Thank you for posting this. I have a terrible case of the shingles and the nerve pain is like nothing else. While it hurts to laugh, it also takes my mind off the constant hurting. :) so funny
Hmm. Wonder what will happen when the Body "Positivity" movement discovers the lockdowns they support will cause food shortages. Since Famine is what the Malthusians wish upon us, along with Plague, War and Death. Ah equity.
Yes, that is the screenshot, before the info was scrubbed. Thanks for posting it in case others have not seen it. The greatest population reductions by 2025 are in the 5 eyes countries.
Yes. I have know about Deagle for many years. It was like Jane's in terms of reviews of military equipment, but Deagle flew under the radar and was only known by the MIC. Once the plandemic started, Deagle got noticed and they removed the forecast. I still have a screen shot.
My not quite 19 year old spent most of last week with her boyfriend’s family at Fort Knox, helping them pack; they were being transferred, but even though the dad’s a Colonel, they had yet to be told where; they just needed to get out of the house. (They have a big Airstream for such occasions.)
The boyfriend came home with her for the weekend. During dinner at a local restaurant my wife asked what he was studying and what would be doing next semester. “I was taking art. I’m a tattoo artist.” After showing us some of his own work on his own body he said, “I am thinking I’ll go to Tallahasee where you don’t have to be licensed to open a studio.”
I had this instant picture of my daughter running the front desk in a small strip mall storefront, with a wheezing ac window unit, loud strange music, odd lighting and creepy wall art with drunks stumbling in trying to decide what, and where, to get inked next.
Looks like you lost her. She may come to her senses, but it doesn't look good. When she was being raised, did you teach her discernment and the need to make good choices in life?
I am a bit surprised that TPTB moved to have us accept the absurdity of a penis-ed individual being a woman--a VERY special kind of woman--before trying to get us to buy the notion of morbidly obese women as sexy. But here we are...
Funny how no oligarch is ever pictured with a 250 + pound woman attached to his arm. Strange, that.
Modern art is likewise an attempt to eliminate beauty standards. If someone wants to explain to me how Jackson Pollock's paint drippings, Mark Rothko's color swatches, and Cy Twombly's scribblings are equal to the works of Reubens and Carravaggio, have at it. I do so love reading exercises in creative writing.
It’s not the triple bacon or beef or cheese in that burger, it’s the bread, fries and coke ! These “bloated gassy creatures” could drop 50# in 50 days on keto/carnivore and not feel hungry for a second ! Easiest and most natural way to eat.
Keto/carnivore. Lots of meat/fish with fat. Throw in some fruit and maybe a small amount of honey, then you have the natural human diet. If you want to garnish with some veggies, go for it. They cause me indigestion so I stick to fermented veg.
Except that it takes very little carbohydrate to kick you out of ketosis. Varies by individual, but 40g net carbs is probably the upper limit. No hominid would have walked passed a field of ripe fruit and purposely avoided eating any of it 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 years ago. Does it work, yes. Is it, or has it ever been a naturalistic diet for us, no.
True if have low muscle mass and/or you are grazing all day. As you know, high protein/fat is exceptionally satiating so restricting your carbs to once a day even if they are somewhat above 40 g, does allow you to be in ketosis for most of the day. You want to watch the honey of course unless you are fit and strong. Cycling blood glucose somewhat is a good thing although the pure Carnivore folks seem to do well with more or less flat lining their blood glucose long term. Carnivore is hands down the best way to drop weight fast but weight will keep dropping unless you force down 2 or 3 lb of meat every day. Best to go keto/carnivore with cycle carbs (berrys/honey/yogurt is my choice) longer term. More sustainable. Muscle is key.
Ok, no one said that Keto might not be a great technique for weight loss. It can certainly work great for someone that wants to take this route. However, that still doesn’t make it a naturalistic diet. It is a bio-hack that can work for people that want to make this choice. Sounds like it’s working great for you. Take care👍🏻
If it's not natural, why do we have a full metabolic pathway dedicated to it? Just think about that and a few million years worth of mammal evolution. It's pretty obvious. It is natural. Pushing it to extreme 24/7 for years at an end, may not be, but yes, ketosis is perfectly natural.
