Note to Good Citizens: in my rush to publish before heading to the taqueria for fish tacos I forgot to include the capital of the EU - Brussels. I just added it. There are ZERO 5G stations there in the city where EU rats vote on the 5G fate of 500 million Europeans. Apparently it was a choice by the regional parliament, but I have my suspicions.

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Serious question Mr. Citizen,

Why not Brussels? Stay safe in the heart of the EU rats corruption. Probably get some interesting stories there, too.

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It's complicated. Kalergi plan in final stages. The process of reverse colonization is complete in most west European counties. Moroccans and Algerians control half of Brussels. France and Germany are gone too. Spain and Netherlands teetering. Plus vax uptake too high. Obedient population.

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The key will be to stay highly flexible, mobile and, perhaps most of all, invisible. We will need new tech appropriate to this strategy, and I've been brainstorming some projects in this regard.

There may come a day when living free means living on the move. Hopefully it never comes to that. Some evil schemes tend to collapse under the weight of the schemer's own hubris. Still, better to prepare for Hell than hope for Heaven.

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I'll need to pick your brain on those new tech projects. I have something going to post soon on attention economics and network value.

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I'm working on a post at the moment that lays out some general design principles/goals. Maybe we can talk after both posts and compare notes.

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Sounds good.

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I have had the same thoughts about being mobile starring in 2018. We did sell the house and most all.of our stuff, down to essentials but even ready to let all that go. Here is the (perceived) challenge now that we have had three years to "prep" I hope you will weigh in on: main challenge to mobility is how to transport all food stores, keep it safe from threats while on the road, access to uncontaminated water (use a giant tower filter now that can't bring with). And when the "experts" all say the same mantra to avoid the coming famines "grow your own food", well,thats out.

So, water sourcing (accepting that all municipal sources are poison), avoiding the 5G arteries (basically means staying in a mountainous region, and what type vehicle to carry all your food, ammo, medicines, cooking gear, foul weather gear, generators, fuel etc.

How far can we get when gas pumps dont work and or you need digital.ID to purchase fuel?

Thanks for help insorting these obstacles out!

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If things ever get that bad where water sources are poisoned I wouldn't stay in that country at all. You'll probably see it coming. Back up generator, solar, wind, water maker, food all around, no checkpoints, one year of emergency food stores, go anywhere anytime while getting a tan...


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You Tube is full of individuals and organizations of people living full tune in vans.

If you have the i funds, you might gain experience by trying it now, with lots of advice and guidance from people who have done it for years.

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Sad, but true.

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Here Hope is known as a prostitute, to be avoided if one wants to stay free of all manners of dis-ease.

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Some of us are on the road from now on. Caravanarchy.

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perhaps so, thats what the North American Tribes did, but for them it was mostly by choice until Andrew Jackson declared war on them. Now they are doing it to their OWN people.

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Don't buy mobile devices with 5G and up capabilities. It will not protect you from the radiation, but it's silly to finance your own digital prison. I have a smartphone, but it stays at home, I never take it anywhere. I don't want to give the Malthusians any more information then they deserve, namely nothing, and I find it quite liberating not to be tethered on my voyages. Eventually I see myself abolishing the thing alltogether for a land line, if only I could find another way to access my bank account.

On a final note, does anybody recogise an eerie similarity between the different maps of the Purple Eaters and the fibrous clots of matter found in blood after the cojona vaxxine injections?

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Eerie similarities DP. They can be transport networks of life...or death depending on what's put inside any organism, whether human or a city.

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Sadly most working humans cannot opt out of this option

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For the last three years it has felt like a game of survival of the.... and humanity slowly slips away.

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"Sadly most working humans cannot opt out of this option"

Nonsense. Cell phones (which includes the towers) are toxic to humans and the environment. They are socially / environmentally irresponsible. Insects are down by 70% - 100% depending on the species and the amount of wireless infrastructure in that area. In 2021 bees were declared extinct in nine US states. Wireless pollution is literally terraforming the planet.

The 'wireless revolution' is already imploding. Wifi is being taken out of schools in many countries because the children are getting so sick from it. France has actually banned it from primary schools. A tribunal in the UK recently ordered a school to remove it to accommodate a schoolgirl who was being made sick from it.

