget that Israel’s BiBi went full dictator mode when he basically completely emasculated Israel’s justice system as he was just a short time ago under investigation for serious corruption charges. The Kharazian “Jewish sect” has systematically co-opted the west for decades and decades. Their plan and ultimate goal is domination and tyranny. I find it utterly amazing how ignorant the public is on how very close they actually are in achieving their goals. They already dominate banking, the media, America’s institutions of higher learning, Big Pharma, a substantial percentage of corporate America and have a huge number of America’s politicians in their pocket. Believe me, the Kharazian Jewish mafia will absolutely not be benevolent. In fact they view goys or goyim (non Jewish) as mere chattel.
The Israelis are making the truth known to the whole world, like covid, we can openly see who the cult followers are, no matter how much evidence contradicts their narratives of mental retardation and vile psychological disorders…
Still struggling with sharing similar views with squad Sasquatch and lefty loons across college campuses. My only solace is I know they are just pawns in the cults game, but still… ick, must take shower now.