They would have eaten a very omnivorous diet, depending on what was available by season or location. Fruit and honey would not have been purposely avoided if available. Again, you can maintain a keto diet, and it will certainly work just fine. This is just not a primary metabolic pathway, or a historically naturalistic way of eating.
One of the most powerful yet undersung antidotes to our collective Western mental illness is barbell training. There is not a more objective activity on earth. You can’t coerce, temper tantrum, or otherwise cheat your way into deadlifting 500 pounds. If you are a woman, you can’t decide to identify as a man one morning and instantly add hundreds of pounds to your lifts. You succeed because you put in the work. You fail because you lack diligence. These are profound lessons these days.
Barbell training on its own can’t fix our culture, but it would certainly move it in the right direction.
Absolutely. In addition to being one of the only brands in the fitness industry that does not peddle snake oil, Starting Strength was one of the first to speak out against covid restrictions and the gene therapy. They've lost a lot of business for doing so, but I respect them now even more for their courage and honesty.
Someone had to say it. Thanks, GC. From the outside looking in, it's utterly bizarre - or utterly butterly. One of the two. We are truly going insane. Well, not US of course. But I have to note that the highest number of Covid deaths were in the morbidly obese and diabetic. There has to be a link here... Keep eating all the junk double whatevers you can, get fat, get Covid and die. Except now we're all set to starve to death. These besuited folks in the dark cigar-smoke-filled room are sure busy.
Yup! 94% of the USA "deaths involving Covid" (the new CDC language) had an average of 4 (four) additional Conditions / Comorbidities. According the CDC's own data.
Would you like to see the breakdown per age group? Here's a dashboard: NOT courtesy of the CDC, but which accurately charts their data:
I saw a tweet of an over weight woman complaining about long Covid. I replied that she didn’t have long Covid, she was just fat. I did feel bad about my reply and considered deleting it but I kept it. It is time to PUSH BACK! If not me, who? If not now, when?
All so damn funny, and yet so too true, that many of us can completely relate to the description, and yet because societal conditioning has made so many around us fit these descriptions, that all we can do is like it here, but dare not share....
So well put. Bloated gassy cows, perfect description. To think we are to pretend this is beauty and not obesity with a side of diabetes is too far for many. Of course if we speak up we get attacked for being uncaring.
its kind of insulting to cows dont you think? What do you have against cows. They give milk. They give birth to steers which are delicious. Stop cow shaming!
Agreed about attractiveness, appearance, and a natural variety of body types.
Not about skinny, but about being healthy. I agree "skinny" and "healthy" are not the same. I would not consider BMI an objective measurement as applied to individual people. But I think the following are fairly reliable: your RHR (resting heart rate), your blood sugar levels, your blood pressure, and your body percentages of visceral fat (stratified by age group and biological sex).
We know that visceral fat is metabolically active, and contributes to insulin resistance. From there, it gets worse.
If you are carrying too much bad fat, have high blood sugar, and your heart is working too hard all the time, you are not healthy.
Fat bashing is an excellent endeavor. Women are fat for only 2 reasons: Medical (long term steroid use, or hormone replacement therapy), and stuffing their focking faces with fast carbs (modern diet).
"Judge not" is absurd. Humans have to make judgements every moment of their lives. The "judge not" lie was promoted by the Roman bible and fake Christian religion which tries to turn humans into wankers who are subservient to the State. Don't be deceived.
I think some advertisements can go too far, like the pregnant trans man on Mother's day.
I like the big women models. Have you not been to Middle america? We've been putting thin women on magazines for the past 50 years and our country gets fatter and fatter. Putting these women on the front of this magazine is not going to suddenly make people thinner. So if people die early of diabetes then that's their lot.
I was in Macy's a couple weeks ago and in the posters they had all different skin color and size models through the whole department store - make up through shoes through women's clothing. I loved it! The plus sizes were in with the other sizes, the sections weren't separated. It was so refreshing.
I heard that the most requested porn was for fat women. I don't necessarily find big bodies attractive, but there apparently are many who do. More cushion for the pushing, big breasts to snuggle into, a butt that doesn't feel like bone. To each their own.