The wireless industry itself warns shareholders of a wave of law suits for health effects. The industry already knows this is toxic technology. Insurance companies refuse to insure it for the same reason. The industry is just cashing in for as long as the masses remain ignorant and hopelessly addicted. But this technology is ALREADY being removed because it's toxic.

There is no excuse to NOT ditch your cell phone (if not for your freedom then for your health). Each person who exempts themselves from wireless gadgets on health (and environmental) grounds makes the technology increasingly pointless and worthless for everyone else too.

I cannot stress this enough..... the dismantling of this technology has ALREADY begun... even as we are being told it's the future. Here's the thing.... the technocrats are just as hopelessly addicted to the God-like power that wireless tech offers as the average consumer. Everyone wants to be play at being God. They are not really that different from you (or any of us).

The ONLY people who have escaped the seduction of wireless are the electro-hypersensitive. Soon we will ALL be electro-hypersensitive. Millions already are without realising it (cough 'long covid' cough).

Defeat the technocrat inside of YOU and you won't have to worry about the billionaire technocrats and their surveillance dystopia. If enough people exempt themselves from this toxic technology and start asserting their right to live in a microwave free environment (no different to a smoke free environment) then the 'evil technocratic elite' will soon become no more than Dr Evil cosplayers.

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Ok. But how old are you? Are you in the workforce? Are you functioning without a cellphone? All good points but absolutely unobtainable unless living under a rock.

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Microwave pollution from wireless technology destroyed my career, my life, my health, my ability to sleep, my ability to live in a city and function in 'normal' society etc. It forced me to go and live under a rock - yes! ;)

The number of people getting sick in this way and becoming DIS-connected from modern (ie wireless) society is increasing exponentially as the pollution increases.... pollution which is sanctioned (and funded) by the people who continue to buy and use these toxic little gadgets.

The most likely scenario is that most people will remain addicted to wireless tech until they get sick themselves, or until it gets banned from enough public spaces that it becomes pointless, or until the industry begins to implode as investors hesitate to invest in a technology that was never a viable communications technology to begin with.

So basically, you're saying the ocean is freezing and I'm saying the ship is going down regardless. We are BOTH right ;)

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I 100% believe everything you write! Probably why so many are incapacitated. I’m sorry for your plight. We live in crazy times and I often wish I lived under a rock!!!

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Thanks for your thoughtful assessment of where not to be - Australia ticks many of the boxes unfortunately. Happily, for the moment, we are out of range of the Purple People Eaters, but for how long?

Interesting point about one of the 5G frequencies at the same resonance as oxygen - will have to watch that video!

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Wouldn't the government want the 60Ghz for itself? To control/kill the population. Since the fabulous people will be living underground in their bunkers, like the vermin they are, they shouldn't be effected, correct?

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It's possible. Having control over frequencies that have different effects on different organisms, especially those already trojan horsed, would be powerful.

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A friend of mine, high ranking public "servant" with degrees in architecture and biology, who has for years now been employed in the construction management of the largest hospital ever built in Kanada, told me she had cov. I asked her how she knew. PCR-test. I explained to her why this didn't mean anything. She said she got it form her husband who fell sick the day before her. Her son just escaped the cov. monster in time when he left the day her husband got the sniffles... I asked her about 5G in her area. She answered that they had a large antenna next to their house. Then she reflected: "I got a 5G cell phone two days before I fell sick..." Cov, right.

I went on to explain other symptoms that can be caused by 5G, like when they burnt protesters in Australia with radiation. To that she responded: "I have been having something like sunburn (in winter!) on my face, even though I am not exposed to the sun. I thought it might be my new moisturizers, but the ingredients seem safe. " I asked here where the skin was burnt. Around the corner of the mouth, where she holds her cell phone...

While we were talking, my twice-jabbed friend (she didn't want to but would have lost her well-paid job otherwise) got a stern message from her boss asking why she hadn't entered the result of her most recent cov. test in the system yet; in order for her to return to work, it was mandatory; the rules needed to be followed!... (It felt like out of Orwell.)

