Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I literally want to vomit after watching that.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I want to make all the vax-pushers choke on their own vomit.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The amount of anger and hatred these vile creatures have evoked in all of us is astounding. I literally find myself growling and wanting to put my hands around their necks when I see them or have to hear them speak.

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The words anger and hate have been victims of the woketopian midwits. I agree with your feelings. They are right and correct, as they are simply survival alarms.

While the collectivist often sees predation as a natural event, loss for the greater good, until it comes to their doorstep.

We are being alerted to the need to protect ourselves, our families and our societies from the predatory and the vile.

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That's part of the plan too. Anger and hatred, all negative emotions, are "loosh" - food for the entities that run the show on planet earth.

The challenge is to channel these emotions into taking constructive action, rather than marinating in them and making ourselves sick while feeding the beast. No easy task, for sure. But worth trying. I find myself living on three different channels nowadays: one that acknowledges what is happening in the world and feels whatever emotions come up - that's me, the person with an ego; one that looks at it from a more neutral and distant observer position, like an alien looking down on the planet (difficult), and one that deals with normies who are too dense for an attempt to help them wake up as if the new normal was actually normal and life as usual was an option (the therapist position - the most difficult). If I didn't balance these three view-points, I would either be in a profound state of depression or I would have strangled a few people by now. This way I am able to function and help those who can be helped. Hope this sharing helps too!

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Yes. That is why I also read Charles Eisenstein, Tessa Lena and Paul Kingsnorth. They keep me balanced.

I haven't gone Swazye on anyone's throat yet ;)

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I did vomit

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I was very close.

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The number one most important factor for determining quality of life on Earth is this:

What kind of system do you live under?

Think about it. If you tell us what kind of systems you live under - from systems of government, medicine, family, infrastructure, education, community, religion and more - chances are we can predict what kind of life you have.

Let's examine some recent problems: FTX. Voting systems. Medicine. Corruption. War. Homelessness.

It’s our own fault. All of it.

We have embraced the wrong kind of systems that govern over us - centralized ones - and they have become corrupted. It is time to change that. We need to understand and embrace decentralized systems, and fear centralized non transparent ones. And we need to be able to spot the difference.

Can you?

Once we recognize a system has been corrupted, it’s time to bust out the anecdote: TRANSPARENCY and DECENTRALIZATION.

Who wants to be part of a society of problem solvers instead of just complainers? Please, let's talk.


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I feel horrible for my family members and friends who fell for the psychological warfare.

For all of those that took money to push the shots or coordinated the vaxx rollout? Yeah, gonna be sad for them to watch their kids die before they do. So sad.

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That's one of the most difficult aspects of everything, watching those close to us fall for it and feeling helpless despite trying many different methods to help them avert disaster.

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My elderly parents and I have an agreement to not talk about covid anymore. The biggest problem for them is that they can't fathom how medical doctors would be willing to kill kids, it is so far away from anything they would do or think, they just can't imagine it.

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Free will

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Hey dear GC, just wanted to wish you all the best with your move, take good care of yourself and I will miss your posts while you're 'gone'.

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Hey, thanks Caline!

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

We all will. Wish I could go with you!

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The unvaccinated are quite possibly mentally ill, according to the latest advice given to Canadian doctors, and should be on meds to control their paranoia. I guess that video proves it: you'd have to be mentally ill not to be persuaded by all those entertaining ads and promotional videos. I mean, it's the majority of normal, well-adjusted, sane people who responded positively to such benign persuasion to take a 'safe and effective' drug, most of whom are ALREADY on mind-altering drugs, who are not mentally ill, and absolutely made the right decision for themselves and for society. Hell, most of them didn't even NEED to watch that crap to make the right decision.

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Do you have a link to the Canadian story you're referring to?

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Alan Arkin: "Gestapo tactics!" These cretins really go out of their way to make that dystopian venn diagram reality.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

The pro-vax propaganda looks like an idiot test. Happily, I failed.

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Because it is…and I failed as well.

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Fortunately for me I am self-employed, work from home and didn't have to get the vax to keep my job. Everyone around me, family, friends & neighbors were either forced or voluntarily took the jab. Now I am treated like a leper , the isolation was starting to get to me but, then I stumbled onto the GC and my hope was restored and my resolve to stay unjabbed strengthened. The humor and insight of your posts inspired me and for that I truly thank you. May you find peace and freedom at your next destination.