There's allowing anything in a free society, and then there's promoting illness and early death which is demented. We've arrived at the demented stage and people mistake it for refreshing acceptance and tolerance. It's to make more people sick and dependent on big pharma for more deadly cures, and while free to do that, a healthy society wouldn't tolerate it, and certainly not celebrate it.
I guess I think that's a little dramatic, "promoting early death". Obviously thin bodies on the covers of magazine don't have an impact on whether other people die early from weight problems. What promotes early death it is advertising shitty foods, and the easy access to shitty foods, and putting sugar in every food product so people get addicted. This is what is demented. The fact that people serve their children donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, that is demented. The fact that some people don't have a healthy grocery store within 50 miles of their home, that is demented. I think you're confusing the areas of our society that are demented related to health, the areas of society that if changed would actually have an effect on people's body weight and health. Leave these women alone, it's their time to have some measure of acceptance in society, something that has never occurred before. I'm sure there are plenty of thin women on magazines still. It's like the Titanic is sinking and you are mad about the tablecloths not being centered on the tables.
I do feel that we have gone too far in culturally normalizing health conditions that are medically pathological. And it's not just women in American society that suffer from obesity. Nor is it just "BIPOC" by any means. Nor is it low income only. As for SAD -- the standard American diet -- yes, everything you say is true and more.
But it's not just SAD. Prescription drug use has increased greatly over the past 20 years for all age ranges. The message is "don't take responsibility for your health -- Big Pharma will deliver a solution." But you cannot vax away metabolic syndrome.
So Jonathon Sullivan, MD, PhD, recently retired Emergency Room physician, and author of the Barbell Prescription uses adult males as his case study for the Sick Aging Phenotype. Here's one of his rants -- most of his book, not ranting:
"People who get sick and come to the emergency department are disproportionately fat, hypertensive, and diabetic. That’s because people who are fat, hypertensive, and diabetic are more likely to get sick, and in a vast variety of unpleasant ways. People with metabolic syndrome or its components are more likely to become frail, [16] to suffer from stroke, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, [17] to develop heart failure, [18] to develop kidney failure, [19] and to suffer from erectile dysfunction, [20] depression, [21] loss of independence, and premature death."
Yes, he footnotes a lot being both a MD /PhD, and recently retired researcher. as well.
Here's another true rant by him, no footnotes:
"I believe that intrinsic human apoptosis [giving up on yourself] is a powerful contributor to the Sick Aging Phenotype: a living hell of progressive weakness, obesity, inactivity, shrinking horizons, sexual impotence, decreased expectations, mounting despair, a growing list of expensive drugs, learned helplessness, sickness, and pain. It’s being all over at sixty… or fifty. It’s a life of waiting to die from a skin infection or a broken hip or a blot clot, of needing a stupid little go-cart to get from here to there, of not being able to reach your own ass to wipe it, of narcotizing yourself with alcohol, cigarettes, American Idol and Doritos so you don’t have to face your own grim existence as a slowly rotting Jabba The Hut."
Harsh, but I think some truth to it. Take responsibility for your personal health, and realize that carrying too much visceral fat puts you on the path to metabolic syndrome and more.
I've had to struggle with this. Had injuries, one only partially successful reconstructive surgery, etc. If I just took painkillers and followed a "normal" path I might well be dead by now. I know far too many dead people already from my cohort, and I am not yet 60 although soon Instead, I maintain an active lifestyle., strength train, and eat only real food. I call my diet "Pagan" -- not exactly Paleo or Vegan. But no processed foods (unless I am travelling and absolutely cannot do better), and no added sugar.
I do see far too much of advertising as promoting a deeply unhealthy and dysfunctional way of life. I might well be wrong or a small-minded person. But I put the above out there as another data point. Thanks.
Sorry to hear about your health troubles. Glad you're on a good diet, I would describe my diet the same. Mostly all whole foods, little to no processed foods unless I get a craving for chips or dark chocolate. 😊
Great points, and I think people need to be able to freely talk about the health problems that come with being overweight without being accused of fat shaming. I like Dr Sullivan's rants. I think some of that is due to loss of meaning in our culture. People sit in front of a screen and eat crappy foods too much of the day. I worked in healthcare and it sure doesn't make their elder years easy, because it gets harder to move around which leads people to more sitting in front of a screen eating crappy food. I also agree with you about the ease of popping a pill for any illness, rather than taking care of oneself proactively. This is I learned behavior, taught to people by pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical advertising.