My friend happens to be one of the more spiritually aligned people I know. Yet, clueless when it comes to 5G radiation (and the cov. scam), despite her degree in biology. She had sent official letters to her superiors stating that she only accepted the jabs because she was forced to and that she would hold them legally responsible if anything happened to her, creating a stir in the otherwise placid, large organization where she seems to be the only one who even made a peep.

What a sorry state of affairs. Despite my family living in Kanada, and me carrying a Kanadian passport, I have no intention to even visit that country (let alone ever live there again) which we immigrated to some 40 years ago and which I used to love.

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That's amazing stuff. The obedience and acceptance of what people are told is otherworldly. Some are finally, and slowly waking up, unfortunately it requires getting ill first to do so. I still can't believe the .Aus gov is using directed energy weapons on protestors. Never should have given up those guns for one MK Ultra shooter.

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Indeed. Kafka would be stunned knowing how absurd and twisted things have gotten. Even he couldn't imagine that level of insanity! Every time I think we have reached bottom, I am proven wrong. Here in India, a chap recently told us that his car was stopped and the cops found a small sword that he had purchased as a gift for his son (to play with!). He had to pay a hefty bribe so they wouldn't take him to the station, since it was election time and carrying a weapon is illegal (and of course it's up to them to define what a weapon is).

Still most people choose to not notice! Aside from my husband (who used to be a secret agent and hence knows more about governments and deception than your regular Joe, that on top of having keen psychic abilities), I have five friends who I can discuss these topics with, including the one mentioned in the message above. If there is a global awakening - and I sure hope there is! - I unfortunately can't notice it in my circle of well-educated and well-to-do friends and clients.

At times I get cynical and think , good riddance. Does such a servile population deserve to live? Of course, the alternative is worse. AI and the other anti-life forces running the show seem intent on destroying every trace of life on this beautiful planet.

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It's difficult to keep a level head these days. They sure don't make it easy. Having some friends and a husband to discuss things is good. I just try to laugh at it all as much a as possible. Probably a defense mechanism to keep from turning into a dark cynical broken record.

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Yep. Memes rule! (Clive de Carle shares a daily collection of really good ones on Telegram.) From a dark cynical broken record to hilarity and back!

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I’m stuck. I can’t abandon my mother. There are many in the same boat. I guess my only option is to “search and destroy “. My hope is that a resistance will grow. As my mother says every night as I put her to bed “May God help us all”.

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Appreciate the Purple Eater Chart. As of this moment, where I am thinking about eventually moving to has none on the map. I'm in a small town in a more rural state at the moment and I've noticed some Purple People Eaters popping up around town.

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Good grief - I had no idea it was that DENSE!

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I've been quiet but I'm always up to date thanks to you dear Frances.

Unfortunately we have no other choice than do it the hard way.

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I spotted that Portugal is covered with 5G (see https://www.nperf.com/en/) - that is very disappointing!

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So far not near my house. It will take a while until it arrives here. Smaller than a village and surrounded by forest. Anyway, the sky is full so there's no escape. Our only way out is take them down or live in a cave.

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Surprised you didn't look south of Mexico. Uruguay was my retirement location of choice if I ever came into the $$ for such a move. Beautiful beaches. Moderate climate (~50f winter, 80f summer), Montevedeo described as old European city charm, slow to uptake tech.

Just checked -- no 5G. 4G in Montevedeo & vicinity, but mostly 2-3 or none. No knowledge of quaccine uptake, but wouldn't be surprised at low.

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85% gene juice uptake indicates a compliant population. All of South America did pretty bad in sniffing out the scam. Chile was the worst. I think they’re still pushing their fifth booster. Plus distance from the rest of the world is far when air travels become prohibitively expensive which is already accelerating.


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I think it matters why the population was compliant. I suspect it is due to trust in their government. From what I can see, there were no mandatory lockdowns, no mandatory vaccines. The first year, they got HCl from India -- there were no restrictions on treatment.

They don't require a vaccine to visit; just a negative test.


It's really too bad their government fell for the lies. They had practically no cases until they started jabbing.

I don't think there are many places that governments pushed back & survived. We all saw the series of assassinations in African countries. They push back, they get killed or a color revolution.

To me, it remains the go to place if I win the lottery, lol.

The good news is uptake for boosters plummeted. Last round was at 23%.

And bately 4g, no 5g.

