Saw a Mom with her teenage daughter in Walgreens few months ago. Pharmacy tech (who gives the jibjab) asks Mom " did she have a reaction after 1st dose?". Mom says " just a small seizure". WTF??? They sit down. I tried to talk to the Mom, since HIPAA is null and void now and I am an RN. No luck. The sibling had Covid for over a week and the seizure "wasn't that bad".😪😪

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poor kids. Parental negligence in plain sight. Society as one big open mental hospital indeed. Good on you for trying.

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Felt so bad. The girl looked terrified

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I don't blame her! I'd be terrified, too!

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Just a mild dose of myocarditis. It goes away by itself. Like 20 years of their life expectancy. Or their ability to reproduce. It just goes away and everything is fine.

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Tweet from Spring 2020 - father reports teen hospitalized post vax (Cardiac, as I recall) - affirms pro-vax; money quote: "Adverse reactions can be managed, Covid can't"

Mass formation psychosis is real.

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Seizures are good for the health! They are like mini brain cleaners, ridding you of too many thoughts. They also bring you closer to God. /s

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Jesus that's child abuse. The contempt Xers have for boomers is going to be nothing compared to how alpha feels about millennials.

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With a drunken Pelosi hotfooting it around the South Pacific in a 757, seemingly with the sole purpose of infuriating China, Gen Alpha may not get the chance.

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First democide in history where the targeted are the most enthusiastic participants. Psywar is a truly terrifying technology.

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At first I thought this was an operation that wasn't selecting for quality.

Of course, the plan for the rest of us might be lead vaccination. lol

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They're welcome to try.

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I just got home from Kroger Stupor Market. Every 4 minutes they run the same pre-recorded PSA (really an ad to try to sell the “In stock Covid vaccine and the recommended boosters. If you are not up-to-dare…) Most are unmasked; it’s nice to see their faces. Some come straight from the car all masked_one masked man had a 3 foot strip of the antiseptic wipes from the dispenser by the door_not realizing the problems this obsession with killing every microorganism leaves in its wake.

An aside: we here in the USA are living through a 70+ year propaganda program. We have an ongoing misrepresentation of WW2; the 60’s a decade of assassinations; False Flags of the 1970’s-2001; The War on Terror bs; biological weapons labs; CIA/MI6 coups; techno tyranny…

Stupidity is often a by-product of extensive fear inducing propaganda. MKUltra is here, now.

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I vomit a little every time I call a pharmacy or hospital and the first recorded voice says “if you have questions about covid…” just stop the f$cking propaganda !

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Great article. Thank you for the reference to Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Eric Metaxas' biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, is a must-read.

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Just ordered on AbeBooks, thanks.

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You're most welcome.

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By flatten the herd, they mean main or kill us....as long as it takes.....

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Excellent writing!!! Felt like I was right there. Again

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Yes! The hallmark of good writing - your readers are watching the scene with their mental eyes.

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What's even weirder is as soon as you get out of central Portland, it all changes. I live in Oregon City, just to the south end considered part of the Portland Metropolotan Area, and it's completely different here. When I have to actually go into the main part of Portland, omg it's unreal. Exactly as described here. What gets me the most is how utterly UNHAPPY the perma-mask people are. They just look and behave like they are completely miserable and , well, they probably are.

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Bulls eye!!!! Spot on! This is one giant intelligence test, of that there is no doubt. It's tough to see people you once respected behaving in such a bizarre manner, believing all the theater, darting to and fro with fear in their eyes, lest some cooties make it past the cracks in their masks.

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Bus riders here in Seattle are 80%+ masked, with the occasional sighting of a "double".

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I am treating two young women (14-18 YOA) who have been jabbed. One I am treating for non-stop headache since January 2021. She has been on SSRI's since January 2021. I haven't asked exact date of vax. Advised to include quercetin in her supplement regimen. She was already taking zinc, c and d. Her mom was worried about the quercetin making the vax less effective .

Its so incredibly sad how naïve people are.

Its like watching a horror show and screaming at the screen, "don't go in there you dumb shit."

It is difficult to talk to them without alienating them.

I have reports of miscarriages and cancers at least weekly. Cancers probably 2-3 a week.

I too wish we could move on and stop talking about the harms of the jabs, masks and lockdowns, but it aint over yet. Yes there is the coming food and energy crisis, but TGC has covered and I have no doubt will continue to cover these as well.

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"...with people so eager to keep reelecting their tormentors."



What a novel way,

To think about it.

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Great description of what I pictured in my mind as a skit from MAD TV. Oh, the voters of Portland go to the polls like, “Give it to me good and hard this time!”

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"One more year to flatten the herd" is without question one of the best articles about and analysis of Branch Covidians. I thoroughly enjoy your humor and language. I look forward to more from you. Thank you for the good read.

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Death solves stupid.

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I just sit back, help those who are capable of waking up and watch the end stage normies sink deeper into mass formation psychosis.

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Another great article, scary to hear how bad it can be back home that side of the pond. I wonder what its like in my native Texas.

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Mostly, nothing like he described, I'm thinking. Although, they have a different problem, with all the illegals storming the border.

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