Thanks. It's more wear and tear in my case than health problems. Smashed myself up good several times over the years. Misadventures while mountain biking, etc. If I eat well and keep moving, my health is good. But if I get into a hole, sit too much all time, and start eating SAD or crap carbs, I can see and feel the effects right away. So I've learned to make health a commitment. Otherwise, it can quickly go away.
None of the activists cheering-on this societal suicide will ever buy any of these products. Ever. They will talk about it in a Twitter echo chamber, and idiotic mid-wit managers will think that's a sign it's popular, but not one of them will buy a single copy of Sports Illustrated.
must watch!
Thank you for posting this. I have a terrible case of the shingles and the nerve pain is like nothing else. While it hurts to laugh, it also takes my mind off the constant hurting. :) so funny
oh no. Feel better... watch this :
I wish I had seen this when I had shingles. Laugh out loud. So little to laugh at now --now that I say that can't think of anything.
Hmm. Wonder what will happen when the Body "Positivity" movement discovers the lockdowns they support will cause food shortages. Since Famine is what the Malthusians wish upon us, along with Plague, War and Death. Ah equity.
I don't think they care how we go, as long as lots of us go soon.
The plan is for a 90% population reduction by 2030. A significant amount of those will be gone by 2025 according to Deagle.
Yes, those numbers "mysteriously" disappeared from the site.
There's a screen shot at the bottom of this blog too
Yes, that is the screenshot, before the info was scrubbed. Thanks for posting it in case others have not seen it. The greatest population reductions by 2025 are in the 5 eyes countries.
Yes. I have know about Deagle for many years. It was like Jane's in terms of reviews of military equipment, but Deagle flew under the radar and was only known by the MIC. Once the plandemic started, Deagle got noticed and they removed the forecast. I still have a screen shot.
My not quite 19 year old spent most of last week with her boyfriend’s family at Fort Knox, helping them pack; they were being transferred, but even though the dad’s a Colonel, they had yet to be told where; they just needed to get out of the house. (They have a big Airstream for such occasions.)
The boyfriend came home with her for the weekend. During dinner at a local restaurant my wife asked what he was studying and what would be doing next semester. “I was taking art. I’m a tattoo artist.” After showing us some of his own work on his own body he said, “I am thinking I’ll go to Tallahasee where you don’t have to be licensed to open a studio.”
I had this instant picture of my daughter running the front desk in a small strip mall storefront, with a wheezing ac window unit, loud strange music, odd lighting and creepy wall art with drunks stumbling in trying to decide what, and where, to get inked next.
I did not enjoy my food.
My condolences. But don't give up. I came to my senses as my father can attest.
Looks like you lost her. She may come to her senses, but it doesn't look good. When she was being raised, did you teach her discernment and the need to make good choices in life?
I don't need luck, I was born with it.
I guess you are being sarcastic. Don't be mad at me, it is your daughter you are mad at.
I took offense at your blaming, not knowing diddly about me, my children, and basically missing the point of the post, Mr. Born Lucky.
I am a bit surprised that TPTB moved to have us accept the absurdity of a penis-ed individual being a woman--a VERY special kind of woman--before trying to get us to buy the notion of morbidly obese women as sexy. But here we are...
Funny how no oligarch is ever pictured with a 250 + pound woman attached to his arm. Strange, that.
Modern art is likewise an attempt to eliminate beauty standards. If someone wants to explain to me how Jackson Pollock's paint drippings, Mark Rothko's color swatches, and Cy Twombly's scribblings are equal to the works of Reubens and Carravaggio, have at it. I do so love reading exercises in creative writing.
It’s not the triple bacon or beef or cheese in that burger, it’s the bread, fries and coke ! These “bloated gassy creatures” could drop 50# in 50 days on keto/carnivore and not feel hungry for a second ! Easiest and most natural way to eat.
Keto is natural? It can help with weight loss, but no, not natural. Maybe an effective bio hack, but not a naturalistic way of eating.