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All govts had to fall for the lies or play along and pretend to. The discrimination against unjabbed tavelers is still insane in 2023. The President visited with prince Charles last year. Politically the only non globalist gov is Paraguay. Surrounded by communists everywhere in South America. Lula now wants to imprison "antivaxxers" in Brazil for eight years. I'll take a sailboat as a go-anyplace over submitting to any government that can change instantly with one visit from the CIA.


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Paraguay is filled with Nazis. Iirc, W Bush sent one of his daughters there to purchase huge tract of land sitting on top of one of the world's largest pure water aquifers.

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Yeah I read that. The U.S. , UK and most of western Europe and all of west Ukraine are also filled with Nazis. Outside of UA unfortunately they're all globalist-socialist and no nationalist. That's what makes Hungary, Serbia, and Croatia attractive, Nationalist leader, the social cohesion of nationalism with a deep suspicion of globalists and socialists.

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The other problem is governments can literally reverse overnight. So you could go yo all the expense & trouble of moving, only to wake up one morning right back at square 1.

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The governments that didn't "fall for the lie", fell... Look at the five Presidents who "died" in Africa and Haiti.

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Doug Casey and Matt Smith are in Uruguay. I agree that it would be among my top choices too if I ever came into money.

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Sorry to burst your bubble- had same thought. Came back in Dec 2020 just before lockdowns. ALL of Uruguay closed borders thru "demic" and uptake was nearly unanimous. There is zero importation so its very difficult to come by what you need. And Israeli intelligence used Uruguay for testing much of this new 5G/surveillance f*kery and the UN has a stronghold there. We came up against both. We loved the culture also, beautiful coastline, great music and art, tons of nature, but Argentina to the West and Brazil to the East should concern you. All of the "awake" expats and Europeans we knew there got gone as soon as the embassies allowed border crossing- most we know fled through Brazil.

Deep.roots in socialism and the citizens do what gov tells them to. Biggest concern is the growth of the only real economy they have: robbing expats and other non-nationals. Its a huge racket. Well coordinated. Broke our hearts.

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Thanks for this. The remoteness and vax uptake were my biggest concerns with Uruguay, and compliance of most SA populations. Do you have something pointing to the Israeli intel and 5g testing? There's no 5G in country yet, one of the few along with Colombia, and Ecuador.

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Sounds a lot like a warm & sunny version of incredibly corrupt Maine, where I am currently trapped since realtors defraud transplants both coming & going!

Luckily? the odds of my winning the lottery are pretty much zero, so I'll just hold onto my fantasy at least thru winter & mud/black fly season. 🤷

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Uruguay is a serious socialist country run by a serious vow-of-poverty socialist.

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There aren't really any good options, are there? Everywhere it seems pretty much has centralized power. At least in some more backward countries, you may be able to delay certain things or buy the right people off if you have money. That would never happen in the US.

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Queue Jimmy Buffet's "Volcano" song: "I don't know where Imma gonna go when the volcano blows..."

As a sailor, the thought at being at sea is romantic, but is not an option for all but the brave and strong. The sea is unforgiving every bit as much as 5G, and this is coming from someone who seriously considered a living a life on a 45' sailboat.

Plus, as we age, we need more access to goods and services, including healthcare...that are unavailable onboard all but a cruise ship.

There are no real options, especially as the NWO systematically snipes off additional locations.

Montana sounds nice, but how many want to endure a Montana winter? A short trip in February there...been there on bidness in my impetuous yout'...tells you all you want to know.

Once upon a time I thought here in the mountains of the Dominican Republic was far enough away to live unmolested by gubmint or unwanted trechnology. But no more. More laws and taxes, more 5G bandwidth, administered by ignorant, corrupt political 'caudillos', spoiled my below-the-radar paradise.

I'm considering semi-rural Northwest Central Florida as a possibly last stop. Not perfect, but at least the gubernator there understands a little about freedom and liberty.

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I'm actually in Montana at the moment and I was considering the North Coast of the Dominican Republic as a potential Plan B, mostly for the lower cost of living and weather compared the US.. But it's bad now too. I know that no where's perfect and am aware of the global totalitarianism.

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The cost of living is nowhere near as low as 10 years ago. This current do-gooder gubmint is all about more regulation and taxes.