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Thank you WC. That sincerely means a lot.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen
Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Great song! Thanks for the link!

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You're welcome. I met them at the Defeat the Mandates DC rally.

Here's another

This Is A War https://g.co/kgs/AKfzKC

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All anyone should ask themselves is: Why has this never been done for any other “vaccine”?

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

It is amazing how compelling and likely effective those commercials seem to be. It's sad that people are so early swayed by the simplest and seductive propaganda, though.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I see you liked Gato's piece in the G20 going full Gestapo.

I think our only hope now is the "vaccine" fails so hard enforcing it becomes utterly out of the question. Many millions will have to die for that to happen.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Many millions have already died... So far, it unfortunately hasn't been enough.

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A British friend just lost his mom (not jab related). She was 90+. In the UK they won't get to her cremation until December 9. Excess death backlog +1600 per week since May. +1300 per week in 2021. Silent slaughter. Most people assume heart attacks, turbo cancers, SADS, strokes, etc. And most will go to their graves never connecting the dots.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Yes, the effects of the jab and the causes of death are so diverse that most will be unable to connect the dots. We think that one specific thing causes one particular symptom (hence the constant search for the "genetic defect" which needs to be repaired or eliminated), but that's not how the body works.

As to the excess deaths, the numbers are scary, especially in the countries with the highest injection rates. The increases go from about 10 to 40 percent! And it's not abating, on the contrary. Now add the miscarriages (which I don't think show up in these statistics) and the plummeting infertility rates. So-called overpopulation will rapidly turn into the real problem of underpopulation, which will make life and the organization of society as we knew it impossible. Not to mention the pain and misery of those who don't die but suffer from the effects of the jabs for the rest of their lives, and of those who are losing loved-ones, including their children.

The fabric of society has been destroyed, starting with the lockups and now the injuries and deaths. I guess robots or cyborgs will have to take care of the maimed and the elderly survivors who have nobody else (of course we also have increasingly legalized euthanasia for this purpose...) To pay for it all, UBI will not only be welcome by most, but will be their sole means of survival. Even if it entails eating crickets and Frankenphoods, getting more injections and saying goodbye to traveling.

Oh, what a mess we have let them maneuver us into..!

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What can we say? The greatest Psy Op ever. Literally sickening to watch. Shocking in retrospect that so many fell for it. And the consequences are only just beginning.

Best to you with your move.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I haven't watched TV in years and wasn't aware quite how much propaganda normies have been exposed to. It's sickening. Not to mention immoral and criminal. But who cares about that these days.

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Yup, same here. I think that I fully stopped TV about 10 - 12 years ago... getting hard to remember. From clips on the internet like this trailer, it's NUTS what people watch day after day. Absolutely makes me nauseous.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

For fuck's sake, the cringe in the intro is so over the top that it surely has shattered all the cringe meters for miles in a single play. And you tricked me into playing it again!!

"We're freeeeeeeeeeeee" 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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It's a cringer x1000. But they should stream this at hospitals and cardiologist clinics and oncologists for the next decade so people connect the dots.

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Safe travels my friend!

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Thank you friend.

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Nov 19, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

Just like the brain dead Zombies who wander around supermarkets singing along with the ads replay over head. “Ohh it feels so good, so completing that I know I am one with the pulse of humanity.” When I tell people that I, and all my immediate family are Un Vax’d, I get looks of fearful disbelief. There is envy now arising from the Mass Compliant. “Dyeing VAx’d Zombies” will try and kill me for refusing to take the bait. Free thinking is illegal and will be erased. "We're All in This Together".... sing along now...

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“Brought to you by Pfizer.”

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Let's not forget who owns Pfizer (and the war-machine,etc.).

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Good Citizen

I’m still shocked about what is happening. It’s hard to believe that teaser wasn’t a preview of a dystopian movie made in the 70’s - just why were so many dystopian films made then? What keeps me somewhat grounded is my artwork, gardening and getting out in nature. I’m going bike riding along the beach today to clear my brain of that horror.

Best of luck on your move and keep us posted.

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