Keto/carnivore. Lots of meat/fish with fat. Throw in some fruit and maybe a small amount of honey, then you have the natural human diet. If you want to garnish with some veggies, go for it. They cause me indigestion so I stick to fermented veg.
Except that it takes very little carbohydrate to kick you out of ketosis. Varies by individual, but 40g net carbs is probably the upper limit. No hominid would have walked passed a field of ripe fruit and purposely avoided eating any of it 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 years ago. Does it work, yes. Is it, or has it ever been a naturalistic diet for us, no.
True if have low muscle mass and/or you are grazing all day. As you know, high protein/fat is exceptionally satiating so restricting your carbs to once a day even if they are somewhat above 40 g, does allow you to be in ketosis for most of the day. You want to watch the honey of course unless you are fit and strong. Cycling blood glucose somewhat is a good thing although the pure Carnivore folks seem to do well with more or less flat lining their blood glucose long term. Carnivore is hands down the best way to drop weight fast but weight will keep dropping unless you force down 2 or 3 lb of meat every day. Best to go keto/carnivore with cycle carbs (berrys/honey/yogurt is my choice) longer term. More sustainable. Muscle is key.
Ok, no one said that Keto might not be a great technique for weight loss. It can certainly work great for someone that wants to take this route. However, that still doesn’t make it a naturalistic diet. It is a bio-hack that can work for people that want to make this choice. Sounds like it’s working great for you. Take care👍🏻
If it's not natural, why do we have a full metabolic pathway dedicated to it? Just think about that and a few million years worth of mammal evolution. It's pretty obvious. It is natural. Pushing it to extreme 24/7 for years at an end, may not be, but yes, ketosis is perfectly natural.
It’s a biological safety default, not a primary pathway. Again, not natural.
It's the pathway of our ancestors... Very clear.
They would have eaten a very omnivorous diet, depending on what was available by season or location. Fruit and honey would not have been purposely avoided if available. Again, you can maintain a keto diet, and it will certainly work just fine. This is just not a primary metabolic pathway, or a historically naturalistic way of eating.
I've been low carb/keto/carnivore for over 12 years now and I beg to differ.
No one said that it can’t be done, or that it doesn’t work great for many.
One of the most powerful yet undersung antidotes to our collective Western mental illness is barbell training. There is not a more objective activity on earth. You can’t coerce, temper tantrum, or otherwise cheat your way into deadlifting 500 pounds. If you are a woman, you can’t decide to identify as a man one morning and instantly add hundreds of pounds to your lifts. You succeed because you put in the work. You fail because you lack diligence. These are profound lessons these days.
Barbell training on its own can’t fix our culture, but it would certainly move it in the right direction.
John Sullivan's "The Barbell Prescription" a great read.
Absolutely. In addition to being one of the only brands in the fitness industry that does not peddle snake oil, Starting Strength was one of the first to speak out against covid restrictions and the gene therapy. They've lost a lot of business for doing so, but I respect them now even more for their courage and honesty.
He's funny too. Not as funny as TGC though!
Exactly. I was just telling someone about that book.
Someone had to say it. Thanks, GC. From the outside looking in, it's utterly bizarre - or utterly butterly. One of the two. We are truly going insane. Well, not US of course. But I have to note that the highest number of Covid deaths were in the morbidly obese and diabetic. There has to be a link here... Keep eating all the junk double whatevers you can, get fat, get Covid and die. Except now we're all set to starve to death. These besuited folks in the dark cigar-smoke-filled room are sure busy.
Yup! 94% of the USA "deaths involving Covid" (the new CDC language) had an average of 4 (four) additional Conditions / Comorbidities. According the CDC's own data.
Would you like to see the breakdown per age group? Here's a dashboard: NOT courtesy of the CDC, but which accurately charts their data:
Here's the sub on it: "Covid Comorbidities for 2020 & 2021" @
I saw a tweet of an over weight woman complaining about long Covid. I replied that she didn’t have long Covid, she was just fat. I did feel bad about my reply and considered deleting it but I kept it. It is time to PUSH BACK! If not me, who? If not now, when?
Long Covid is another lie. The symptoms they are experiencing are directly related to immune system collapse from the injection.