I could live with political corruption and politicos getting rich. At least they left me alone.

Now the new gubmint wants to be all up in your grill with everything, taxes, ID's, you name it.

Plus he is an agreeable puppet to the US and IMF. Example: two years ago, when the "pandemic" was just starting, Sam Powers made a trip to the DR for a private meeting with the president, and the next day he pretty much shut down the DR with mask and vaxxx mandates to even shop for food. Gosh, I wonder what that meeting was about.

There is little worse than where the 3 axes of incompetance, ignorance, and bureaucracy meet...

The ONE Dominican in US congress from Washington Heigfhts, NYC is a virtual communist. What does that tell you?

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Ahoy Mateys!

1,4 KW of the finest Solbian walk on solar panels feed into 900 Amp/h of new Victron LiFePo4 batterie bank by way of 5 MPPT controllers and batterie protect equipment. Together with 3KW Mastervolt charger/converter and a Aquatec 120 liters/h water maker this ship is absolutely independent of all marinas and ports. You need no cooking gas on the ship, a big plus in safety and comfort. All safety equipment is new in 21/22.

The one option I keep going back to after a decade of deliberation. Moorings, anchorages, island hopping for six months with no Marina stops. Yes, no doctors, but I don't trust most anymore anyway. If anyone wants to go 50-50 on this I'll be first officer, chef, bartender, fisherman and nightly music entertainer during sundowners. If you need surgery, we stop in Mexico, Colombia or Panama. Edit: OR D.R. as you advised a few weeks ago.


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No, there are no good options. This is what global totalitarianism looks like.

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Chuck Baldwin has done a lot in the community of Kalispell Montana to build a community that supports freedom. Might be a place to look at, emulate, or consider.

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Beautiful area, great fishing, and good people. Went to college nearby in a different life. If I could afford a home and 5 acres there I'd probably be writing from Big Sky country.

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The state also has nearly a 70% injection rate, if you believe their statistics...

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Isn't Montana home to some nuke silos?

Of course, there are significant advantages to being at ground zero if push comes to shove...🤔

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Malmstrom air base is 235 miles east of Kalispell. It is on the other side of a range of mountains. Prevailing winds come from the West.

There's a supervolcano at Yellowstone also many mountains away. You are welcome to find a faultless place and move there.

I used to live in a beautiful place and God willing I will again, but it is not of this earthly realm.

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"You are welcome to find a faultless place and move there."

Pretty much my point throughout the replies to the OP. There is no place listed yet that doesn't have some flaw or other.

And things like political systems, & their implications (eg medical freedom, 5g, etc), can change overnight.

It's best to choose, if you have that option, on the enduring qualities.

Wyoming/Montana were my wanna-go-to places for a long time. But after 26 years in Mass & 20 years in Maine, I'm tired of cold, dark winters (& their cold, mean, thieving New Englanders).

That's why I lean toward Uruguay if I ever come into the moolah. Not too hot, not too cold, beautiful beaches, warm people. 🤷

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I'll look him up since I'm in the state. Maybe I'll try to do a small off grid place instead of doing a Plan B since things can change ovetnight.

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I could cry.... thanks so much for taking me seriously! Words fail me! Cross-posting the hell outta this! And - posting to GETTR (of course!)

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Had my sight set on Bulgaria, but Croatia is looking mighty good. Gonna try and pay a visit this summer.

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Croatia is my top choice, by the sea. But the 5G soup in Pula and Split is pretty bad, so I'm looking at smaller towns in Istria where I can hop on a train 20 minutes to town if I want the purple stuff.

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Im from Zagreb. I hate to burst your bubble, but Croatia is becoming a complete tourist trap... And if our standard drops further, expect more crime, foreigners being the best target. Bosnia is a much better choice. But that said, Id rather all you Europeans threw down your stinking govts than come here and make everything 3 times more expensive for us locals, who have 3 times lower standard thanks again to your fucking govts and our sold out cunts in govt. If you decide to come and live in Croatia at least learn the lingo and dont overpay for anything.

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Lol Thanks for the advice. Croatia would just be a temporary stopping off point, but I promise not to overpay for anything. France, Germany, NL, et al have already been overthrown. Croatia probably too. Hungary is the last govt. in the EU not to fall completely to the globalist vermin though it has one foot in the grave. I won't be sticking around with fingers crossed that any Europeans of any nation will be rebelling or toppling anything anytime soon. The level of complacency and cowardice is only outdone by Chinese, and blue state/city Americans.

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Oh yeah, you said "Croatia probly too"

Currently, the political party which is rulling is a criminal organization indicted in court. Supposed right "HDZ", yet lgbtq and pedophilia are advertised in the entire urban space in all bigger cities. 99% all treasonous scum who deserve life in prison or worse.

Working class Croatians are pushed into emigration and usury. Their opposition is no better, all children of the communist rulling class from Yugoslavia. Same in every other country in the region. Including Slovenia which is now little Austria essentially.

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Bosnia is the only one in ex-yu region. But there Erdogan is moving in. And Ive already heard that there is a big exodus of Germans into Bosnia.

Much of prime real estate on the coast is already sold to big firms and foreigners, and if Croats are owning, they will ask for top price calculated for foreigners.

Mate, Ill be honest, I cant afford to go to the coast in the summer, this will be my 9th year! And my grandma is from the islands in the south, I was there 2 months every year before the war. And I got above average income in Zagreb...

Cheers mate, I meant no disrespect. If you ever need tips regarding Zagreb, just ask.

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Thanks Sirius. Just looking to eventually set sail from there or Greece, which might as well be a failed state. Both have the most affordable sailboats per capita.

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No problems. Its funny, my upstairs neighbor just recently had experienced a sunken vessel, which was in wet-dock, to be worked upon. He just bought a, idk, 8 meter sail boat, having earned his way through emigrating to Ireland and returning home to develop his biz. And it almost got totaled in wet-dock. He had a story how he managed to save stuff bare-handed etc... intense experience for him.

In any case good luck with your aiming mate!

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I hear that. But there’s truth in that if you go live there as an ex-pat, instead of being a tourist, and you contribute to the economy, and your local community, you have something to offer and you can be of value. There’s high skepticism and antagonism (even a weird sense of racism) towards Eastern Europeans who migrated and escaped in the west during the balkanization and are choosing to come back and live in their home lands. Those that stayed behind and suffered through the worst of it resent those of us that are returning. It’s unspoken but you can feel it.

I’m going to be in Burgas all summer. Will be visiting friends in Bosnia and Croatia, and if time permits, Macedonia (if they don’t beat my Bulgarian ass). I’ll try and report what the temperature is like over there on my Substack.

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I thought about what you said. And I agree. But a foreigner can be a boon to a community only if he takes on the local culture and learns the language. I mean, what Im saying is obvious to anyone who is aware and conscious. Sadly, majority is just looking to fatten up their already fat asses.

Cheers mate, if you have mates around these parts, youre all covered and you will know how to move about.

I am reffering to people who think money is the answer to everything.

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Cheers! And yes, no other hospitality I know beats Eastern European hospitality, if you get the in.

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Hehe! 100%

To add: Its really an universal communal spirit of sharing in joy. All people know it, only many have lost the sight of it because they live in fear.

A communal spirit which Illyrians especially knew to honor, they were the people who were basically anarchists among imperialists. Romans had to accept them, rather than subjugate, they were serious people. Twenty Roman emperors were Illyrian blood. And many of us here draw genetics from Illyrians.

So many of people in ex-yu praise and respect good neighbor communal hospitality.

hmh, and Im not thinking about communism, no. That horror did the opposite and made a class of snitches and bolsheviks who are still very much in power.

dont know why I had to add this part with communism, its a downer lol

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I have a friend from Istria. Beautiful looking people. A small down called Ohrid in Macedonia looks really good, too. Don’t know about the 5g there, but the people are solid and the food is top notch.

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He is from Poreč, but the whole region is nice.

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The line of former Viking players makes me sad. CTE and 5G

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Lots of great information in this post! And troubling, thank you for educating us about the state of affairs in Poland, etc.

Let me add, I've done extensive testing on about a hundred different EMF-blocking products, and thus far I'm underwhelmed.