All so damn funny, and yet so too true, that many of us can completely relate to the description, and yet because societal conditioning has made so many around us fit these descriptions, that all we can do is like it here, but dare not share....
No trigger warning for those pictures? Thanks Boomer!!
X marks the spot.
hilarious article...very enjoyable snark cynicism...keep up yer good work...i'm a 65 year old man about to have a baby!
well actually, i'm a 65 year old pregnant man about to give birth to a 39 year old hermaphrodite!
So well put. Bloated gassy cows, perfect description. To think we are to pretend this is beauty and not obesity with a side of diabetes is too far for many. Of course if we speak up we get attacked for being uncaring.
its kind of insulting to cows dont you think? What do you have against cows. They give milk. They give birth to steers which are delicious. Stop cow shaming!
What you didn't mention is the anorexia and bullimia that women and likely men now deal with
I agree with what I can read of your post, mostly the pix, but you know we can't all be skinny, nor should we be.
The last woman I had decent sex with like ten+ years ago now good Lord
Was slightly larger than perfect by Western standards, but I found her attractive.
There is something more than merely physical.
Without taking your points away.
There is something extreme about fat bashing too.
Or skinny as ideal.
There is an in betwixt
Agreed about attractiveness, appearance, and a natural variety of body types.
Not about skinny, but about being healthy. I agree "skinny" and "healthy" are not the same. I would not consider BMI an objective measurement as applied to individual people. But I think the following are fairly reliable: your RHR (resting heart rate), your blood sugar levels, your blood pressure, and your body percentages of visceral fat (stratified by age group and biological sex).
We know that visceral fat is metabolically active, and contributes to insulin resistance. From there, it gets worse.
If you are carrying too much bad fat, have high blood sugar, and your heart is working too hard all the time, you are not healthy.
Fat bashing is an excellent endeavor. Women are fat for only 2 reasons: Medical (long term steroid use, or hormone replacement therapy), and stuffing their focking faces with fast carbs (modern diet).
"Judge not" is absurd. Humans have to make judgements every moment of their lives. The "judge not" lie was promoted by the Roman bible and fake Christian religion which tries to turn humans into wankers who are subservient to the State. Don't be deceived.
Someone told me his favourite thing about s f was the lack of judgement.
Then they put me in jail.
Very funny
I have no idea what you are talking about.
"Offer something constructive." Truth is always constructive. "Don't blame women." Stop being a victim.
That's nothing:
I think some advertisements can go too far, like the pregnant trans man on Mother's day.
I like the big women models. Have you not been to Middle america? We've been putting thin women on magazines for the past 50 years and our country gets fatter and fatter. Putting these women on the front of this magazine is not going to suddenly make people thinner. So if people die early of diabetes then that's their lot.
I was in Macy's a couple weeks ago and in the posters they had all different skin color and size models through the whole department store - make up through shoes through women's clothing. I loved it! The plus sizes were in with the other sizes, the sections weren't separated. It was so refreshing.
I heard that the most requested porn was for fat women. I don't necessarily find big bodies attractive, but there apparently are many who do. More cushion for the pushing, big breasts to snuggle into, a butt that doesn't feel like bone. To each their own.
There's allowing anything in a free society, and then there's promoting illness and early death which is demented. We've arrived at the demented stage and people mistake it for refreshing acceptance and tolerance. It's to make more people sick and dependent on big pharma for more deadly cures, and while free to do that, a healthy society wouldn't tolerate it, and certainly not celebrate it.
I guess I think that's a little dramatic, "promoting early death". Obviously thin bodies on the covers of magazine don't have an impact on whether other people die early from weight problems. What promotes early death it is advertising shitty foods, and the easy access to shitty foods, and putting sugar in every food product so people get addicted. This is what is demented. The fact that people serve their children donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast, that is demented. The fact that some people don't have a healthy grocery store within 50 miles of their home, that is demented. I think you're confusing the areas of our society that are demented related to health, the areas of society that if changed would actually have an effect on people's body weight and health. Leave these women alone, it's their time to have some measure of acceptance in society, something that has never occurred before. I'm sure there are plenty of thin women on magazines still. It's like the Titanic is sinking and you are mad about the tablecloths not being centered on the tables.