For faraday technique to work, you must cover all 5 (or all 6) sides, so hanging a curtain does very little. Nonetheless, I tested the "EMF-blocking" curtains you mention, wrapped it around my cell phone about 5 or 6 layers, fully encased with no gaps. Alas, there was no detectable reduction in EMF. Same results with the shungite stones. There *might* be some credibility to the covers you put over your household electric meters. But for now at least, I recommend saving your money, waiting for better solutions, or saving up so you can move to a safer area.

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So the faraday products are scams. lol. Not surprising. There is no better advice that living as remotely as one can these days.

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Paul, any suggestions on products you like for cell phones?

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meh, not really, right now i believe behavioral solutions are best. i've tested a wide range of products - cell phone cases, also stickers that you put on your phone, faraday bags - and i think they may help a little bit, but thus far i haven't found anything worth recommending.

there are several faraday bags for phones that do seem to work pretty well, and in fact some will completely block it from ringing, so you know it's working. but they're kindof a hassle when you could in fact simply turn off your phone, or at least turn off the radio. be aware, however, that even when your phone is off, it's still using battery and still sending/receiving intermittent signals.

i would definitely recommend against iphones, for a variety of reasons.

my wife's phone broke and the only new phones eligible for her plan were 5G phones. ugh. and, to my dismay, we can't turn off the 5G signal, it's all or nothing. fortunately there is no 5G signal near our house, it can only find 4G. we may end up buying a used 4G phone on eBay and tossing her 5G phone. that's what i did - i'm using a note 8, which is 4G, got it on eBay for $100 about 4 years ago.

so here are our behavioral adaptations - we ALWAYS turn our phones on airplane mode when at home, the minute we walk in the door. in fact, usually leave them by the front door and turn them off completely. i don't support buying more devices, but if you're on a mobile device a lot (at work or home), it's probably better to be using an inexpensive tablet. there are lots of apps you can use to make/receive your calls via wi-fi on a basic radio-free tablet (i use google voice, and yes i know that google is evil and they are spying on us).

i definitely recommend airplane mode as much as possible - i usually send/receive phone calls through my computer (plugged in, not wi-fi), and generally avoid making calls on my phone at all. my phone radio is only turned on when i'm doing errands, when i travel, for GPS, things like that. on a typical week my phone radio is turned on only a few hours per week. it's also recommended to turn your wi-fi modem off at night.

i also strongly recommend never carrying your phone near your body - never in a pocket, for example. always keep your phone in a purse, bag, etc, especially if the radio is on. it's the same as any exposure to a contaminant, OSHA guidelines apply - maximize the distance between you & contaminant, limit the exposure time as much as possible, etc.

the nperf site references above is excellent, that's the best 5G map i've seen. but everyone should also be aware of ALL antennas in your area, you will likely be surprised. my favorite site is: www.antennasearch.com. i've used this as evidence in public hearings, even the county commissioners were shocked at how many tower there are, they have no recollection of approving that many, some of them were grandfathered, some may be too small to require permit. but it's useful information (antennasearch.com)

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"...Antennasearch that will show you on a map, all the towers near your address. However, this tool does not show 5G small cell towers, and likely won’t for quite a while. If it ever does, I’ll be sure to update this guide to include it."


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But it only covers USA. Ookla maps cover the whole world! https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map

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neither ookla nor antennasearch will show the 5G small cell base stations (what EMF academy is calling small cell towers, i call them repeaters). that's why i'm so impressed with the nperf site that good citizen shared, though none of these are exhaustive, each of these 3 sites share different types of information.

5G is typically deployed with a traditional tower that can only broadcast 1-5 miles, then thousands of little repeaters, usually mounted on telephone polls. i wouldn't want to live near any type of tower. but the repeaters are the worrisome part, because they're almost invisible, and in some areas they've been mounting them on people's property without their knowledge. here's what they look like:


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OK! Understood! xx

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Lots of great information! Thanks Paul.

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When looking for 5G roll out globally, I use Ookla Maps: https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map

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I seem to be placed exactly half way between towers. I lose the 4g signal as much as 50% of the time, get no signal or extended signal or 3g. Sometimes have to drive 5 miles nw *or* 5 miles se to nearest libraries to get online, lol.

Verizon is offering free 5g phone trade-ins. Thanks, but no thanks. With phone service already so unreliable I may switch to landline to be able to call 911 in an emergency!