I do feel that we have gone too far in culturally normalizing health conditions that are medically pathological. And it's not just women in American society that suffer from obesity. Nor is it just "BIPOC" by any means. Nor is it low income only. As for SAD -- the standard American diet -- yes, everything you say is true and more.
But it's not just SAD. Prescription drug use has increased greatly over the past 20 years for all age ranges. The message is "don't take responsibility for your health -- Big Pharma will deliver a solution." But you cannot vax away metabolic syndrome.
So Jonathon Sullivan, MD, PhD, recently retired Emergency Room physician, and author of the Barbell Prescription uses adult males as his case study for the Sick Aging Phenotype. Here's one of his rants -- most of his book, not ranting:
"People who get sick and come to the emergency department are disproportionately fat, hypertensive, and diabetic. That’s because people who are fat, hypertensive, and diabetic are more likely to get sick, and in a vast variety of unpleasant ways. People with metabolic syndrome or its components are more likely to become frail, [16] to suffer from stroke, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, [17] to develop heart failure, [18] to develop kidney failure, [19] and to suffer from erectile dysfunction, [20] depression, [21] loss of independence, and premature death."
Yes, he footnotes a lot being both a MD /PhD, and recently retired researcher. as well.
Here's another true rant by him, no footnotes:
"I believe that intrinsic human apoptosis [giving up on yourself] is a powerful contributor to the Sick Aging Phenotype: a living hell of progressive weakness, obesity, inactivity, shrinking horizons, sexual impotence, decreased expectations, mounting despair, a growing list of expensive drugs, learned helplessness, sickness, and pain. It’s being all over at sixty… or fifty. It’s a life of waiting to die from a skin infection or a broken hip or a blot clot, of needing a stupid little go-cart to get from here to there, of not being able to reach your own ass to wipe it, of narcotizing yourself with alcohol, cigarettes, American Idol and Doritos so you don’t have to face your own grim existence as a slowly rotting Jabba The Hut."
Harsh, but I think some truth to it. Take responsibility for your personal health, and realize that carrying too much visceral fat puts you on the path to metabolic syndrome and more.
I've had to struggle with this. Had injuries, one only partially successful reconstructive surgery, etc. If I just took painkillers and followed a "normal" path I might well be dead by now. I know far too many dead people already from my cohort, and I am not yet 60 although soon Instead, I maintain an active lifestyle., strength train, and eat only real food. I call my diet "Pagan" -- not exactly Paleo or Vegan. But no processed foods (unless I am travelling and absolutely cannot do better), and no added sugar.
I do see far too much of advertising as promoting a deeply unhealthy and dysfunctional way of life. I might well be wrong or a small-minded person. But I put the above out there as another data point. Thanks.
Sorry to hear about your health troubles. Glad you're on a good diet, I would describe my diet the same. Mostly all whole foods, little to no processed foods unless I get a craving for chips or dark chocolate. 😊
Great points, and I think people need to be able to freely talk about the health problems that come with being overweight without being accused of fat shaming. I like Dr Sullivan's rants. I think some of that is due to loss of meaning in our culture. People sit in front of a screen and eat crappy foods too much of the day. I worked in healthcare and it sure doesn't make their elder years easy, because it gets harder to move around which leads people to more sitting in front of a screen eating crappy food. I also agree with you about the ease of popping a pill for any illness, rather than taking care of oneself proactively. This is I learned behavior, taught to people by pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical advertising.
Take good care. 💕
Thanks. It's more wear and tear in my case than health problems. Smashed myself up good several times over the years. Misadventures while mountain biking, etc. If I eat well and keep moving, my health is good. But if I get into a hole, sit too much all time, and start eating SAD or crap carbs, I can see and feel the effects right away. So I've learned to make health a commitment. Otherwise, it can quickly go away.
None of the activists cheering-on this societal suicide will ever buy any of these products. Ever. They will talk about it in a Twitter echo chamber, and idiotic mid-wit managers will think that's a sign it's popular, but not one of them will buy a single copy of Sports Illustrated.
Exactly. They'll never be happy, even after ruining everything they never liked anyway.