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Thank you. Good to know. I just upgraded my phone and I am very guilty of using it a lot. Mostly to read substack articles and Twitter. So, your main method of reading/sourcing info is using a computer?

I need direction on how other people limit their use of phones.

I am also a fan of many health podcasts and enjoy listening to them when I’m walking to help pass the time. My mind is very active and I love to learn and keep my brain productive.

When walking, I do use a Fanny pack to keep my phone in. We have an Echo 8 we use for video calls. I almost never use my phone for talking unless I’m in the car and can go hands free. But again, how much EMF is in my car?

I have purchased a phone cover in past to limit EMF but not convinced to tell you the truth. I will start trying to turn off wifi and use less but that will be difficult. I don’t watch tv and that’s never been difficult but struggling with using phone less.

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laptop connected to router with ethernet cable for the majority of uses. I take my router and cable when traveling. download music or podcasts directly to a 4g degoogled phone to listen to while exercising or walking, and delete later to make space. I have a pay as you go plan with zero data, mostly for sms messages to log in to certain websites. Phone stays home and if it leaves the house, no data transmission. Very little wireless transmissions in the house. use cabled headphones, some of those air pods by the brain are no bueno for exposure. If you care about Bezos and the NSA watching and listening to everything that goes on inside your home ditch the Stasi home surveillance Echo. Most new cars have hundreds of chips and many relaying information wirelessly (Tesla) so there's probably no avoiding it unless you go with an analog car and USB cable from phone into the stereo. It takes a lot of effort to opt out of their new frictionless world. Most people don't bother.

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do you use earphones when you have your phone in your fannypack? if so i definitely recommend airtube headphones. EMF academy has some airtube earbuds for $80, but i got mine from eBay for under $10. i don't have a specific brand to recommend, generally i would say the EMF academy merch is superior, but in this particular case i question whether they're worth the extra money over a generic brand. the important part is avoiding wires or wireless signal near your ears or brain.

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I keep it on speaker and never wear them. I’ve read all about it! It’s pretty scary! Actually, all of it is!

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i will "second" the EMF academy, i forgot to mention them but they're a great resource. i do use the note 8, which they recommend as among the lowest radiation, had it for 4 years and plan on using it at least another 4 years. bought it used on ebay in 2019 for $100.

i have their EMF meter, i own a pair of their EMF underwear which i wear occasionally (it's a bit tight), and also use their shielding blanket sometimes. but haven't tried or tested their fancier items like the aires tech. i definitely recommend airtube headphones, but theirs are pricey at $80, i've tested equivalent from eBay for $10.

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I work installing back up diesel generators and the "sets' in these modern data centers are fuckin' huge - twin or quad charge cooled turbos, 16 or 20 cylinders (longer than my whole car). I hear the fines for outages are minimum six figures per hour, and the security guys are cagey as fuck.

How is data so vital to require 24/7 access?

Also makes me wonder what they've got in there. Are they building Terminators in the basement?

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What are your suggestions for herbs, vitamins? Thanks for your great subs!

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Fat Iron Rabbit around? Calling Fat Iron Rabbit! He probably has a good post on this.

I'd say it depends on age and deficiencies. After thirty or so we all begin the inevitable process of all life forms - deterioration. and then each decade we lose more and more of certain hormones, function of organs etc. It depends on one's innate health, how well they care for themselves with diet, exercise, lifestyle etc. And then it depends on other factors, possibly genetics. I have a blood, metabolic and hormone panel ever six months to see what's going on and then select herbs and vitamins based on that and alter seasonally. For example more C and D in winter etc. I can give you the whole list I take and why if interested.

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Thanks for the shout out!

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Like Good Citizen says, getting blood work done first is essential. Check your sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and vitamin D levels. Those are the big three. I don't know where you live, but there are a few good telehealth clinics in the US that specialize in hormone optimization. They are quite affordable and ship everything to your house.


I'm honestly not a big supplement guy. I prefer to get nutrients from food whenever possible. Stan Efferding's Vertical Diet is the most sensible and sustainable diet plan that I have ever tried. I feel great in the gym, and my energy levels are high throughout the day. I would start there first.

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